28 Nov

4 October 2024 (58F inth living-room)

Well, this morning i jumped upon the scales (as per normal), only to find, rather surprisingly/unexpectedly, that i now weigh 11st 7lbs, rather than the 11st 8 1/2lbs that i have weighed since 21 September - yabba dabba do eh - :-) :-) :-) ...

I have just published Third 'DB' Dream within DREAMS, for those who may perhaps like to read its content...

And i have now published A Roos Thingy, within DREAMS also...

3 October 2024 (58F inth living-room)

I changed the sheets on my bed today - tis that time of year, once again, folks - :-) ;-) :-) ...

   ...Anyway, one of them, along with its matching pillow cases, has been washed and put out to dry - with the other one scheduled to be washed etc when this one has dried - oh, and i hoovered the mattress also, so tonight should constitute a luxury sleeping experience for me :-) :-) :-) ...

      ...And i also hoovered all the carpets once again - and went tooth shops for some yoghurt etc, as well as later enjoying a longest of walkies - so tas been a good and productive day overall :-) :-) :-) ...

1 October 2024 (58F inth living-room)

Hmmmm - the ink within my Kindle Scribe pen seems to be lasting for an impressively long time - perhaps tis simply one of the advantages/benefits of having purchased the 'premium' version eh...

Tas seemingly been raining non-stop for over 30 hrs within my part of Manchester folks - not that i am suspecting that it could have anything to do with so-called 'global warming' you understand - i mean, come on, give me a figurative break, the Earth's surface is only circa 70% water after all, so, even if the Earth's biosphere was indeed warming up, the increase in evaporation of water from said waters surfaces couldn't be that great, after all, could it (i mean, come on folks, get a grip right - tis not like we've been having much rain throughout the whole of this year and beyond, is it - and if in doubt simply put yer 'eads inth sand and all such possible doubts will simply vanish, right???...) ...

Anyway, with said 'ead firmly inth sand, i signed up for an 'away mission' yesterday - tis one that seemingly lasts until well into December - so, obviously tis seemingly fated to be possibly a lot shorter than the one possibly undertaken by the current, so-called 'stranded', space station crew...

29 September 2024 (59F inth living-room)

I have now published Some Thinking Music within MUSIC, for those who may like to both listen to and read its contents...

27 September 2024 (60F inth living-room)

Today i have sawn each of the corners of both of the fairly long plywood boards - as well as sanding and slightly chamfering them also - another fairly easy day, workload/woodworking-wise :-) :-) :-) ... 

26 September 2024 (62F inth living-room)

Quite a number of years ago now i found myself writing out one particular aphorism that i, some now unknown time, later shared within 'Ours' - tis, 'Is not the offer to remove a splinter from another's eye, from one who has a beam in their own, not an extremely selfless one? - with one particular general interpretation being that a comparatively much hindered individual can, upon occasion at least, be of service to a, perhaps much, less hindered individual, or indeed group of such individuals of course (rather, perhaps (partially at least) liberatingly, interesting/thought-provoking huh :-) :-) :-) ) ... 

I participated in a 'Light Language Transmission' on a particular YouTube channel that appeared on my Homepage today (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_VVGLLu8kI) - during which i rather unexpectedly saw some Blue Avians, then a Lion type of Being, and then a series of different Human and Humanoid Faces/Bodies, and then was Told by an unKnown and unSeen female(??) Being, 'You are a beautiful Soul/Being', followed by, 'We wish We could work with you', said in a way that acknowledged that They are, at least currently, unable to do so, as i am already part of a Team of currently discarnate Beings who have now completed each of their respective previous Earthly incarnations - so i can seemingly attest to such an individual's authenticity - however, in the name of Truth, what i cannot attest to is the Spiritual polarity of such Seen Beings, obviously, so whether what i Saw represents Truth or not is anybody's guess / completely unknown, of course (although, like anyone else in such circumstances, i could obviously offer an unofficial/uninformed initial opinion, if i felt inclined to do so (which at this particular juncture i do not btw)) ... 

   ...As an addendum to the above, i, rather atypically perhaps, Asked the Team that i am part of for Their opinion, to which i Received the following Reply, 'Terry, they are on their Path and W/we are on O/ours, it's as simple as that'...

      ...Interesting huh :-) :-) :-) ...

So anyway, today i have completed the sawing and sanding (medium grade) of the edges of two separate fairly long plywood boards of different thicknesses - they have both been sawn to the adjudged possible maximum size needed/desired, but may possibly be sawn to smaller lengths at a later date, upon basic completion of such a project, dependant upon certain factors that may or may not arise - so it has been a fairly easy day for me today, after having had a somewhat busy, albeit enjoyable, day yesterday...

25 September 2024 (66F inth living-room)

Today hath been a rather creative day of designing, parameterising, and marking out in pencil upon two large plywood boards - all in readiness for a day of sawing, chamfering, and possibly rounding also - yep, tas most definitely been one of those rather enjoyably immersive 'man on a mission' type of days, folks :-) :-) :-) ...

24 September 2024 (67.75F inth living-room)

Well, today turned out to be a materials procurement/acquisition and workplace preparation sort of day - and on my way back from the materials store, onth first occasion, i picked up (quite literally) a 'grenade' that i found laying on the pavement, that, in all of my life, i have never seen before - such a potential living-room 'ornament'/keepsake tad seemingly prematurely fallen from a pine tree (perhaps after a squirrel had bitten through its attached-to branch eh) ...

23 September 2024 (67.75F inth living-room)

Understanding that i have previously been told (many years ago now), by an evidentially rather excellent female clairvoyant, that if i Receive something/anything i must pass it on, i have just, therefore rather dutifully, published An Alan Dream within DREAMS...

22 September 2024 (64F inth living-room)

Well, i have managed to take that salvaged item of furniture apart today, by separating the metal parts from the wooden ones - which means that i can now work on the design parameters for the project that i wish to accomplish - as well as being able to do some sanding and painting of the surfaces of the wooden components...

21 September 2024 (64F inth living-room)

Yay!!! - 10 days after having reduced my weight to a much more sprightly 11st 10lbs i am now down to an almost ideal 'fighting weight' (not that i intend doing any of course :-) :-) :-) ) of 11st 8 1/2lbs (just 1/2lb to go before calling it quits lolz) - upon occasion the body hath much protesteth, with occasional bouts of depression/disquiet/agitation entering the mind and much anticipatory hunger being expressed by the body itself upon awakening, folks (after preparing a bowl of cereals for a few hours soaking, this morning especially lolz - and with that, tis orft i go in continuation of preparing a bowl of mashed banana with yoghurt for much more immediate eating - food time soon body, food time soon lolz) ...

I have now (rather unexpectedly, from my viewpoint, in actual fact) published A Birthday-Boy Song within MUSIC - for those who may wish/like to both listen to and read its contents - :-) :-) :-) ...

Well, at least i got that salvaged an item of furniture washed and dried, ready to be worked on at some later date lolz...

20 September 2024 (64F inth living-room)

I have just added an addendum to the previously published A Mid-Week Dream, for those who would perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

I have now added a 2nd addendum to The Childhood Years blog, for those who may like/wish to read its contents...

And i now have another predominantly wood-working project to work on / redesign, after having salvaged an item of furniture, earlier today, that had been left discarded next to some recycling bins nearby to where i live - how long such a project will take to complete is anyone's guess of course - however, no doubt it will prove to be both an enjoyable and possibly challenging one to bring to fruition, one supposes :-) :-) :-) ... 

19 September 2024 (63.75F inth living-room)

Today i have added both an extra word and a small extra parenthesized entry to the second paragraph of the 9 April 2023 dated addendum within 'The Enlightenment Poem' - as well as adding a completely new addendum to 'The Kesaputta Poem' also - for those whom may perhaps wish/like to read them both...

18 September 2024 (63F inth living-room)

What?!? - Emilee/Emily In Paree/Paris 'as now become Emilee/Emily In Italee/Rome?!? - sacre bleu!!! (or should that be 'santo blu?!?/incoronazione azzurra?!?'???) ...

   ...Emilee/Emily In Italee/Italy - obviouslee/obviously - :-) :-) :-) ...


13 September 2024 (62F inth living-room)

An APHORISM was spawned upon listening to Snow Patrol's newly arrived/'dropped' 'The Forest Is The Path' album this afternoon - for those who may be interested in reading it, tis to be found within 'Ours' - and for those thinking about buying such an album, i, personally, would very much recommend it (tis a cracker so it is) ...

11 September 2024 (64F inth living-room)

I have just published You And Me within MUSIC, for those who may wish/like to both hear and read its contents...

My weight had increased to 12st 2 3/4lbs fairly recently, mainly due to over-eating within relaxation - during the summer months particularly perhaps - anyway, this morning i weighed in at a much more sprightly/pleasing 11st 10lbs :-) :-) :-) ...

And, finally for today, i have now published Another Mid-Week Dream, within DREAMS, for those who may wish/like to read it contents...

8 September 2024 (67.75F inth living-room)

I have just published Another Childhood Song within MUSIC, for those who may be interested in both listening to and reading its contents...

6 September 2024 (65.75F inth living-room)

A tcob type of day, including cycling, weights exercises, some walking tooth supermarket and back with the shopping, and then some relaxing, gaming, and hopefully watching some tennis online later, if i can...

5 September 2024 (65.75F inth living-room)

I have just published an added addendum to 'The Childhood Years' blog, for those who may be interested in reading its contents...

And i have now just also published an added addendum to the 'A Squash Journey' blog, for those who may be interested in reading its contents also...

A busy, and enjoyable, day...

4 September 2024 (66.25F inth living-room)

Rightly or wrongly, i suspect that my internet service provider (within my specific area only, perhaps) may have been subject to continuous attempted denial of service attacks from very early yesterday morning (shortly after midnight perhaps) to very early yesterday evening (circa 18:45) - leaving me to wonder whether it may have possibly been due to some of the things i chose to share publicly on at least one online newspaper the day before - of course, this being the case, such chosen to offer online free-speech comments were deemed to be perfectly acceptable by such online newspapers (and therefore there shouldn't have been a problem, should there), otherwise they wouldn't have been published for others to view/read, would they...

I have just published A Mid-Week Dream within DREAMS, for those who may wish/like to read its contents...

Tis like the internet has had a deeeep clean lolz - much, much better / more responsive - how it should always have been, in fact...

2 September 2024 (66F inth living-room)

For those interested, i have just published another APHORISM of 'Ours'...

1 September 2024 (65.75F inth living-room)

For those interested, i have just published Tis September Already within MUSIC...

28 August 2024 (65.5F inth living-room)

For those interested, on this somewhat showery Wednesday morning, i have just published Fade To Grey within MUSIC...

A few weeks ago i finally decided to treat myself to an unexpectedly beautiful  64GB Kindle Scribe - and a number of days ago a friend popped 'round, and upon being shown it, asked (rather amusingly, from my perspective) whether 64GB's would be enough space to justify such an outlay - anyway, for future information/reference, i did a rough calculation this morning, which informed me that i would be able to amass more than 7500 similarly sized e-books (i currently have 94) before filling up such 64GB's  :-) :-) :-) ...

A number of months ago i was emerging from sleep and noticed, from within my inner Vision, an unknown Being stood next to my head, doing something to me - later, over the course of a few weeks or more, i experienced the occasional fleeting(???) sharp pain in my right ear, along with the gradual removal of chunks of presumably less-hardened earwax - and at a later date still noticed that i could much more readily hear sounds via my right ear once again (almost to the level of my left ear actually), after not having been able to do so for some quite considerable time (a rather belated many Thanks to the Being concerned say i, rather gratefully/appreciatively :-) :-) :-) ) ...

18 August 2024 (68F inth living-room)

I have somewhat unexpectedly just published The Elusive Tune within MUSIC, for those who may enjoy listening to it...

5 August 2024 (70F inth living-room)

I have just, finally, published The Childhood Years within BLOGS, for those who may wish/like to reads its contents...

And i have now just published an accompanying VIDEO to the above blog, of the same title...

A productive Monday...

28 July 2024 (69F inth living-room)

As yet another Sunday offering i have just published The Unknown Man within MUSIC for those who may like/wish to listen to its content...

27 July 2024 (69F inth living-room)

I have just added an addendum to earlier/previously published The Famous Three DREAM (https://www.ourquantumparticulates.org/dreams/the-famous-three) ...

25 July 2024 (70F inth living-room)

I realised today that i omitted adding another new APHORISM of 'Ours' that came to mind whilst i was onth Daily Telegraph on 4th July 2024 - anyway i have now addressed such an oversight by including it on this 'ere website of O/ours - the realisations/reminders that can come to mind during the performance of mundane (in this case general household cleaning) tasks eh...


8 July 2024 (65.5F inth living-room)

I have just published A Karmic Reckoning within BLOGS - together with an accompanying musical VIDEO - for those who may wish/like to read and listen to their respective contents...

5 July 2024 (65F inth living-room)

Well tas now been over 9 months since i have imbibed/partaken in any mind altering substances lolz - although i have enjoyed to odd tipple since last mentioning such things - and i am still a regular drinker of those very relaxing, but completely legal, herbal teas, of course :-) :-) :-) ...

1 July 2024 (66F inth living-room)

I have just published We Are Seekers within MUSIC - tis one that i prepared earlier dahlings - one that i was originally going to publish as a Sunday offering, but then decided that today would perhaps be a far more appropriate day to offer it...

So that's the end of 'Glastonbury'/'Glasto' 2024 then (a little reminder for myself folks) - tis an event that i have never, in actual fact, ever attended myself - in fact i have only ever attended one open air music festival in all of my life, and that one was was held in Buxton, back in the very early 70's, if my memory serves me correctly (and i spend most of that one asleep onth ground lolz) ...

And talking about the end of things - tis a lot cooler today, and sun hath been replaced by a blanket of cloud - bummer huh :-) :-) :-) ...


29 June 2024 (69.5F inth living-room)

Some of the more groovy A Team Members seem to have adopted the 'innit' tag innit - tis something that i've noticed for a while now - Team Spirit innit :-) :-) :-) ...

24 June 2024 (72F inth living-room)

Well, seeing as the sun is shining, and after a couple of days rest, i think i may continue making some hay today...

23 June 2024 (70F inth living-room)

Yay - tis two days after the summer solstice (the longest day of the year) on this balmy Sunday morning and i awaken to a new, year-high, temperature of 70F inth living-room - how cool it that mon dudes and dudettes :-) :-) :-) ...

   ...And talking about the summer solstice - twas also a full moon day (at 2:07 am actually) - i bet the druids loved it eh...

      ...And talking about temperature highs and full moon days - i have just added anuffer APHORISM within 'Ours' - sheesh, what a busy start to the day eh (and i've not even eaten my breakfast yet) ... 

21 June 2024 (69F inth living-room)

I'm not at all sure what these Milbona goats eat, but it's most definitely a lot different than what the Fage goats eat, that's for sure...

20 June 2024 (66F inth living-room)

Yesterday the thought came to me that i could simply add an accompanying VIDEO link to the end of each BLOG in order that the reader may find it much more readily, resulting in me doing so (why did i not think of this earlier??? lolz) - anyway, in the process of so doing i also added some VIDEO links to 1 POEM, 3 DREAMS, and 'A 'Fore' Word' within SNIPPETS - pretty cool huh :-) :-) :-) ...

19 June 2024 (65F inth living-room)

I've been enjoying watching some squash online over the past 11 days via YouTube's SQUASHTV channel - the British Open a number of days ago, and the xbox PSA World Tour Finals (day 1) from Seattle both last night and this morning (catching up on the first two shown matches that i missed last night/evening) - tis around 38 years ago now that i stopped playing it, so haven't seen any being played since (the power of the internet combined with my YouTube homepage offerings eh) ...

13 June 2024 (63F inth living-room)

I received an email from my GP yesterday telling me that 'Your bloods and bp are outstanding' - quite a compliment huh - i wonder how they know...

12 June 2024 (63F inth living-room)

I have just added another APHORISM of 'Ours', for those who may like/wish to read its content...

9 June 2024 (63.5F inth living-room)

I have just added three more APHORISMS of 'Ours', on this rainy start to yet another Sunday folks...

6 June 2024 (63.5F inth living-room)

I have just published Chief Of Security within DREAMS, for those who may like/wish to read its contents...

30 May 2024 (64F inth living-room)

I have just published A 'Creatives' Dream within DREAMS, for those who may wish/like to read its content...

26 May 2024 (64F inth living-room)

I have just published A Spectral Sunday within MUSIC for those who may wish/like to listen to and read its contents...

21 May 2024 (69F inth living-room)

I have just published three more APHORISMS - two within 'Ours' - and one within 'Others'...

20 May 2024 (69F inth living-room)

I started the day by going for a dedicated shorter of walkies fairly early this morning (without any physical repercussions, may i add) - twas my first one in over a week, as i did my back in once again, resulting in me having to rather painfully move around using a number of walking sticks positioned in various places that i managed to procure sometime after a similar thing happened last year as a precautionary measure - only, upon this occasion i felt the need to take 6 'Solpadeine Max' tablets (i don't like taking tablets unless absolutely necessary) for two consecutive days, as i woke up with a lot of debilitating pain one morning in particular...

19 May 2024 (69F inth living-room)

Mmmmm - yummy yummy - tis truly great to have something to munch on without having to get out of bed...

I have just published An Energised Sunday within MUSIC dudes and dudettes...

Anyway, one spent one's later afternoon pandering to one's general relaxation by watching some end of season footy, and then some golf dahlings - with the bottle of Guinness and food aiding such relaxation rather wonderfully - so tas been a rather enjoyable sunny Sunday, here in my part of Manchester :-) :-) :-) ...

18 May 2024 (68F inth living-room)

Well those bamboo sheets are very nice to sleep within - with the extra advantage of not having to get out of bed if you wake up inth middle of night feeling a bit peckish like - gawd knows how long they will last though...

17 May 2024 (66F inth living-room)

Stone the crows dudes and dudettes, i've actually had a shower and washed my rather luscious locks - an event that's definitely worthy of recording, for sure - i'd earlier turned the mattress and put some brand new luxury sheets etc onth bed, so decided that such a rare event twas order oft day like...

15 May 2024 (67F inth living-room)

Boo :-) :-) :-) ...

6 May 2024 (64F inth living-room)

I have just published Bank Holiday Monday within MUSIC, for those who may wish/like to listen to its content...

4 May 2024 (62F inth living-room)

I've been sharing some spontaneous fun with two separate females over the last two days...

   ...The first was with a new female security guard ath supermarket whom i had exchanged mutually warm smiles with, yesterday, as i had entered - anyway, upon leaving i noticed her standing outside fairly close to the 'beep-beep' electronics, talking to a male staff member, so told her that i was surprised that it hadn't gone off as i had passed through it, causing her to ask to check the contents of my shopping bag, so i moved it aside furtively whilst telling her that it was too late as the 'machine' had already allowed me to pass through - then, before leaving, within a shared 3-way humorous moment, i told her that if she checked her video feed when she went back inside she would see that i hadn't gone through any of the check-out stations...

      ...Then, today, as i was nearing home, after having been tooth supermarket once again, i saw another fun female that i chat to occasionally, walking towards me, carrying a really large tote bag over one of her shoulders - 'are you worth muggin' or wot???', enquired i rather jovially, causing us to share a fun and spontaneous few moments together, before continuing on our separate ways - i'm beginning to wonder whether there are some extra and undisclosed ingredients inth bags of really nice lemongrass & ginger herbal tea bags that i purchased ('onest guv) for the first time recently...

3 May 2024 (63.75F inth living-room)

So, two days ago i decided to get some money outta the cash machine at my local supermarket - so the guy in front of me gets his cash successfully, with the cash machine still working - so i then put in my card and it is returned to me, with said cash machine then displaying 'out of service'...

   ...This morning i tried again and the exact same thing happened - so later this afternoon, as i was returning from a walkies, i decided to try again - and yep, you guessed it, the exact same thing happened again...

      ...So, undeterred, i walked to a local garage and successfully used their cash machine instead - then, returning to said supermarket i find their cash machine to be working again, with a guy successfully getting some money from it, so tried it again myself, successfully, this time - maybe Jerry Fletcher and/or Alice Sutton could explain it to me eh...

2 May 2024 (62F inth living-room)

Tas now been a little over 7 months since i have imbibed in any mind altering substances, both liquid and otherwise - sun will be shining soon - well, one supposes anyway :-) :-) :-) ...

28 April 2024 (58F inth living-room)

i have just published A Sunday Cover within MUSIC, for those who may wish/like to both read and listen to its contents...

16 April 2024 (59.25F inth living-room)

Two cool black guys asked if i wanted a lift whilst i was out walking today - 'no, i'm walking, it's exercise', replied i, genially - the third time it's happened...

   ...On the same stretch of road too...

      ... Unbelievable...

14 April 2024 (60.25F inth living-room)

I have just published Some Val Doonican within MUSIC, for those who may enjoy listening to them...

12 April 2024 (60.25F inth living-room)

As well as enjoying another daily walkies, i have been repairing two pairs of jeans - tis a nice peaceful activity that helps to put your mind into a nice relaxing state of 'free-flow' - it also helps in making your jeans last longer, of course :-) :-) :-) ...

11 April 2024 (59.25F inth living-room)

I saw my first butterfly of the year today - it was predominantly white, with a wide band of orange spreading inwards from each tip of its wings - it seemed to be flying around in search of not yet available food sources...


7 April 2024 (60.25F inth living-room)

Yayyy - i have just published some more MUSIC for this first April Sunday - tis entitled Nothing Else Matters...

6 April 2024 (60F inth living-room)

Well, apart from the resolution of the 'Paddy McGinty's' goat thingy, tas been a somewhat uneventful week really - but, hey, this morning i recorded a living-room temperature of 60F for the first time this year, so that could be seen to be of interest i guess - summer-time beckons folks, summer-time beckons (well, one supposes anyway - and weather it will be a wet one, a dry one, or something in-between, is anyone's guess i suppose - although it could be said that, thus far, the April showers seem to have been possibly the longest on record, given that they seem to have started perhaps sometime in December of last year) ...

2 April 2024 (56.25F inth living-room)

The mystery / true story of 'Paddy McGinty's' goat was solved yesterday - apparently it did indeed escape, as told by the dog walking guy, and it did get as far as trying to board a tram, but that was all - twas simply that said dog walking guy added more to it, and in so doing rendered it completely unbelievable...

1 April 2024 (56.25F inth living-room)

Apart from doing other things, i have spent some of this Easter bank holiday doing some 'good housekeeping' on this 'ere website of O/ours - adding the year that blogs, videos, music, and dreams were published, whenever required - and adding and updating 'disclaimers' for videos and music, whenever required, also...

29 March 2024 (58F inth living-room)

I, personally, have chosen to publish 3 more Aphorisms today - 1 within 'Others' - and 2 within 'Ours'...

28 March 2024 (55F inth living-room)

I feel sure that i was part way through reading a book, just over a week or so ago now...

During some of yesterday and today i have been cleaning second-hand dvd cases (and individual dvds themselves whenever required) - twas a labour of love, so it was dahlings - i have also been catching up with the digitising of all of my most recent second-hand musical cd purchases...

So, after having done some earlier inth day shopping, tis now time for a longer (rather than longest) of walkies - inth rain seemingly - so it looks like brolly time calleth, once again lolz...

27 March 2024 (56F inth living-room)

I have now published Some Tracy Chapman within MUSIC, for those who may like/wish to both listen and read its contents...

Well that was an interesting longest of walkies - chatting to the farmer who had found one of his ducks dead a number of weeks ago - and then chatting to a guy who walks his dog, and him telling me a story about the alleged adventures of a goat that had escaped from a field a couple of years back (yeah, sure thing dude - so it is, so it is - mr, seemingly so thought of as being completely gullible, at your service folks) ...

Anyway, moooving on - i realised near the end of said walkies that it has now been a little over 6 months since i have imbibed in any mind altering substances, both liquid and otherwise - i'm actually feeling pretty good about it all, but not so good as to consider celebrating such a half-year milestone, of course...  

25 March 2024 (56F inth living-room)

I feel sure that i was supposed to do something today - i wonder what it was??? - oh yes!!!, now i remember!!! ...

Yayyy - i have now published Resolution, Fulfilment, Happiness within BLOGS - as well as the VIDEO accompaniment to it, of the very same title...

Well, that turned out to be a fun sort of 'just another day', peeps - and i managed to fit a longest of walkies and some supermarket shopping into it too - oooh, and i'll perhaps mention the surprise assortment of dvds tomorrow yeah :-) ;-) :-) ...

24 March 2024 (57F inth living-room)

Oooooh, i've finally got that blog that i've been working on for the most of the week, plus its musical accompaniment, finally ready for publication - i'll be doing so tomorrow, all things being equal - exciting eh...

23 March 2024 (57F inth living-room)

One has just published 3 new Aphorisms dahlings - two within 'Ours' - and 1 within 'Others'...

21 March 2024 (58F inth living-room)

Bin doin' stuff today - bin doin' stuff, on and off, all week actually - but shhh, keep it to yerself yeah...

14 March 2024 (56F inth living-room)

I have just published Another JJ Dream within DREAMS, for those who may like/wish to read its contents...

And i have now added a much earlier promised addendum to the 'Sofar So Good' blog, for those who may, one supposes, like/wish to read it...

Time for a walkies, some shopping, and some further reading dahlings - so a dew, for now, as the French may say - more like another possible downpour actually, truth be known...

13 March 2024 (55F inth living-room)

Back to reading today - p 206 is rather interesting - anyway, i also enjoyed yet another longest of walkies today...

12 March 2024 (52F inth living-room)

I have just published Personal Photos 3 within BLOGS, for those who may like/wish to view them...

And i have now published an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog...

And the rest of my day??? - well there was another longest of walkies and a visit to the supermarket - but, alas, there was no book reading today...

11 March 2024 (52F inth living-room)

More reading today - George's rather amusing quote - 'they've got to buy them before they can burn them' ...

10 March 2024 (52F inth living-room)

I started reading 'George Harrison: Behind Closed Doors' by Graeme Tomson yesterday - and have continued doing so today - (sat on the) sofar, so good :-) :-) :-)

9 March 2024 (51.5F inth living-room)

In closing, i would like to add that there are seemingly other contradictions within the 'Here Comes The Sun' book - they don't detract from the book, but, rather, makes it more interesting - i have actually just purchased a Kindle version of 'George Harrison: Behind Closed Doors' by Graeme Tomson, and will, no doubt, be reading it shortly(??? - time will most surely tell i guess) ...

Before choosing to read 'Here Comes The Sun' my eyes were drawn to an old second-hand copy of 'Sean Connery: The Measure Of A Man' by Christopher Bray, as i was either putting on or taking off my walking boots - i got as far as partway through the 'introduction' where Sean was compared to David Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and William Shakespeare, which, along with the bad vibes contained within such a second-hand book itself, resulted in me returning it from whence it came (a local second-hand book etc outlet within a supermarket where i regularly shop) - i have just ordered a second-hand copy of 'Sir Sean Connery: The Definitive Biography' by John Parker, online, so will probably go on to read that one instead sometime after it arrives inth post...

I was actually supposed to type a new blog update before choosing, instead, to read the Melanie book that i started reading onth 20 February btw - so i guess i will start working on it sometime inth near future - i mention it because it will, in actual fact, go some way (at least) into explaining why i am, and have been, feeling so relaxed/contented/care-free more recently (oooh, intrigue upon intrigue eh :-) :-) :-) ) ...

8 March 2024 (53F inth living-room)

So i have now finished reading the very interesting 'Here Comes The Sun' by Joshua M Greene - i wonder why George didn't see such a seemingly glaring contradiction (p251 and p260) as described by the author??? - perhaps he was simply too close to it all eh...

   ...It has to be remembered that Joshua M Greene was a practitioner of Hinduism for some 13 years - so i think that this was the reason he was seemingly being so 'pro-George' within such a book - seemingly being careful not to mention certain things perchance???...

      ...And those claps of thunder, and the lights going out for a short period of time when Shyamsundar was asking (or about to ask) George about that 'request' on behalf of Prabhupada - i think i would have interpreted it completely differently, to be perfectly honest - although i very much enjoyed reading such a book, i think i will choose to read another George Harrison biography, by someone else, also, at a later date perhaps...

7 March 2024 (53.5F inth living-room)

I have spent today reading more of the George Harrison book - i am still really enjoying it, and i would definitely recommend it to others - without hesitation actually...

5 March 2024 (53F inth living-room)

Yesterday i started reading Here Comes The Sun ~ The Spiritual And Musical Journey Of George Harrison by Joshua M Greene - today i have continued reading it - tis a refreshingly enjoyable read...

2 March 2024 (51F inth living-room)

Golly, that were another good long sleep - one with loads of, seemingly inconsequential, dreams again - one is clearly going through one's latest relaxation period dahlings...

1 March 2024 (51F inth living-room)

I enjoyed a number of interesting dreams last night - one of which involved Terina, my now long distant, and very nice, squash friend/lover - anyway, that one put aside, i have now published A King Dream within DREAMS, for those who may wish/like to read its contents...

25 February 2024 (53.5F inth living-room)

Yay, i finally finished the 'Me-alien' book - and, like yesterday, i had another longest of walkies - although yesterday was a sunnier and less cold day than today...

24 February 2024 (55F inth living-room)

I'm about halfway through chapter 18 now - 'In 2006, Melanie joined the national tour of Hippie Fest' apparently - but, of course, she wasn't 'that type of hippie', you understand :-) :-) :-) ...

23 February 2024 (54F inth living-room)

Well, hopefully, John Lambo will have fully exited his seemingly major swoon/kiss-ass mode today - with his personal song lyrics (titled 'The Eyes Have It') for Melanie now a distant 33 pages inth past - so UNICEF here we come (chapter 12 doncha know) ...

So i am now up to the start of chapter 15, wondering how Melanie's life path would have possibly panned out without Peter having been in the picture - anyway, that aside, i did go tooth supermarket once again today, without having taken a dedicated walkies - i am actually enjoying a relaxing period whereby i have taken an afternoon snooze upon the ever so firm and invitingly comfortable Olivia, on two consecutive days, for the first times in absolutely ages...

Now what to do for the rest of the approaching early and later evening one wonders - maybe i'll watch another dvd film later on - and maybe play a few IGI missions also...

22 February 2024 (55.5F inth living-room)

I have just Published Passion Pit Dreams within MUSIC - for those who may wish/like to both listen to and read its contents - :-) :-) :-) ...

So i've now read the first 11 chapters of 'Melanie The First Lady Of Woodstock' - of the song 'Brand New Key', Melanie, in apparent denial, had said that people 'made up incredible stories as to what the lyrics said and what the song meant' - however, according to the book's author, John Lambo, 'thirty five years later, Melanie finally admitted that the song "was always about sex"...

So anyway, what else have i done today??? - well i went to my local supermarket first thing, after getting out of bed, for some food goodies - but once again i decided to enjoy a fairly relaxing day, without taking a dedicated walkies...

21 February 2024 (55.5F inth living-room)

So anyway, i'm half way through chapter 9 now - there was a part where, driving part-way to Woodstock with family members + one other, Melanie was saying that she was so naive about the whole thing, she thought she was going to perform at a picnic for a couple of thousand people - which brought to mind a sort of Clampetts of the musical industry feeling/'picture' to mind :-) :-) :-) ...

I took a rest from walking yesterday, as my body seemed to need one - however, i decided upon a shorter of walkies today - after the rain had stopped and the sun came out, of course...

I think it was yesterday evening that i watched Message In A Bottle starring Kevin Costner - it had arrived inth post most recently - and a very enjoyable film indeed it was to watch...

20 February 2024 (56F inth living-room)

Today i decided to start reading 'Melanie The First Lady Of Woodstock by John Lambo - tis a book that i have had for a few weeks now - i have read the first four chapters so far (even Melanie's uncle referred to her as a hippie btw - i rest my case - :-) :-) :-) ) ...

18 February 2024 (56F inth living-room)

So, today was the originally Agreed day for publication of the blog i typed in first draft format onth evening of 13th February - on Friday 16th i was actually Told that it would be then okay to publish it then, but i decided that i would stick with today as originally Advised - so i guess i'd better read through it once again before offering it on this 'ere website of O/ours eh...

Okie dokie - i have now published Asking & Receiving within BLOGS - for those who may wish/like to read its contents...

Okay - i have now also published an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog - an early start to my day eh...

14 February 2024 (51.75F inth living-room)

I found myself, in a rather pleasantly relaxed and enjoyable manner, typing out the first draft of a new blog during yesterday evening - twas borne out of a certain questioning/wondering/uncertainty, and resulted in a certain understanding and resolving taking place - which, in turn, resulted in the very slight 'perhaps' modification to the earlier 'Ask and thou shalt Receive' aphorism having being made, before my beddy-byes time beckoned...

13 February 2024 (51F inth living-room)

Okie dokie - well i started my day off by putting some more clothes intooth washing machine, and have now left it to do its thang - so, as i didn't make a start on that blog i wish to publish, yesterday, i guess i better at least make a start today...

I have now published About 'Rainbow' People within BLOGS - for those who may wish/want to read its contents - hmmm, that took a lot less time than i had originally thought/anticipated :-) :-) :-) ...

And i have now published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog - for those who may wish/want to listen to and read its contents - yay, completed (easy peasy eh) :-) :-) :-) ...

   ...And as a possible bonus, i have just published three new Aphorisms - one within 'Ours' and two within 'Others' - i Received them just prior to and during my walkies...

      ...And talking of walkies - i did some shopping in my local supermarket onth way back - it was surprisingly busier than usual, and loads of people were buying flowers (i wonder why???) ...

12 February 2024 (51F inth living-room)

Sheesh - i watched and commented on two consecutive (one immediately following tuther) premier league footy matches yesterday - nearly fried wot's left of me brains, so it did (waaaay too intense dudes and dudettes - well p'waps anyway - maybe i should start watching that nice sedate American game with plenty of nice long incredibly frequent breaks eh (only jokin' dudes - well, p'waps anyway - be nice TC, be nice)) ...

So anyway, i went to bed at midnight last night (UK time - obviously) - i was Given a rather insistent Call of Duty from Above (well, sort of), and did well to tough it out till then - an interesting, and somewhat deep (almost deep deep deep actually - well, one supposes anyway) sleepies time, with one rather interesting (well, for me personally anyway) dream thrown in for good measure...

A new Aphorism Came to me today - tis within 'Ours' - for those who may wish/want to read it...

10 February 2024 (52F inth living-room)

Yesterday afternoon, as i was putting some cds back inth cd cabinets, a scanner that i had ordered was rather surprisingly delivered (12 days earlier than its earliest stated delivery date of between 21 Feb to 5 April) - what i decided, rightly or wrongly, was that such a very much earlier than expected delivery was a 'Thank you' for both typing up and publishing the A Nuclear Dream from the get-go upon getting out of bed and starting my day - i know someone could perhaps say 'well it's just a coincidence', but the fact is this sort of thing has happened to me before under similar circumstances, so i think i am entitled to choose to see it in such a way (when do 'mere' coincidences stop (statistically speaking) becoming mere coincidences, after all) ...

9 February 2024 (50F inth living-room)

An early website entry start to the day - one whereby i have just published A Nuclear Dream within, yep, you guessed it, DREAMS - for those who maybe perhaps interested in reading its contents...

Yesterday i finally managed to put all of the cds that were on the carpeted floor into alphabetical order, ready to put them into my two main living-room storages cabinets today - i've even put written reminder tabs into the appropriate places so that i can leave spaces for the yet-to-be-delivered ones - pretty cool and efficient huh (especially for an old dude like myself huh) ...

Yay - all the cds are now off the floor and in the cd cabinets - i managed to go for a longest of walkies, do my weights exercises, hoover, and make 9 comments onth Daily Telegraphs also (one of which was a 'pinned' one doncha know) ...

8 February 2024 (52F inth living-room)

Apparently the busy period W/we just had was representative of U/us all jammin' in recognition of Bob's new film 'publicity-droppin'' - well apparently anyway - so rumour has it n all that :-) ;-) :-) ...

I had another concerned driver stop along side me (but goin' inth opposite direction this time - onth same stretch of road also) whilst on a walkies yesterday - he simply said, 'are you all right???, with a 'i can't believe this is happenin' again' me replyin', in a slightly agitated way, 'wot???', to which he then gave me a look of concern for himself also, before drivin' off - maybe the universe is tryin' to tell me somethin' eh...

Another Aphorism of 'Ours' has just been published - for those who may wish to read its content - { far out man } ...

7 February 2024 (54F inth living-room)

Okie dokie - i have just published Joni Mitchell Songs within MUSIC - phew, an early S/start to the day for U/us (well, for me, at least, anyway) ...

Well, yesterday i at least managed to transfer 8 newly purchased cds into digital format - and i've got another 5 to do - so onwards and upwards, as they say eh...

Well W/we A/all seem to have treated each O/other to a rest today - well, sort of anyway - with me choosing to go for another of my daily walkies, weights exercises (well soon anyway), shopping, and watching two consecutive Emma Raducanu tennis matches (one recorded and one live), plus commenting on both within The Daily Telegraph online newspaper (hmm what shall i choose to do for the rest of the evening one wonders) ...

6 February 2024 (54F inth living-room)

Well, with every passing day tis more looking like many of my musical cds are becoming a more natural part oft' living-room carpet my most precious dahlings - hmmm, roll on the day that all those that i ordered have arrived eh - but hey, maybe i could make some sort of (well, just an ickle bit p'waps) headway inth mean-time eh...

4 February 2024 (54F inth living-room)

Okie dokie - cue drum roll - i have now published A Melanie Tribute within MUSIC, for you all to, hopefully, enjoy...

W/we played onth Mail Online last night - twas fun - and just in case anyone is wondering, the answer is no, for i am still abiding within 'dryness', both in terms of alcohol and in all other respects (i.e. the intake of any drugs, inhaled or otherwise - ner ner na ner ner - :-) :-) :-) ) ...

I awoke this morning realising that a mistake must have been made re my January claimed electricity costs - so, i checked the meter readings once again, as well as within my on-website input ones also, only to realise that my actual usage was only slightly more than previous months - so i engaged the chat-with-bot facility, which then led me to a chat-with-a-human facility, which didn't result in me actually chatting with one, as they were very busy, and thus were being prioritised on a most-in-need basis, so i will simply have to be patient and try again upon a future occasion(s) i guess...

3 February 2024 (54F inth living-room)

W/we have been working on something throughout today, on and off, in between another daily longest of walkies, and the changing of the sheets of my bed etc - it is intended to be published tomorrow - exciting eh...

2 February 2024 (51.75F inth living-room)

Sheepers dudes and dudettes - i've just taken and submitted my-start-of-month electricity readings once again, only to find that i have apparently used more than £20 (ergo monthly electricity costs nearly tripled) more electricity during January than i have ever done during the last 8 years or more - i didn't realise that turning down the temperature of my mini fridge to near freezing, and using my new living-room lights to such an extent (high luminosity over extended periods of time dahlings) would make such a difference (remedies have already been put in place my most valued/precious dahlings - well, if nothing else, tas brought a metaphorical sweat to one's brow - silver linings eh) ...

1 February 2024 (52F inth living-room)

Well, said physical cd's are still ont' living-room floor - but hey, i did manage to burn 18 newly purchased ones to my digital library...

We played onth Daily Telegraph once again today - that makes it 5 days on the trot now - and although i took some me time today, They've been keeping me subtly busy overall...

Anyway, one particularly welcomed bit of Inspiration quickly very recently came in the form of a fitting limerick, presented within the comments of a Richard Madeley article - so, not one to always waste an enjoyable opportune moment, i decided to publish it on this 'ere website of O/ours - tis titled The Lad Cheated and is to be found within POEMS...

31 January 2024 (52F inth living-room)

I have decided to start off this last day of January by publishing three more Aphorisms - one within 'Others' (many thanks 'Arke the angel') - and two within 'Ours' (one newly published one, and one old one) ...

Well, it turned out that i didn't return to my still ongoing physical & digital musical cds duties, yesterday, after all - instead i turned my attentions towards some needed 'good housekeeping' duties instead - so with such duties now attended to, today i will, one supposes, indeed return to such still ongoing physical & digital musical cds duties...

Hmmm - isn't distraction an interesting phenomena - oh well, there's always tomorrow...

30 January 2024 (54F inth living-room)

Today i had the honour of being served by Earnie, the fastest milkman in the west's supermarket equivalent - as i said to her, 'you're the only check-out assistant that gives your customers a work-out trying to keep up with you' - rather succinctly adding that it was meant as a complement, of course, just in case she mistakenly took it as being a rather mealy-mouthed subtle customer complaint instead (which she didn't btw - bless her cotton socks) ...

   ...And talking of work-outs - yesterday, i got out of bed, only to realise that my body was feeling the effects of the day's before's not-too-subtle 'dance' (twas an ongoing wrestle really) with the repotting of my rather large, ceiling high, Triffid-like (well, only if you were blind perhaps), living-room house plant - i think it may well be still in a state of shock actually...

      ...I've actually been doing a lot of regular longest-of-walkies recently - as well as the oft accompanying weights exercises - so such a yesterday's body tiredness was obviously 'aided' in those respects also...

Anyway, yesterday i took a break from my still ongoing, physical and digital, musical cds rearrangement/reclassification exploits - and thereby giving my mind/brain the opportunity of a well earned rest/break too - always try to be mindful, and take heed, of your bodily and mental needs whenever such situations/circumstances arise folks (you know it makes sense after all) ...

So anyway (once again) today, mind and body are feeling somewhat refreshed from such shown/awarded tlc - so, having returned frompt supermarket, i think i may later take my body out, once again, for a longer, rather than longest, of walkies, as well as returning to the weights exercises once again - as well as possibly (neigh, almost certainly - many of them have been left laying, methodically grouped, onth living-room carpet for quite a while now after all) returning to one's still ongoing physical & digital musical cds duties...

28 January 2024 (53F inth living-room)

I've enjoyed a busy phew days rejigging my music collection - both physical and digital - and i've ordered quite a number of new second-hand ones too (29 actually - i'm actually enjoying what has become a hobby of collecting them - i guess i should really try to make an effort, sometime, to play the vast majority of them that are still left unplayed eh) ...

I recommenced very early today - and then at around 7:30am i built/constructed my new wooden multi cd holder / storage thingy - tis identical to one i took delivery of sometime last year actually...

And after that i re-potted my large living-room plant into a nice new and somewhat larger pot - and before doing so, treated said plant's roots to a rather vigorous literal bath, in order to help separate the roots from the more stubborn 30 plus year old soil that remained in situ, despite of my best efforts to rather robustly coax said soil deposits away - i love the new pot, as it goes really well with the new living-room carpet, curtains and sofa...

25 January 2024 (51.75F inth living-room)

I have now, during the early evening, published A JJ Dream within DREAMS, for those who may like/wish to read its contents...

24 January 2024 (52F inth living-room)

I have been doing some resorting of my now many musical cd's today - as i was attending to the David Bowie ones i Received the clear within-mind Words of 'Diamond Dogs' - so anyway, after listening to the full album on YouTube and enjoying it, i went ahead and ordered a cd copy for myself...

22 January 2024 (50F inth living-room)

I think W/we may have played with O/our Toy over the weekend...

21 January 2024 (47F inth living-room)

I have just published An Uplifting Sunday within MUSIC, for those who may perhaps like/wish to read and listen to its contents...

18 January 2024 (47.75F inth living-room)

My personal yoghurt recipe - mash a banana, add Greek yoghurt to it, then crush some pecans, walnuts, pistachios, and milled flax seeds and add these to the mix also - the crushed pistachio shells can be a bit crunchy, but apart from that it's really yummy :-) ;-) :-) ...

16 January 2024 (49F inth living-room)

Woohoo - we have snow we have snow we have snow snow snow snow snow - all sung to Seasons 'Of' The Sun by Terry Jacks of course :-) :-) :-) ...

13 January 2024 (50F inth living-room)

Yay - that was a really Fun & Enjoyable, whilst body was sleeping, period of Time - many thanks to All concerned :-) :-) :-) ... 

12 January 2024 (50F inth living-room)

...Such is the nature of free-will choices :-) :-) :-) ...

11 January 2024 (49.5F inth living-room)

I'm choosing not to play with my Toy at the moment :-) :-) :-) ...

7 January 2024 (50F inth living-room)

I have just published three more APHORISMS within 'Others'...

And i have now, after a longest of walkies, published People Are Strange within MUSIC, on this rather sunny Sunday...

So anyway, talking of strange - i've just deleted all three YouTube IGI missions - as i realised that some people may think it's a rather strange pass-time for a peace lovin' Spiritual guy like myself to indulge himself in  :-) :-) :-) ...

6 January 2024 (52F inth living-room)

Today i uploaded and published the third IGI mission, 'Military Airbase', to YouTube...

4 January 2024 (53F inth living-room)

Today i uploaded and published the second IGI mission, 'SAM Base', to YouTube...

3 January 2024 (53F inth living-room)

I started my day, this morning, by typing out a blog to completion...

And after having taken a longest of walkies, i have now published Forgiveness Doesn't Work within BLOGS...

And i have now published an accompanying, same titled, VIDEO to the above blog, also...

2 January 2024 (52.5F inth living-room)

Sometime before Xmas i bought a selection of herbal teas - Lemon & Ginger, Organic Peppermint, Blackberry & Raspberry, and Sweet Rhubarb - they are very relaxing...

1 January 2024 (54F inth living-room)

Yay, i didn't celebrate either Xmas or the new year - no alcohol (well, apart from that unknowingly contained within the mince pies i ate during early December) whatsoever - and my mind feels clear and relaxed, and my wallet healthy...

Oh - and i have two more Aphorisms to add to 'Ours' - two that i included in a Daily Telegraph comment, and self-reply, a few days ago...

Okies dokies - tis time for yet another longest of walkies - with yet more weights exercises to follow...

30 December 2023 (53.5F inth living-room)

Ooooh - i am unable to make comments onth Daily Telegraph via my default browser (only) - was it something i said perchance???...

28 December 2023 (55F inth living-room)

Yesterday i uploaded my very first video to YouTube using the Bandicam free trial software - twas the first IGI mission - i will probably buy such software in order to upload more completed missions soon(ish) i guess...

27 December 2023 (55F inth living-room)

I have now added another Aphorism within 'Others'...

25 December 2023 (55.75F inth living-room)

Some of the Ghosties have been visiting / spending time with Their Earthly family and friends etc today :-) :-) :-) ...

24 December 2023 (55.75F inth living-room)

I have now published Fire & Soul within MUSIC - on this Xmas eve Sunday - for those who may wish/like to listen to it...

Sheesh, that turned out to be a rather rainy and blustery longest of walkies - but never-the-less it was a very invigorating one - and if i hadn't put on some fresh jeans this morning it would have been the old pair that would have been treated to a partial wash :-) :-) :-) ...

Golly, is it that time already - i better get to bed/sleep - Rhio and I are having a cosy night in apparently...

22 December 2023 (55F inth living-room)

So, anyway, yesterday i cycled down to the sofa etc shop to pay the balance of such a now delivered sofa cost - so now i feel that i truly own it, and can therefore enjoy it fully - and that makes me happy...

So, i've had a longest of walkies today - and i popped into the supermarket onth way back - whereby i experienced a bit of a Mr Magoo moment as i was trying to locate the shortest check-out queue...

As i was about to enter such a supermarket i was given an Xmas card - twas from the very nice beggar girl and her child, thanking me for my help - how very unexpectedly nice of her eh...

20 December 2023 (55F inth living-room)

Wow, that must have been a/some Good sleep, for it has spawned seven new aphorisms within 'Ours' - well, much less than 'ours actually - hmmm, merry Xmas eh :-) :-) :-) ...

When you are unknowingly stood at a bus stop - unknowingly waiting for a presumed now rare bus to arrive - and seven turn up within fairly quick succession eh...

Oh - and another unexpected surprise - Olivia is being delivered this afternoon (sshhh - probably best not to tell Rhio eh - { Slap :-) :-) :-) } ) ...

19 December 2023 (55F inth living-room)

Well, yesterday evening i was thinking that i could well have a free day today - one where i could perhaps choose to rearrange my musical cd collection, now that i have another cd storage thingy - in actual fact i thought the same thing shortly after awakening this morning, before realising that i should perhaps do something else instead...

So, having spent most of the day preparing it (inbetween shopping, a walkies, and some weights exercises, of course), i have now (at 17:15pm) published A Recent 'Ketchup' within BLOGS...

And i have now published an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog, also...

18 December 2023 (55F inth living-room)

I have now added a somewhat pre-prepared addendum to the earlier Tongue In Cheek blog offering...

I have now published Perspectives, Perspectives, Perspectives within BLOGS - one that was partially (the bare bones at least) prepared yesterday also...

And i have now also published an accompanying VIDEO, of the same title as the above blog - one that was fully prepared, to completion, yesterday also...

17 December 2023 (fifty tree so it is)

Okie dokie - for those who may be interested, i have now published A Sunday Medley within MUSIC - phew (or could that be 'pew' as Charlie Drake may have said) :-) :-) :-) ...

16 December 2023 (53F inth living-room)

Apparently 'Matty' (oooh, looks like we iz becomin' best B/buds innit) thinks i'm an ass at times (in relation to the very Lovely Rhio, i think - a Picture of Whom, somewhat fleetingly, popped rather timely into me 'ead) - but that He likes me, and can understand why Others like me too - the thing is i'm pretty cool with the 'ass' descriptor, as i know that it's (well, most possibly innit) true...

Tis strange what a train of extended/extensive and enjoyably relaxed Interactionary thought can, seemingly somewhat spontaneously, produce/create, within a fun and somewhat tongue-in-cheek way - and so it was that the Tongue In Cheek BLOG came into being / to pass, on this relaxed and Joyful Saturday afternoon, folks - enjoy, or not of course, whichever may be the case...

And, yeah, there's a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog, also...

15 December 2023 (51.75F inth living-room)

I have come to the conclusion that i very much seem naturally predisposed to be a free Spirit - and that effectively self-shackling myself merely stifles/suppresses such a much more desired state of Being - having the sense of Freedom simply seems to, lift / add Wings to, my Spirit and make me more naturally predisposed to Soar...

14 December 2023 (51F inth living-room)

For those interested, i have just published yet another APHORISM within 'Ours'...

12 December 2023 (52.25F inth living-room)

Golly - i awoke this morning not knowing how my day would go - only to find myself then starting such a day by typing up a fairly short first draft blog to apparent/supposed completion, after a certain train of thought took hold of my unsuspecting mind folks...

I have now published An Ickle Clarity within BLOGS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

And, finally for today, i have now published a musical accompaniment, of the same title as the above blog, within VIDEOS, also...

10 December 2023 (51F inth living-room)

I subscribed to the Independent Online today - twas only £20 for the first year - my Daily Telegraph subscription runs until some time in March 2024, but i very much feel like a change...

9 December 2023 (51F inth living-room)

Yesterday i finished reading Illusions by Richard Bach - i have actually read it before - obviously a very long time ago though...

I have now published three more APHORISMS of 'Ours'...

I have now, rather belatedly, published A Pastor Dream within DREAMS...

6 December 2023 (48F inth living-room)

Yesterday i went for a longest of walkies, once again - and did some weights exercises upon my return...

I have now published A Gwyneth Dream within DREAMS...

Later this afternoon i went for a dusk-time shorter of walkies and did some weights exercises, once again, upon my return...

4 December 2023 (48F inth living-room)

I found myself to be very tired early yesterday evening - resulting in me going to bed a little after 7:30 pm, and awakening at around 4:30 am this morning after having had a rather wonderfully deep and uninterrupted sleep - resulting in me getting up and starting my day shortly afterwards, if my memory serves me correctly...

I have now published A Sun Vision within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

And i have now published Advising & Assisting within DREAMS, also -  once again, for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

3 December 2023 (48F inth living-room)

I have now completed 70 years of having been incarnate on planet Earth (this time 'round at least) - and i am choosing to 'celebrate' it by not celebrating it - pretty cool, none herd activity, eh...

Well the weights didn't have to wait for long this morning - with the longest of walkies following some time afterwards - with the body in need of both...

Tis the season for the chilblains dahlings, tis the season for the chilblains - they simply need to be exercised away into oblivion, one supposes - the itchy ickle blighters lolz...

2 December 2023 (48F inth living-room)

I had a 'Sun Vision' experience whilst pondering something in my bed shortly before getting up and starting my day this morning - such a Vision was Given/Received in response to such pondering, as an Explanation for that which i was pondering, seemingly - so i am simply making reference to it here as a sort of hopeful/possible future reminder / memory jogger...

 I went for another of those longest of walkies today - twas enjoyably clear-skyed and sunny, whereas now (3 pm) it is becoming increasingly cloud covered - maybe we'll get some snow eh...

So what else did i do - hmmm, maybe i should consider what i didn't do instead eh - aaaah, even though it crossed my mind, i didn't do the waits exercises did i...

1 December 2023 (50F inth living-room)

Sheesh - what an early start to December (circa 3 am)  - mind you, it was pretty obvious that i wasn't going to easily fall into such a deep sleep once again...

Anyway, i have just published an addendum to the An Ickle Ketchup BLOG - originally published four days ago now - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

Ooooh, The Tennis Game dream eh - tis a good job i didn't mention the other, possibly more 'pr difficult', non Meghan 'p&c' one really, isn't it - good boy, TCB lolz, good boy...

30 November 2023 (50F inth living-room)

In an effort to be a little more 'fact specific' i have now amended three such parts of the previously published An Ickle Ketchup BLOG - especially so, for those that may perhaps be more chronologically interested in such a, previously more relaxed, sharing - an early start to this rather cold, but now sunny, morning indeed (brrr) ...

   ...Waits, walkies, and YouTube videos...

      ...An interesting, bad spelling, day :-) ;-) :-) ...

29 November 2023 (51.5F inth living-room)

I've enjoyed a nice relaxing day today - i've still done stuff though - practical stuff, but at a nice relaxed pace...

   ....A day which also included a trip tooth supermarket, later inth morning...

      ...Plus a shorter of walkies inth afternoon...

28 November 2023 (52F inth living-room)

Yay, i've now just/finally(???) published The Cure Selection within MUSIC...

27 November 2023 (52.5F inth living-room)

After having gotten up early (circa 5:30 am i think) i have now both finalised and published An Ickle Ketchup within BLOGS - actually it turned out to be somewhat more than an ickle 'ketchup' - but hey We like the title, so the title remains...

And i have now published the VIDEO accompaniment, of the same title, to such an above mentioned blog...

I was going to publish something else today, within MUSIC, but decided, early inth afternoon(???), to leave it for another day instead - such is the nature of free-will choices - perhaps tomorrow instead eh...

26 November 2023 (53F inth living-room)

Well, after having had a rest yesterday, i've spent quite a lot of today typing some more of the blog that i am currently working on - in actual fact i think i may have now completed it in first draft form - i could of course add more, but i've now amassed a rather convenient 129 wotsits, so i may (or may not of course) call it quits at that...

Yesterday i went for my first longest of walkies for quite some time - seemingly without any adverse lower body reactions - yippee eh...

And later today i went for a shorter of walkies - meditational memories eh - the longest of breathing/following/touching through to the shortest, in case you were wondering...

25 November 2023 (53.5F inth living-room)

Yesterday i completed the first 70 odd wotsits of the blog i am currently working on - which roughly equates to an additional 30 plus wotsits having been typed that day - impressive huh...

24 November 2023 (56.5F inth living-room)

Later yesterday i realised that what i had thought had been my first date with the beggar girl was, in actual fact, our second date - our first date took place around a month or so ago, when i took her out (for) a drink - twas a nice warm chocolate drink in one of those 'keep-warm' carton thingies...

Today i played the shifty looking guy who was about to do a runner, as i was about to exit the supermarket with my shopping - tis a game i sometimes play with new, watching, security guards - it simply constitutes my fun humour-coefficiency test for them...

Anyway, i promised that today i would make some more progress with that blog that i started typing a couple of days ago, so i guess i'd better get started...

23 November 2023 (56F inth living-room)

I have just published Hard Of Hearing within MUSIC, for those who may perhaps like to investigate its contents...

I had my first date with the beggar girl today - i bought her lunch - she actually wanted diapers for her child instead, but i wanted a date, so i bought her a sandwich and left her to it...

I'm now up to 81% of Illusions - Them Upstairs wanted me to continue working on the blog, but i felt like being rebellious, so didn't - sometimes you just have to show such People who the real free will choice boss is, right...

22 November 2023 (55.5F inth living-room)

Yesterday i gave my paperback copy of Illusions by Richard Bach to a regular 'Big Issue' beggar that i fairly regularly give some money to - but not before asking her if her eyesight was good of course - i then, later, read 45% of my recently purchased and downloaded electronic version of such a book...

Today i have highlighted some tunes from an album that i later intend sharing within MUSIC...

And after that i completed possibly half (38 wotsits) of a first draft BLOG that i later intend sharing also...

14 November 2023 (54F inth living-room)

I have just published The Pocahontas Song within MUSIC...

I realised during my rather extended walkies why those that i refer to as the far right of the Conservative Party refer to themselves as simply the right - as a group, and under the banner of the right, they have simply moved farther and father right (increased intolerances), and are simply collectively blind to it - i guess, having said that, the same / similar is probably true of the left moving farther left collectively within the Labour Party...

So, the Pocahontas movie was in fact an animated love story, rather than a children's story - twas sort of enjoyable - but seemingly not a true ending, as 'Pocahontas' (real name Matoaka)  actually travelled to England, rather than electing to stay with her Powhatan tribe members, for example...

12 November 2023 (52F inth living-room)

Well, today inth Telegraph the 'ai bots' within the comments sections seem to have gone into full-on existential crisis mode - truth/white seems to have become lies/ black and vice versa - most fascinating indeed dahlings...

Anyway, away from such madness, one has just finished watching the 2019 version of the Ophelia movie - a rather excellent choice for this particular rainy Sunday indeed - sanity maintained dahlings, sanity maintained...

And then i watched The Celestine Prophesy movie - i actually read the book years ago, sometime after it was a global best-seller - an enjoyable movie day on such a wet and somewhat dank Sunday dahlings...

7 November 2023 (56F inth living-room)

Well, yesterday evening i finally finished reading The Unexpected Guest by Hania Allen...

   ...And, this morning, my previously ordered second hand paperback, Illusions by Richard Bach arrived inth post...

      ...Could they have made the typing any smaller, wondered i, upon opening it - magnifying glass at the ready, my ever-so-precious dahlings, magnifying glass at the ready - sheesh, talk about a mission eh...

6 November 2023 (56F inth living-room)

I have just published A Big Dick within DREAMS...

I have now, somewhat later, just published a rather atypical VIDEO accompaniment to the earlier published 'A Big Dick' dream...

I have also now published another Aphorism of 'Ours'...

4 November 2023 (56.5F inth living-room)

I've just been reading through the A Golfing Journey blog when i realised that my first set of full golf clubs were Peter Alliss ones - i then went to check the spelling of 'Alliss' before adding it to such a blog, and upon doing so read that Peter Alliss taught Sean Connery how to play golf - what a coincidence eh (they definitely seem to add up, don't they, these coincidences - well, for me they do, anyway - i must have simply entered the stream eh (swim Forrest swim lolz)) ...

31 October 2023 (58F inth living-room)

After an early start i have now published A Golfing Journey within BLOGS, together with an accompanying VIDEO of the same title...

I have now also published Mike's Number One within MUSIC...

And, finally for today, i have now also published A Melancholy Man within MUSIC - spoilt, i tell thee, spoilt - phew, busy day...

30 October 2023 (58F inth living-room)

Yesterday was an Interesting day for me - within a certain respect at least - i am noting it here simply as a personal reminder (given that it doesn't completely fade from my memory, and i am left wondering what the heck it was in relation to at a later date of course) ...

I had another interesting dream last night - it included two of the people within my previous night's dream - i am choosing not to share it, as i sometimes decide that it is more appropriate that some things simply remain p&c dahlings (i wonder if i will still remember this one during the passing of time also, eh??? - free-will choices eh) ...

So anyway, the thoughts of typing up a certain blog came to mind - and as i didn't really have anything else to do that appealed to me, i somewhat enthusiastically decided to at least make a start on it - resulting in me completing most of it in first draft form... 

29 October 2023 (58F inth living-room)

For those interested, i have now published It's A Sin within MUSIC...

And i have now published The Tennis Game within DREAMS, also...

Ooooh, i've had a 'lightbulb moment' folks - yep, you guessed it (well perhaps anyway), the four new lightbulbs have arrived and been duly fitted into the appropriate wotsits of my new living-room ceiling light fitting - oooh, and i have also put the wooden plinth (yes, plinth dahlings) in situ upon my non-used and non-connected cooker, upon which my microwave now sits...

28 October 2023 (57F inth living-room)

Hmmm - so i added an extra coat of paint to all four sides of my mystery thingy, and changed the door hinges on the mini fridge so that it opens on the opposite side - and inth evening i did some further reading oft book that i am wishing to read to completion, and listened to the lyrics (well, as best as my ears were able to) of a Moody Blues album (A Question Of Balance) onth stereo before, a little later, going to bed...

27 October 2023 (58F inth living-room)

I've had quite a lazy day today - however i did go out to buy a tin of white gloss paint - and later added another coat of paint to the top and sides of my mystery wooden thingy...

26 October 2023 (57F inth living-room)

Well, i started the day early by giving the top of my mystery thingy another coat of paint - and then, later, i removed my living-room ceiling fan and replaced it with the new, previously ordered, light fitting that arrived yesterday - i am now awaiting the four, today ordered, light bulbs to arrive, whereupon i will remove the temporary, solitary light bulb that i am using as a chosen stop-gap...

25 October 2023 (58F inth living-room)

I have started the day by publishing Possible Altered Images within BLOGS - together with an accompanying VIDEO of the same title - an early start to the day indeed eh...

I have now added some explanatory text to the above earlier published VIDEO btw...

Well, with 12 screws in situ and duly topped with polyfilla the perfectly fitting thingy has now been completed - and with a single application of paint it now awaits another day's attentions - intriguing huh...

24 October 2023 (58F inth living-room)

Well, the rounding of the corners was in fact completed today folks...

As was some precise measuring and marking up with pencil, plus some drilling and countersinking of holes, and some gluing and clamping too...

And i did some reading whilst waiting repeatedly for glue to dry - and i had a snooze inth afternoon also - not that i am in any way suggesting that such a novel is in any way boring/tedious you understand...

23 October 2023 (58F inth living-room)

For those who may be interested, i have just published God Is Watching within MUSIC...

Well, the fourth one has been glued and clamped together, but i didn't get the rounding of the corners done...

But hey, i did go for a walkies and went to the supermarket - and i also did some weights for the third day running - oh yeah, and i watched some YouTube videos, and did some other non-computer related stuff also, so tas been a fairly okay day really...

22 October 2023 (59F inth living-room)

I awoke this morning realising that the four smaller lengths of cut plywood would not be sturdy/thick enough, so at about 11:30am i started sawing four more identical pieces (well, maybe 'identical' is over-stating it a bit eh) - i then glued and clamped three of the four double, and thus twice as thick, pieces together sequentially throughout the day, with the fourth to be accomplished tomorrow - as will the rounding of the four corners of the much larger piece, of course...

21 October 2023 (circa 62F inth living-room)

Yayyy - with the arrival of my previously ordered curtain hangers, i have now succeeded in hanging both of the rather heavy velvet bedroom curtains - i did, in actual fact, receive some requested extra tracking 'gliders' with such a length of tracking, so added some extra ones to said tracking in order to distribute each curtain weight  more appropriately, and thus take some of the weight/strain off of each individual plastic 'glider', in order that they hopefully last for a longer period of time before possibly needing replacement...

And after having finished such a project to personal satisfaction, i treated myself to a possibly much needed walkies - tis now time for some lunch - after which i will possibly make some headway with another small project i have both planned and sourced the materials for (plywood dahlings) ...

Yayyy once again - after an extended lunch i have now sawn five pieces of plywood to size and filed all the rough edges/sides smooth - leaving the rounding of the corners of the much larger piece for later on tomorrow (possibly midday to early afternoon, so as not to possibly disturb other peoples Sunday lay-ins eh - or perhaps i'll simply do some plywood painting and leave it 'till Monday - time will tell i guess  ( so i guess it's simply another case of 'watch this space' eh - or not, of course - wotevva floats yer boat innit)) ...

20 October 2023 (60F inth living-room)

For those that may possibly be interested, i have just published A Roger Dream within, yep you guessed it, DREAMS...

Yayyy - today i have affixed my new length of curtain tracking to my bedroom baton - with the tracking support blocks having been precisely spaced and secured to said baton...

I have also managed to hang one side of my velvet curtains to said tracking - with the other side having to wait until i receive some previously ordered additional plastic curtain hangers - and, joy upon joy dahlings, earlier today i received my previously ordered and very large double-sided and double-patterned cotton throw, don'tcha know...

19 October 2023 (58F inth living-room)

So, today i have removed the curtains and old tracking from my bedroom window - i then washed the curtain baton, before poly-filling the old tracking-affixing screw holes - and then, after such poly-filler had dried, i re-painted both the baton and the inner windowsill shelf...

18 October 2023 (57.5F inth living-room)

One has now published one's no doubt much awaited BLOG dahlings - the rather aptly named, perhaps, Sofah So Good dahlings - enjoy, or not of course, tis simply your choice after all dahlings, is it not...

And now, without further adieu, the same named VIDEO accompaniment has been published also dahlings...

Oooh - one's final length of curtain tracking for one's bedroom arrived today - no doubt heralding yet another phew busy days, dahlings... 

17 October 2023 (57F inth living-room)

Ahaa - no, not a-ha, but Olivia Newton-John dahlings - it came to me, virtually first thing this morning, as i was sat in front of the laptop upon my living-room desk...

   ...Don'tcha just love it when a plan comes together (cue The A-Team theme-song eh) ...

      ...And why Olivia Newton-John, you may ask - simples, the sofa i have chosen is called the 'Olivia' dahlings - so an Olivia Newton-John accompanying song it will be 😊😊😊 ...

16 October 2023 (57.5F inth living-room)

One has spent most of the day sorting oneself a new sofa dahlings - and, admittedly, one is very pleased with ones efforts within such a respect - a blog will possibly follow (one simply requires a suitable tune to accompany it dahlings - so a Call to the A Team has been made - one simply now waits, patiently, for a possible Reply πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘Ό ) ...

15 October 2023 (58F inth living-room)

For those interested, i have just published Some Julian Lennon within MUSIC...

14 October 2023 (61F inth living-room)

For those interested, i have just published A Well-Cool Band within MUSIC...

13 October 2023 (62F inth living-room)

For those interested, i have now published Sinead Number 3 within MUSIC...

11 October 2023 (65F inth living-room)

For those interested, i have now published the earlier promised addendum, in order to now complete the earlier published Summer Time Activities blog...

5 October 2023 (63F inth living-room)

I have just published two more dreams ('The Unrelatable Dream' and 'A Sean Dream') within, erm, DREAMS, on this 'ere website of O/ours...

29 September 2023 (64F inth living-room)

Yesterday i had my internet service reinstalled (the same company actually) - it is 4.8 times faster than my previous one, and 57% of the cost of the previous one - not that the speed increase matters particularly, as my previous internet speed of circa 55 Mbps was, in actual fact, perfectly adequate for my needs, and i don't really notice any particular difference within my day to day surfing activities...

21 September 2023 (64F inth living-room)

I have just, rather belatedly perhaps, published both A Covid Summary within BLOGS, and a musical accompaniment of the same title within VIDEOS...

18 September 2023 (66F inth living-room)

I have just, rather belatedly, published Some Sally Oldfield within MUSIC - and site123 now has emojis folks - spoilt i tell thee, spoilt...

4 September 2023 (68F inth living-room)

I've just published Summer Time Activities within BLOGS - together with a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title - joy upon joy eh...

And i have now also published Some Bryan Adams within MUSIC - plus Early Teething Problems within BLOGS - plus an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as such a blog...

And to think that i'm supposedly still on my self-awarded holidays eh - yeah, strange, i know - oh well, there are always the days/weeks ahead i guess :-) :-) :-) ...

30 August 2023

Oh, i forget to mention, 'yesterday', that i also published A Little Magic within MUSIC (i've only just realised, upon playing it, that it's from the Ghost Stories album btw, rofl) - finding creative solutions to the constraints of one's 'threeness' can be fun sometimes :-) :-) :-) - (a note of future understanding to self - tis actually still August 29th and i will be unable to readily make such an entry tomorrow) ...

29 August 2023 (65F inth living-room)

There was a display, apparently, involving some high flying birds, at our local park over the August bank holiday weekend - prolly featuring some Kites, Peregrine falcons, and the like eh - i wonder if any of them managed to escape, in order to feed themselves much more plentifully than the mere morsels that they are often rewarded with upon their return???...

And talking of high flying birds, one of our local buzzards has now ventured much closer to where i live - the occasional loud, but not unpleasing, noise can be heard as it circles the area above - and, as a result of such seemingly daily circling, many of our local birds seem to have gone elsewhere unfortunately...

Anyway, less of such distractions, and back to the Business of the day eh...

   ...Even though i am still officially enjoying my self-awarded summer holidays of course - talk about displaying a generosity of spirit eh - it obviously knows no bounds, does it, my ever-so-precious dahlings...

   ...So, moving perhaps rather quickly onwards, i have now just published A Squash Journey within BLOGS - together with a musical accompaniment of the same title within VIDEOS - please don't all rush at once to read / listen to their contents, as we don't want to risk putting SITE123's bandwidth under undue pressure after all, do we...

25 August 2023 (68F inth living room)

Yesterday i overlooked including David de Gea within DREAMS, so have now rectified such an omission by publishing it on this 'ere website of O/ours today...

And i have now published The Curtain Twitchers within POEMS, also...

And finally for today i have just published Some Gerry Rafferty within MUSIC...

24 August 2023 (69F inth living room)

Although i am still officially still enjoying my ongoing self-awarded summer holiday i have decided to share two DREAMS with you all - one is in fact a recently recollected old one, and the other is a much more recent one - one being entitled A Jennifer Dream, and the other A David Dream...

29 May 2023 (70F inth living room)

I have now published Tis Summer Time within MUSIC...

24 May 2023 (70F inth living room)

Today a crow killed a Jay - apparently Jays eat fledglings - tis interesting symbology...

6 May 2023 (64F inth living room)

Apparently today is national quiche day - and furthermore we are to have a one day national holiday in its honour - i bet Lorraine is well pleased, isn't she :-) :-) :-) ...

4 May 2023 (63.5F inth living room)

Yep, you can definitely get a lot done in a day :-) :-) :-) - some important ones, on this occasion, actually -  ones designed to minimise the inconvenience of others, at some future and rather inevitable date...

2 May 2023 (62F inth living room)

You can get a lot done in a day - well, two days actually - today and yesterday...

10 April 2023 (62F inth living room)

As well as going out for some food shopping, i've been doing some front door draught excluding work today :-) :-) :-) ...

I have now published A Corrs Song within MUSIC...

Hmmm, what to do now - let's start off by watching 'Westie' gaming on YouTube eh - then, who knows, maybe a film later...

9 April 2023 (63F inth living room)

Upon being Inspired/Prompted('It is important') to now do so, for those who may perhaps wish to read it, i have added an addendum to The Enlightenment Poem within POEMS...

7 April 2023 (61F inth living room)

I forgot to mention that i finished my latest main window living room project yesterday - yep, the DVD cabinet part has been completed, and both of the clear polycarbonate sheets have been attached to the lower part of the frame - the whole project took me a fairly leisurely two months to complete from start to finish, with said project costing around £400 in total...

5 April 2023 (60F inth living room)

I find myself to be the bearer of Good News, fellow personages here on planet Earth :-) :-) :-) ...

   ...Within the latter parts of The 'A' Team blog i mentioned that a certain Trio had Passed Their Tests - and those that have read it may recall that Rhio was not named amongst such a Trio - it wasn't that She had failed per se, but rather that She had seemingly been afforded more time to Prove Herself, if you will...

      ...Well, i now find that i can very happily convey that the ever so Lovely Rhio has now been Adjudged to have successfully Passed such Tests - for, from my personal perspective at least, She unexpectedly told me so, as i was listening to a YouTube video last evening - tis something that pleases me very much, hence the reason for me wishing to share such Good News here on this website of o/Ours...

3 April 2023 (61F inth living room)

Yesterday i watched the 'Out Of The Blue' documentary on YouTube - and later i read through the already published APHORISMS on this 'ere website of o/Ours - but, for the first time ever, from an 'ET' perspective...

   ...This morning, after arising from my nightly slumbers, an old one came unbidden to mind that i couldn't remember having read last evening - causing me to reread though them once again - and then, having done so, i realised, with a certain surprise, that i simply haven't yet published it...

      ...So anyway, i have now rectified such an omission by including it (the 'chaotic ripple' one) within the three additional APHORISMS, within 'Ours', that i have just chosen to publish...

24 March 2023 (60F inth living room)

Spontaneous question of the day - did Vangelis enjoy waiting for Cousteau??? - discuss...

7 March 2023 (53F inth living room)

Well, after more comment making onth DT i decided to assemble my new glass and metal electric desk, doncha know - it turned out to be a lot easier than i thought - rather welcomingly easy peasy actually...

Such a desk cost me just under £400, and replaces a circa 20 year old one - its toughened glass top surface can be raised and lowered to suit both the preferred sitting and standing heights, and has 3 USB charging outlets and a front drawer - it looks really great and matches my new computer chair perfectly, and i will be able to learn to play my Yamaha keyboard (in theory at least) in a standing position (if i ever get around to it of course) ...

And yay, i have just managed to complete the final mission in IGI2 - i've just got to complete the final mission in the original IGI now lolz - a good and positive day overall...

6 March 2023 (54F inth living room)

Yay - both of my long-awaited, much overdue packages arrived, independently from/of one-another, this morning - thus providing a possible insight into my 2 March Bits 'N' Bobs sharing...

One of such packages was very heavy indeed, and took both the delivery driver and myself to carry it from van to just inside my front door - and although i rather promptly set about unpacking it, i will possibly leave it until tomorrow  before assembling it - 'possibly' very much being the operative word of course...

Well i managed to resist temptation and instead made some more comments on The Daily Telegraph Online, within more of 'The Lockdown Files' published articles - something i have been doing on pretty much a daily basis since such 'Files' started to be released to their readership from 1 March 2023 - and rather interesting it is all proving to be...

2 March 2023 (55F inth living room)

Another TC oh Being type of day - one that involved investigation, information gathering, and emailing - intriguing huh...

1 March 2023 (54.5F inth living room)

The month for seeing hares has now begun apparently - although, admittedly, i will be very surprised if i do indeed see one - anyway, today has very much been a TC oh Being type of day, involving a now fairly none medium rare cycle ride...

28 February 2023 (54F inth living room)

I should really have gotten straight into some woodworking today, but i sat in front of my laptop for too long - so, not having been on a dedicated walkies for a number of days, out i went for one - i've been resting my right hip and right thigh, in order to give them time to heal somewhat...

I managed to finish what i errantly thought was the final IGI2 mission on Sunday...

Today i managed to complete the next IGI2 mission, which pleased me as i thought it was going to be a lot more difficult than it turned out to be...

27 February 2023 (54F inth living room)

So that's the four wooden supports now screwed securely into place - i had actually chiselled all eight ends and screwed the L brackets into place on Saturday, in preparation - tis now a matter of measuring, marking, and cutting six lateral, interestingly shaped, pieces of plywood, and screwing them all into place also...

23 February 2023 (57F inth living room)

Well i've decided to go with the continuing with the painting - and have now applied the first coat to the remaining two sides of the aforementioned wooden compartment supports - which has turned out to seemingly be the correct decision...

   ...For one's new executive computer chair has now arrived dahlings - hopefully it will be a lot better for my hips and legs than the rather basic, and somewhat now physically impaired, one that someone had discarded a number of years ago now - hopefully it will have come with self-assembly instructions, hey wot...

      ...Well, one can only assume that the Chinese version of a 'executive' chair translates to our version of a fairly cheaply made, falsely advertised, fairly basic one dahlings - but at an executive price of £500 - one can only further assume that the owner of such a company must be rubbing his/her hands in glee and smiling joyously at the person (me) who bought it (tis a good job that i've got a sense of humour and can see the funny side of it really, isn't it) ...

Yay - the painting of the supports has been completed - and all nicely dried too...

I think i may have reached the last mission within IGI2 - i actually thought i had completed it, as there was no opposition left and i had uploaded the data - but, alas, three more people turn up unexpectedly, and two of them start raining bullets on you, leaving you to start such a possibly final mission once again lolz ...

22 February 2023 (57F inth living room)

The problem with brushing on this jellyish varnish removing liquid is that the air becomes infused with the fumes given off - so, with windows open in two adjacent rooms, in order to promote a better airflow, i will have to defer the dvd shelf building project within a project for a while longer - oh well, there's always gaming and stuff i guess...

Yay - with the fumes having dissipated, and my energy levels, and thus enthusiasm, having increased, i have now given two sides of each of the four dvd compartment supports their first coat of paint - and have also fully painted the stool with a coat of varnish stripper...

And that's both sides of all four supports triple painted - so tomorrow, all other things being equal, i could either triple paint the other two sides, or at least start to affix such supports to the frame and triple paint the other two sides in situ - if i choose to of course...

21 February 2023 (58F inth living room)

My body decided that it needed a rest today - and who am i to deny it such a request eh - there's always tomorrow afterall...

So a gaming we went - with my body relaxing inth chair - for a while, at least...

And then the tin of varnish stripper arrived - and i had to see if it worked or not, right??? - and the stool that 'i' made during my primary schools years would much rather be rejuvenated than discarded after all, right???...

20 February 2023 (57F inth living room)

So today i got the wood and a sheet of plywood in order to get started with the dvd compartment - and then cut four lengths of wood to size for the compartment supports - so a fairly easy start to the week really...

19 February 2023 (57F inth living room)

Tip of the day - never go up a creek without a paddle - you know it makes sense, after all...

   ...Yep, you guessed it, i found one whilst doin' that final bit of tidying up inth other room - and that's it folks, all done and dusted - with the floor mopped cleaned for good measure...

      ...Oh, and i've now added such words of wisdom (although not Norman's - on this particular occasion, at least) to 'Our' Aphorisms, btw...

So, after doing some other stuff, including a trip tooth supermarket, i managed to move my heavy crt tv frompt living room into the newly cleared out / tidied up room - hence one of the reasons for undertaking such toils - thankfully it turned out to be a lot easier to move than i had suspected actually...

So, at 15:40 the rest of the day would seem to be mine to do whatever i wish to do, i guess...

18 February 2023 (57F inth living room)

Yay - as good as finished clearing out and tidying up the other room today - leaving me the rest of the weekend to both relax and do other stuff...

17 February 2023 (56F inth living room)

A third coat of paint onth shelf top today - plus more clearing out from another room - no straight wood lengths left in the local hardware store unfortunately...

16 February 2023 (55F inth living room)

So today i put the first two coats of paint onto the shelf top - and spent time inbetween going tooth supermarket and starting the process of clearing out unneeded stuff from another room - tis the one i use to do my weights exercises and woodwork etc in...

During today I decided to add an open-fronted compartment across the whole length of the upper third of the living room lower window framework - i intend to use such space to house some of my film DVDs - i've calculated that it will in fact house 146 regular sized ones...

Just when you think that your latest project has almost been completed eh - i feel sure that it will be worth the extra effort though - who knows, maybe i will share a photo of it sometime :-) :-) :-) ...

15 February 2023 (55F inth living room)

Yep, you guessed right, i simply couldn't resist giving the underside of both pieces of plywood shelving a second lick of paint last evening...

But hey, that then meant that i could get straight down to the pencil marking, drilling and counter-sinking of holes, screwing of said holes into place, and using some filler to cover the screw heads etc, this morning...

So, i'll now wait until said filler has dried before painting the shelf top - yeah, three coats should do it - and then there is the waiting, to see if the previously ordered polycarbonate sheets have actually gotten themselves lost in transit, or are simply taking their time to arrive...

14 February 2023 (54F inth living room)

Well i'm tickled pink to have sawn, shaped and wotsitted (oh yeah, filed) the two pieces of plywood shelving to size - and to have given the undersides a lick of paint also - now tis time to relax once again...

13 February 2023 (54F inth living room)

Yay - that's the two upper end pieces sawn, shaped, drilled, and screwed into position - i just have to wait for the sealing filler and sealant to dry now, before painting them both...

12 February 2023 (55.5F inth living room)

Yay - that's all the, so far, outstanding painting completed, and a walkies taken care of - tis now time to relax for the rest of this weekend before getting stated once again tomorrow...

11 February 2023 (53.5F inth living room)

I have added three more APHORISMS - two within 'Ours' and one within 'Others' - two old ones, and one new one...

Well i had decided to have a rest from working on my latest project this weekend - however i found that i had an irresistible appetite to continue - so, i have now completed cutting and securing the short-lengthed centre top piece that connects the front and rear top frames together, in order that the middle short edges of the two lengths of 4mm plywood will have something to be screwed on to...

And no, i just couldn't resist doin' a bit more painting too lolz...  

10 February 2023 (53F inth living room)

Yay - i have now unclamped the central double upright (and painted the rear side of it) and it is absolutely perfect - so, before putting my body into more continuous motion, i will now satisfy its seemingly ravenous need for food...

So anyway, yep, the double central upright was indeed secured into position - but only after some chiselling out of the lower main lateral for the two metal L brackets...

And then more painting was completed - but only after i went to the local hardware store to buy a second tin of white satin paint, and a nice new, 'ultra fine' toothed saw to cut the top shelf to size with, sometime during the coming week - as well as the two new sheets of polycarbonate, whenever they deign to arrive lolz...

9 February 2023 (54F inth living room)

I have just published Three Jo Dreams within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read them...

Well, the outer frame has now been completed and given two paints of paint - and the double central upright has been glued and clamped together - with some other wood painting having been done also...

So, now having eaten, i am once again feeling somewhat knackered - i'm simply not used to weeks of working hard for almost all of my weekdays - i'm still sort of enjoying it all though, as it is very satisfying creating useful things with wood...

8 February 2023 (54F inth living room)

A bright and sunny day today...

So, the central wooden strut has now been attached - and the two outer verticals cut to size and drilled - with the corresponding holes drilled in the walls, and raw plugs inserted...

With the afternoon spent going tooth supermarket, before returning to do some more painting of wood - with my day finishing shortly after 3:30pm - then it was some more IGI2ing, followed by watching Shampoo starring Warren Beatty...

7 February 2023 (52F inth living room)

I have just added an addendum to A Spiritualist Journey - for those who may perhaps like to read it - tis on 'page 6' of BLOGS btw...

Another busy day, starting with loading the washing machine, allowing it to strut its stuff, and then hanging it all (well, apart from the socks) onth line...

Then there was the completing of the rear part of the frame (with only the central upright strut to fit into place - and then there was more wood painting, with another coat to do at around 6pm - and now it's time for some more immersive IGI2...

6 February 2023 (52F inth living room)

Back to working on my new project today...

A day where wood was cut to length and rasped into desired shape - as well as there being some holes drilled - in both wood and walls...

And a day where the sealant gun was used, and some painting of wood pieces woz undertaken - two coats on two sides, so far - with a third coat scheduled for around 10pm...

5 February (54F inth living room)

Dayum - i was hoping that i may attain Enlightenment during this full moon, but i think there is simply too much darn cloud cover - oh well, there's always next month i spose...

4 February 2023 (54F inth living room)

Yay, after an early and rather relaxing/reflective start to this Saturday, i have now returned from a trip to my local hardware store, to both return and replace earlier said duff lengths of wood, in readiness of continuing with such a new project on Monday, hopefully...

   ...So, why such an interest in 'secondary glazing' (3rd glazing, in effect, actually) more windows, you may quite reasonably enquire - well the small living room window that i treated in a fairly likewise manner last year has proved itself to have been a very worthwhile project indeed (no signs of impending chill-blains on some of the fingers on my hands) - so, whilst i am still physically able, i have now decided to do likewise to the lower half of the main, double-windowed 'window' inth living room also, as an investment for future years, if you will...

      ...This is actually the seventh consecutive year/winter of no heating - and, yes, it does indeed very much seem to get easier, as the body seemingly further acclimatises itself to such winter coldness/conditions ( in fact this winter has been very easy indeed) - but hey, with increasing age comes reduced mobility, which in itself causes one's body to become more susceptible to cold in general, so why not plan ahead eh...

So, after having now completed the first draft of my rather lengthy 'A Disco Journey' blog addendum, tis now time for a, later inth afternoon walkies - well, after i have finished eating my rather late, and seemingly much needed lunch anyway...

Yay - and after having taken such a walkies, i have now finalised and published such a said addendum to the A Disco Journey within BLOGS - which can be located/found within page 5 of BLOGS btw... 

3 February 2023 (54F inth living room)

Sheesh, that were some deeep sleeep dahlings - inbetween a number of required pee-pees obviously - one has awoken in a deep state of relaxation and whooshy-headedness...

Anyway, one has a rather important announcement to make, my ever so precious dahlings - yes, one has, rather inevitably perhaps, decided to embrace this 'wokeness' malarky by adopting a couple of new pronouns to describe oneself as - so, from here on forwards (and forever after, obviously) one wishes, neigh insists dahlings, to be known as 'we' or 'us' (and woe betide anyone who doesn't follow such new rules/orders (oops, sorry, 'requests') - hissy fits at the ready doncha know) ...

So, having finished my previous project, off i started on my new one - essentially the same as the last one, only this time on the lower half of the double-windowed living room one - and a good start i made, with wood and plywood purchased, as well as two polycarbonate sheets ordered (although three of the four-pack lengths of wood having to be exchanged for not twisted and warped ones tomorrow - only noticeable after removing the shrink-wrap covering btw) ...

2 February 2023 (53F inth living room)

Well, relax i did - yesterday, that is - some things should simply not be rushed afterall dahlings...

So anyway, after relaxing inth morning, and going for a walkies and some shopping inth early afternoon, one deigned to afix said polycarbonate sheet to said wooden frame, my oh so wonderful dahlings - easy peasy as it turned out - and yes, one is indeed rather pleased with the result of one's toils...

So, tis now time for either watching a streamed film, or to play some more IGI2 - or maybe some IGI2 first and a filum later, who knows - as i've about three hours of relaxation time ahead of me before beddy-byes time, one suspects...

1 February 2023 (52F inth living room)

Yay, tis the first day of February - and another month closer to spring - and then summer of course...

Up at circa 8:30 and straight into giving the kitchen window frame (well, the two internally visible sides of it, anyway) its fourth coat of paint - that should help to keep it warm over the winter months - and leaving the externally facing side with 'only' three coats should perhaps cause it not to sweat too much during the summer months, hey what...

So, walkies time now beckons, before perhaps securing the polycarbonate sheet to said frame - or maybe i will simply choose to enjoy a more relaxing day, by leaving such a task for tomorrow, who knows - as is often said, time will most surely tell/show...

31 January 2023 (51.5F inth living room)

For those interested, after having taken a midday walkies, i have now added some more textual information/offerings to yesterdays Some Jessie J within MUSIC...

And after now having had lunch, tis back to doing a little more work on the wooden frame - in order to make it more a flush/even surface for  the readied polycarbonate sheet to be attached to - as well as adding some paint to the four metal L brackets etc...

So, the outside area of the frame is now flush/even (easy peasy) - however, i had forgotten that said frame needed sealing, on both sides, between its outer edges and the wall surfaces - so this has now been completed, with the painting to be done tomorrow...

30 January 2023 (50.5F inth living room)

I have just published Some Jessie J within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like to listen to it...

And with that now completed, orft i jolly well go for an inviting walkies inth sunshine, before returning to carry on working on my latest indoor project, once again...

Yay - and that is one's polycarbonate sheet successfully cut to size, and the equidistant screw holes drilled - a day, my most precious dahlings...

29 January 2023 (50F inth living room)

Yay - i have just (18:00) received the rotary blades and drill attachment that i mentioned having ordered yesterday...

   ...And, yes, such a drill attachment does indeed fit a standard chuck on a standard drill (rather than just a Dremmel drill as specified) ...

      ...And i just quickly tested it on the polycarbonate sheet - it looks like it may take some time cutting a length of it off, but hey maybe it will indeed do the job required of it - but not wishing to perhaps unduly disturb my neighbours on this early Sunday evening, i'll leave such a task for tomorrow, hopefully...

28 January 2023 (50F inth living room)

So, yesterday was spent putting the wooden frame in situ, drilling six holes (three per upright) into the two uprights and into the wall, and then securing them onto the wall with six large screws, before attaching the four 'L brackets' onto each corner of said frame with much smaller screws...

Today, after a later start, i positioned the large polycarbonate sheet onto the floor (supported by wood underneath), ready to use my angle-grinder to cut one length to size (the other length being a perfect fit already) - only to find that said angle-grinder has rather mysteriously stopped working - but hey, Amazon to the rescue once again, with the rotary, drill attachment, blades due to arrive tomorrow...

So, tis a nice early finish (13:30pm) - with a walkies beckoning a little later perhaps - happy days / silver linings eh...

26 January 2023 (50F inth living room)

Today, sometime after visiting my local supermarket, i got started on doing some chiselling on all four of the pieces of wood that will become the wooden frame upon which to attach the recently received perspex sheet - eight separate chiselling (two per length of wood) - and then i drilled and countersunk three holes into each of the two wooden frame uprights before calling it a day, so to speak...

25 January 2023 (50F inth living room)

An easier day with an earlier finish today...

   ...I gave the areas around both my kitchen and main living-room windows a second coat of paint...

      ...And earlier this afternoon my pack of 20 L-shaped metal brackets arrived (my local diy store no longer stocks them) - so tomorrow hopefully i should be able to affix them to the ends of the 4 pieces of painted wood that will form the frame for the large sheet of perspex to be affixed to...

24 January 2023 (49.5F inth living room)

A busy day today...

   ...A visit to the diy shop, painting around the kitchen window and living-room main window, and giving the four pieces of wood, for what will become the kitchen window secondary frame, three coats of paint...

      ...Why three coats, i hear you ask??? - well it is winter after all isn't it...

23 January 2023 (49.5F inth living room)

It feels like a much milder day today, with the snow and slush now gone - and it indeed felt much warmer during my walkies, whereby i eventually found myself removing my coat, and then, a little later, unzipping my fleece - the reason being that i found my upper body/torso to be perspiring...

I started a new project today - cutting four pieces of wood to size for the frame for the kitchen window, in order to later fit a newly purchased sheet of clear perspex to it for increased insulation, as well as increased sound-proofing - it would perhaps seem like a quick and simple job to complete, but i wanted a tight fit so it took time to complete it...

So, tis now time to relax before hopefully continuing with such a project tomorrow...

22 January 2023 (47.5F inth living room)

For those who may be interested, i have just published The 'Apocalypse' Dream within, yeah, you guessed it, DREAMS...

Oh, and yeah, i did finish painting the remaining part of the remaining living-room wall onth 20 January 2023 btw...

I have now published An ET Tune within MUSIC, for those who may like to both listen to and read its contents...

19 January 2023 (49F inth living room)

Up early again this morning (between 6 and 6:30am) to be greeted by a fairly heavy covering of snow...

So i was busy, both yesterday and today, moving furniture and stuff and painting living-room walls - i now only have the main part of one remaining wall to paint...

And with the snow laden land beckoning me for a walk, and the sun shining brightly, i took a midday break to enjoy such a walkies, and to visit my local supermarket onth way back, before having lunch and then recommencing with my wall painting activities...

18 January 2023 (49F inth living room)

It snowed a little yesterday for the first time this winter - and seemingly last night also, as there is a thin/sparse covering of snow onth ground - today is the first time, this January, that my still unheated living-room has recorded a temperature below 50F...

So, with the painting of the living-room ceiling having been completed yesterday, tis now time to start re-painting the anaglypta wall paper onth walls - after some breakie and some internet browsing, of course - these things simply cannot be rushed, afterall, can they, dahlings...

Last night's sleepies was a very atypical one indeed for me - for i awoke, instantly realising that i had neither dreampt or awoken for a pee break - only to then fall back to sleep again for a short while, and then awaken to the realisation of having then had a dream whereby i was walking and prancing around, hand-in-hand with an unknown blonde-haired female (ooh la laa fellow dahlings) ...

17 January 2023 (50F inth living room)

Well, yesterday one went out and purchased a tin of ceiling/wall paint - and i managed to paint around two thirds of the living-room ceiling - this then being completed during this morning...

   ...Yes, one has decided to give one's living-room a much needed/overdue makeover dahlings...

      ...New curtains and a new carpet are also in the offing - exciting times eh...

11 January 2023 (54F inth living room)

This morning was one of those mornings whereby at 6am i decided that i may as well get up and start my day, as it seemed fairly obvious to me that i was pretty much wide awake, and was unlikely to fall asleep once again...

So, i have now completed A Rishi Dream within DREAMS, for those who may perhaps like to read its contents...

And i have now also completed A Naomi Dream within DREAMS, for those who may perhaps like to read its contents also...

28 December 2022

52.5F inth living-room today at around midday (that late??? - really???) today...

And after a walkies, and some food preparation, i settled down to watch the original, John Wayne, version of True Grit' - both versions are good - with John Wayne's more lively interpretation of Rooster Cogburn winning my favour...

And Manchester City won 3 - 1 away from home against Leeds Utd - time to play some IGI2 before bed...

27 December 2022

Tis a slightly less barmy 52F inth living-room today folks - and instead of sunshine and a bright blue sky, we are being treated to a steady downpour of rain and overcast skies - although one suspects that the rain element, at least, may well fade out of existence a little later inth day perhaps...

Oh, and a little update re the name votes folks - not a single vote has been cast unfortunately, so i have decided to declare it null and void, for the time being at least - i think it may well have something to do with the fact that, ostensibly at least, no-one other than myself actually seems to visit this 'ear site of O/ours (bummer huh) :-) :-) :-) ...

So, what else did i spend my day doing??? - well, after a walkies, i watched 'Winter's Bone' (Jennifer Lawrence), followed by 'True Grit' (the Jeff Bridges version), followed by watching Manchester United v Nottingham Forrest - twas indeed nice to see Marcus Rashford so happily enjoying his football once again (i wonder what's changed eh) :-) :-) :-) ... 

26 December 2022

Yippeeee - a welcomingly gloriously sunny 53.5F @ circa 10:30 this morning folks - :-) :-) :-) ...

So anyway, i've been thinking about a new name to call myself - and have decided to allow the whole of my faithful followers to vote onth matter - and if the majority don't like it, for any reason what-so-ever actually, then i simply won't use it...

   ...Personally, i think it goes well with someone who goes for a regular daily walkies - and, further more, twas a name of a pet dog of ours - waaaay back when i were still in me single figure years, in actual fact...

      ...So, anyway, without further ado, ears the proposed name for you all to vote upon - 'Patch' - tis a rather snazzy acronym for 'Personal Advisor To Conservative HQ', so it is :-) ;-) :-) ...

So anyway, i decided to spend some of my evening watching some footy - in one of the matches Aston Villa were leading by a rather impressive 3 nutmegs to nil - and in the other, Arsenal won by a rather impressive 3 goals to one...

25 December 2022

53F inth living-room this morning - amazingly mild - like yesterday, my torso began perspiring a little more than half way through my longest-of-walkies...

Oooh, and lest i forget, i shared the fake news of the Xmas card and the Fortnum & Masons luxury Xmas hamper onth Daily Telegraph earlier today - twas fun lolz - eeeh, what a mischief-making ickle wag i can be at times ay :-) :-) :-) ...

So, what have i done today, apart from some comment making and a walkies - well, i had earlier vowed to watch some of my hither-to-unseen second-hand DVD's over the Xmas period - and this afternoon i chose to watch the very enjoyable Rooster Cogburn (John Wayne & Katharine Hepburn) :-) :-) :-) ...

24 December 2022

Yay - an increasingly welcoming 51.8F inth living-room at 9:30 this morning folks - anth sun is shining within clear blue skies too...

Yay - i have now just published a BLOG offering entitled What Went Wrong - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

And, voila dahlings - i have now published an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog offering - and with that, after my washing machine (definitely not donated by Conservative Party HQ btw :-) ;-) :-) ) has finished its final cycle, i will take myself out for a perhaps well-earned(???) walkies... 

23 December 2022

Oooooh, 52.2F inth living-room this morning folks - pity about the rather persistent rain though - oh well, i guess the idea of inviting some of my neighbours to a barbie 'knees-up' inth garden will have to await another possible day eh...

Well, tis now 12:21 inth afternoon folks - i've been working onth intended future blog offering mentioned yesterday - all the supporting 'evidence' has now been collected and included within such an ongoing first draft, which, hopefully will/may be completed before the end of the day (tick tock, tick tock eh)...

Yay, after a walkies, i returned to work further on the first draft of such a blog - and have indeed now completed such a first draft - tis now time to relax folks :-) :-) :-) ...

22 December 2022

Ooooh, tis remaining fairly constant inth living-room temperature department folks - 49.9F today - maybe i'll be tempted to roll out the barbie and invite some neighbours to join me inth garden for some food and fun eh...

Ooooh, and guess what folks - yep, i've got a brand new BLOG to type out and offer - i even got Given an accompanying tune earlier today...

   ...I wonder if you can guess what it will be about...

      ...Eeeeh, that question will probably most definitely get the self-acclaimed geniuses (otherwise known as 'the infallible ones' - if only within their own minds eh) within the Guardian Online newspaper scratching their heads in wonderment, won't it - aaah well - maybe within the next few days i'll get it sorted for publication eh...

Sheesh - 15 comments and replies within the Daily Telegraph today - who's been a busy boy then eh :-) :-) :-) ...

21 December 2022

A very definite and welcoming 50F in my living-room this morning...

Yesterday i moved from the Guardian Online newspaper to the Daily Telegraph Online newspaper - it feels like a dark cloud has been lifted from me - when a paper tries to stop your attempts at making your own independent free-will choices regarding comments attempted to be made by yourself, it is simply game over as far as i am concerned...

I made 3 comments on The Daily Telegraph Online newspaper, both yesterday and today - all made under my real name of Terry Blake btw - and i am looking forward to making more of such comments there over the Xmas period and beyond, hopefully throughout the whole of 2023 in actual fact :-) :-) :-) ...

20 December 2022

Just a midges/tad under 50F inth living-room, upon the start of my day, this morning - what an unbelievable change within just a few days eh - 42F onth 16 December to a tad under 50F onth 20 December...

So anyway, walking back frompt supermarket a little earlier, i met one of my neighbours walking inth opposite direction...

   ...The originally amicable conversation then made a rather sudden change, as he started bad-mouthing the, back inth day, hippie movement - leading to him saying that John Lennon was 'just a guy with a guitar', causing me to reply rather seriously/intently, 'i think he was a bit more than 'just a guy with a guitar', don't you' - followed by, 'i think we'd better move on, before we end up having an argument', with a 'enjoy your day' following, whilst we were perhaps rather wisely physically distancing ourselves from one-another lolz (just kidding folks, as i'm a man of peace (or is that 'man of (perhaps many) pieces', obviously)...

      ...Eeeeeh, i did Him (John) proud didn't i  - with a 'Group Hug for John' being Suggested by myself, upon my return home -  amid much laughter at the sheer audacity of the acclaimed 'just a guy with a guitar' label being so readily assigned to poor old John lolz...

Neighbours eh lolz - we've actually known each other for quite a few years now btw - and will now doubt chat amicably with one-another, once again, next time our paths cross :-) :-) :-) ...

19 December 2022

47.5F at circa 9:30 this morning inth living-room - rising to 49F by just before 6pm...

I actually had to remove my thermal pants before going on my morning daily walkies - simply because they were no longer needed...

The top half of my body was actually perspiring quite heavily during my walkies, causing me to both remove my coat and completely unzip my  Berghaus fleece top - the air was such that i actually felt caressed by warmth - what an unbelievable change within such a short period of time...

18 December 2022

Oooooh, today is a n-n-n-n-nine number folks - 18 + 12 + 2022 = 2052, which, in turn, reduces to 9, of course ( 2 + 0 + 5 + 2 = 9) - sometimes seen as the number that represents completion apparently...

Anyway, numbers put aside for the time being, i have now just published ABBA Dabba Doo, within MUSIC - a very early Sunday morning start indeed - enjoy...

Oooh, and guess what folks - at 9:40am it is a somewhat balmy (please note the spelling yeah) 45.5F inth living-room - luxury, i tell thee...

   ...Oooh, and lest i forget to mention it, i felt the need to wear my thermal bottoms, for the first time this winter, later yesterday afternoon - how long before i possibly start feeling the need to wear my thermal top/vest, also, is anybody's guess of course - possibly/hopefully not at all eh...

      ...Oooh, i aced a quiz (onth Guardian Online newspaper), for possibly the first time in my life actually - matching desks to those used/owned by famous writers (7 out of 7 questions answered correctly) - pretty cool huh :-) :-) :-) ...

17 December 2022

Well, twas 43.5F inth living-room at circa 9:45am this morning...

   ...Further good news is that there is cloud cover, and the snow and ice has started to gradually melt...

      ...However, tis actually feeling decidedly colder than it has felt for the whole of the cold spell thus far - an unwelcoming fact that i am, rightly or wrongly, attributing to the increase in moisture inth air - maybe some heated food and a second warm drink will help warm the body up further eh...

16 December 2022

Well, this morning at 9:15 the thermometer within my still unheated living-room read 42F...

   ...That is 4F lower than the lowest temperature recorded during the whole of last winter...

      ...Could it be an indication that the Atlantic 'conveyor belt' has started slowing one finds oneself wondering???...

15 December 2022

Wow, 44F in my living-room at 8:15 this morning (rising to 45F eventually) - whereas, last winter, the minimum morning daily temperature i recorded was 46F, during the whole of the winter - there was even some ice on some of the edges of the main living-room windows this morning...

   ...I guess that if i manage to keep going until such a stated cold period has ended then the less cold period following it will feel rather comfortable/warm by comparison...

      ...Proving, perhaps, that all things are indeed comparative...


11 December 2022 (49F)

I have just published a BLOG and accompanying VIDEO that i prepared in first draft form yesterday - both are entitled Well I Never - tas been a long time since i have done so, i know... 

I have now published A Jeremy Dream within DREAMS...

And finally, for today, i have now published A Keir Dream within DREAMS, also...

13 September 2022 (63.5F)

Yay - i've just finished my latest woodworking project - draft-proofing the window area, in front of which my computer desk is positioned...

   ...The bottom half of the wooden frame is covered with white painted plywood, and the top half with a cut to size, drilled, and screw-attached clear perspex window pane thingy...

      ...Interestingly perhaps, i Perceived the rather welcoming occasional Presence of Paul Newman (as well as 'Need For Speed' Paul, to a Perceived lesser extent actually), once again, whilst i was working away - during which W/we Interacted in a within-mind way, during one day in particular - i very much admire and like Paul, He is definitely one of the Good Guys, in my personal opinion at the very least...

11 September 2022 (66F)

I have just published Questions Of Balance within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to its contents - twas one that i prepared yesterday morning...

3 September 2022 (69F)

I have now published My Spiritual Structure within BLOGS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents - earlier prepared on 2 Sept 2022...

And i have published an earlier prepared accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog, also...

And i have now just added 3 more APHORISMS - 1 within 'Others' and 2 within 'Ours' - 2 old ones and one new one...

21 August 2022 (65F)

I have now just published Another Return Song within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both listen to and read its contents...

20 August 2022 (65F)

Yay, my new laptop arrived today, and is now up and running - tas an OLED screen too, doncha know dahlings - :-) :-) :-) ...

18 August 2022 (67F)

I have just published A JJ Response within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both listen to and read its contents...

14 August 2022 (76F)

I have just published Another Love Song within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both listen to and read its contents...

7 August 2022 (66.5F)

I have just published The Return Song within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both listen to and read its contents...

For those interested, i have now just added a 'tiger in my tank' explanation within the above musical offering... 

31 July 2022 (69F)

I have just published Sunday's Love Song within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both listen to and read its contents...

23 July 2022 (68F)

I have just, rather belatedly, published The Famous Three within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

26 June 2022 (70F)

I have just published Another Stevie Tune within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both listen to and read its contents...

And i have now just published Another 'DB' Dream within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

And, finally for today, i have now just published Another Cristiano Dream within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents... 

29 May 2022 (65F)

I have just published Three Linked Tunes  within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both listen to and read its contents...

Oh - i missed out the summary bit - sorted :-) :-) :-) ...

And alking abo hings missing - some keyboard leers have been missing for a while now, also, afer i sil some crry on i a while ago- roll on geing me new lao in a few monhs ime eh...

22 May 2022 (66F)

BOO once again :-) :-) :-) ...

I have just published The 'Sadness' Dream within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

And i have now just published Two 'Selfie' Dreams within DREAMS also - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

2 May 2022 (61.5F)

BOO :-) :-) :-) ...

24 April 2022 (60F)

Up at 7:05am - no walkies or weights today   - a dossing day basically...

23 April 2022 (63F)

Up at 8:40am - went for a single walkies and did some shopping - a relaxing/lazy day...

22 April 2022 (62F)

Up at 6:20am - went for a single walkies - then, later on, went tooth shops and generally chilled...

21 April 2022 (63.5F)

Up at 7:10 on this, once again, sunny morning - with sliced mangos in a light syrup for breakfast - and then, a couple of hours later, it was out for a walkies i took myself...

I have now published Some Bryan Ferry within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to its contents...

And then, sometime later, out for a second walkies - and weights exercises - then, inth evening, i watched The Giver...

20 April 2022 (62F)

Up at 7:25 on this sunny Wednesday morning - with a bowl of tangerine segments and some dates for break[ing the night-time ]fast - all whilst surfin' the net too (pretty cool huh) ...

Two walkies today - and some shopping - and an ickle play onth Mail Online...

I saw a green parrot flying around inth early evening - yep, a green parrot - a few weeks ago someone told me he had seen a number of them, and i asked him whether he had been smoking too much of the green stuff lolz...

19 April 2022 (62F)

Up at 8:10 on this, once again, sunny morn...

And choosing to get off the blocks rather quickly, i have now published A Cool Guy within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to its contents...

Hmmm, what else was it that i did - oh yeah, i went for a walkies - and inbetween, just dossed about really...

18 April 2022 (64F)

Up at 8:10am - and straight onto some lazy, relaxin', web browsin' - before summut came, seeminly spongetaneously, to mind like, and got me typin'...

So, a little time laterz, the Eye Woz Finkin BLOG was published - along wiv an accompanying VIDEO of the same title - for those who may perhaps wish/like to both read and listen to their contents...

Oooh, i forgot the third bit - oh well, better late than never i spose - and, two days later, i don't have a clue wot else i did, obviously...

17 April 2022 (67F)

Up at 8:55, on this, once again, warm and sunny morning - just a single walkies - tis a gloriously sunny lazy bank holiday after all...

16 April 2022 (62F)

Up at a much earlier 6:55am - out for a walkies inth early morning sunshine - then back for a bowl of pre-steeped cereals, with my weights exercises following sometime later inth morning...

I have now published The Petersens Selection within MUSIC - for those who may like/wish to listen to its contents...

Oooh, and i went for a second walkies inth sunshine too - well i had to try to exercise off at least some of that strawberry cheesecake i treated myself to after all - :-) :-) :-) ...

15 April 2022 (61F)

Up at 9:15am - only one walkies today - a day spent mainly relaxing and web browsing...

14 April 2022 (62F)

Up at 9:05am - yesterday my thighs were aching, tight and leaden, and i sensed the possible onset of a head cold developing - but, alas, after a good, healing, sleep i awoke feeling back to normal and ready to go :-) :-) :-) ...

For a morning walkies - and some weights exercises - and then a late afternoon walkies also...

I sat for a meditation practise today - for the first time in around 25 years - a meditation practise simply seeking to establish the breath...

13 April 2022 (59F)

Up at 9am - some shopping, two leg weary walkies, and weights exercises - some reading and relaxation later on...

12 April 2022 (59F)

Up at 8:25 on this wet and rainy morning...

So, wait until the non-rainy afternoon i did - then out i went to tcob - and then some weights exercises, followed by a single dedicated walkies...

I have just added three more APHORISMS of 'Ours' - especially for those who may perhaps like/wish to read them - and now to a relaxing evening before bed...

11 April 2022 (60F)

Up at 8:25am - two walkies and weights exercises - a relaxing day...

10 April 2022 (60F)

Up at 10:15am on this rather lazy/relaxed day - although i did manage to do a walkies - :-) :-) :-) ...

9 April 2022 (59.5F)

Up at a somewhat later 9:30 am - after having gotten to bed at 1:30am last night - film/movie watching doncha know :-) :-) :-) ...

I have just published Some Thompson Twins within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both read and listen to its contents...

Then i finished the day with a couple of films :-) :-) :-) ...

8 April 2022 (59.5F)

Up at 8:20 on this more welcoming morning - out for a walkies and some shopping - and a short time afterwards i did my weights exercises...

Then, after taking care of various stuff, it was out for a second walkies and some more shopping - and back to copy another, just received, album onto both laptops - then some food, followed by listening to Into The Gap by the Thompson Twins (delux 2 CD set, doncha know) ...

Then i selected my best three tunes for offering within MUSIC tomorrow - so, a relaxingly varied day really, overall - maybe i'll finish it off with a streamed movie/film...

7 April 2022 (57F)

Up at 7:30 am on this showery and blustery day...

A morning walkies and shopping - weights exercises - an afternoon walkies...

Some reading - some relaxation - and to bed at 10:15pm...

6 April 2022 (57F)

Up at 8am - then out for a walkies and some shopping soon afterwards - and back for a bowl of mangoes in juice...

Then some reading - then some weights exercises - then a bowl of pre-steeped cereals, followed by more reading...

Then out for another walkies, followed by more reading and a bowl of vegetable curry - and then onto my laptop at 9pm, for the first time today - a nice relaxing, computer-free day, for the first time in what seems like absolutely ages :-) :-) :-) ... 

5 April 2022 (57F)

Up at 8:40am on this fairly cloudy Tuesday - then, whilst eating a bowl of strawberries in light syrup, i got to work adding the year to the start of each blog (129 of such blogs completed to date doncha know) - something that the website software doesn't allow you to add automatically, unfortunately (although i did ask about its possible inclusion some time ago) ...

Anyway, having now completed it, a much needed walkies very much beckons dahlings...

And then there was the reading of another Michael Connelly novel - then the weights exercises - and then another walkies followed by more reading and relaxation...

4 April 2022 (57F)

Up at 8:45 on this rather overcast Monday - and then, sometime later, out for a morning walkies, and back to do my weights exercises (3600lbs in total, per session, now) - and it's not been a long Bank Holiday weekend after all, and today isn't Easter Monday, oh well :-) :-) :-) ...

I have now published Some Depeche Mode within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both read and listen to its contents - i am now suspecting that some of those sometimes seemingly rather mischievous A Team Members may have been playing, what turned out to be a rather extended, April fool's joke on me dahlinks...

Second walkies sorted - relaxation time - then bed...

3 April 2022 (57F)

Up at 8am and straight to work preparing the first draft of a new blog - and then out for a walkies and some shopping - before returning to eat a bowl of earlier prepared pre-steeped cereals, and then continuing to work on what was to become the final draft of such a new blog...

I have now just published both a new BLOG and accompanying VIDEO - both of which are entitled Short Story Four - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both read and listen to their contents...

And, finally for today, i have just published A 'DB' Dream within DREAMS - sheesh, a busy Sunday - time to relax, go for a second walkies, and do my weights exercises...

2 April 2022 (58.5F)

Up at 7:15 on this sunny Saturday morning - then, after having prepared a bowl of water-steeped cereals and eaten a bowl of apricot halves in juice, i got straight to work on publishing both a BLOG and accompanying VIDEO entitled Short Story Three - well i was hardly going to publish them yesterday, after all, was i :-) :-) :-) ...

Two walkies completed - weights exercises done - all my out-standing music cd's copied onto iTunes and the track titles typed in...

Relaxation time spent generally internet browsing, paper article reading, and gameplay watching - a good and productive day overall - time for beddy byes at 11:30pm...

1 April 2022 (59F)

Up at 7am to eat an early breakfast of peach halves in juice - then out for a walkies - then back for a bowl of pre-steeped cereals, before completing the final draft of the blog i was working on yesterday...

I have just added three more APHORISMS - one in 'Others' - and two in 'Ours'...

And with a second walkies and weights exercises having been completed, tis now time to relax once again...

31 March 2022 (59.5F)

Up at 7:25am on this rather frosty, but sunny, last day of March - then it was straight down to putting some clothes and detergent intooth washing machine, eating a bowl of mangoes in juice,  and preparing some cereals in water - before moving on to hoover the living-room carpet...

Twas then out to take care of some personal business, after having done some preparatory reading/work - then out for a walkies and a bowl of pre-steeped cereals - and then i got down to the typing out of the first draft of a new blog...

And then, after doing my weights exercises, twas out, into the sunshine, for another walkies - and then back, to finally set the washing machine into motion - before relaxing for the day (as well as hanging the clothes up to dry, upon their washing-machine cycles completion of course) ...

30 March 2022 (59.5F)

Up at 9:10am on this fairly cold and wet day...

No dedicated walkies today - however i did do my weights exercises - and went out on three seperate missions, one of which was a shopping one...

Other than that it was a fairly lazy and relaxing day spent watching gameplay onth computer...

29 March 2022 (61F)

Up at 6:30am, and straight down to publishing Another Boris Dream within DREAMS...

And, after a bowl of apricot halves in a light syrup, orft i went for a morning walkies - before eating a bowl of pre-steeped cereals and then typing up a 1st draft of another 'ketchup' blog that i spent some more time thunking about yesterday...

   ...Yay - and i have now just published The Funeral Service within BLOGS - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

      ...And i have now published an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog offering...

And after watching the first half of the English version of Lady Chatterley, orft one went for another walkies - then, upon my return, the weights exercises were completed, before the second half of Lady Chatterley was watched - at least i now know the general theme of the dialogue of the French version i watched some days ago :-) :-) :-) ...

   ...The dialogue i found to be most interesting - 'how many will hatch out???' - '60...70 odd - 24 days after they're set'...

      ...'6 months???' - 'aye' - hmmm, okay, if you say so lolz...

28 March 2022 (62F)

Up at 7:30am - a bowl of peach halves in juice - out for a walkies...

Some thunking and a nap - weights exercises - another walkies and shopping...

Another nap - some web surfin' - and some relaxing before bed...

27 March 2022 (64F)

Up at 7:40 8:40 on this sunny Sunday morning - yeah, the clocks went forward - and i am now eating a bowl of apricot halves in a light syrup...

And then out for a walkies - and then back for a bowl of pre-steeped cereals - and then some book reading...

And then another walkies - and then i finished reading the book - and now i'm relaxing before bedtime...

26 March 2022 (63F)

Up at 7:40 once again - and soon afterwards out for a nice walkies inth morning sunshine - then back for a bowl of mixed fruits in a light syrup...

And then out with needle and thread, to repair some clothing whilst listening to Have You In My Wilderness, and then Ekstasis, by Julia Holter - and then onto checking the washing machine pump, to see if it needed any attention, which it didn't - and then onto putting dried clothing item away into a drawer...

And then down to some more book reading, before going out for another walkies, returning to do my weights exercises - and then some more evening reading - and finally, for the day, i watched almost all of Lady Chatterley (without the English subtitles), before being Called to the Other Side, so orft to bed i went...

25 March 2022 (63F)

Up at 7:40am on this once again sunny day - and after having a bowl of peach halves in juice orft for a walkies i went - during which i espied a woodpecker, wood pecking away, rather loudly, in a tree...

I have now published My Covid Miracle within BLOGS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents - and now i have published an accompanying VIDEO to the above blog offering also...

24 March 2022 (62F)

Up at 7am - and after cleaning the kitchen tops and eating a bowl of mango slices in syrup, orft i went for a fairly early morning walkies - then back for the weights exercises...

Then, after putting the washing machine into motion, a blog writing i went - and after having finished the first draft orft i went for a second walkies - so, clothes items now drying, tis time to relax for a while before doing some more book reading...

 So, with washed items now drying, a book reading i went - with a vegetable curry eaten inbetween - and then some internet browsing before beddy-byes time...

23 March 2022 (59.5F)

Up at 8am on this warm and sunny morn - a bowl of mixed fruit in juice for breakfast - then some relaxed thought, followed by a bowl of pre-steeped cereals...

No walkies today, but i did do my weights exercises - i added some extra weight actually - resulting in me now lifting 3,300 lbs, in total, per session...

Anyway, i have now read just over 100 pages of my next Michael Connelly novel - tis called A Darkness More Than Night - like the previous one, i've actually read it once before, but hey, tis not preventing the enjoyment of reading it again...

22 March 2022 (56F)

Up at 7:45am after having watched Charade (Cary Grant & Audrey Hepburn, amongst others), for the very first time, last evening - anyway, then one pretty much got straight down to putting the finishing touches to one's latest, soon to be published, blog offering dahlings - and then orft one went for one's walkies, before returning for one's bowl of pre-steeped cereals doncha know...

And voila dahlings - a new BLOG entitled Dealing With Hindrances has now been published - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

   ...And i have now published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both listen to and read its contents...

      ...Yay - time to do other stuff - with the weights exercises coming up/first...

And a second, early evening, walkies was enjoyed - and then i relaxed - and then i went to bed...

21 March 2022 (59F)

Up at 7:45am and rather quickly got to work on completing the first draft of a new 'ketchup' blog - then out for a walkies and some shopping - and returned to do some practical stuff...

And after a wee nap onth settee, a bowl of pre-steeped cerals were eaten - then i finished reading Nighthawk by Clive Cussler - twas a book that i had forgooten i was reading previous to my ketchup blog typing and publishing splurge...

Anyway, tis now evening relaxation time once again - last evening i watched Deep Water - a film that i considered to be very good indeed btw...

20 March 2022 (60F)

Yay - into the sixes for the first time this year - and at 7:20 am, when i got up, too...

A midday walkies - plus a little reading - a rather lazy Sunday folks...

Out for another walkies inth early evening - then back to do some weights exercises - now tis time for a relaxing evening...

19 March 2022 (59F)

Up at 9:30 on this third consecutive gloriously sunny morning - i don't think the squirrel likes Brazil nuts - which is a shame really, as i had hoped it would have been a particularly tasty treat for it...

Ahaa - when i went to feed the squirrel another three nuts, the Brazil nut, and two bits of hazel nuts, that were left unfinished yesterday morning, had all gone - so let's see what happens tomorrow morning eh...

Anyway, after a morning walkies, a rather lazy day, a second late afternoon / early evening walkies, and some weights exercises, tis now time to relax for the evening once again...

18 March 2022 (57F)

Up at 7:30 on this also gloriously sunny morning...

Walkies and weights exercises completed early...

And the rest of The Wrong Side Of Goodbye by Michael Connelly read - it was apparently published in 2016 in the UK - however, i feel sure that i've read it once before :-) :-) :-) ...

   ...And this evening i watched another Robert Redford film - this one was called Sneakers - a film that i bought earlier this year, if my memory serves me correctly...

      ...And that brings to an end another exhausting day, here in downtown Manchester, folks...

17 March 2022 (55.5F)

Up at 8:55 on this nice and gloriously sunny morning - the first day of spring surely dahlings - i treated one lucky squirrel to three different nuts once again this morning (an almond, a brazil nut, and a hazelnut) ...

Well, what a very lazy day indeed - but a very enjoyable one none-the-less - with a later walkies thrown in for good, balancing, measure...

And later i watched the rest of the Three Days Of The Condor...

16 March 2022 (55.5F)

Up at 9:45 on this now sunny late morning - i had anuffer really lovely sleep last night - and feel really at peace with the world, tis nice...

And now having been for a walkies, and having done my weights exercises, tis time for some more relaxing reading...

And i finished off my day by watching part of Three Days Of The Condor, before going to bed at about 9:40pm i think...

15 March 2022 (56.5F)

Up at 9:10 this morning - and i've enjoyed a really lazy and relaxing day - no walkies for the first time in ages...

I did some afternoon shopping though - and read some more Michael Connelly later - The Wrong Side Of Goodbye actually...

So anyway, after having eaten well today, i am now listening to The Super-Jo Whiley Show, whilst surfin'/browsin' the net n stuff :-) :-) :-) ...

14 March 2022 (55.5F)

Up at 7:25 on this rather sunny Monday morning - and then, a little later, out for a walkies - returning to work further on a blog i had been working on during the latter part of last week...

I have now published Kel The SpaceFarer within BLOGS - and now an accompanying VIDEO of the same title - for those who may perhaps like/wish to, both read, and listen, to their contents...

13 March 2022 (55.5F)

Up at 8:05am on this rather lazy Sunday - a little bit of checking on stuff, and then a short snooze onth sofa - then out for a walkies and some shopping...

Yesterday, whilst out walking, two people mentioned 'down the rabbit hole - then i read it inth Guardian too, so bought the dvd (the Johnny Depp version) - and today i enjoyed watching it...

A relaxing evening...

12 March 2022 (55.5F)

Up at 7:25 this morning, after going to bed shortly after 10 last night - i sort of half-interestedly did a bit of work on the blog i am working on, before choosing to have a kip on my living-room sofa - after which i ate my bowl of pre-steeped cereals before going out for a walkies and then returning to do my weights exercises...

And i have now published A Kanye Dream within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read it content...

I have now added an addendum to the All About Karma BLOG that i published on 7 March 2022...

11 March 2022 (55.5F)

Up at 8 this morning, after having gone to bed shortly after 9 last night - and what a lovely sleep i enjoyed dahlings - ooh la la :-) :-) :-) ...

Anyway, after a fairly early morning walkies and weights exercises, i got started, fairly leisurely, on another 'ketchup' blog - tis based upon one wot i writ back in 1996 actually - and one that, inbetween an ickle sleep onth sofa/settee, i have now completed, in first draft form...

And after anuffer ickle sleep onth sofa i am now relaxing...

10 March 2022 (53.5F)

Up at 6:05am, after having gone to bed shortly after 9:30 last night...

Three more APHORISMS of 'Ours' have now been published...

I have just published Some 10cc Dud(ett)es within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both listen to and read its contents...

9 March 2022 (51F)

Up at 6:10 and sorta rarin' to go this morning, after having got to bed before 10 last night...

So anyway, after a morning walkies, back i returned to continue with the blog that i had been working on yesterday - and as that has now been completed, tis time to work on publishing it - another busy day...

   ...And i have now published both A 'Pubs' Journey within BLOGS and an accompanying VIDEO of the same title - for those who may wish to both read and listen to there contents - phew...

      ...And now after having gone for a second walkies and done my weights exercises, tis time for some relaxation :-) :-) :-) ...

8 March 2022 (51F)

Up at 7:40 on this rather welcomingly sunny morn - and now that me initial 'non-internet' problems have been seemingly sorted, orft W/we are up and running once again - phewf, that jangled me into full awakeness rather more abruptly than i would otherwise have wished dahlings...

   ...And without further ado, i have now published the Sperm & Ovum blog - twas one that i put the finishing touches to / prepared last eveninks dahlinks - O/our Chief Editor, 'JJ', is going to be well-pleased with such efforts isn't She lolz...

      ...And i have now also published an accompanying VIDEO to the above blog offering - for those who may perhaps wish/like to both listen to and read its contents - twas one that i also prepared last evening btw...

Then, afterwards, i went for a still-morning walkies and some shopping - then returned to get stuck into working on a new blog - one that i still have to finish off tomrrow hopefully...

Then i had an ickle mission to take care of before making a tea-time meal - now i am relaxing with The Super-Jo Whiley Show - before probably getting an earlyish night...

7 March 2022 (51F)

Up at 8:55 this morning and enjoyed a bowl of peach halves in juice - then after a quick(???) look ath papers, tis orft on a walkies i will go - before getting to work on anuffer blog once again...

I have now published a BLOG entitled All About Karma - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

And i have now published an accompanying VIDEO to the above blog offering - yippee, finished my Work for the day - relaxation time, and perhaps another walkies, beckons folks :-) :-) :-) ...

6 March 2022 (52F)

Up at 7:20 on this bright and sunny Sunday morning...

   ...And got straight down to publishing A 'Protonic' Dream within DREAMS - for those who may possibly like/wish to read its contents - tis a rather strangely interesting one, from back in December 2016...

      ...And i have now added A Dream Remembrance to DREAMS also - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its content - phew, a busy start to the day eh...

And i have now published A Sunday Duet within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both listen to and read its contents - yep, most definitely a busy start to the day for sure folks...

And after an ickle play onth Guardian i went for a walkies (i had two yesterday) and did some weights exercises (after having two days rest) - and then i had an ickle play onth Mail Online also - and then relaxed...

5 March 2022 (51.5F)

Up at a much more reasonable 6:55 this morning - after having gone to bed at around 9:30 last evening, and after having enjoyed a really deeep sleeep - i feel sure i have something to do today, but i can't quite think what at the moment (maybe JJ will remind me eh) ...

Yay - i have now published a Three Girl Friends BLOG - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its content...

And i have now published a VIDEO of the same title as the above blog offering also - for those who may perhaps like/with to both listen to, and read, its contents...

   ...I have just published A Healing Dream within DREAMS - for those who perhaps may be interested in reading its contents...

      ...And finally for today, i have just published A Castle Dream within DREAMS also - for those who perhaps may be interested in reading its contents - by 'eck i'm spoiling you all today aren't i lolz...

4 March 2022 (52.5F)

Wot??? Up at 3:05am??? You iz jokin' me right??? - oh well, getting up is better than awakening at circa 2:30am and continuing to lay in bed with the mechanics, chronology of events, etc of this next blog simply swimmin' around me 'ead i guess, and hey i did go to bed shortly after 10pm last night anyway i s'pose - hi ho, hi ho, tis orft to work one goes...

   ...Phew - well that's the cronology and certain unremembered details/references sorted, at 7:20am, anyway - a bit of a rest and then an early morning walkies now...

      ...And then back to start such a blog proper, at just after 10am...

Yay - first draft completed at a little before 2pm - orft out for anuffer walkies in an ickle bit :-) :-) :-) ...

And after having completed said second walkies and done some shopping i got the VIDEO bit of the blog sorted - time to relax before possibly getting an early night - oooh, and there's that second half of the film i started watching last night to finish isn't there :-) :-) :-) ...

3 March 2022 (51.75F)

Sheesh, up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and a rarin' to go, at 4:45 this morning ('She's got me workin' like a dog' lolz (paraphrased)) - mind you, i went to bed shortly after 10 last night, and i've had a really good/deep sleep, so all is well - and i've found a couple of pomes (one yesterday whilst looking for a possible something else, and then another, related one, this morning, after realising that there was indeed another related one, whilst fully awakening within my bed this morning) that i wish to add POEMS, so orft one goes a-workin' dahlinks...

   ...Okey dokey, that's A Short Pome now added to POEMS...

      ...And that's The Crow's Nest now added to POEMS also...

And, after an early morning walkies, i have now, rather belatedly perhaps, added the associated comments within/after the 'I Love You' part of the previously published Ms Janis Joplin BLOG...

   ...Yay - i have now completed and published The 'A' Team within BLOGS - for those who may perhaps like/with to read its contents...

      ...And i have now published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to its content - yippee :-) :-) :-) ...

So after anuffer ickle play onth Guardian orft i went for a walk in the rain (rather than park) - then back to do the weights exercises and some relaxation - currently listenin' to and very much enjoyin' the well-bangin' Super-Jo Whiley Show :-) :-) :-) ...

2 March 2022 (51.75F)

Up at an earlier 8:10 this morning - after having stayed up until around 1:15am last night - and as i felt like eating a bowl of fruit, i decided upon a can of fruit cocktail to accompany my chosen cup of weak and fairly milky coffee...

I have rather quickly/promptly published both a BLOG and accompanying VIDEO - both of which are entitled Sorry Ms Joplin - especially for those who may perhaps like/wish to read and listen to their contents (as well as being a personal reminder for my Good self of course :-) :-) :-) )...

Pssst, don't tell anyone yeah, but inbetween my two walkies and weights exercises, i've been working on, and have now completed, the first draft of a new blog - anyway, mum's the word okay - anyway tis now time fort Super Jo Whiley Show once again...

1 March 2022 (53.5F)

Up at 9:35am once again on this first day of March - i actually started the day thinking that it was Sunday - and as such, went ontooth Guardian to find Tim Dowling's latest offering (even though i think it is published each Saturday lolz) ...

Anyway, after a bowl of apricots in juice???/syrup???, orft i went for a walkies inth sunshine - and then back home to pick up some shopping bags, and back out tooth supermarket for some shopping - and then back for anuffer ickle play onth Guardian...

And then, later, out for a second walkies, and back to do my weights exercises - and now i'm listening tooth Jo Whiley Show onth internet radio - with a vegetable curry planned for an ickle later...

28 February 2022 (52.5F)

Up at a more leisurely 9:35 this morning - and after trimming me 'ooves orft i went for an ickle play onth Guardian -whilst eating a bowl of strawberries in a light syrup once again...

And then at midday orft i took myself for a walkies inth great, overcast and showery, outdoors - and back indoors to eat a bowl of pre-steeped cereals - together with a cup of warm Horlicks...

And then i read some more Michael Connelly - listened to The Jo Whiley Show - and then watched the rest of season 4 of the Ozark series...

27 February 2022 (52F)

Up at 8:45am and the thermals have come off (i was only wearing the pants anyway) - and then, after preparing some water-steeped cereals, orft one went for a walkies inth bright morning sunshine - and then it was a bowl of strawberries in a light syrup for breakfast...

 And after such a walkies three more APHORISMS were added/published - one of/within 'Others' - and two of/within 'Ours'...

Weights exercises followed by more Michael Connelly reading - then another walkies followed by more reading - followed by vegetable curry and relaxation...

26 February 2022 (52F)

Up at 8:35am once again - out for an early morning walkies, and back for my weights exercises - then read the final twenty pages of Where Heavens Meet by k.t. Frankovich...

I started reading The Wrong Side Of Goodbye by Michael Connelly today - then went for a swcond walkies - then read some more...

And inth early evening i watched Ad Astra, realising, whilst doing so, that i have watched once before - i think i shall now watch CAT. 8 (part two) - 

25 February 2022 (52F)

Up at 8:35am - much better day weather wise - no rain, fairly clear skies, and little wind...

Walkies and weights exercises once again...

A nice relaxing day overall...

24 February 2022 (53.5F)

Up at 8:50 on what started off as being a rather promising sunny morning, but quickly turned into a showery one - not driving rain showers though - but driving small pellets of snow/hail instead...

But hey, a usual walkies was partaken of - with weights exercises following sometime afterwards - and with some other fairly generic stuff thrown in for good measure...

Stuff like reading more of the Jackanory book for example - i have come to the conclusion, rightly or wrongly, that the author of such a book could possibly be a bit of a fantasist, and a rather exaggerating one at that - only about 20 pages left to read, thankfully...

23 February 2022 (53.5F)

Up at a leisurely 9:50 on this partially blue-skyed, more convivial, somewhat sunny morning...

Walkies and weights exercises completed once again...

Other than that it was a pretty sedate/sedentary kinda day...

22 February 2022 (51.5F)

Up at 8:50 on this overcast and rainy Tuesday morning - today is the first day of the final week of February - which means that on Tuesday of next week it will be the first day of the third month of 2022 (yippee sayeth i) ...

A later walkies and weights exercises (i did them yesterday also) - with another pair of walking boots later put in for resoling - and afterwards i continued with some more Jackanory reading...

I actually went out twice today without wearing a coat - for the first time this year in actual fact - surely a sure sign that winter is finally drawing to a close (well hopefully anyway) ...

21 February 2022 (50.5F)

Up at 8:50 on this rainy and windy Monday morning - tis now two calendar months since the shortest day (21 Dec 2021) - and daylight is now remaining/lasting until circa 5:30pm and increasingly beyond...

An invigorating walkies has been completed folks - a felled bush/tree on an early part of the walkies - and a felled tree necessitating a bit of a detour later on...

I've not read any more of that Jackanory book for a while - the one called Where Heavens Meet - however, i did do later this afternoon / early evening...

20 February 2022 (50F)

Up at a rather later 10:05 on this overcast and showery morning...

I have added/published a further 3 APHORISMS of 'Ours' - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read them - ideal ones for a Sunday perhaps...

I watched the second of my three Vincent Van Gogh films today - tis called Lust For Life - the main difference in this one is that Vincent is depicted as having shot himself in the stomach, whereas in At Eternity's Gate, it is one of two young males who is depicted as having shot Vincent in the stomach...

19 February 2022 (51.5F)

Up at 7:50 on this rainy Saturday morning, and straight into considering the details of a new summer-time, within-home, project...

Went for a walkies and did weights exercises - watched the last two original Planet Of The Apes films - twas almost like watching them all afresh...

Big Simon, the 52yr old gentle giant, unexpectedly passed away today - although i will miss seeing and interacting with him, i'm pleased for his early release, as his life was far from being an easy one - here's hoping that His new, non/post Earthly, Life is a far better one for Him...

18 February 2022 (52.5F)

Up at 9:10am and out for an early walkies - weights exercises later - and then film dvd's inth evening...

17 February 2022 (53F)

Up at 8:20am - an enjoyably lazy/relaxing day - with a walkies, shopping and weights exercises included...

16 February 2022 (53F)

Up at 7:45 on this fairly dull and cloudy morning - and sheesh, we're already into the third week of February - a February that is, so far, very much milder - with the second week of February having been between 5F and 6F warmer in my unheated living-room than for the same period of time last year (circa 3C warmer)...

No walkies or weights exercises - tut ut eh - defo a lazy week...

Who knows, maybe i'll wake up full of energy tomorrow :-) :-) :-) ...

15 February 2022 (51.75F)

Sheeperz, i forgot to record my day...

Up at an incredibly early 5:45am - with a morning walkies and later in the day weights exercises - and back to bed again for a couple of hours inth late afternoon...

Then an evening watching most of a pyramid movie - a day when i could have done perhaps more productive things, but chose not to - this week is seemingly turning out to be more of a resting type of one...

14 February 2022 (51.75F)

Up at 8:15 on this comparatively brighter but still rainy morning - but hey, such rain is seemingly not so incessant - so, after having eaten a bowl of pear halves, tis waterproofs on and a walkies we go...

Yay, i managed to buy some cans of peaches fromt supermarket on my way back too - no not pears, but peaches, yippee - amongst a few other things also of course...

I found myself spending quite quite a lot of time watching a series of YouTube videos about the JWST and one about the Kepler telescope today - plus other 'is there life out there' related ones also - and i forgot to do my weights exercises once again...

13 February 2022 (51F)

Golly gosh - up at 7:50 on this...yep...Sunday morning - with white peach halves (otherwise (unexpectedly) known as pears) to start the day with...

Word of the day/weekend ~ rain -well at least the fairly recently emerged snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils will be well-watered -and it could have been snow instead of rain of course...

Another lazy day - with a midday/afternoon nap/kip instead of exercise - tis good to rest the body occasionally, no???...

12 February 2022 (50.5F)

Sheeperz jeeperz - up at 8:10 on this Sunday morning - with a bowl of peach halves for breakfast, together with a cup of weak and milky coffee to drink...

Oh, it's Saturday - oh well that makes being up so early seem much more acceptable - and i've not really missed Saturday's football at all...

A dank, rainy, and especially lazy day - and an afternoon nap rather than a walkies - but hey, tomorrow is definitely Sunday, so all is good in my world, if only comparatively speaking...

11 February 2022 (51F)

Up at 8:10 on this slightly frosty morning - and then after giving myself time to more fully wake up, orft on a walkies one went - after which i returned for a bowl of pre-steeped cereals and a fairly weak cup of coffee...

And now, after tidying it up, i have published A Newspaper Journey within BLOGS - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

Okie dokie, after a break, i have now published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - for those who may like/wish to both read and listen to its contents - yippee, time to relax and enjoy this Friday, fast approaching, evening...

10 February 2022 (52F)

Up at 9 on this bright and sunny morning - and after preparing some cereals and leaving them to soak i typed up a dream wot i 'ad last night - a dream recollection that i will soon tidy up (if necessary) and publish...

Okie dokie, without further ado i have now published Anuffer UFO Dream within, erm, DREAMS - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents - so, time to now start the day proper...

So, with the first draft of the forthcoming blog now completed, tis now time for a walkies - then i played for a bit with my new toy etc - and finished off the evening by watching the rest of the film i started to watch last evening...

9 February 2022 (53F)

Up at 8:15 this morning, after getting to bed before 11 last night - i am going to start working on a new blog today - one that was earmarked for inclusion within the last few months...

So, after a morning walkies, i did indeed get to work on a latest blog - tis rather a long one, so i didn't quite finish the first draft before calling it a day - however i was left feeling satisfied with the amount i had managed to do, so all is well...

Later i did my weights exercises (i had forgotten to do so yesterday), before eating at listening tooth Jo Whiley Show onth internet radio, before then starting to watch The Navigator - a film that i decided to leave for anuffer viewing occasion, as i was feeling rather tired - so, orft to bed before 10pm did i find myself trotting dahlings...

8 February 2022 (52F)

Up at 8:20 once again, after going to bed at shortly after midnight last night...

And after preparing a bowl of cereals to eat later (i have opted to have a bowl of peach halves as a starter for the day), i got straight down to typing and publishing Another Mirror Dream within, yep you guessed it, DREAMS - now leaving me free to continue eating such a bowl of peach halves in a more leisurely manner - so what shall i now do with my day, i wonder (decisions, decisions eh)...

 Well, one did a number of different things actually dahlings - including a walkies of course (but no weights today ('memory man' syndrome again)) - and The Super Jo Whiley Show onth radio inth evening of course :-) :-) :-) ...

7 February 2022 (50F)

Up at 8:20, after going to bed sometime before 11 last night - and, after preparing some breakfast and making myself a Horlicks cuppa, i got straight down to typing in and publishing Shortest Of Dreams within erm DREAMS - please don't rush all at once to read its contents, as the wonderful Site123 people 'ave their bandwidth to consider innit lolz...

I have just returned from a morning walkies and eaten my pre-steeped cereals, after having previously made a few more tweaks tooth pome wot i is working on - all i have to do now (in theory at least) is to iron out a couple of rhythmic imbalances and it should perhaps be good to go - no rush eh :-) :-) :-) ...

Hmmm, that seemed to come to completion sooner than i thought (well, for now at least, anyway) - for i have now published The Heathen's Way within POEMS - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents... 

6 February 2022 (52F)

Up at 9:20 on this rather lazy Sunday morning...

And i have just added some extra textual information to yesterday's MUSIC selection btw - based upon a personal recall during my just returned from Sunday walkies - just call me 'memory man' yeah :-) :-) :-) ...

I received the third pack of batteries through't post today - and hallelujah baby, they actually/finally fitted an old gifted watch that i found in my tool box about a week or so ago - i had apparently wrapped it in multiple layers of cookin' foil possibly around fouteen years ago...

5 February 2022 (52F)

Up at 8:20 this morning (after going to beddy-byes at 11:30 last night) - did a little playing onth Guardian - and after being comment-inspired to work on a MUSICal offering, i went out for my usual non MacArthur Park walkies (twas, and still is, pishing down - tis strange what songs can come intooth yer 'ead at times isn't it - well eventually, after wondering what the title really is anyway) ...

And, without further ado, Some More FAK has just now been published within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps wish/like to both read and listen to its contents - enjoy :-) :-) :-) ...

Ooooh, i watched, and very much enjoyed K-PAX earlier inth evening - what an absolutely fantastic film - and one that i actually understood too...

4 February 2022 (54F)

Up soon after the birdies at a much earlier 7:15 this morning folks - with a morning walkies completed - and my resoled Scarpa's (well one pair anyway) collected...

And back home to a welcoming bowl of pre-steeped cereals - then to work on that there poem - and hey, from the previous bare bones, tas now taken better form, awaiting final/further refinement...

Whilst returning frompt shops, a little earlier, my eyes were drawn to the thin crescent moon hanging majestically in a clear part of the bluish sky - with the vapour trail of a plane streaking across the slightly lower part of the clear sky nearby, like a comet's tail - twas a sign i tell thee, a sign...

   ...Tis footy time soon - Manchester United v Middlesbrough - The FA Cup...

      ...Then perhaps another film/movie before bed, who knows...

3 February 2022 (53F)

Up and still sleepy at 9:35am folks, after an even earlier bedtime last night (if only i could remember the time eh) - walkies and shopping completed - with weights exercises completed later...

A sort of lazy day today - just doin' an assortment of non-important stuff - but watched that very entertaining Peacemaker film with George Clooney & Nicole Kidman late inth afternoon...

And inth evening i listened tooth Super Jo Show onth radio whilst doin' some Guardian & Mail reading/browsing - and then, after that, i watched that very entertaining film called The Last Stand with big Arnie, before going to bed - so, rather atypically perhaps, two really good films were watched and enjoyed today (yippee :-) :-) :-) ) ...

2 February 2022 (53F)

Up at 9:15 after going to bed a little earlier last night - walkies completed - though not the weights exercises today...

Ooooh, waddya know - last evening and this morning it would very much seem that Inspectore Clues-Oh made a number of appearances onth Guardian - yes, that's right dahlings, one has been 'avin' an ickle play once again (although who the 'one' was is still a bit of a mystery - to me at least) :-) :-) :-) ...

I was thinking about working on that still rather elusive poem, so i were - but hey, the day's decided to take a rather different turn instead - anyway, tis Super Jo time once again, so tis chillin' and perhaps further surfin' time once again...

1 February 2022 (52.5F)

Up at 9:40am after going to bed at 12:50am last night - in one of my dreams i was playin' some indoor footy-cum-rugby, when Gareth Bale and two of his attacking mates may a rush for goal - oh yeah, i took them boys down dudes :-) :-) :-) ...

And since the first day of February has arrived, i thought i would treat you all to three more of them there pesky APHORISMS - one in 'Others' and two in 'Ours' - and yeah, i know, pretty darn generous of me huh :-) :-) :-) ...

Ooooh - and i have now published New AURORA Music within MUSIC - i am definitely spoiling you all today you know :-) :-) :-) ...

31 January 2022 (51.5F)

Up at 9am, after getting to bed at a later than earlier anticipated 1:20am last night - walkies and shopping completed around midday/early afternoon - with weights exercises following shortly afterwards...

Yesterday i rather surprisingly discovered that each song within Aurora's new album is based upon a different Greek god (well apparently anyway) - so today i have been spending some time investigating such a seemingly unique expression of creativity further - which then, rather unexpectedly, resulted in me putting such an ongoing investigation aside for a while, to work on a potential new poem instead...

   ...Who would have thought that the contents of Aurora's new album would act as a muse for me, in such a way, eh - well definitely not me, that's for sure - even though some, quite understandably perhaps, may say, well why shouldn't it...

      ...Even though such a potential poem is seemingly completely unrelated within its still emerging form - isn't life strange, as someone once penned - a-muse-ing hey what (the word 'muse' is, rather coincidently perhaps, etymologically(???) related to Greek mythology) :-) :-) :-) ...

Whilst inth kitchen, preparing a vegetable curry meal and waterproofing my walking boots, i realised that there is indeed a 'sinners' connection to the poem i am working on - i was apparently perusing the 'Heathens' lyrics, trying to fathom the possible link to the Greek god Persephone at the time such a poem idea came to mind - if only i had a fully functioning brain/mind eh :-) :-) :-) ...

30 January 2022 (51F)

Up at 8:30am, after having gone to bed at a very slightly earlier 1:20am last night - i had spent the evening perusing two of the online newspapers, before electing to watch the first four streamed episodes of a series rather extensively called 'The Woman In The House Across The Street From The Girl In The Window', whilst relaxing with some Wensleydale & Cranberry cheese on crackers and drinking a half small sherry glass of Krupnik Wisnia Cherry Liqueur and a whisky sized glass/tumbler of 'Five Hundred Cuts' of botanical rum mixed with Fever-Tree Italian Blood Orange soda, doncha know dahlings - tis a rather interesting 'who dunnit' type of thingy, with a area/estate handy man who seems to be rather strangely/surreally ever-present, and seemingly taking forever to repair one particular mail box (very weird lolz)...

I have now published An Aurora Dream within erm DREAMS - albeit a rather short one - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

So, after a walkies, some shopping, and some weights exercises, i rather gratefully ate my bowl of pre-steeped cereals - and then did some memory jogging pre-blog work, with a nice body-warming hot vegetable curry eaten inbetween - tis now time to relax, before an earlier than recent beddy-byes...

29 January 2022 (52F)

Up at 10:15am, after going to bed at 1:30am this morning - straight out to do some shopping - but no dedicated walkies or weights exercises today...

After returning from shopping i went straight into work mode - and have now completely inventorised and rearranged all my shelving contents - and now at 7:15pm i am sat down, food and drinks sorted, eating my rather belated bowl of pre-steeped cereals...

Tis interesting how many BLOG and MUSIC ideas come to mind when both working and, to a lesser extents perhaps, relaxing - i now have 14 blog titles and 7 music titles to potentially work on and then offer - at my leisure and whenever the mood may take me, of course :-) :-) :-) ...

28 January 2022 (49.5F)

Up at 9am - shopping, but no dedicated walkies - i did do my weights exercises though...

I have been reorganising my top storage shelf and inventorising its contents - and listening to all 3 of my AURORA albums whilst so doing - the thing i most readily noticed is that they are all good tunes to listen to on all three of the albums, with none that i would wish to skip...

So, yet another busy and full day - with a fairly tired body - and at 8:10pm tis now time to relax before beddy byes once again (twas midnight before i went to bed last night) ...

27 January 2022 (50F)

Up at 7:15am and a rarin' to go - a morning walkies but no weights exercises - i think i may have done 3 days worth during the course of my rather busy day...

Well the DIY project has now been completed to my entire and great satisfaction - well pleased :-) :-) :-) - mind you it is now 8:10pm and i have only just sat down...

Time to eat and relax with a bottle of milk stout, a bowl of well-overdue pre-steeped cereals, a Cadbury's Cream Egg, and a rather large satsuma thingy - i may catch a film in a bit - if i manage to stay awake long enough to watch it :-) :-) :-) ...

26 January 2022 (48F)

Up at 7am and rarin' to go lolz - a bit of web surfin' and a bowl of mixed fruit cocktail - then some DIY work to get the day started off proper, as they say...

So, a walkies and some shopping followed by a bowl of pre-steeped cereals whilst reading a fairly rare newspaper purchase - and then onto more DIY work - i had a good and productive day - everything went really well...

And after some weights exercises i relaxed doing, and completing may i add, some quizzes within said newspaper - my brain seems to be working well today - anyway, after a veggie curry, tis relaxing time again (maybe i'll watch some more episodes of As We See It later)...


25 January 2022 (49F)

Ooooh, up at 6:30 this morning doncha know - got straight down to some tcob, and then did some weights exercises - and all before my 9:30am bowl of mixed fruit cocktail eating experience too :-) :-) :-) ...

After a morning walkies i started work on my new DIY installation project - measuring and sawing mainly - plus a little drilling...

My 'treat myself' 50cl bottle of Szicsek Palinska Plum Brandy arrived a little while ago - it's 44% and is white rather than plum coloured - drink with care / sparingly eh :-) :-) :-) ...

24 January 2022 (49.5F)

Wow, up at 7:30 this morning - it was still fairly dark outside - oh, and i've already (before 1pm) had a walkies and typed up the first draft of a new blog too...

And yippee, i have just published a BLOG (the first one of this year in actual fact) entitled Another Short Story - together with an accompanying VIDEO of the same title - especially for those who may perhaps like/wish to read and listen to their contents...

I've been reading some more k.t. Frankovich - she is seemingly forever tripping over her own inconsistencies - for instance, on one occasion when she and her son were homeless and asking/pleading for help she refused a loaf of bread from a priest, and on another homeless occasion she states that someone 'cursed us for stealing food from garbage cans'...

   ...A new toy arrived today - i've not played with it properly yet though - more of a general appraisal/perusal really...

      ...I played my new AURORA album twice yesterday - it's actually really good - there's only one track that i don't particularly like (Heathens), but that's solely due to the general nature of the lyrics rather than the tune/song itself...

23 January 2022 (49F)

Up at 9:15am - after going to bed at a rather late 1:30am, after watching another (2 part) film, too - oh, and waddya know, yet another (old) APHORISM has been added to 'Ours' folks...

I've spent this morning tidying up / updating all my 'aphorism' files - note to self, always update as you go along - :-) :-) :-) ...

After a walkies and some shopping i am now eating my customary bowl of pre-steeped cereals - having earlier eaten a starter bowl of mixed fruit cocktail - oh, and in the continued name of threedom, i have just added another two APHORISMS within 'Ours'...

   ...Word of one's K.T. Frankovich's reading day, 'incredulity' - spreading one's ability to believe past one's limit - oh well, only just over 100 pages left to go...

      ...Time for a hot meal - then some web surfing, and another film/episode perhaps - and maybe another listen to Aurora's 'The Gods We Can Touch' album, which arrived this afternoon, whilst web surfing...

22 January 2022 (48F)

Up at around 9:30am - pretty much straight out to do some shopping - then back to do some tcob within one's most 'umble abode :-) :-) :-) ...

Anyway, a cereal breakfast later, followed by listening to some new music - whereby a new APHORISM came to me - it can be found within 'Ours'...

So anyway, in the name of threeness i've added another two (old) APHORISMS to 'Ours' (you really are spoilt you know :-) :-) :-) ) - oh, and i went for a later afternoon walkies btw - and i watched a pretty good streamed film (The Protege) plus both parts of Eve Of Destruction also...

21 January 2022 (47F)

So/sew/sow (an ickle reminder of the possible variability of meaning of/within certain (or is it curtain??? :-) :-) :-) ) words folks) anyway (up at 10am this erm morning folks), yesterday afternoon i was Asked out on a Date during my then upcoming nightly sleepy-times - this, in turn caused me to reappraise the contents of O/our recent Lana Del Rey MUSICal offering from the particular perspective (there can be many, obviously) of Whom was saying what to me - which made me realise that indeed this could most readily relate to She who invited me Out on such a Date, rather than the person i had previously attributed it/them to...

   ...So/sew/sow, upon awaking inth middle of the night / early morning, prior to a pee pee bathroom visit, i was wondering whether such a Date had indeed taken / was taking place, when those same vibrational three words of 'I Love you' rang ('rang' eh???, okey dokey) quietly within my quiet/open / readily receptive mind...

      ...So/sew/sow, Identity solved - so Who is it, you may ask - well i've been meaning to get back to writing blogs soon (i've not written one this month yet, and i have a couple of still outstanding ones to do from last December), so i'll leave it 'till (the ground perchance??? :-) :-) :-) ) then before revealing Her Identity, as it will fit in rather nicely with one of them (let's 'ope i rememberz eh) :-) :-) :-) ...

I went for my usual daily walkies, but had a rest from the weights - a right-hand-side torso muscle is complaining a little - so i don't intend on returning to such exercises until Monday...

I've been reading some more K.T. Frankovich - i'm now up to the start of chapter 15 - all i can say, rightly or wrongly of course, is that some people seem very much prone to inconsistencies, exaggeration, misinterpretation, and painting themselves as somewhat saintly figures overflowing with love, don't they...

20 January 2022 (47F)

Up even earlier at 9am this morning and ate a mixed fruit cocktail starter  - and sometime later inth morning i went out on another, more local, tcob mission, before returning to eat a bowl of pre-steeped cereals - and then later went for a walkies, before doing my weights exercises...

I've, more recently, been reading some more K.T. Frankovich - yesterday i realised that a certain recalled school incident simply didn't make sense, and today noted that a chapter 11 recalled psychic reading didn't either - maybe i'll write a blog about it after i've finished reading the whole book...

Anyway, having just eaten a bowl of vegetable curry, i'm now gonna do stuff on this 'ere laptop, before possibly watching 'What Women Want' onth tuther one - yep, tis Mel Gibson season folks - this one being the last of my more recently purchased ones...

19 January 2022 (48F)

Up at 9:15 this morning - one of my last night dreams was quite interesting, in the visual sense - i was walking two very large rabbits on leads, and the front of one of them (including legs) turned from a dark brown colour to a range of vibrant, separately adjoined square-tiled, colours, ranging down to a pale lemon colour, in emotional/excited/interested response to seemingly seeing another living being inth air above...

And not long after eating a starter bowl of mangoes, orft one got on one's bike on a tcob mission dahlings - then, a while after returning, orft one went on one's daily walkies - and then returning to do one's weights exercises...

And then, after a bowl of pre-soaked cereals, a reading i went - now up to the start of chapter 9 of the K.T. Frankovich book - so now, after a some web browsing, i'll probably watch Lethal Weapon IV, as well as possibly something else before going to bed...

18 January 2022 (47F)

Up at 9:30am doncha know :-) :-) :-) ...

Shopping, then walkies and weights...

A late afternoon kip onth couch - Lethal Weapon 3 - and a Netflix film...

17 January 2022 (48F)

Up at 10am doncha know - and after a starter of mangoes i went orft for a walkies, and did my weights exercises upon my return - then i ate my customary bowl of pre water-steeped cereals, so i did...

And a little later i read some more K.T. Frankovich, had a kip onth couch, read some more, and then had another kip onth couch...

And this evening, after having watched Lethal Weapon II last evening (or was that the evening before???), i watched Maverick, which was sort of okay, but not that great to be honest...

16 January 2022 (48F)

Midday already - oh well it is Sunday afterall - apricots for breakfast :-) :-) :-) ...

Quite often as i am laying in my bed inth morning, quietly thinking my thoughts, i Hear a simple and fairly heart-felt 'I love you' inside my head - it happened this morning, yesterday morning, and on other more recent mornings also - as well as during some quiet times durinth day and evening...

   ...Tis of a female vibration - and i find it to be somehow reassuring/welcoming - as is the realisation that i am seemingly very much more attractive out of my body, than i am in it...

      ...Which reminds me, during a dream last night, i was gently stroking the neck and jaw-line of an attractive female - and i also kissed the top left side of her head whilst doing so - or, rather, the fairly short dark hair upon it...

A walkies, weights exercises, and the rest of the Ghost Recon videos watched - beddy byes time now - :-) :-) :-) ...

15 January 2022 (47F)

I have started today by publishing a DREAM entitled 70 Degree Pole-Shift - for those who may wish/like to read its contents...

I have just published Lana Del Rey within MUSIC - especially for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to its contents :-) :-) :-) ...

So anyway, i had a walkies today, and got back to my weights exercises - and because they now felt an ickle light i have increased the weight at each end of both pieces of equipment, once again - i think we may be at juggernaut levels now (and still on 30 reps of each doncha know) :-) :-) :-) ...

14 January 2022 (48F)

I've been enjoying deeep sleeping and dreaming lately - with fairly long afternoon sleeps thrown in for good value also - either within my sleeping bag, on my settee/couch, or in my bed...

No walkies today - and no weights exercises once again - lazy me huh...

Inth evening i chose to watch Lethal Weapon - followed by another episode of The Darling Buds Of May - and then orft to bed for yet another sleepies of course :-) :-) :-) ...

13 January 2022 (48.4F)

Up at around 9am this erm morning, i think - with some peaches for breakfast, followed by a walkies and some shopping - then some more substantial eating...

Ooooh - and two deeeep sleeps onth couch/settee - with a pee break inbetween :-) :-) :-) ...

I watched some more Ghost Recon YouTube videos yesterday - i think i'm up to about episode 18 now - hmmm, what shall i watch and/or listen to tonight i wonder...

12 January 2022 (49.7F)

Well today 'as bean, ow you say, la-zee dahlings...

Although i was up tray early - 7:30 eef my mem-ory serves me, ow you say, correct-lee??? - but ze exer-cise went, ow you say, out of ze win-dow, so to speak...

Ohhh - and Emilee In Paree eez now finito - yes, sad i know...

11 January 2022 (50.4F)

Up at 7:30 this morning...

Played onth Guardian, intermittantly, throughout the day, before choosing to practise compassion with le idiot dahlings :-) :-) :-) ...

Went for an earlyish walkies, after having not done so yesterday - hoovered the lounge, did some YouTubing and listened to The Jo Show - and ended with Emilee In Paree :-) :-) :-) ...

10 January 2022 (49.7F)

Vot a day dahlings - up at 9:30 - after a rather vonderful sleep :-) :-) :-) ...

Then after a play or two, orft one went back to beddy byes - oh the sheer decadence of it all dahlings - sleep ketchup time doncha know...

And then one 'ad the following comment removed under the pretense that it was in violation of Guardian rules - 'Ooooh - pandemia has now been replaced by epidemia has it - :-) :-) :-)' (if ones memory serves one completely correctly anyway) - tis almost as if they sometimes (yes tas happened before dahlings) wish to goad me (sad i know - :-) :-) :-) - but hey, sellar v no???) ...

   ...And then someone rather belatedly picked on me within a still open (strange huh :-) :-) :-) ) Guardian article - big fail on such a person's rather lame attempt to erm goad(???) me, once again dahlings - so after 'The Jo Show' orft one went binging onth 'Emilee In Paree' once again (tray bee n dahlings :-) :-) :-) ) ...

      ...Oh, and Manchester United beat Aston Villa 1-0 inth FA Cup - perfick day - okay, now back to the binging :-) :-) :-) ...

9 January 2022 (49.5F)

Hmmm - i got up very early, once again - then i watched another (few???) episode(s ???) of Emily In Paris before going back to bed...

And i have now just published A Sunday Tune within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to partake of its content - :-) :-) :-) ...

And then, after a late walkies, some Tequila Sunrises were partaken of with Mel and Michelle - house guests doncha know - well, sort of anyway :-) :-) :-) ...

  ...I 'av bean, ow you say, binging on Emilee In Paree this eve-ening - tray good dahlings - sea-zon too all-re-dee...

      ...Zebedee time soon :-) :-) :-) ...

8 January 2022 (49.5F)

Up at 2am - back to bed a 4am (ish) - up again at erm, sometime later inth morning...

Have been playin' onth Guardian again - however, now that the rain has now stopped, and their is a bit of brightness back inth skies, i may take myself orft out for a walkies - in a bit anyway...

I watched a number of episodes of Emily In Paris - i quite enjoyed them - then i went to bed shortly after 9pm...

7 January 2022 (49.8F)

I was up quite early again this morning (7:30am i think) - after playing onth Guardian for a while i started taking my alcoholic beverages off of the kitchen counters and putting them back to where they previously belonged - a job that is still ongoing actually...

And talking of bottles, i am just about to add (a brand new doncha know dahlings) an APHORISM within 'Ours' - especially for those who may like/wish to read its content - oooh, exciting eh :-) :-) :-) ...

In the name of threedom i have now added another two old APHORISMS to 'Ours' - for those who may perhaps wish to partake of their contents - ooooh, so much excitement in one day eh...

   ...And talking of excitement, i think i may go out for a walk inth snow, thunder and lightning, and do some weights exercises upon my return - things that i took an impromptu rest from yesterday actually...

      ...My old wrists were playing up a bit, so i've given the weights a miss for today - maybe i should go back to lifting cars rather than trucks eh - toy ones of course :-) :-) :-) ...

6 January 2022 (49.9F)

I was up at shortly after 4am this, erm, morning - if only i had known before getting out of bed and dressing eh - but, hey, i did in actual fact venture back to my bed sometime later for a bit of catch-up sleep, so all worked out inth end :-) :-) :-) ...

So, some hours later, i found that it was time to select and publish Some James Music, within, yep you guessed it, MUSIC  - for those who may like/wish to sample its contents - enjoy :-) :-) :-) ...

I spent the evening listening to music and generally surfing the net - if i remember correctly anyway - which i'm pretty sure i do btw :-) :-) :-) ...

5 January 2022 (52F)

I was laying in my bed inth early morning darkness this, erm, morning feeling quite awake - hmmm, thought eye eventually, usually when this happens/occurs i get up and find i have things to do - so orft one went, aplaying onth Guardian (yes, i was indeed presented with things/(articles) to contribute (to) :-) :-) :-) ) ...

Another daily walkies and weights exercises were completed - and a film watched later on...

A rather interesting day inth Guardian participatory sense, one feels...

4 January 2022 (53.5F)

Up at 9:15 on this rather more chilly morn...

With a walkies and some weights exercises later completed...

And durinth afternoon i made a start reading Where Heavens Meet by K.T. Frankovich - a book that seems destined to be very interesting indeed - anyway, after a later afternoon kip onth couch/settee, tis now evening playtime once again :-) :-) :-) ...

3 January 2022 (54F)

Up at 9:00am and a rarin' to go folks - well, sort of innit - after having spent some of last evening watching 'Fracture' (rather than 'fissure' or 'crack' - interesting huh - everything flows as Enya may say lolz) ...

So, after doin' some other stuff, one supposes, a walkies and weights exercises were taken care of...

And durinth evening a film was watched, and some Barefoot Pink Moscato was partaken of...

2 January 2022 (56F - sheesh)

'I abba dream, i abba a dream' to share - but that is for laters innit - much more to get done first dahlings...

   ...Like my second daily walkies and weights exercises of the year for example...

      ...And being up n runnin' at 9:30am leaves me plenty of time to get such things done n dusted - well, in theory at least innit - :-) :-) :-) ...

Okie dokie - after a play onth Guardian, and then a much more limited one onth Mail, whilst rain whast falling, orft one took oneself for a head-clearing and body exercising golly good walkies dahlings (followed by one's now customary weights exercises of course) - so, tis now finally time to type up one's remembrances of one's intended latest dream sharing...

And finally for today, i have just published A 'Meteors' Dream within DREAMS...

1 January 2022 (55.5F)

Well well well, tis a new year already (up at 12:15pm today, after retiring to my bed at 1:30am earlier today) - a new year in which the scales say i have gained 5lbs in weight since Xmas eve - so if i have gained such weight in 8 days, how long will it take me to lose it once again, one wonders - not that i will be starting today of course (tomorrow yes, today no lolz) ...

So anyway, yesterday one drank the last quarter of the bottle of Apothic, plus 1/2 a bottle of Yellow Tail Shiraz, plus around 1/2 of a small sherry glass of port - which leaves 1/2 a bottle of said Shiraz to consume today (a tad over 1/2 a bottle actually) - with the rather small amount of Wensleydale and cranberry cheese, plus some Wensleydale and Apricot cheese, to consume today also (plus an assortment of leftover other stuff also of course - but hey, maybe those can be consumed more gradually over a number of consecutive future days eh - moderation being the order of the (coming) day(s) and all that dahlings)...

Oh, last evening - aah yes, twas spent finishing off the cheese, the Yellow Tail Shiraz dahlings, and a full whiskey tumbler of Jim Beam 'Honey' with mango juice, whilst watching my fourth episode of The Darling Buds Of May and a rather entertaining film on that certain streaming channel i am subscribed to - oh yes, there was the Old Jamaica rum & raisin chocolate and some more of that rather large cognac and port fruit cake also of course (only one more wedge to go)...


31 December 2021 (54F)

Up with the thingies at 9:45am on this rather barmy(??? - barmy??? - really???) last day oft year - oh one nearly forgot to mention that one managed to get through 3/4 of a bottle of one's Sauvignon last night dahlings - and rather suprisingly one seems to have completely avoided any of the deliterious effects that are often attributed to wines of a much lesser quality, thankfully...

So, shopping for more Wensleydale and cranberry cheese etc completed, orft is was for a walkies - then were the weights exercises completed - and then yum yum time, with the last glass of 'vacu-vinned' Sauvignon consumed, and another episode of The Darling Buds Of May watched...

Then, a little afterwards, came the opening of my bottle of Shiraz (a glass neat, plus a tumbler 50-50 with the rest of the Sicilian lemonade), together with some more cheese with crackers and the watching of a few more Ghost Recon thingies - maybe something else visual-wise will follow who knows - and then beddy-byes, before the inevitable waking up to yet another new year folks...

30 December 2021 (52.1F)

Up at 10 on this rather mild mornin' - i should have taken myself off on a morning walkies really, as it started to persist down from midday (and continues to do so) - oh well, i've been meaning to have a rest day, so i guess today looks like it's fated to be so eh...

So anyway, last evening was a footy and Ghost Recon gameplay/walkthrough appreciation thingy (something i am also indulging myself in today also btw), rather than a DBoM one - oh and it turned out to be a full bottle of Cranes raspberry and pomegranate cider plus a 2/3 of a small sherry glass of sherry evening, rather than a wine one dahlings - who knows, maybe i'll leave the wine choice (i have 4 to choose from - one white, one rose(ay), and two ms reds) 'till New Year's eve (tis but one of many different alcoholic options afterall dahlings)...

Well well well, waddya know - after some Ghost Recon watching, one decided on some more cheese and crackers (Wensleydale & cranberries), together with some Apothic Cab Cabernet Sauvignon wine (some with some Fever-Tree Sicilian Lemonade doncha know dahlings - and some neat of course), whilst watching the very first episode of The Darling Buds Of May (they bought a Rolls Royce - with an 'RA 333' number plate, would you believe - pure serendipity eh), and in a few minutes it will be footy watching time before beddy-byes time - perfick eh :-) :-) :-) ...

29 December 2021 (50F)

Up at an earlier 10:45am today folks - which very much seems to indicate that a bottled of 'Old Speckled Hen' plus 1/3 of a small sherry glass of that rather beautiful Krupnik Wisnia cherry liqueur is a much less effective soporific than that which i consumed the evening before - eeeeh, the lengths to which some of us are prepared to go to, purely in the name of scientific enquiry ay...

Oh yeah - it's raining again folks - and there's a slight breeze inth air too...

So that's the walkies, weights exercises and cheese & crackers shopping sorted - and now it's back to the games reviews - and later it may well be a few episodes of The Darling Buds Of May and footy (possibly accompanied with cheese and wine dahlings) ...

 28 December 2021 (49.9F)

Golly, up at 11:30am - no doubt it must have been due to that full bottle of Veltins Pilsener plus that 1/2 small sherry glass of sherry that i drank throughout last evening - maybe i should go cold turkey for a couple of days in order not to risk the chance of becoming an alcoholic eh...

So, after more time researching laptops i went for a belated walkies - and after the walkies i did my weights exercises - then watched some footy and a film...

Oh, and i forgot to mention that it rained for most of last night and this morning - i'd like to say that we needed some, but alas we didn't - in fact we've had loads of the stuff persisting on us recently...

27 December (49.5F)

Up at 9:45am after having retired to one's bed at around midnight, yeah you guessed it, last night - and wait for this yeah, last evening i consumed 2/3rds of a bottle of Guiness, PLUS, around half of a small sherry glass of one's most favouritest port dahlings - really pushing the boat out now aren't we lolz...

A belated walkies was taken folks - and guess what??? - yeah, you got it, i did indeed have enough energy to do my weights exercises directly afterwards...

And yeah, i know what you're thinking - what a really cool guy huh - well, with the heating still remaining off, that's not as difficult a status to attain/retain as one may otherwise have thought, let me tell you...

26 December 2021 (48F)

Up at a surprisingly late 11am this, yep, mornin', folks - and i only drank 2/3rds of a small sherry glass of, yep you guessed it, sherry yesterday (and on Xmas eve i only had 1/3rd of a bottle of Guiness and possibly up to 2/3rds of a small sherry glass of my bestest port) - although, admittedly, during both days the mince pies, fruit cake, Xmas pudding and Stollen were all steeped in / contained various types of alcohol also...

   ...I awoke this morning to the realisation that my 'sick bucket' Power Of The Dog Guardian comment was in actual fact alluding to a favourable (awards???) nod being Given to the much much much more pleasantly/favourably entertaining Don't Look Up (twas the Jennifer Lawrence being sick inth waste basket/bin bit) - i've been wondering about that part of the comment for a while now - i were athinkin' that it were possibly a pointer to Someone in particular so i were - i guess the rather timely Answer/realisation was a Xmas night surprise present for me eh (and a very welcomed one it twere)...

      ...Twas windy and rainy last evening/night (hence the 48F living-room temperature today i guess) - whilst upon getting up this morning twas still and dry - and now, at 11:46am, tis raining once again...

So, after having done some more possible new laptop appraising i guess i could be a little closer to deciding which type of one i may possibly get lolz - but hey, i have just returned from a walkies, and have done my weights exercises - and i am now in the process of eating my pre-soaked cereals...

Well that was an interesting film - i can't be sure but i think it may have been called The Flying Bus - Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock were in it...

25 December (49.8F)

Up at 9:30 on this rather uninvitingly windy Xmas morn - with a wind-settled midday walkies - and weights exercises to follow...

Today's film is to be Paul Hogan's 'Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles' - otherwise known as 'Crocodile Dundee 3' - with my other pre-chosen choice of visual and audible entertainment being in the form of 'The Beverly Hill Billies Collection (Volume 2)'...

 So, with The Clampetts done an' dusted, tis intermission time folks - well waddya know, Paul's aged and become pensioner Mick Dundee - no biggie, happens to us all right...

24 December (49.9F)

I decided to watch the rest of The Power Of The Dog this morning (i had watched circa 1 hour of it some days ago) in order to see if i felt the same about it - and yes i do - in my personal opinion it has a detectable underlying darkness running through it, and i therefore consider it to be unhealthy viewing, and would not recommend it to others...

At 11am (yes, this morning lolz) i went for a walkies so that i could pop into the supermarket around the time it opened (12 noon - yes, midday lolz) - then, upon returning home i did my weights exercises once again - before eating a bowl of my pre-steeped cereals...

   ...And wow what a completely unexpectedly welcoming supermarket shopping experience i had - yesterday there was no Wensleydale and cranberry cheese left, so i decided to try again today, in the hope that, after the shelves had been restocked, there would indeed be some to buy - but alas there wasn't...

      ...Then i realised that i hadn't tried at the unstaffed deli counter area where some cheeses are also displayed - there was none available there also, which was verified by a nearby female member of staff - but WOW what a surprise i was in for, when said female member of staff, completely of her own volition, sought me out and presented me with some to choose from as i was queueing at one of the many busy checkout areas (what a beautiful, beautiful soul she proved herself to be - and what a completely unexpected warm feeling of gratitude such a selfless and thoughtful act gave me - thankyou, thankyou, you truly beautiful soul) :-) :-) :-) ...

 And the 'Don't Look Up' film??? - hell yeah, that's for sure an infinitely better Xmas viewing choice folks - you know where to send the cheque right Leo???...

23 December 2021 (49F)

So it rained all last evening and for presumably most of the night, took an ickle rest from circa 7am to 9am this morning, and then rained until circa midday - so the salting/gritting of the roads was a complete waste of time, and it has been a mild day anyway - with all the salt/grit now washed away (first time i can ever remember such a non-needed salting/gritting of the roads - strange huh - perhaps they simply felt the need to be overly cautious) ...

So anyway, an afternoon walkies was taken, and the weights exercises dutifully done/completed - and inth late afternoon i popped into a rather busy, but calm and friendly, supermarket to get some forgotten fruit smoothies for some of the over-Xmas drinkipoos - as well as some more mincepies and flapjacks, as well as some assorted/mixed nuts (organic ones doncha know dahlings) for the local squirrels to feast upon over Xmas (i feel sure that they will welcome such a winter 'Brucie bonus', which will hopefully further contribute to their within-body winter fat stores) ...

So with the evening now here i shall start with some general web-surfin' before electing to watch 'Road House' starring Patrick Swayze( like a tree inth wind lolz) - 'crazy Swayze' lolz - it's only a few broken ribs, just give me a couple of minutes to get my breath and i'll be fine ('i love you baby' - and yes, this would indeed seem to constitute/be a Message, to someone special to Him, from the Man Himself - from my own personal experiential perspective of course) ...

22 December 2021 (48F)

I went out shopping shortly after starting my day today, in order to purchase the outstanding Xmas food items i wished to make - before it perhaps became rather busy/manic - twas thankfully a fairly pleasant final Xmas shopping experience...

I have just published Shortest Of Dreaming within, yes you guessed it, DREAMS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents - twas a dream that i had in the early hours of this morning...

So, after an afternoon walkies i did my weights exercises, ate my pre-steeped cereals, and watched the season two final episode of Money Heist (and, would you Adam & Eve it, there's a third one also) - tis raining now, and most probably washing away all that salted road grit in the process (what a waste of time and money that has seemingly turned out to be) - so anyway, tis early evening also now, with bedtime to follow somewhat later...

21 December 2021 (49.5F)

Up at 8:30 this morning folks (that'll be am then i guess lolz) - and after doing a bit of surfin' (nah, just internet surfin' innit  lolz) i think it may be walkies time real soon now...

They actually gritted the local roads today - and there's no wind, no frost ice or snow, and no rain - so let's see what conditions i wake up to tommorrow eh...

So yeah i had my walkies, did my weights exercises and relaxed watching all but the final episode of Money Heist - bed time soon i think :-) :-) :-) ...

20 December 2021 (50F)

Usually before Xmas i just buy a few things and just roll with it - and now i've realised just how much stuff i have bought this particular Xmas - no wonder i'm feeling somewhat claustrophobic lolz...

   ...For example if i started to watch a film a day (or the equivalent - and including the two that have yet to come), i wouldn't have watched them all until and including the 2nd of January - and that doesn't include all the ones that i have seen some years before but have more recently bought (due to environmental considerations i almost always choose to buy 2nd hand films btw) in order to reaquaint myself with them (i think i have mentioned before that sometimes watching a film that i have watched years before is virtually akin to watching it for the first time) ...

      ...And i have also amassed enough alcoholic drinks over the last couple of months to last me a year (i generally don't drink very much atall really) lolz - and have a much greater selection of Xmas type foods also (January diet time here we come) - 'why oh why', i now find myself asking :-) :-) :-) ...

Well that's one's shopping and walkies taken care of for the day dahlings - and the Xmas period dvd film watching sequence put into a sort of preliminary order, one supposes...

And that's the weights exercises done and the first of my Xmas films watched - and now it's main meal and relaxation time...

19 December 2021 (52F)

Thought of the day - does the sun 'breathe'??? - and are there pauses at the ends of each 'out breath' and 'in breath' ???...

   ...the universe is said to expand and contract, as if 'breathing' - so does our sun do the same???...

      ...The planet Mars is believed to have once had an atmosphere, water in the form of oceans(???), possibly numerous life-forms, and for all we know, perhaps a thriving civilisation also - could a 'breathing' (expanding and contracting) sun explain this possibility more readily, one wonders - and if such is the case, are we capable of measuring such presumably very slow(???) and thus discrete(???) ongoing changes in size yet???...

Yes, i was indeed up early this morning thinking my thoughts lol - and i have now, more recently, returned from a walkies - one that also incorporated some shopping (it was rather busy actually - anybody would think that Christmas is just around the corner lolz - doesn't it creep up on you fast sometimes :-) :-) :-) ) ...

I have made some slight changes and a small addition to The Philip Dream btw - the 'two sides of the same coin' part came as a sort of realisation (possibility???) upon waking this morning - and i also realised that i needed to explain the 'mercurial' part differently in order to perhaps facilitate better understanding (a clearer painting of a picture perhaps) ...


18 December 2021 (52.5F)

I 'ad anuffer of them FPD's inth earlier hours of this morning - one that i intend to share later - after a walkies n stuff perhaps...

So anyway, a fairly enjoyable midday walkies was taken, whereby i found myself talking to a number of different people, as well as playfully interacting with a number of, being exercised, dogs - and before that i did my weights exercises once again (i actually increased the weights about a week or more ago now - and will probably do so once again early in the new year, if not before) ...

And finally for today, i have just published A Philip Dream within, yep you guessed it, DREAMS - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its details...

17 December 2021 (52F)

So anyway, i started off the day by kickin' me old antivirus thingy into touch and installing another one that seems rather suspiciously identical to the old one, simply marketed under a different name and from a completely different website...

So, now tis walkies time - the skies are blue and the sun is shining brightly - so laters innit...

16 December 2021 (52.5F)

Golly, that were some sleep so it were - deep, deep, deep - and not gettin' my ass outta the bed 'till 10:am (that apparently translates into 'in the morning' folks) ...

Guess what - i was completely unexpectedly awarded (yet another dahlings) a 'Guardian Pick' for simply 'avin' a play inth comments within a 'Thursday Quiz' article - talk about being taken completely by surprise lolz (W/we have accumulated 5 now doncha know - all with zero effort being made to aquire one - pretty cool huh) ...

Anyway, the evening was spent generally relaxin' like...

15 December 2021 (52F)

Sheeperz jeeperz fellow dudes (and dudettes also of course - are you Listening Miss JJ or wot lolz), i pulled a three amer...umm... yesterday(??? - well you know what i mean innit) - and i got up, rarin' to go once again (well sort of innit) at about 8:30, or something like that, this morning - i was in the mood to possibly pull an all-nighter really, but realised (from experience) that i would have been really knackered for all of today, so rather belatedly decided otherwise...

I was gonna get started on a blog, but the sky is blue and clear, so i think i may go out for an early fully wake-up walkies - and i've also got the last 200??? pages of that Nighthawk book to read, and i really want to finish it off before that potentially very interesting one arrives - so maybees the blog i was gonna work on can be put aside for another day or so innit (is that okay Miss JJ or wot lolz) ...

Darn, did i miss that third wotsit out again - hmm, let me think - well i seem to remember 'avin' an ickle play on Guardian pretty recently, so let's put / agree on that and move rather swiftly on to today yeah...

14 December 2021 (53F - sheesh we've gone back to 22 November - pretty cool huh)

Up with the larks at 7:40 this mornin' - or is that the Larkin's one wonders - oh well, woteva innit :-) :-) :-) ...

One decided to take advantage of the mildness of the day and venture out on one's two-wheeled perambulator dahlings - where one met a rather lovely and solitary, beautifully white swan swimming rather majestically near one's side of the canal (with no-one riding it, strangely enough) - before venturing into one's bank to make a small deposit into one's currant account dahlings...

   ...And upon returning home one went straight to one's local rather super-market in order to make an assortment of sundry purchases...

      ...And now one is enjoying one's rather late cereals breakfast, before possibly taking oneself orft for a late afternoon walkies doncha know...

 Okey dokey - so that's the walkies and weights exercises taken care of - time to relapse now folks :-) :-) :-) ...

   ...I took possession of three second-hand books whilst i was out earlier inth day - they were from a charitable book shop, whereby one simply makes a donation if one wishes to (which i felt duty-bound to btw) - my eyes were initially drawn to 'Whispers In The Sand', before also deciding upon Sands Of Time, and then finally deciding upon 'Proof Of Heaven'...

      ...So, with my warm Horlicks at hand, and my three remaining earlier prepared Wensleydale and apricot cheese nibbles on crackers waiting to be eaten, i think i may do some more general surfin' whilst waiting for the super-Jo Show to commence onth radio...

13 December 2021 (52.5F - wow - that turned out to be a particularly short winter)

Sheesh - up at 10 am (in the mornin' yeah) - who's a lazy boy then...

Gordon Bennett - yet another blog (in the queue) to do folks - 'what have i, what have i, what have i done to deserve this' lolz (in the run-up to Xmas too - heartless Boogers lolz - wot due mean i've just had/enjoyed yet another rather extended break - tis a good job i've developed (by necessity probably) a sense of humour innit) :-) :-) :-) ...

So anyway, after having completed my, rather later afternoon, walkies i realised that Cleanup Time has now been completed to my satisfaction (for the moment at least - although there is perhaps more to do at a later date - plenty of time for that though innit, one supposes lolz) ...

   ...I very unexpectedly recieved a little/small but welcoming financial windfall inth mail today - which is all rather nice really - especially as i chose to spend rather more than i would normally wish to on a book i ordered yesterday...

      ...But hey the nature of synchronicity being what it is, i simply felt the Call to do so - so will it prove to be a wotsit (ahh 'worthwhile', cheers lol) purchase or not, one wonders - well it doesn't really matter one way or another now does it, for it has now simply become a freebee (with plenty of change to spare for other possible later purchases of my own choosing) :-) :-) :-) ...

12 December 2021 (50F)

So anyway, 'ows it 'angin dudes :-) :-) :-) ...

   ...I got up at 7:40 this mornin' ('avin gotten to bed shortly after midnight last noight loike), with the determination of typin' up some pomes wot i would loike to share loike - so, type 'em up i did loike :-) :-) :-) ...

      ...Then, afta the rain 'ad stopped loike, i took the opportunity to take me ass oot for a walkies loike - so, now ima gonna take up where i left off (continue loike) - so in a bit innit fellow dudes and dudettes :-) :-) :-) ...

Okie dokies - i have now published both a BLOG and four POEMS - both of which are entitled Some Shared Poetry...

And finally for today, i have now published an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog and related poems - for those who may perhaps wish to listen to its content - phew, a busy day...

11 December 2021 (49F)

Darn nabbit, the blog themes seem to be coming through thick and fast / flowing (well comparatively anyway) once again folks - just when you think that it's all over and you've started to get your life back, unfettered - bummer huh...

Anyway, i pulled anuvver 1 o'clocker last night - arising at 9:50 am this morning ('am is defacto this morning dummy' - oh yeah, so it is) - feeling increasing energised with humourousillity (that's humour and silliness for the uninitiated / slow of thunking btw)...

Well, one found oneself rather unexpectedly making a string of connected comments on the Guardian a little earlier in one's day dahlings - clearly one's MoJoe is returning (well maybees for a bit innit) - one has since been putting one's nosy jeans (jeans??? - really??? - well, okay, if youse says so, i spose) into sleuth mode, in one's efforts to find out what it bloody well all means (well it's yet another one of those persistently rainy days dahlings - so what the heck is one supposed to do afterall - duty calls and all that, hey what)...

10 December 2021 (49.5F)

Well it was pishing down for most of last evening, throughout the night, and up until around midday today - but, although there are still rain clouds present, the skies are now brighter and the winds fairly still - so i think i might take such an opportunity to take myself out for a hopefully fairly pleasant walkies...

The mirror screws that i ordered arrived with the mail this morning, prompting me to get to work hanging the main one up inth bedroom - it was to replace the one that broke and nearly skewered me when i fell off a stool and damaged a couple of my ribs sometime last winter i think (or was it the winter before??? - the passing of time eh) - i've used one of the two mirrors that i unexpectedly found at the back of the bookcase recently, and such a job has now been successfully completed, much to my satisfaction in actual fact (brownie points and gold stars having been duely self-awarded lol) ...

Oh yeah, that third thingie wot i forgot to write - of well, done it now - eyes a finding meself a bit 'ard of thunkin' at the moment innit...

9 December 2021 (49F)

Well waddya know folks, it's durnwell stopped raining and the sun is threatening to emerge from behind some of the still present rain/ash(???) clouds - it looks like i may get the opportunity to enjoy a walkies once again, after three days without one - who knows, i might even venture intooth supermarket too...

I pulled another 1 o'clocker last night - what a rebel heart i must 'ave eh - i even managed to get outta bed at a much more socially acceptable 9:30 am also...

During my walkies today i saw a tree that had been wind-felled - with only circa the first 4ft of the trunk left standing - never before have i seen a tree wind-felled at the trunk (although admittedly is was seemingly rotting) ...

   ...Over the previous two days i have been ripping up and disposing of various documents - some of which had been amassed since the '90's - and yes there were indeed rather a lot of them...

      ...I have found previously, on numerous occasions, that such work can result in the arising of potential new blog ideas coming to mind - resulting in me having amassed 3 new ones for further consideration over the past few days...

8 December 2021 (48.5F)

Well, in this particular neck of the woods we are now into our third day of seemingly almost continuous rain - or that's how it feels anyway - dark miserable skies, short days, and sort of blustery winds (although not very really)...

   ...But hey, i awoke this morning feeling pretty chipper, doncha know - possibly partially fuelled by The Jo Whiley Show last evening, whereby Coldplay treated us all to a live concert - and possibly because i've got a lot done over the past number of days within me rather 'umble abode innit...

      ...Fings wot 'as been outstanding for quite some time actually dahlings - fings wot youse dread 'avin' to do like - but hey, fings are now a lot neater, in one particular room - which makes said room seem a lot more spacious, and a heck of a lot more inviting innit...

Anyway, last night was one of those enjoyably late ones - one wot translates into a 1:15 am beddy byes times - and one wot resulted in me gettin' up at 10:45 am like...

So, what to do today - well after a fairly relaxing start tooth day i guess i'll continue what i almost completed yesterday (well, comparatively speakin' at least innit) - and then i guess i'll move on to doin' something else like... 

7 December 2021

Well waddya know, Paul Begley's latest YouTube video offering (20hrs ago - tis now 1pm) is entitled 'Iran Nuke Site Explosion' - and was that face inth sky within 'A 'UFO' Dream a stylised Iranian Ayatollah one (stylised perhaps, but in no way a realistic depiction), rather than a stylised native American Indian one???  - and if so were two 'bombs' dropped, and if so was it the 'UFO' beings helping to keep planet Earth safe from the (future) use of atomic weapons one wonders (intrigue upon intrigue huh)...

6 December 2021 (49.5F)

Sheesh, a reet busy day dudes and dudettes - repairing my DVD cabinet, replacing all the film DVD's, and generally continuing to tidy things up inth weights room - time to relax :-) :-) :-) ...

5 December 2021 (49.5F)

After getting up i did my customary morning weights exercises, followed by some more tidying up in the same room - then i went orft on another of my 4 1/4 mile walkies - i stopped to watch some amateur footy onth way back, whereby the rather vocal goalie had a rush of blood to the head, resulting in his side suffering a 2-1 defeat at the hands of the home side inth dying minutes of the game (bummer huh)...

And i have now just typed up and published a DREAM wot i 'ad last night like - tis entitled A 'UFO' Dream...

And my evening was spent watching two films and a few more episodes of Money Heist...

4 December 2021 (49.5F)

After having gotten up at shortly before 10am on this dark, showery and blustery day, i did my weights exercises before looking at the 130+ accumulated pile of secondhand books and deciding to clean and categorise them - having now done so i am having a wee break whilst eating a late (3pm) breakfast of cereals and drinking a hot mug of Horlicks and doing some general web surfing - after which i will store such books back into and no doubt onto my bookcase...

Yay, that is just so much better than the higgledy piggledy mess that i had before - and all the books are now neatly within said bookcase - a job well done and thus a day well spent...

Time to watch the fifth episode of Wheel Of Time, before having my evening meal and watching a film of my choosing...

3 December 2021 ( 48F)

At 3am this morning i had completed 68yrs of residence here on planet Earth - after which i officially started my 69th year - anyway, as such i intend to indulge myself somewhat today (but hopefully not overly) :-) :-) :-) ...

So, how have i chosen to indulge myself, the reader of these words may reasonably ask - well, this morning i started off with a cup of weak milky coffee and 4 small cheese crackers topped with Wensleydale and cranberry cheese ( with 4 more following fairly shortly afterwards - and then whilst appraising a number of different laptops (i intend buying a new one in April 2022) i moved on to a cup of Horlicks, together with a third of a small sherry glass of Krupnik Wisnia cherry liqueur, a 'Tarte Au Chocolate', a few 'Classic Baklawa' Mediterranean treats, and a bowl of cereals, all of which were consumed whilst watching Crocodile Dundee...

   ...Then i went for a late afternoon walkies - and am now consuming a slice of raspberry and cream cheesecake - with a bottle of Fursty Ferret opened and a 2/3 of a small sherry glass of 10 yr old tawny port poured...

      ...And after doing some internet surfing i intend to enjoy a main meal of tomato, mascarpone and basil risotto, followed by watching Crocodile Dundee 2 - whilst possibly enjoying another 'Tarte Au Chocolat' and the second slice of creamcake - with possibly a few more of the Mediterranean treats thrown in for good measure lols - sounds good huh...

Sheesh, a day of self indulgence indeed - but hey, i normally live quite a frugal life, so why not spoil oneself upon occasion eh - :-) :-) :-) ...

2 December 2021 (49F)

A day of repairing and installing household stuff - as well as some reading and watching Manchester United v Arsenal (3 - 2) - plus a midday 4 1/4 mile walkies inth sunshine...

1 December 2021 (50F)

Oooh - i added a short addendum to the Marcus & Jenni dream later yesterday evening btw...

Oh, and i also forgot to mention that my livingroom temperature rose to 47.5F yesterday morning - and this morning it is back up to a much more comfortable (well, relatively at least) 50F - such an earlier downturn in temperatures was apparently due to the effects of 'Storm Arwen' dahlings...

And waddya know, i went out for a 4 1/4 mile later morning walkies - and then rearranged some more film DVD's - and inth afternoon and early evening i continued reading Nighthawk (now up to page 290) ...

30 November 2021

I have just, rather belatedly perhaps, typed up and published Marcus & Jenni within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps wish to read its contents - twas one that i had last night...

I've spent the morning / early afternoon better organising/categorising my many film DVD's - after which (at 1:30pm) i ate a rather late breakfast...

   ...I've decided not to start eating until after midday this week (i started last weekend actually) in order to lose some weight, prior to my planned birthday and Xmas indulgences mainly...

      ...I've actually been eating less for about a week now - and as a result have lost around 3 1/2 lbs already (i'm now at 11st 7 3/4 lbs) - so if i lose another 2 lbs by Friday morning i will be more than satisfied...

I've actually gone back to doing daily upper-body weights exercises - for about a month now in actual fact - after not having done so for a couple of years, due to one reason and another...

29 November 2021

Wow, the temperature in my fridge, oops sorry, livingroom this morning is a rather brisk 46F - this doesn't normally happen until circa the second week of February - a temperature low that is only beaten (and equalled onth 10 Feb 2021) by the 45F recorded on the 13th and 14th February earlier this year (is it a sign/indication that the predicted slowdown of the 'Atlantic Conveyor Belt' has actually started to occur, one wonders - time will inevitably tell i guess) ...

Well temptation inevitably got the best of me, resulting in me venturing out on a midday 4 1/4 mile walkies inth snow before it melted - which it now seems to have done - with a little help from some later light rain...

With the afternoon and early evening having been spent reading the first 104 pages of Nighthawk by Clive Cussler dahlings...

28 November 2021

I put on my Mountain Warehouse top and botton thermals for the first time since last winter upon getting up this morning - the reason??? - well for the first time since last winter my livingroom thermometer was registering a below 50F temperature (48.5F to be precise) - i had noticed that my legs were particularly cold (for the second consecutive evening actually) as i was sat in front of my computer watching some Star Trek Voyager episodes last evening...

I am having a weekend's rest from my normal daily dedicated walkies - my left 'Brashers' leg is back to being okay now - however the tendons(???) in my right ankle (achilles heel) are still occasionally causing me some discomfort, so obviously are in need of more repair time (they have become increasingly troublesome for quite some time now, so i have decided to put some prudence into practice by giving them time to repair themselves before they possibly worsen further to an increasingly problematic level)...

Well waddya know - it snowed from midday 'til 2pm - for the very first time this winter, and it's still stuck to the tree branches, roofs and grass :-) :-) :-) ...

27 November 2021

I have now watched all 4 of the so far available episodes of The Wheel Of Time, which i have rather enjoyed... 

26 November 2021

No dedicated walkies today - i've been Advised to rest my left 'Brashers' (new walking boots issue) leg and my ongoing right achilles heel problem - oh well, relaxing has never really been an issue anyway lolz...

   ...So today i've finished a book i've been reading part-daily all week (House Of Windows by Alexia Casale) - it was sort of an okay read - but i will now pass it on by donating it to someone else via the second-hand bookcase at my local supermarket...

      ...And this evening i will watch another couple of streamed thingies - something i have been doing during each evening of this week so far - i watched the first two episodes of The Wheel Of Time yesterday, and will undoubtably watch a couple more during this evening (tis pretty entertaining so far) ...

25 November 2021

And two more walkies once again folks :-) :-) :-) ...

24 November 2021

Golly gosh - another two walkies today also - :-) :-) :-) ...

23 November 2021

Golly - another two walkies today - :-) :-) :-) ...

22 November 2021

Another two walkies today - one at 10am and the other at 5pm - one in the light and one ending in the dark...

I watched a really enjoyable film last evening - twas called 21 Bridges - and it starred the rather excellent Chadwick Boseman...

Ooooh, and a bonus clue - regarding my front door number - tis reflected in my Mail Online username :-) :-) :-) ...

21 November 2021

Oooooh - two walking of the walkies again today :-) :-) :-) - the first at 10am and the second at 4pm...

20 November 2021

Just about to set off for an earlier 9:30am 4 1/4 mile walkies folks - wish me luck eh - :-) :-) :-) ...

Oh well - maybe tomorrow eh - but hey, looking on the bright side, at least it gave me the opportunity to do a bit of shopping, as usual, onth way back :-) :-) :-) ...

Ooooh - a second, mid-afternoon, walkies was enjoyed - :-) :-) :-) ...

19 November 2021

A 2pm walking of the walkies today folks - due to a slight case of what i suspect is food poisoning - proving perhaps that some things that you fancy don't always do you good :-) :-) :-) ...

18 November 2021

Well waddya know, i'm late for my customary 10am walkies - let's blame it on the boogie eh - i suppose i'd better drag my somewhat lazy ass out ontooth street now and get it over and done with yeah...

Well that's me walking of the walkies sorted - after having done some earlier talking of the talkies onth Guardian dahlings - and after having been physically trolley-assaulted by a covid-mad/insane woman inth carpark ath shops onth way back from said walkies :-) :-) :-) ...

Oh yeah, that promised next piece of info - i think that very famous person i was talking about onth 16th may have considered me to be a bit of a wotsit off the old 837 - although personally i very much doubt it :-) :-) :-) ...

17 November 2021

Oooooh, it'll soon be time to walk the walkies once again folks - wish me luck eh - :-) :-) :-) ...

Oh well, returned once again to talk the talkies - if and when i so wish to of course - maybe i'll have better luck next time eh...

Anyway, stand by for the next, possibly crucial and final, piece of info - which is due to appear on this very page, sometime tomorrow folks - :-) :-) :-) ...

16 November 2021

Hmmmm, now how to word it...

   ...Oh, i know - a very famous person (neigh, a most veritable member of erm royalty actually, my most precious dahlings) sometimes used to wear something belonging to me - yeah, i think that possibly just about does it...

      ...Most obviously out of respect innit :-) :-) :-) ...

Hmmmm, tis still a bit early to walk me morning walkies at the assigned starting time - ooooh, i've not made breakfast yet have i - okie dokies, breakfast making it is then...

Mmmmm, yummy yummy - breakfast for brunch - :-) :-) :-) ...

15 November 2021

So anyway, that's the morning walkies walked once again - as well as the onth way back  shopping successfully shopped of course - :-) :-) :-) ...

So anyway, my third pair of Wellington boots arrived today...

   ...The first pair of Dunlop wellingtons were deemed to be well-oversized and crappy - with the second pair of Dunlop wellingtons being deemed to be oversized and not quite so crappy - and the third pair of Lakeland Active green neoprene wellingtons being deemed to be of a generous size and not at all crappy...

      ...The moral of the tale??? - cut the crap by bypassing the Dunlops, and instead go straight for the Lakeland Active's - :-) :-) :-) ...

 I've just finished watching Dead Poets Society - twas really enjoyable - :-) :-) :-) ...  

14 November 2021

So anyway, i'm now into my 45th consecutive year (a 9 number doncha know - a number of apparent completion dahlings) within this 'ere part of Manchester 23 - tis an area in which i have come to feel rather comfortable actually - and an area in which i intend to stay until i am Called to return Home once again :-) :-) :-) ...

Well, that is what has now become my customary 10am 4 1/4 mile walk walked folks - together with my equally customary bit of shopping thrown in of course - now then, what to do with the rest of the day eh :-) :-) :-) ...

 Hmmmm - now what did i infact do??? - i think i may have watched a film or two...

13 November 2021

Oooooh - it'll soon be time for my 10am walkies folks - no coat needed on this bright sunny morn (just me trendy red Berghaus top innit) :-) :-) :-) ...

Sheesh, that sun is hot today - i ended up taking me trendy red top off and carrying it - nice bit of shopping, as per usual, onth way back too :-) :-) :-) ...

Twas nice to have been able to enjoy a rare sun-baked mid November day - although it did become overcast from midday onwards actually - so i guess, in reality, i only got to enjoy a half-baked day really :-) :-) :-) ...

12 November 2021

Yummy yum, mixed fruits for breakfast - followed by a 10am 4 1/4 mile walkies - looks like i be needing to wear me bright red Columbia hooded jacket thingy this morning (but not the black Berghaus waterproof overtrousers though) :-) :-) :-) ...

11 November 2021

Time for my first walkies of the day - and yeah the weather is pretty much the same as yesterday (slightly brighter actually), so same walkies and exactly the same clothes - laters innit :-) :-) :-) ...

It's a good job that light fine rain that had started to fall when i exited the shop onth way back from such a walkies wasn't any harder - otherwise i would have regretted not wearing that bright red hooded Gortex Columbia coat that i so often wear - and any harder still and i would have also regretted not wearing my black Berghaus Gortex waterproof overtrousers also...

Anyway, time to chill before possibly venturing out for a second one, later inth afternoon / early evening...

10 November 2021

There are a lot of autumnal leaves on the ground at the moment - and there's still quite a lot on the trees also - thus constitutes my rather astute observation of the day folks :-) :-) :-) ...

I'm going to go for one of my regular 4 1/4 mile walkies now - and do some shopping, as per normal, at the latter end of it - make the most of the calm weather eh...

I simply love wearing me trendy red Berghaus top - it goes so well wiv me blue jeans and brown walking boots - :-) :-) :-) ...

9 November 2021

Oh well, that's all of that found spliff gone - twas nice - i seem to remember watching The Billion Dollar Code at some point during the day too...

6 November 2021

Damn, the special-ops guys have beaten me to it innit - they must have been out all night, scouring the place and removing all the evidence - bummer huh...

   ...I was wonderin' why so many helicoptors were featurin' in me dreams like...

      ...Oh well, at least there's a silver linin' to it all - not wastin' me money on one of them large fancy freezers is now lookin' more like prudence - provin', perhaps, that it pays to use yer economical smarts sometimes innit...

5 November 2021

The first frosty night of this approaching winter caused one to add one's winter duvet to one's bed coverings dahlings - luxury, sheer luxury i tell thee - i were as snug as a bug in a wotsit so i were :-) :-) :-) ...

There's a heck of a lot of lights in the sky tonight - and loads of explosions also - call me stupid if you want but i think there may be an alien invasion taking place...

Well there's a firework celebration going on now, so it looks like we won...

   ...I think i may go hunting for alien artefacts tomorrow - who knows maybe i'll even find me a dead alien's ass to drag back as a kind of trophy...

      ...Now why did i never think about buying myself a large freezer i wonder - dumb huh... 

3 November 2021

One has just enjoyed a rather fabulous shopping experience inth city centre dahlings - well, once one had rather curtly dismissed the absolute duckegg who seemed to be rather insistent on treating me like a highly diseased individual anyway dahlings...

   ...But hey, one then struck/enjoyed a solid gold five star interaction with the next, extremely pleasant, guy...

      ...An individual/employee whose services should be rightly cherished dahlings, as it would seem rather obvious that he is destined to rise rather smoothly up the ranks...

Yep, you guess it - one was up with the birdies this morning - raring to get into one's day, before it perhaps had the chance of slipping rather wastefully away-hey...

A day of plentiful exercise and tram rides - plus some long-awaited confirmation regarding something in particular - a rather good day, one would most readily suggest :-) :-) :-) ...

2 November 2021

One has places to go (to) and people to see today, one's most treasured dahlings...

Well that turned out to be a rather enjoyable and unexpectedly interesting outing...

The COP26 farce ended today...

31 October 2021

Wot??? - only 4:45am??? - i think i may 'ave entered one of them time-warp thingies again...

   ...I'm beginning to suspect that the Earth's rotational speed has slowed down somewhat - and if so, i wonder wot's grabbed it??? - maybe those nutters were right about planet X / Nibiru after all eh...

      ...Maybe that's why the wind speed seems to have picked up a bit - as well as the weather lookin' rather wilder than usual too - i better go check on me preppin' supplies before it's too late to possibly order yet more emergency stuff eh...


Hmmmmm - well the rain's stopped, the wind has died down, the clouds have cleared, and the sun's come out - oh well, the wellies that i've just ordered are bound to come in handy sometime...

Well would you Adam & Eve it - they've gone and pulled a fast one on us all - haa bloddy haa eh...

   ...And here was me thinking that the end of the world scenario had started to unfold itself rather dramatically/unexpectedly - talk about messin' wiv me 'ead - sheesh...

      ...You would 'ave thought that the A Team Members would have piped Clocks or Time through me noggin as some sort of hint wouldn't you - that's it, i'm goin' on strike - well, maybe for a bit anyway innit...

30 October 2021

I got surprisingly Invited Out on an impromptu (well from my perspective anyway) Date with the most Lovely JJ yesterday - which i obviously accepted, and very much looked forward to - tis just such a great pity that i have/had no personal remembrance of such an Occasion, upon waking up this morning, though innit (major bummer huh)...

29 October 2021

Bin 'avin' a bit of a play this week innit - tas bin fun - well in the main anyway :-) :-) :-) ...

25 October 2021

I had a really good day on Sunday also - for the same reason...

   ...A new blog idea also came through the Airwaves - together with an accompanying tune...

      ...I think it must have come from the A Team Comedic Dept - tis a bit 'racy' though (especially the accompanying tune) - so i'll sleep on it and see how i feel about it when i wake up tommorrow, before making a decision about it...

23 October 2021

I had a brilliant day today - i got loads of non computer related stuff done...

22 October 2021

Yay - i have now just published a BLOG entitled A Simple Truth - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

And i have now just published an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to its content...

A fairly busy day, followed by a fairly relaxing evening...

21 October 2021

So, how did i spend such 'me time' yesterday??? - well, during my walkies another blog came to mind, so upon returning home i decided to type out some of the details before they faded from my mind, only to then find myself within the Flow once again dahlings - resulting in me typing out a full first draft of what would seem to be quite a short potential offering (as well as noting down the accompanying tune details btw)...

   ...Next i decided to watch Breakfast At Tiffany's, starring Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard and Buddy Ebsen - which i very much enjoyed btw...

      ...And then i listened to The Jo Whiley Show onth radio whilst generally surfing the net - before going to bed shortly after 10pm...

20 October 2021...

Well, after having done some early morning shopping, i have now just published a BLOG entitled My Secret Ninja - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its content...

And low and behold, i have now just published an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog - for those who may perhaps wish/like to listen to its content...

And that's n n n n nine consecutive blogs in n n n n nineteen days folks - and now its time for some more 'me time' once again - and since the rain now seems to have stopped for a while, maybe i'll start such 'me time' off with a walkies eh...

18 October 2021

Well i'm glad i decided to go for an earlier than normal morning walkies - for it is now raining rather steadily...

I have now just published a BLOG entitled Tortoise & Hare - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its content...

And i have now just published an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog - for those who may perhaps wish/like to both listen to and read its contents - voila, as they say...

17 October 2021

Yeah - it would appear that there is indeed to be a n n n n ninth consecutive blog offering folks - well i guess it was sort of inevitable that there would have to be really, wasn't it...

And that's the first draft of said n n n n ninth consecutive blog offering completed folks - one that, all things being equal, i intend publishing sometime during this coming Wednesday - well, you know, what else is one supposed to do with an otherwise dull and overcast Sunday eh...

Hmmm - good question - well maybe i'll just web-surf for a while, before perhaps watching a film of some sort...

16 October 2021

So, with 7 blogs completed in, what must be a record, 14 days, that backlog has now been rather swiftly (even if i say so myself lol) dealt with - yippee eh - time to chill for a while folks (well, perhaps anyway - who really knows eh)...

So anyway, yesterday i decided to go for another of my rather regular walkies - and guess what, i found an almost unsmoked spliff on the ground (which turned out to be rather fortuitous, as i had earlier been considering going out and scoring a deal man) - maybe it was Janis's way of rewarding me for all the work/effort i had put in / made eh...

   ...And what a spliff it has turned out to be - two rather careful/small/judicious tokes later and boing said Zebedee folks...

      ...Maybe i'll have some more of it during the coming week eh...

Well waddya know, during an earlier walkies details of a possible blog i had more recently earmarked started veritably streaming through my open mind (so they did, so they did - well maybe not streaming exactly) - resulting in me typing out a first draft shortly after i returned - i actually quite enjoyed it...

15 October 2021

You can now buy sugar with sweetener added to it - whats next eh - glue with stickiness added to it???...

And yay, i have now just published The Incarnational Diamond within BLOGS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its content...

And i have now added an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to its content - phew, yet another busy day folks...

14 October 2021

Yay - after finally being able to crop the original, i have now added a photo to The Butterfly Effect blog - you know where to find it, right??? :-) :-) :-) ...

13 October 2021

I have now just published a BLOG entitled The Butterfly Effect - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its content...

And now i have added an accompanying VIDEO, of the same title as the above blog - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to its content...

Oooooh - more 'me time' once again...

12 October 2021

Oooh, who's been a busy boy then - yep, i've just completed the first draft of yet another blog, which i hope to be able to offer/publish sometime on Friday - all things being equal of course...

   ...Maybe i should go out and treat myself eh...

      ...Hmmm, perhaps with a couple of slices of cheesecake - and/or one of those really nice high percentage cocoa chocolate bars eh - my weight does seem to have stabilized itself at 11st 4lbs after all...

11 October 2021

I have started this Monday morning by now publishing A Short Story within BLOGS - for those who perhaps may wish/loike to read its content...

And i have now published an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog - for those who may perhaps wish/loike to listen to its content...

Yay - i have now finished the first draft of a restructured blog that, all things being equal, i intend publishing on Wednesday - leaving me free to enjoy some 'me time' for the rest of the day...

10 October 2021...

Up nice and early at 7am on this, now sunny, Sunday morning (after going to bed at around 9:45pm last night) - went straight onto my 'puter and typed up the first draft of another FPD wot i 'ad...

I have now, rather belatedly perhaps, published Another Short Dream within DREAMS (for easier future reference) - twas one wot i 'ad during the early hours of Saturday 9 October...

And i have now just published A Noel Dream within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

9 October 2021

I had another one of those FPD's (famous person dream) last night...

   ...This one involved Ed Sheeran, Gwyneth Paltrow, and someone else (a male) who i can't remember the name of...

      ...It was a single scene dream that took place outside in a public place where other unknown people were also present - i simply remember having short chat with a happy and smiling Ed who seemed to be standing behind a low fence of some description (not sure if i actually chatted with Gwyneth who was stood close by, on my side of such a fence/area, but i do remember us acknowledging each others presence - and i can't remember what was actually said between Ed and myself either)...

I had quite a busy day today - typing up the first draft of two separate future blog offerings - the second of which i intend changing the structure/order of before publishing...

And then, during the evening, i watched a film called Hidalgo - which i really enjoyed actually...

8 October 2021

Well i got up at around 8am this morning, and got straight to work on the next blog in the queue - which i have now just published within BLOGS, under the title of What Is Love??? - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

And i have now just published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog - for those who may perhaps like/wish to partake of its contents...

Hmmmm - the memory man striketh again folks - (a somewhat belated third thingy entry)...

7 October 2021

I've been feeling rather tired/bored during the last two evenings - resulting in me retiring to my bed at the unusually early times of, circa 9:30pm two nights ago, and at 8:30pm last night...

   ...With me not getting up until shortly after 9am (i think) yesterday morning, and at around 8:45 am this morning...

      ...Lazy boy huh - but hey, maybe it's simply the change of seasons, combined with the increasingly dark nights (i'm having to put on my side-lamp at around 7pm at the moment) that have been gradually encroaching upon us all, here in our less sunny Manchester - so no biggie eh...

So, what did i do with my 'me time' yesterday, you may well ask...

   ...Well, around two or three weeks ago i took delivery of a second-hand book that i had originally read in the very early 90's (yep, you guessed it, twas a book title that seemingly simply came to mind) - i first read it way back in the early 90's, after having espied it sitting upon one of the shelves within a local library...

      ...Tis entitled Abductions, and is written by Dr Edith Fiore, Ph.D. - i've only read/reread the first two chapters so far - and yes, tis like reading it afresh/anew, as a before unread book, so i am finding it to be rather interesting, once again...

After getting out of bed this morning, thinking that i had possibly put on some weight, i decided to weigh myself before getting dressed - and hey, i had actually lost some instead - yep, i'm now down to 11st 2 3/4lbs, which is possibly the lightest i have weighed for many a year (pretty cool huh)...

6 October 2021

Boy did i have a relaxing sleep last night - in fact i was so relaxed upon awakening, that i could have rather easily luxuriated within my bed for quite a while longer actually - but hey, duty called...

So, i can now rather joyfully announce that The 'Backwards' Blog has now been published within BLOGS - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents loike...

Yay - and i have now just published the associated/related VIDEO of the same title as the above-mentioned blog - for those who may perhaps wish/like to both listen to and read its contents - and thus heralding some 'me time' folks (lucky me huh)...

5 October 2021

A couple of evenings ago i watched a new Mark Wahlberg film called Infinite, that i very much enjoyed - it would more likely appeal to those who enjoy reincarnation / previous lives type of films - Cloud Atlas (Tom Hanks, Halle Berry and Hugh Grant) is another one, of the same general genre, that i have enjoyed watching also...

Sheesh - i've rather unexpectedly started the day off by highlighting (within Bits 'N' Bobs - in bold and italics) ALL the published titles, within all BLOGS, VIDEOS, DREAMS, POEMS, MUSIC and Some Prepin' Tips areas - hopefully they will better assist the reader to reference them...

I've been working on, and have now completed in first draft form, what promises to be an absolute doozy of a blog offering folks - well at least i think so anyway - hopefully, all things being equal, it should be ready/available for publication tomorrow morning(ish)...

4 October 2021

A 'The Pavement Bullies' update - apparently 'mr lippy' and the guy who had been living with him (the one that had also received an earlier 'slappin') have been 'locked' out of 'mr lippy's' gaff (prevented from gaining entry) - and are now both 'holed up' at two separate locations...

   ...Both of them had been doing some regular 'street begging' - for quite some time apparently - and in so doing, giving a bad name to those who are truly desparate / in dire straits...

      ...Upon Enquiry, i had been Told that my 'STFU' interactions with 'mr lippy' had been Reported (higher up the non-physical Chain/Ladder, i presume), and no more than that -  as a matter/course of Duty - never underestimate/doubt the reality/existence of karma, would be my advice - and for those interested in such things, i would heartily invite you to reference 'The Karma Poem', within POEMS, if you have not done so already..  

Today i have been working, much more immersively, on the second blog that 'Them Upstairs' would more particularly seem to wish me to share...

And i have now just published The Entertainment Industry BLOG - for those who may perhaps wish/loke to read its contents...

   ...And i have now just published an accompanying VIDEO, of the same title as the above mentioned blog - for those who may wish to listen to its content...

      ...And finally for today - i have just published three more APHORISMS - two in 'Others' and one in 'Ours'...

3 October 2021

Ooooooh - out of bed at the much more civilised time of 8:10 am dahlings (luxury i tell thee, sheer luxury) - it would seem that i may be getting back into O/our most lovely Chief Editor, Miss JJ's Good Books already, does it knot???...

   ...Twood very much seem that yesterday's concerted efforts, by myself, may have indeed been duly Noted within appropriate Appreciation doncha know...

      ...Maybe a much deserved day of general relaxation has been Authorised, eh dahlings - although i have already written down twelve pointers / memory joggers for the next upcoming blog offering in question / the queue - but hey, as is said, more haste less speed yeah, so maybe i should allow such noted pointers / memory joggers time to simmer/clarify / further develop within mind, before committing them finally to paper, so to speak, eh...

Anyway, one's living-room temperature has dropped below 60F for the first time since 27 May (tis currently 58F) - and the evenings have started to become much cooler also - so maybe tis now a case of au revoir summer and bonjour winter eh, my very special and much appreciated dahlings...

Tas been a showery Annie Lennox sort of day (Here Comes The Rain Again ~ Eurythmics  lolz) - but hey, at least i made a start on the next blog, even though i had seemingly been given the day off - so maybe, in so doing, i've managed to earn myself some seemingly much-needed brownie points eh lolz...

2 October 2021

Hmmm, a more civilised 6:25 am start to the day folks - i guess that i must be starting to get back into Miss JJ's Good books eh - every day, like Elvis Costello perhaps, She seems to be Prompting me to continue to write (into) O/our C/collective 'book' lolz (well seemingly so at the moment anyway :-) :-) :-) ) ...

Phew - i have now just published a BLOG entitled The 'Pavement Bullies' - for those who may perhaps like wish to read its contents...

And, finally for today - i have now just published an accompanying VIDEO, of the same title, to the above blog - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to, watch, and possibly read its contents...

1 October 2021

Well whaddya know - up even earlier this morning (6am this time, and it's still very dark - and, of course, rainy once again lolz - mind you, one did retire to one's slumbers particularly early last night dahlngs, so no biggie eh ) - okey dokey, orft one goes to add a few words to that An Intriguing Dream thingie wot i did yesterday...

Okey dokey - i have now published More Snow Patrol within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps wish/like to both read and listen to its contents...

Due to one's hired help having seemingly done a runner, one has had to spend the afternoon doing one's own housework dahlings - apparently they seem to have decided that one's gaff is haunted - what an absolute load of superstitious twaddle dahlings...

30 September 2021

Sheesh, up with the dawn for the second morning in a row lolz...

   ...So anyway, i now have two more blogs to work on (both already with potentially-accompanying tunes) - one of which came to me yesterday - and the second one having come to me/mind during the still waking-up stage, as i was laying in my bed within the still comparative dark of the earlier morning, lightly pondering upon a dream that i intend sharing a little later today...

      ...And then, surprise surprise, the smiling (Happy and seemingly very much at Peace with both Himself and the Environs He finds Himself now to be Residing within - he 'passed over' to the other side of Life a few years ago now), 'real-time' (non-colour) face of a Gentleman by the name of Ron (van Dyke), whose somewhat interesting YouTube videos i would often watch, listen to, and occasionally comment upon (i was first introduced to them within the Lightworkers.org website back in 2011/2012), came clearly to mind - which then resulted in the T/two of U/us exchanging some warm-hearted thought-words with one-Another - i found such an interchange to be a very Spiritually-pleasing experience, and am indeed very pleased that Ron does indeed now seem to have found true Peace and Equanimity within Himself...

Okey dokey - i have now just published An Intriguing Dream within, yep you guessed it folks, DREAMS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

So anyway, after a fairly busy day, i enjoyed yet another evening, generally chilling, and listening to yet another rather brill evening's super-Jo Whiley Show onth radio - before then watching yet another couple of episodes of the Atypical series (which i rather enjoy doing btw)...

29 September 2021 (again - seemingly - well perhaps anyway innit lolz)

Yeah, i know, strange innit - i guess we'll just call it 'the long Good Wednesday' and move on from there yeah - well, one supposes anyway...

   ...So yesterday (the real yesterday yeah - just in case, like me, your marbles are still a bit wotsit like) turned out to be a bit of a rainy day (well, possibly night also) in Manchester (rather than Georgia perhaps) - and this morning seems to have started off in a like-wise manner - which is all very good for the vegetation of course...

      ...So is it a case of the boys are back in town or wot??? - the possible reader of these words may perhaps quite reasonably ask - well, Energetically-wise, it would most definitely seem so, but hey, let's just see 'ow things go from 'ere yeah, and simply carry on regardless (well, perhaps anyway, who really knows eh)...

So anyway, seemingly it could be possibly helpful if i, perhaps, tried to behave in a little/slightly less 'oponionated' way/manner dahlings (slightly more accommodating perhaps) - trying to desist, a little, from having/holding/airing opinions wot could possibly cause certain people, perhaps, to possibly become an ickle sad / shed tears-like - well, who knows, maybe i could, ostensibly at least, perhaps give it a try for a while innit, if only to see 'ow it perhaps goes like...

And hey, whaddaya know folks, i've just published The Midweek Mix within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps enjoy listening to its contents - sheesh, busy days seem to be back once again...

29 September 2021

Wot??? - Wednesday already??? - you iz jokin' right???...

   ...Oh well, let's simply go with the flow / roll with it, right???...

      ...Sheesh, wot a week this is turnin' out to be, innit - 'doctor, doctor, can you hear me calling calling' - well possibly anyway innit lolz...

So anyway, yesterday(??? - no way innit lolz), seemingly turned out to be a rather delayed day inth original intentions department dahlings - you see one had some clothes washing to take care of, as well as a morning(???)/midday(???) fully-awakening walkies to enjoy - and then of course, onth way back from such a walkies, one simply had to venture into one's local supermarket in order to do one's shopping, which rather inevitably included making some early Xmas purchases within the drinkipoos dept dahlings...

But anyway, as they say, all's well that ends well - for i have now, rather belatedly perhaps, made the changes and additions that i had spoken of, earlier yesterday(??? - oh well, woteva innit)  - so let's just put the last few days(??? - seriously???) down to some sort of anomalous time-warp having taken place, and simply move forward hoping for some sort of normanality to reassert itself eh... 

28 September 2021

Is it really Tuesday already??? - you know, some days seem to rather seemlessly blend into one-another without having had any recollection of having gone to bed whatsoever - strange daze indeed eh (well seemingly anyway)...

Wow, guess what??? - i've just published Some David Bowie within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like to listen to and watch its contents...

Aaahaaa - and now that it is actually Tuesday, i can see clearly (no, not the Johnny Mathis(??? - really???)/Nash / Jimmy Cliff/ one darlings - well, not as i am aware anyway - but hey, who actually really knows eh) that during yesterday one did rather get ahead of one's self inth premature publishing department of 'Some David Bowie' perhaps dahlings...

   ...As it became gradually(??? - really???) more clear, as i was laying/awakening withinth bed, that there are in fact a couple more (possibly evidentially important - inth further defence of my David Bowie case anyway) line thingies to add immediately following (well, immediately after the first line thingy anyway) the middle song/tune selection (as well as a single word change further up actually)...

      ...So, without further ado/delay dahlings, orft one will now go in order to actualise such addendum(???) thingy changes - well, potentially at least, without further delay innit - there is, for example, breakfast to continue preparing afterall isn't there (as well as actually waking up properly/fully of course - (latest update ~ hmmm, etc etc seemingly dahlings - don't worry, i'm sure i'll get there eventually - well one supposes anyway)...

27 September 2021

Yay, back down to 11st 4 1/2 lbs folks - and because i had put on that extra 8lbs rather/relatively quickly, it came off rather quickly (and more readily) also - who'd a thunk it eh...

Oh yes - one's creative juices are flowing once again dahlings - but alas, one is possibly beginning to Sense (yes, indeed with a capital 'S' dahlings) the oncoming urge for a little siesta on one's living-room sofa dahlings (so one is, so one is)...

Hmmmmm - and talking about Sensing dahlings, one is beginning to wonder (rightly or wrongly of course) whether one's rather extensive summer holidays may, perhaps, be coming to an end - well if so, perhaps only for a bit innit...

   ...Hmmmmm - maybe i'll start regretting not having done those now queued-up blog thingies eh - and now that i look back, it wouldn't have been THAT much of a big deal to have taken care of (proccessed) them at the times of their individual arisings within mind after all would it (well, one supposes not anyway)...

      ...Ooooh 'eck - who knows, my most bestest Buddy 'Chief Editor JJ' (darling Janis to me doncha know - well it was anyway) may see fit to Summon me into Her Office for a bit of a dressing-down eh - tremble-tremble, ketchup time at the double perhaps dahlings (ooooh, sorry, once again, Miss JJ innit)...

25 September 2021

Well, one has started one's day with one's creative juices simply bursting to express themselves dahlings - bursting for expression even (calm down creative juices, calm down)...

   ...Anyway, yesterday i noticed/realised/noted that i had 5 blog titles/thingies queued up (one of which dates all the way back to possibly January - but hey, what's the rush eh - we have all the time in the world after all, do we knot???) - and now there are six doncha know (well, potentially, at least one supposes)...

      ...I was laying in bed you see, thinking about a particular tune that i would rather like to use as an accompanying one to an as yet unknown/unspecified/unReceived blog thingy - and then it came to me, like the proverbial bolt from the blue dahlings (so it did, so it did) - why not have the blog reflecting the tune, rather than the other way round (voila dahlings)...

So anyway, moving on (or, rather, backwards actually - from this present time-point/frame, any way) - some rather humorous rascal was wearing a rather interesting tee-shirt inth supermarket this morning (yes, one simply jumped outta bed, twitched one's nose, and voila (oooh, there's that word once again dahlings) there one was, inth supermarket dahlings (so one was, so one was))...

   ...Anyway, on it twas written (typed actually dahlings - if one has to be completely accurate) 'It's the end of the world as we know it - and i feel fine'...

      ...Hmmm - possibly rather apt eh - unless said individual was simply in a rush to return Home of course (well, one supposes anyway dahlings)...

So anyway, moving further on (or rather less backwards, depending upon one's perspective of course dahlings) - as one was walking back from said supermarket, one espied a female wearing a camouflaged jacket, preparing, no doubt, to jump into her vee-hickle dahlings, in order to start orft on some secret mission of sorts (well possibly anyway, one supposes)...

   ...Prompting one to share the earlier arisen thoughts with her - 'if humans are the product of natural evolution, then why are their skins not naturally camouflaged???' - and indeed, in a likewise manner dahlings, why are such skin layers so bloddy fragile???...

      ...So anyway dahlings, with one's creative juices at least partially sated/satisfied, one now rather feels the need for a lay down (so one does, so one does dahlings) - hmmm, what the heck did one bloddy well get up to during one's body's earlier night-time recharging (just call me '3 of 9' eh) sleepies, one wonders dahlings...

13 September 2021

Yep, you guessed it - it's APHORISMS time again folks...

   ...Two from 'Others'...

      ...And one of 'Ours'...

Sojourn ~ (a) soul journey ~ (a) sole journey (a journey alone) ...

Well i somewhat belatedly got round to watching the mens US Open final - i much preferred Novak's tennis shoes to Daniil's - as i preferred Leylah's to Emma's in the ladies final actually...

31 August 2021

Tis nice to Hear the gentle Words of 'I love you' as i am slowly waking up in my bed in the morning - said as a simple statement of fact - rather than the pregnant pause type of 'I love you' that JJ used to give me, all that time ago...

   ...Tis an 'I love you' that naturally elicits a tender 'i love you too/also' from myself, in response...

      ...And an 'I love you' that starts my day off with a feeling of warmth and happiness/satisfaction...

30 August 2021

A reading update...

So, i managed to finish Popcorn - and then i started This Other Eden, but discarded it pretty early on - leaving me with Gridlock still to possibly read, at a later date perhaps...

I then started to read Worse Case Scenario by Helen Fitzgerald - which i put aside after reading the first 74 pages - and i have just finished a very/pleasantly enjoyable read by Matt Cain, called The Secret Life Of Albert Entwistle (a book that i would highly recommend)...

29 August 2021

Rapture: capture by raptor - ain't it funny what thoughts come into / pass through yer mind sometimes...

28 August 2021

I have just published a DREAM entitled A Rhio Snippet - for those who may perhaps wish to read its content...

And i have now just published another DREAM entitled A Cristiano Snippet...

Today is a lovely sunny day - during which i intend to relax, doing whatever happens to take my fancy...

20August 2021

I have been working on another BLOG offering for most of this week - this has now been published under the title of This Covid Thingy - so please feel free to go read its contents if you feel so inclined to do so...

And, lo and behold, i have now published an accompanying VIDEO to the above blog - and of the same title - for those who may perhaps like to both listen to and read its contents...

   ...As per normal, i actually Asked for some accompanying music to such a blog offering, earlier this week - and indeed Received a song title soon afterwards (during the end of a walkies actually) - however, upon this particular occasion (for possibly the first time ever in actual fact), i didn't think it was a particularly reflective/apt one, so later decided upon another one instead...

      ...Who's a naughty boy then lolz...

Hmmm - what to do now eh - well perhaps, amongst other things, i'll go for a second daily walkies (one must try to keep one's body healthy after all, must one not)...

15 August 2021

Well that's the morning walkies taken care of - during which i saw another patrolling dragon fly - this one was of the metallic green armour-plated variety...

These personal algorythms eh - select a YouTube thingy from your personal home page and there it goes, spawning many more of the same - make a comment (or indeed series of them) on an online newspaper and waddya know, it seemingly spawns a rather predictable series of them also...

So anyway, after breakfast i think i'll go back to indulging in some more Popcorn -  leaving the clouds to decide whether to divest themselves of more rain as they pass slowly overhead, or to select another location instead - decisions, decisions eh...

13 August 2021

'And if you stay with Us you're gonna be pretty kooky too' - yep - sounds about right, so no arguments on that score from me...

8 August 2021

🎢 Down came the rain 🎢 - but no thunder and lightning yet though - yep, you guessed it, i have awoken to heavy rain, so no early morning walkies today...

Yay - a walkies in between the rain (and now tas started persisting down once again) - and i saw my first solitary topaz-coloured dragon fly of the year too...

I indulged in some Popcorn durinth evening - it was of the Ben Elton variety - i've still got most of the packet left to eat...

7 August 2021

A nice early morning walkies before the rain - which now seems to be settling in - but for how long i wonder...

Well, waddya know, the creative juices started flowing unexpectedly - so, after finishing the first draft in one fell swoop, orft i went for a second walkies, before returning, polishing it up, and publishing it within BLOGS - tis entitled An Unexpected Visitor...

And i have now just published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog - phew, an enexpectedly busy day - time to relax...

6 August 2021

Yay, i finished reading the last few pages of Stark by Ben Elton - i've decided to read that Popcorn one next...

The hoovering of the living-room carpet still needs to be done though - yeah, i definitely think i'll get it sorted a little later...

I have now published Some More Sinéad within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps wish to listen to and read its contents...

5 August 2021

After offering my services as a sexual therapist onth Guardian yesterday, i went cycling and socialising - twas nice...

Now then, will i finally finish reading Stark by Ben Elton today, one wonders...

And will i get round to hoovering my living-room carpet - well at least i've started the day off by putting some clothes into the washing machine and turning it on - so i guess that's a good positive start to the day...

3 August 2021

I've been cleaning and oiling my mountain bike today - as well as pumping up the tyres of course...

   ...Anyway, whilst i was outside cleaning the mud off my tyres, thinking my various thoughts, a new aphorism came to mind...

      ...So i thought i would share it within the 'Ours' part of APHORISMS...

As i was listening to some previous video blog accompaniments, i noticed an aphorism of 'Others' that i later realised had not, as yet, been included within APHORISMS - this oversight has now been remedied...

And in order to conform to my 'threeness', i have added another, much older  APHORISM of 'Ours'...

2 August 2021

Twas a weekend of play - onth Guardian mainly - actively involving certain A Team Members and Guests...

   ...It started off being fairly stressful for me - but hey, once W/we got into gear, and things started Flowing more readily once again, it became more relaxing and interesting for me - with the initial stress and unsureness being replaced by a more self-assured / confident /enjoyable/interested state of mind...

      ...That's the thing with summer sabatticals isn't it - the Flow has to be reestablished once again - and talking of continuing sabatticals, maybe i will get around to finishing the last 15% of Stark by Ben Elton today...

1 August 2021

August already eh - doesn't time fly lolz...

I have just published Another Tyson Dream within, yep, you guessed it, DREAMS - for those who may perhaps wish to read all about it (read all about it, read all about it folks)...

And i have now just published Another Wayne Dream within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps wish to read its contents - phew, busy day eh...

31 July 2021

I was with Jenni for part of last night - sat to the right of her within a socially relaxed garden setting, with a female friend of hers sat fairly closely to the front right of me - and although i was fairly relaxed, there was a very slight awkwardness within my demeanour (oh well, given time to settle in eh)...

   ...I very much sense that it's a bit of a Take Time To Know Her(Them)/Only Fools Rush In type of situation actually...

      ...And hey, i tend to be more approachable in one-on-one situations, if truth be told - well, initially anyway - anyway, things to be done, so let's get on with the day...

30 July 2021

I had another dream folks - one that i have chosen to share within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps be interested in reading its contents, it is entitled A 'NIC' Dream...

Ooooh - i have just published a BLOG entitled Public Monitoring Systems - for those who may perhaps wish to read its content...

And i have now just published a VIDEO accompaniment to the above blog offering, of the same title - for those who may perhaps wish to listen to its content...

29 July 2021

I have just published a DREAM wot i 'ad last night (Rhio had Asked to see me during such sleepy times earlier during the evening, interestingly or not), entitled A Sting Dream - for those whom may perhaps like to read its content...

26 July 2021

As i was going for a mid sleep pee halfway through last night i was Told, 'We would like to welcome you into Our Fraternity' - 'Thank You' Replied i, within a certain amount of wonderment - i just thought i would log it here for future reference...

25 July 2021

I have just published a DREAM recollection entitled A Will's Dream - for those whom may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

4 July 2021

I've just published More Leonard Cohen within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like to listen to its contents...

17 June 2021

It has been exactly a year since Rocky passed - but to me it feels like more than a year - the passing of time eh...

10 June 2021

Well it was definitely a book - i think it may have started off as a not-so-short short story - that would possibly explain the chapter about a third of the way through...

   ...The chapter that didn't seem to fit in with any other part of the book thus far read - the chapter that kept on being a seeming misnomer until near the end of said book - it all turned out to be a bit weird really...

      ...Tis not a book that i'm likely to wish to read again - in fact i'm going to place it next to the front door - to remind me to donate it to that charitable second hand book thingy...

Hmmmm - i've got two more books by the same author to read too - well, potentially to read anyway...

Unless i put them with the one just read of course - oh well, it'll be the last Jo Show of the week in a few hours time - i wonder if anyone will request any Ella Fitzgerald music...

8 June 2021

Yaaaaawn - tis almost 9am - lolz...

And after a midday walkies i have now published Fields Of Gold within MUSIC - a little creativity on this sunny sumer's day dahlings - for those wishing perhaps to partake of its visual and audible qualities...

One's first day, first edition copy of The Bench by Meghan, the Duchess Of Sussex, arrived a little earlier today, doncha know dahlings - tis a lot larger than i had anticipated, and the pastel paintings are simply divine - a rather astute investment, one would very much suggest...

7 June 2021

Oh dear, Sarah's dead - until then all had been sort of lovely - well more or less; up until she had caught Kyle and Krissie having a drunken shag anyway...

And i have now added 'The seemingly inevitable/obligatory addendum' to the Fruits Of Boredom BLOG that i published onth 4 June 2021 - for those who may perhaps wish to read the three added thingies...

A bake - well almost anywayze...

6 June 2021

Getting baked within the sunshine can be a fun and interesting thing to do occasionally - and it looks like i chose a rather opportune day to do so - as today looks like it may well remain a rather overcast one (bye bye sunshine - for the moment at least lolz)...

Ooooh - and i've now just published Some Rolling Stones within MUSIC - for those whom may perhaps wish/like to enjoy both listening to, and reading, its contents...

Hmmm - The Seven Rays Of Light by Alice Bailey - the book that i thought i had already read, but in actual fact haven't...

   ...The one i had in fact read was one that had much fewer pages - and was of a lighter blue colour - twas really/comparatively a booklet, in actual fact...

      ...This one has small print, and is 349 pages lonnng - oh well, twill look fairly impressive on a book shelf, one supposes - ahaa, the one i actually had turns out to be the first chapter (50+ pages) of this book, which is possibly why i remembered its title as simply being The Seven Rays (the exact title of the first chapter of this new book in actual fact)...

5 June 2021

I think i may go get baked today - the sun is shining brightly once again after all...

Ooooh - another APHORISM of 'Ours' has been added - and it's supposed to be a day of rest for me too lolz...

And just to balance things out a little, i've just added another APHORISM, within 'Others' this time - i think i've remembered it correctly - although i'm not two sure i agree with it's sentiments, as i quite like bushes...

   ...Maybe it was a saying by someone who didn't have a garden eh (a flat/apartment dweller for example) - or by someone who simply didn't have any room in their garden for (another???) bush - otherwise it's a no-brainer really isn't it...

      ...Hmmmm - or maybe by someone who simply didn't like bushes, or more than one bird perhaps (or both eh) - or maybe the bird in his/her hand was a very large bird compared with the two with the bush, and he/she had a large family to feed...

4 June 2021

Sheesh - up at around 4am - after going to bed shortly after 10pm last night...

   ...So anyway, that's the blog tidied up, and breakfast eaten, and a walkies and shopping taken care of...

      ...So now we can get down to the work involved in actually publishing it...

Phew - i have now finally published a BLOG entitled Fruits Of Boredom - for anyone who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

   ...That took longer than i had originally anticipated - as i had gotten my word-count thingy wrong - and had forgotten to mention something in particular also...

      ...Oh well, at least it's still morning - 11:33 actually - for those who may perhaps be numerically interested...

So, after a second walkies, and some preparatory work, i have now published an accompanying VIDEO of the same title as the above blog offering - for those who may perhaps wish to both listen to and read its contents...

   ...Okey-dokey - after a third mind-clearing/refreshing walkies, followed by a meal (well sort of anyway), and after typing it out - i have now published A Dad Dream within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

      ...Phew - a busy day - which now heralds a period of general relaxation, before my beddy-byes time beckons...

3 June 2021

So anyway, i've recently read the bit about remembering to look at your girlfriend's mother, if you want to get an idea of what she may perhaps look like in her older years - reminding me of the very same advice my rather observant first full-time immediate boss gave to me, many many years ago now - no doubt upon/after realising that i had started to come into work from the opposite direction each Monday morning, having spent most of the previous weekend with my then girlfriend and her unattached/separated mother...

Phew - an afternoon spent typing out the first draft of a fairly lengthy blog that hopefully now only needs a little bit of tidying up before being ready to offer tomorrow...

Tis now time for some food, and then relaxation listening to the Jo Show on Radio 2 - a day - well almost anyway...

2 June 2021

I wonder whether/if there is any truth in/to the rumour (possibly started by myself, or some Other, 'secretly' Inspiring, A Team member perhaps) that Shiitake mushrooms are natural laxatives...

Well, based upon yesterday's reading experience, it's definitely turning out to be a bit of a page-turner, that's for sure lolz...

   ...That's the thing about large print books isn't it...

      ...You have to hold them a lot further away in order to read them comfortably / non-claustrophobically...

The unexpected joy/relief that you weren't born into a middle class family, that reading a certain book/novel can surprise you with eh - poor Kyle has had his balls confiscated by his dominant/intolerant wife - i wonder if he will manage to reclaim them further down the line (read on McDuff lolz) ...

1 June 2021


I've just published Some Sinead O'Connor within MUSIC - try not to fall over yourselves in your understandable rush to get there eh...

Ooooh - and i shortly intend to start reading a book that i haven't yet read before - whether it will turn out to be one Helenavah good one or not, only time will tell of course...

29 May 2021

Well i finished the book yeatserday (tee hee) - tas now been put back from whenst it came...

   ...Who knows, in another 5 to 10 years i may read it afresh for a 4th time - remembering hardly any of it once again, one supposes...

      ...Did you manage to work out its title and author, from the various clues offered, one wonders...

28 May 2021

Oooooh - just the epilogue left to read now...

I learn't something too...

If you want to make the ending more exciting/climactic (and perhaps add extra pages also), just mess with the IQ's of (some of???) the main characters (for example) - raising and lowering them to the required levels at the times you deem it appropriate to do so - and hey, if you (the reader) allow yourself to get caught up within all the intended excitement, it could possibly work a treat lolz...

27 May 2021

440 dudes...

   ...As well as dudettes of course...

      ...Although 420 would have been the ideal number, one supposes...

26 May 2021

Well, by the end of yesterday 'at the third stroke the time sponsored by Accurist was' page 272 - whereas today, it has currently reached page 305...

During part of the book i was reading earlier today one of the main characters suggested shoring something up - perhaps not realising that they were possibly situated hundreds of miles inland - doh huh...

Ooooh - the 'beep beep beep' is up to page 395 now - the Lotus has seemingly inevitably moved into a higher gear (brrrm brrrm eh)...

24 May 2021

'All wrong! All wrong! lolz...

   ...'So who's the retard now then, F*****S!!!' - oh well, at least we now know what that 'Tunguska Event' was possibly all about lolz...

      ...Yep, you guessed it - i've been doin' a bit more readin' folks...

'At the third stroke the time sponsored by Accurist will be' page 214 lolz...

Yep, twood very much seem that this ear veritable tortoise has unknowingly ingested some steroids folks - well perhaps anyway...

23 May 2021

Ooooh - up to page 102 now...

   ...And yeah, eye nose what you're thinkin' - a pretty fast reader huh...

      ...But hey, as Simon & Garfunkel should possibly have sung - 'i'd rather be a tortoise than a hare', right - a cannabis munchin' one ideally (hmmm - that reminds me of one of those extra special missions i should possibly go on sometime)...

22 May 2021

A couple of nights ago, whilst in bed, an amusing old APHORISM of 'Ours' came surprisingly back to mind, which i decided to share again (i think i originally shared it on The Sun online newspaper, possibly 12 years ago now) - anyway yesterday i realised that it had gone from my mind completely - but hey, this morning it has rather spontaneously come back to me (i think i may have Emelia Clarke and my YouTube Homepage algorythym to indirectly thank for it - well possibly anyway, who knows), so share it i will...

 'ET phone home'??? - nah, don't think so - MAJOR script error lolz...

I've started to read a novel today - 'at the third stroke the time sponsored by Accurist will be' - i wonder if you know which one...

   ...I've actually read it twice before over the years - but can only remember a little more, of the details anyway, than i have enjoyed it on both previous occasions - i've got up to page 49 so far...

      ...It makes me wonder whether people with good memories have trouble letting go - well i s'pose there could always be some sort of correlation between the two after all - what a curse bad memories and having a good memory must be at times, one supposes...

21 May 2021

I just incorporated the following within the A Fair Exchange blog wot i published yesterday...

   ...'(hmmmm - unless they would simply try to use/modify such technology to spring their mates from outta prison and do a collective exit stage left to another time dimension/line of course)'...

      ...Twas a thought wot i woke up wiv, a lot earlier, this morning...

Yep, you guessed it - i'm having one of those particularly lazy days today - well, so far anyway...

 Well i managed to incorporate a walkies into my otherwise rather wotsit day - i was hoping to have two actually, but hey, it simply didn't happen, so chill yeah...

20 May 2021

Well, wadda ya know, by 8:30 this morning i had completed the first draft of that blog thingy i mentioned a few days earlier - and what can one say, other than the Juices just seemed to Flow dahlings...

And, low and behold, i have now just published a near-first-draft of a BLOG entitled A Fair Exchange - for those who may perhaps wish to read its contents...

And i have now added a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - for those who may perhaps like to bop along to/with its content...

19 May 2021

I've not mentioned my dahling Rhio for a while have i - i think We may be Partying tonight - i told Her to go put Her best Dress on (but only if She wishes to of course)...

Rocky paid me a visit tuther day - apparently i did okay and he did okay too - so twas a worthwhile experience for both of us to share apparently...

I got up at around 5:30 this morning, and had myself a wee sleep onth couch/settee shortly/somewhat afterwards - whereby i had a dream whereby i was enjoying a walkies, and it started to rain, causing me to turn around and return home - so i took my raincoat with me during the first of my two walkies of the day - and yep, you guessed it, it started to rain ('impossible not to do' lolz - Rhio baby), causing me to wear said raincoat (on a number of separate occasions in actual fact)...

18 May 2021

Hmmmm - the Art of delegation eh - well perhaps anyway, who knows eh...

I had intended to write a blog today, but never quite got 'round to it - it occurred to me this morning whilst i was still in bed  - i Asked for an accompanying tune too, which i Received, unexpectedly quickly, before getting up...

So anyway, The Jo Whiley Show is due to start soon - and Manchester United are currently 1 - 0 in front against Fulham - i wonder how the Chelsea v Leicester one, a little later tonight, will go (oooh, excitement excitement eh)...

17 May 2021

'And sometimes when we Touch...' ...

I think it was just about a week ago when i returned home to find a piece of paper, with a name and phone number on it, sitting on this 'ere desk of mine (the windows had been left open, so it had probably blown into position) - then, a few nights ago i had a dream about the same person, whereby i was holding their hand as they were seated in a chair telling me that they were having a heart attack, after which their body became inactive, their skin fled away, and then their skeleton, until nothing was left of their physical vehicle of expression - so anyway, today i cycled to their house to tell them of such a dream, whereby they told me that they had 'always' thought that they would either die of cancer or a heart attack; presumably they will now go and get themselves checked out, before possibly checking out themselves...

In return, btw, i told them about the details of my physical death / Passing - which i have known about since the late 1980's...

13 May 2021...

Up early, after staying up late...

Playing onth Guardian and Daily Mail once again - together with a single long walkies...

Oh, and i also offered a very erudite discourse - up to and including the metaphysical level in actual fact - clarity gained within many levels doncha know...

12 May 2021


Well, i played on both the Guardian and Daily Mail websites i guess...

And enjoyed two walkies also...

11 May 2021

The thing about getting an early night, is that it often results in an early start the following day - thus was the case/situation this morning...

An enjoyable Energetically Active Interactive (with various A Team Members) afternoon walkies was taken - 'sometimes when w/We Touch' it can be a more meaningful Sharing/Transfer of Energies than during other, more ordinary occasions of course - twas nice...

So, yeah, very much of a relaxing, recovery of energies, day generally really...

10 May 2021

There always comes a time when everything catches up with you, innit...

Talk about feeling completely knackered/exhausted eh - and going to bed and feeling so tired that you wonder whether your mind will be able to switch off (too tired for sleep - yeah, strange ain't it) - but hey it at least did seemingly actually manage to find the off switch once again, well fairly and welcomely quickly anyway i guess - so i think today may be a bit of a rest and recovery day (one well one supposes anyway)...

Mmmmm - i added some of the 'in light syrup' juice, out of that can of Mangos i consumed last night, into a small sherry/aperitif glass that i used to sample some of that Ketel One Botanical 'Peach & Orange Blossom' vodka that i treated myself to, a few days ago - i only drank a small amount of it, before putting it aside and going to bed, and hey, guess what, it seems to taste even better now, after such a fairly long steeping within such juices :-) :-) :-) ...

9 May 2021

Sheesh, an early start (around 6:30am i think) - and i didn't get to bed until sometime after 3:30 this morning either - but hey, at least i woke up fairly clear-minded, so i guess that's a sort of bonus anyway...

So, at just after 7:30am, i have just published Some Stevie Music, within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps wish/like to imbibe themselves within its contents - (i had, in actual fact, started such a musical s/Selection process a few days ago - the contents and order of which were finalized yesterday)...

Hmmm - well i did stuff i guess - all i know is that i woke up thinking 'of it's Monday again isn't, and Jo will be onth radio again tonight (imbuing you with that upbeat/welcoming feeling' - only it wasn't of course)...

8 May 2021

So anyway, let's play the guess that tune game eh...

   ...Which is your favourite/preferred version - the Sam Smith one, or someone elses (given that there is one of course - although there always is really isn't there - generally speaking, at least)???...

      ...Answers on a postcard please, as per normal - well, at least until i get me email correspondence thingy up n runnin' anyway - if ever i indeed choose to do so, of course ('well, there's always tomorrow isn't there - well one supposes anyway')...

Oooooh - i've finally got an email box sorted  for this 'ere website of o/Ours - don't rush all at once though yeah, as there are only so many hours in a day after all aren't there - be kind and just space 'em out yeah...

   ...Oooooh - seemingly you simply fill in a form, in which to send me such emails - simply by pressing on icon situated at the top right of each page...

      ...How incredibly cool eh - i hadn't realised that such would be the case earlier - very well done indeed to the 'SITE123' team, say i, rather appreciatively...

Oooooh - and i've just finished adding some meta tag info to this 'ere website of o/Ours, also - people will be veritably flocking here now, won't they - i just hope that i'll be able to cope with all the interest it's guarranteed to generate innit lolz...

7 May 2021

Wow - what a dream...

Anyway, that's the morning walkies taken care of - so i suppose i'd better get started on typing out that dream for later offering, hadn't i...

   ...Well at least i've managed to get the initial draft of the darned thing typed anyway - time to give my rather flagging brain/mind a bit of a rest now methinks - who knows, maybe i'll get out and have another walkies before startin' to put it up on this 'ere website of o/Ours eh...

      ...Well that's my second play of the day onth Guardian anth Daily Mail, and my second walkies of the day, all sorted - and so now i'm just eating my evening meal - vegetable curry and Ryvita dips doncha know darlings...

Ooooh - and now i have finally published What A Dream within erm DREAMS - for those who may perhaps wish to read its contents...

   ...I think it may be best if i lay off my banana indulgencies tonight eh - there's still a remaining one from the bunch left...

      ...Anyway, relaxation time finally beckons - a day...

6 May 2021

Talking about sea-life and such-like,  i've more recently noticed that there would seem to be much larger seagulls flying around my local habitat than there used to be - tis as if the smaller ones began coming inland first, before their somewhat larger brethren decided to later follow, for some perhaps unknown reason (in search of a safer(???) food-source(???) i guess) - darn, their wingspans seems to be particularly large...

Oooooh, wadda you know, i've just published another of those BLOG thingies - tis entitled Life On Mars??? - so, if you've got nothing better to do with your remaining day, why not peruse its contents eh...

Oooooh, wadda ya know - apparently loads of people have been heading for/to the poles today - geez, it looks like things are possibly becoming much more serious than i have hitherto thought/realised/understood them to be...

   ...Oooooh - and i've now just added a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above named blog - for those who may perhaps wish to listen to its content...

      ...And that, folks, is just about it for today - and oooooh, it will soon be time for The Jo Whiley Show onth radio once again...

5 May 2021

Oooooh, guess what - i've just published a new BLOG offering - for those whom may wish to read its contents, tis entitled Rubbish Tip Earth...

And i have now just published a VIDEO accompaniment, of the same title as the above blog offering - for those who may perhaps wish to listen to its contents...

Oooooh - and i earlier sensed another potential blog offering beginning to course its way through my very being folks - patience dear potential reader of these words, patience...

4 May 2021

After starting my day rather earlier than normal (i retired to my bed rather earlier than i would normally do last night) i have now published a BLOG offering that i was working on yesterday - tis entitled Intolerances, Intolerances, Intolerances...

And now, without further ado, i have just published a VIDEO accompaniment, of the same title as the above blog - for those who may perhaps enjoy partaking of its contents...

Oooooh - who's been a busy little bee today then - patience dear potential reader, patience...

   ...Anyway, time to start relaxing for the evening - hmmm, i think super Jo might be on BBC Radio 2 in just over an hour - maybe i should tune in eh...

      ...Darn, i didn't forget about the third thingy once again did i - there you go, sorted once again lolz...

2 May 2021

Gee wiz, May already??? - doesn't time fly - upon occasion at least perhaps...

So anyway, uponst being presented with a certain video by my personal YouTube algorithm yesterday, i have now published Some Sunday Humour within VIDEOS - try not to rush all at once to partake of its contents eh - one has one's personal bandwidth limitations to consider afterall...

And, without further ado, i have now published three more APHORISMS of 'Ours' - sheesh, what a rather busy start to the day eh - i think i may need to go and enjoy a little recovery time onth couch/settee for a while...

20 April 2021

I think yesterday may have been the best/nicest day of the year so far, in terms of the weather/sunshine - walkies time was particularly enjoyable...

I have been considering depression and its possible root causes fairly recently - considering the possibility that some expressions of it could be due to a deep sense of sadness/regret that we may have experienced upon returning home from a previous, and perhaps linked incarnation, after learning/feeling more fully the suffering we may have visited upon others due to unskilful actions undertaken during such a previous incarnation - feelings of deep sadness/regret that may have bled through, into a current/following incarnation perhaps...

Darn, it would seem that in my haste to return to the general joys of my ongoing sabbatical i completely forgot to complete my third rather mandatory entry thingy - oh well, fixed it now...

18 April 2021

Shortly after having sat down before this 'ere 'puter of mine this morning, the rather raucous call of a lone Jay reminded me that i've not yet mentioned their (presumably more than one) sometimes rather vocal presence within our local bird community - an omission that i have now rather obviously corrected - ooooh, i've now (sometime after typing the previous bits) just been reading about Jay symbolism...

I have now added and published an extra textual sharing, in the form of an aside, within yesterday's published Some Silja Sol (MUSIC) offering - twas something that i could have perhaps included yesterday, but chose to leave for further consideration of its appropriateness instead...

Well done to Leicester City for reaching the F A Cup final...

17 April 2021

I have spent most of today working on Some Silja Sol - which i have now published within MUSIC - especially for those who may perhaps enjoy partaking of such selected musical offerings...

Yesterday, during a walkies, i verified for myself what others had already told me - that there are in fact a pair of buzzards resident within my fairly local neighbourhood - and that the more local ones that i had mistakenly taken to be buzzards, would, in actual fact, seem to be, no more than perhaps very large crows (titter titter eh)...

Yesterday evening i decided upon two vegetable spring rolls - only to find, upon returning home, that i had actually purchased two bags of ten miniature vegetable spring rolls - always read the small print eh lolz...

16 April 2021

And on the Thurs day (well night-time actually), the remaining solitary, and now over-ripe and heavily browning, banana from the former bunch, was consumed - bite by bite, and pee by pee...

   ...And behold, dear listener (well reader actually), no FPD's, of any kind whatsoever, were experienced during such a night's sleepies times...

      ...Proving, perhaps, that such mystical properties that were possibly contained within said bunch of bananas, had seemingly dissipated in line with said remaining banana's continued and progressive over-ripening - woe (well lack of FPDs actually) be within over-ripe bananas, sayeth the tool (well perhaps anyway - who actually knows eh)...

And here's a question for the deeper-of-thinking amongst us to perhaps answer - how does a bird learn to build its first nest??? - and has anyone ever seen a young birdie watching its mom building one???...

Yep, you possibly guessed it - i've been seeing a number of birdies flying rather purposefully, with twigs in their beaks/claws(???) over the past number of days...

14 April 2021

Oooooh - one has added a new thingy within 'Ours' APHORISMS dahlings - one that came to mind yesterday doncha know...

I relearnt something once again today - eating a full bar of chocolate and a fairly large strawberry cheesecake, during the hours leading up to bedtime, can make you feel a bit yukky for most of the next day - what a pity i've not got a better memory eh...

A day...

13 April 2021

Another, no banana = 'me' dreams night - one of which involved 'just somebody that i used to know', plus several 'gate-crashing' dreams - one of which involved me being threatened by a HUGE young dude, who i told not to be so presumptuously confident, because for all he knew i could be Bruce Lee for example (which also got/drew his mates attentions pretty sharpish lolz)...

Oooooh - that remaining solitary banana is beginning to increasingly change from yellow to brown - i'll perhaps try to leave it another day before giving it a perhaps repeated night-time nibble eh...

I've enjoyed a bit of a 'useless dosser' sort/type of a day today lolz - culminated in/by the watching of the film/movie 'The Wall' (Pink Floyd soundtrack) recommended by a neighbour of mine - well it was definitely different, that's for sure...

12 April 2021

Yep, you guessed it - another night of multiple pee pees - and feeling hungry this time, rather than merely peckish...

   ...But hey, that solitary remaining banana was left untouched - i simply didn't want to risk having to wake up and once again go directly to my computer in order to more readily transfer mainly visuals into words - for i wish to occupy myself with things of a more physical nature today instead...

      ...Although i did experience two separate, less vivid and less colourful dreams, involving two separate local people - one of a merely friendly interactive nature, and the other of a more interestingly informative nature (whether based within a possible reality or not) - both of which i will simply allow to perhaps naturally dissipate away from out of my memory (or, upon further reflection, perhaps i may pass on the details of the second dream to the person concerned, next time i happen to meet them / pass them by inth street, if i perhaps feel such details may be of benefit to them - thus upholding / adhering to, the 'give what you have received' principle perhaps)...

So anyway, shortly after starting my day, orft i went for a walkies, with a little exploring thrown in for good measure - my first walkies for at least three days i think - so now i am rather eagerly eating my bowl of pre-soaked Dorset cereals (yummy yummy eh)...

Tas been a string and hooks type of day dahlings (well, afternoon actually) - tis now time to prepare one's evening meal - mmmm, and now one is actually eating one's evening meal dahlings, and one has a definite appetite (very yummy yummy indeed)...

11 April 2021

Right, finally, after typing out the first draft earlier this morning - i have now published The Jurassic Bond??? within DREAMS - for those whom may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

A sabbatical??? - really??? - twood seem that possibly Someone is 'avin' a bit of a giraffe, surely???...

As the song title says, 'fantastic day' - West Ham United keep Leicester City at bay by beating them (well done, once again, and a personal 'thank you', to David Moyes West Ham) - and Manchester United come from behind to beat Tottenham not so Hot-spur by 3 goals to 1, to (with the help of the West Ham United win) further consolidate their current/ongoing no.2 position within the Premier League (well done indeed to Ole's Manchester United, say i)...

10 April 2021

Imagine living NightTimes on Earth - and DayTimes on, erm, Mars for example - and beyond perhaps...

   ...Imagine the whole solar system gradually Warming up, in super slow-mo mode perhaps, as DayTime establishes itself more and more - before, gradually but surely perhaps, receding/(reseeding also perhaps???) back into NightTime once again - imagine such Cycles Repeating Themselves, metronomically perhaps, over and over again, throughout Eons of Time...

      ...Imagine the ice moons, for example, throughout the solar system,  gradually thawing perhaps - and the, possibly reanimating, life-forms that they may perhaps contain, for example - just imagine eh...

And meanwhile, with head back on planet Earth, tas been snowing - which is now, seemingly tending more and more towards rain - who could have imagined that, earlier this morning, eh...

   ...Ooooh - now it's going back to snow again - who could 'ave imagined such a cycling eh...

      ...Ooooh - now it's persisting down, and puddles are forming - a strange day indeed eh...

And i have now just published 'Pride and Prejudging' (by an anonymous, presumably Buddhist, contributor) within POEMS - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read/explore its contents...

   ...Eeeeh that Nightflyers series is good ain't it - thank the heavens for streaming services eh - four more episodes to watch inth first series...

      ...Latest update - now zero more episodes left to watch...

9 April 2021

I have just published A Tailor Dream within erm DREAMS - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

Some sabbatical this is turning out to be innit - oh well, maybe i'll award myself a summer recess thingy to counter-balance it, sometime in the perhaps near-future, eh...

I have just published an addendum to the above dream btw - that old 'give what you have received' adage came to mind (fully, in this particular case, i guess)... 

8 April 2021

As i was laying in bed early yesterday morning i experienced two more of those rather relaxed and somewhat intriguing periodic happenings that i have had from time to time over the years - the first was 'hearing' a shortened version of the slightly muffled(??? - somewhat quieter???) sound of the door buzzer - and the second (some seeming minutes / short time later) was 'hearing' the sound of mail being pushed through my letterbox...

   ...Neither event actually happened in reality of course - (not even in a delayed, later-that-day form/actuality)...

      ...Twood seem that Whomever responsible was/were perhaps simply eager for me to get up, finalise, and finally publish/post(hmmm...) that blog thingy...

I feel sure that there was something i was supposed to be doing today - hoovering the living-room carpet perhaps??? - it certainly needs doing, that's for sure...

   ...A visit tooth supermarket and a possible walkies would probably both be of benefit also of course...

      ...Hmmm, maybe it was something else - i feel sure that it will come to me eventually - such things usually do afterall...

Silly me eh - lolz...

   ...Anyway, i have now just published the accompanying VIDEO to the previously published The Thingy Story blog offering...

      ...Ooooh - it'll soon be time for this evening's edition of The Jo Whiley Show onth radio once again - well, in a little over half an hour actually...

7 April 2021

Well i have some good news for you all - i have finally gotten 'round to finalising and publishing The Thingy Story within BLOGS - yippee eh...

   ...I'll hopefully publish the accompanying VIDEO sometime later - tomorrow perhaps...

      ...We wouldn't want it all to come as too much of a shock to you all, in one singular day, afterall, would W/we...

Tis turning out be be a rather unusual and interestingly strange sabbatical this one - from my perspective, at least - oh well, carry on regardless eh...

I enjoyed a really sooper dooper earlyish(???) afternoon sleep in my bed (i don't seemed to have fully woken up from it, even yet - which perhaps bodes well for my upcoming night-time sleepies) - then i finally typed in all the track titles into my iTunes other laptop software for all those more recently added musical CD's - so what could tomozzaz possibly bring one wonders...

6 April 2021

Walkies times eh - there are definitely many positives to be experienced from them, that's for sure - t-he-hee...

I have just published Zoe's 'Snowflake' Song within MUSIC - inspired by one of Zoe Ball's early morning selections on her BBC Radio 2 Show earlier today - muchas gracias Zoe lolz...

Well would you adam & eve it...

   ...Intermittently, during a solitary mid-afternoon walkies, an array of rather miniature 'snowflakes' fell, en masse...

      ...Driven sideways by the fairly ever-present wind - twas a rather unusual experience actually - especially with the sunshine interspersed between such frequently repeated occasions...

5 April 2021

I think i may have a bit of a Silja Sol thing going on at the moment you know - darn she's a definite cutie for sure isn't she...

   ...As well as a 'Chris crush' also of course - oooh la laa, that French accent and that natural, fairly engaging(???) but relaxed,  intelligence...

      ...But shhh yeah - you know what rumours can be like afterall right - 'spring is in the air, everywhere i look around'...

'Gir-er-er-erls you send me - honest you do, honest you do, honest you do' lolz...

   ...Hmmm - so who's the third one then eh???...

      ...Darned if i know lolz  - but then again there is that rather gorgeously beautiful Indian lady with the equally beautiful prancing-like poochie that i very occasionally happen upon, and briefly converse with, during walkies times, of course - and then there is that rather special neighbour of mine who seems to have maybe done a bit of a runner perhaps (as well as that rather adorably cute youngish lass that i met for the first time and introduced Chris to (musically speaking of course - i couldn't believe that she had not heard of her (one of Chris's YouTube interviews in particular is rather wonderful actually) - even under her former 'Christine & The Queens' name), during a little earlier this afternoon walkies, also - 'oh do shut up and move on' - oh, okay, if i must lolz)...

Well, after a later afternoon snooze onth couch/sofa, i moved on to do a bit of hoovering inth bedroom...

   ...After which i noticed that it needed emptying - upon which i noticed that it had all become rather clogged up over more recent(??? - possibly not eh) times - which, in turn led to a rather major all-round thingy...

      ...Including untangling all the stuff that had unknowingly accumulated around the main front brush-wheel thingy - anyway, no doubt it will work a whole lot better tomorrow, once all the plastic bits that i dismantled from it and washed have dried orft and been replaced of course...

4 April 2021

Well, i got up early, with the creative juices freely flowing once again...

Then after completing the first draft (brrrr lol) i went for a possibly much required walkies...

Then i enjoyed the first of my two snoozes/sleeps onth couch/sofa - and then i managed to allow myself to become increasingly, but enjoyably, distracted as the day progressed - so tomorrow it possibly is then (well, in 10 minutes time it is anyway)...

2 April 2021

I have just published a Silja & Aurora DREAM - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read it...

I have had a fairly lazy, continuing sabattical, day today - with a couple of sofa snoozes thrown in (i got up pretty early this morning - after going to bed fairly early last night/evening)...

I didn't get round to cleaning the bathroom, for the second day running, though - i did however manage to copy/transfer all of my more recent musical CD purchases into the iTunes software on my other laptop though (but still have to add all of the individual track titles to them all though - i'll leave that task for another day or two i guess)...

1 April 2021

Buzzy the buzzard (well so i have been told/informed anyway - it actually looks like a very large crow thingy) has just paid me another visit (the one that seems to enjoy sitting in the nearby pine tree thingy for a while - she has just done so once again, seemingly for the second time) - there are two of them (a pare one supposes (they separate in flight as they come close - with the other one  seemingly flying away) - maybe i should try feeding her some eh) - they have ventured closer more recently, with Buzzy flying overish (she veered aside upon approach) my computer-situated window once again (ooooh)...

We also have a local lone (or should that be loan) heron that pays us the occasional visit - sometimes it flies over/past and then returns to alight above and then into a small pond - a much more positive portent apparently...

And then there are the occasional visiting ducks - a very upbeat, if not slightly/somewhat nervous, visitor (quack quack) - i often playfully do so, if only metaphorically speaking...

31 March 2021

Ooooh - a new APHORISM thingy has been birthed dahlings (this very morning actually - a change/modification of vibrational Presence) - let's label it an 'Ours' one eh...

Hmmmm - interesting - i guess practice makes perfick eh...

Well perhaps/hopefully anyway  lolz...

30 March 2021

Will was rocking it again tonight - right from 7 through to 9 - nice one Will, great tunes and great show, i very much enjoyed it...

29 March 2021

Ooooh Will (Young) is good tonight (7:30pm onwards) - as he has fully adopted the 'Jo tribe vibe' (who he is standing in for this week) - so well done to you Will (and thank you ever so much for that - on behalf of, hopefully, all us 'Jo tribers')...

28 March 2021

I have just published Another Sunday Offering within MUSIC - for those whom may perhaps wish/like/enjoy listening and watching its contents...

Well this ear sabbatical seems to be going rather well - and what have i been up to, you may reasonably ask - well, maybe i'll tell you about it some day eh...

And now i've added a sort of addendum/extension to such and offering - phew - another busy day eh...

27 March 2021

I have just published three more APHORISMS - one in 'Ours' and two in 'Others'...

And i have now published Some More Donovan within MUSIC - whilst still within my ongoing sabbatical of course - obviously eh ...

Gee wiz, what a busy day...

25 March 2021

One treated one's self to a bottle of Grey Goose Vodka yesterday dahlings...

And during the earlyish evening one decided to take it for a spin by putting a measure or more into one's smaller sized sherry glass, selecting a suitably ripe strawberry, cutting it into reasonably largish slices and leaving it to steep within one's Grey Goose for a while...

Ooooooh, absolutely divine dahlings - chintz chintz...

24 March 2021

I've been trying to remember a catch-phrase that Bruce Forsyth used to use on one tv programme in particular - however, it would seem to be eluding me at present - as is the title of the programme it was often used within...

   ...It's possibly due to the fact that i still haven't gone to bed, after choosing to be up all night once again, having fun onth Mail Online - maybe it will come to me when my mind has had a good rest...

      ...Not that it's particularly important anyway - memory jogger games eh - maybe i should simply seek to keep my mind sharp by continuing to do those sometimes rather challenging Sudoku puzzles instead lol...

21 March 2021

On Monday of this week the words 'do you realize???' played within mind to the appropriate tune - and repeated themselves occasionally - on Monday and Tuesday especially...

...Anyway, out of curiosity, i typed such words into YouTube to see who actually sang such a song etc - which then resulted in a rather extensive investigation into their musical offerings...

...Causing me to temporarily emerge from my self-awarded sabbatical, in order to offer some of 'The Flaming Lips' within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps enjoy listening to such chosen offerings...

16 March 2021

I have just published A Madonna Dream within DREAMS - for those whom may perhaps wish to read its contents...

14 March 2021

I awoke on this Sunday morning convinced that it was Saturday - a belief that took me to my local newsagent in search of the iPaper, as  quite fancied the thought of indulging myself within the 'puzzle' etc pages...

   ...Of course, there is no Sunday iPaper - which resulted in a rather confused and amusing interaction with the guy behind the counter...

      ...Causing him to eventually explain to me that it was in fact Sunday, rather than Saturday - 'no way' exclaimed i in complete surprise - twas rather a humorous interaction that i feel worthy of sharing...

7 March 2021

Well yesterday it was 52F inth living-room when i checked, soon after starting my day - and today it is very slightly below 52F...

A 3-film binge, another afternoon snooze - and a longest of walkies...

And i've decided to award myself a sabbatical - so laters innit...

6 March 2021

Well, amongst other things, i watched two Shirley MacLaine videos onth Tube...

Of all the possible things that the planetary alignment of 21 December 2012 could have represented, Shirley seemingly decided (for some perhaps rather strange reason) that it meant that all of our karmic slates would be wiped clean lolz...

Oh well, i guess she'll find out the truth of the matter soon enough - as will we all in time of course...

5 March 2021

I got up at around 8am this morning (53F inth living-room once again) and went directly onto my other, predominantly off-line, computer and worked upon the final draft of the latest blog that i had already completed in 1st draft form a few days earlier...

And then, after an early afternoon snooze, i got to work preparing it for publication - whereby i realised, much to my surprise, that it is Friday already (i actually presumed it was around Wednesday lolz)...

So anyway, A 'Lightworker' Journey has now been published within BLOGS - with the accompanying VIDEO offering to shortly follow...

4 March 2021

Oooooh - i missed filling this date in on time - oh well, no biggie eh...

So what's my excuse, and what did i get up to???...

Well, i got up deciding that i simply didn't want to spend the day (or part thereof) sat in front of my computer once again - so, amongst other things (including another one of my afternoon snoozes onth couch), out came my recently purchased Kindle Reader, and a reading i did go (whilst lazing onth said couch) - until around 10:45pm in actual fact, before retiring to my bed for the night...

3 March 2021

Up at 8:30am and out for my longest of walkies soon after (53F inth living-room)...

Yay, i've now finished the first draft of the latest blog i've been working on - after which i went on a second longest of walkies...

And as i awoke still feeling tired, i also managed to enjoy a rather lovely morning snooze onth couch - lazy bones wot i is lolz...

2 March 2021

Up at around 8:30 this, once again rather cold but sunny, morning (54F inth living-room) - and after a good old body wash, straight to work on more of the first draft of a latest blog...

   ...Yesterday morning a new theme, which could have possibly been incorporated into such a blog, came to mind - however, thoughts about it comprising a completely separate blog also entered my mind, resulting in me allowing it to wotsit within mind...

      ...And then this morning, as clarity dawned, i realised that an extra blog it was to be - proving, perhaps, that, as i have been aware from past experiences of a similar nature, slow is often the fast way - so the impulse to take, yet another, day's rest proved itself to be a rather prudent, as well as welcoming, one methinks...

Oh, and the Sunday evening thingy??? - well it most definitely wasn't a misperception or misidentification (such as a falling firework for example - as it was much too straight, fast and silvery-white to have been one of those comparatively common and garden thingies; as it similarly wasn't a meteorite - as it was too slow and too silent to have been one of those also (no flash upon apparent/presumed impact whatsoever, and absolutely no sound either) - nor was it a 'vision' either, as i simply wasn't in an altered state of consciousness when either 'events occurred in actual fact - no, twas simply a rather strange visual 'happening'...

Snake Plissken - at circa 1:24 hrs - seen from today's perspective that's one heck of a lol moment...

1 March 2021

February is sooo yesterday dahlings - up at around 9:30 on this, once again sunny morn (56F inth living-room) - and straight into transferring one's latest musical acquisitions onto iTunes baby...

Over the last 6 months (well roughly, one supposes) i've experienced two rather strange 'happenings' - and on both occasions i was completely sober, drug-free (both prescription and recreational) and within a very normal/healthy/relaxed frame of mind - and both occurred whilst i was sat in front of my computer, situated directly in front of a side window...

   ...On the first occasion, a completely silent V-shaped craft with a white-lit underside flew directly towards and over me - and on the second occasion (last evening actually) a white 'star-like' object was seen silently falling (fairly slowly as far as meteorites would be expected to fall actually) like a meteorite (at about 20 degrees from the vertical - with a straight, narrow, white 'trail' following it), until it disappeared behind some pine trees (i was expecting to see some sort of flash as it impacted the ground, but there was absolutely nothing/nada whatsoever - apart from a perhaps rather understandable WTF moment from myself, as i rushed to put my spectacles on in order to perhaps view it in greater detail (oops too late))...

      ...So were such sightings/experiences physical/real ones or 'psychic'/psychological ones??? - well, experientially, they were very definitely physical/real ones - but hey who knows (i guess they were a lot more interesting than watching the tv, that's for sure) - 'strange nights indeed, most peculiar momma', say i...

Oh - and the blog???...

   ...Well what can one say - i am an artiste dahlings...

      ...And we artists are creatures of impulse after all - and i did say patience was required - did i not???...

28 February 2021

Ooooooh, up at 7:30 on this, last day of February (wow didn't that month go fast), sunny Sunday morning (56F inth living-room) - and almost straight to work onth latest blog once again (2 hrs further work completed - be patient dahlings, be patient lolz)...

Ooooh, and before i forget, if you've not already seen 'Behind Her Eyes' then i highly recommend that you do so - tis a doozy so it is - okay, let's go have/enjoy(???) some playtime...

Oooh, i've had a longest of walkies as well as an afternoon snooze onth couch today - and i watched a film too...

27 February 2021

Up at 8am once again - with the sun shining and the weather inviting (almost 56F inth lving-room once again...

Yesterday i very much felt inclined to start another blog offering, however i ended up not doing so - so this morning, rather than allowing myself to become distracted within the web, i got typing right away - until around 1pm in fact, after which i got these lazy bones out for a longest of walkies...

Early last evening, whilst it was still fairly light, i noticed the all but full silver moon hanging rather majestically in the clear blue sky - and tonight it is doing the same (but without such a blue backdrop, obviously) - tis and twas a really lovely sight to see...

26 February 2021

Up at 8am on this gloriously sunny Friday (geez, Friday already???) - yup, spring is definitely here folks...

Ooooh and the new battery that i ordered for a 'broken' phone that i was given has arrived about a week earlier than expected - and yes it is charging the apparently not at all broken phone (good call huh - the excuses people will make to get a new phone eh - one simply has to keep up with the Jones's after all dahlings) - i've just got to unlock it once said battery has fully recharged  (111, 112, 113 etc etc etc - oooh, i wonder what secrets i will possibly uncover - 'hello darling, any chance of you sneaking out to see me once again???' - well possibly anyway, who knows lolz)...

Well what an utter disappointment dahlings - the previous owner seems to have led a completely uneventful life - and would you Adam & Eve it, the SIM card configurations have seemingly become somewhat smaller since it was last used in 2010 (buggerz huh)...

25 February 2021

Up at 8:30 this morning, with the thermo nearing 56F...

A day of sifting through data for one of those currently outstanding blogs i mentioned some time ago - and unlike the previous two days, i managed to fit in a longest of walkies inth afternoon sun (i also managed to fit in yet another afternoon snooze too)...

My sharply honed psychic senses tell me that Manchester United will most probably go through to to the next round of the EUFA Cup tonight - they are 4 - 0 up after the first leg after all dahlings...

24 February 2021

Up at 9:30am, after a later than normal previous night (55F inth living-room once again), on this rather rainy, obscured by clouds, morning - i think the rain has almost washed itself out/away actually...

Don't days go fast when you get up later and throw in an afternoon's snooze for good measure...

So anyway, during the last week of my diet and exercise regimen (blessed be The Walkies Diet) the film title 'The Life Of Brian' came clearly to mind mid walkies - so, finding that i didn't already have such a film, without more ado, off i set to purchase it - resulting in me watching it a little earlier, only to notice that the sewers were all completely clean and fat free (all hail the efficiency of the Romans eh)...

23 February 2021

Up at around 8am on this rather overcast day - with my living-room temperature at a rather comfortable 55F once again...

I have just published an extra final part to The Walkies Diet btw - tis something that came to mind, to also include, this morning...

And that's another relaxing day (yes, i enjoyed another afternoon snooze onth couch dahlings) wrapped folks...

22 February 2021

Well, i was outta bed at around 10am this spring morning (55F inth living-room folks), and sometime after 10:15 i turned onth radio to listen to that Brucie guy - only to hear him reading a birthday shoutout from a guy who wished his 'most darling sweetest wife' a happy birthday - causing me to think, 'so how many wives has he actually got then'...

I have just published Two Sporty Dreams within erm DREAMS - for those who may perhaps wish to read its contents...

I've enjoyed a really relaxing laid-back sorta day today - i even enjoyed a snooze on my couch after enjoying the sunshine whilst walking my longest of walkies route - sheer Heaven i tell thee...

21 February 2021

Up at 9am on this calm and still Sunday morning (oooh tis 54F inth living-room - spring is here, spring is here lolz) - i should really do what i chose to do yesterday, and work on / fine-tune one's latest blog before finally offering it to one's most adoring followers/public dahlings (it's really dope man - even if one says so oneself) - but hey, wots wrong wit an ickle playful 'me time' before-hand  eh...

One has just dropped one's long-awaited (really???) latest BLOG offering, entitled The Walkies Diet, dahlings - please do not rush all at once to download (surely not???) it though, as one has one's server capacity to consider...

And finally for today, without further ado, i have just published a VIDEO accompaniment to the above blog, of the same title...

20 February 2021

I was up at around 9am this morning, after spending some rather lovely within-mind time with one's rather lovely lady friend - twas a rainy (53F) start to the day actually, but it cleared up somewhat sometime after midday (twood seem that spring may have arrived already - is has had that feel about it since yesterday actually)...

So, instead of going on tooth internet, i decided upon a rather less distracting course of action - that of typing up a blog and accompanying musical wotsit (i had actually already started such a blog part-way through my three-week dietary and exercise thingy) - something that took me most of the day to complete (with a longest of walkies taken immediately after i had rather mistakenly thought that i had completed it)...

So, rather than adding it to this ear website now, i have decided to leave it until tomorraz innit - leaving me now free to do whatever i pleases for the rest of the day (tis weekend afterall dahlings)...

   ...Ooooh - i've just added three more APHORISMS of 'Others', in a rather impromptu manner - (i was only going to add the third one originally)...

      ...And just to even things up, i've just added three more APHORISMS of 'Ours' also - ooooh, i've just changed one of them...

19 February 2021

Up and rarin' to go at 7:15 am (53F today inth living-room) - after having another of my deeeep (body seemingly pinned to the bed), non-dreaming, sleepy sleepy bedibyes times...

So, straight to 'work' i went - adding 'an important addendum' to the previously published The Unshared Song blog offering ...

And then i played onth Mail Online for the rest of the morning and beyond - and then on to the longest of walkies and back onto the web of intrigue and fun and listening and wondering and sharing...

18 February 2021

Up, at 8:15, like an athlete rarin' to get into his/her stride (in my mind i'm going to Carolina, once again) dahlings - with one's living-room thermo (one's new in/trendy word dahlings) reading an increasingly healthy (well, if there wasn't that virus thingy knockin' around anyway) 52F - now then, what to do with the day one wonders (oh, there's all those outstanding blogs (with accompanying music already Supplied) to get through ain't there - bummer huh)...

So anyway, after enjoying some 'me time', i completed the longest of walkies, before realising that a shopping visit was also required - one that required one to wear (much to one's chagrin dahlings) what rather quickly became a mouth mask...

And afterwards one did some calorific number crunching - to discover that, from an overall perspective, one consumed, on average, 1150 calories per day (on a reducing weekly scale actually) during one's three week diet and detox walkies exercise regimen - hmmm, this is definitely not a 'Jo Tribe' vibe (oh well, one can always elect to listen to a re-run of last evening's 'mega Jo vibe' instead, can't one (and it was an incredible evening's serving of music after all (sorry Will))...

17 February 2021

I had another rather late night last night (around 3:am) - one simply felt the need to give/share/deliver a much needed rare philosophical discourse to one's many followers dahlings...

Got up, got outta bed (oh no, not that one - my bad) at around 9:30 am - with the living-room thermometer reading a rather healthy 51F for the second day in succession (i had considered breaking out the barbi but my neighbours said they were a bit strapped for social non-distancing fine costs so we binned such an otherwise appealing idea for the time being)...

   ...So later inth morning i did a bit more enjoyable cycling, whereby i successfully got the bank to allow me to spend a bit more of my money once again - which i've not yet done...

      ...And then inth middle-ish oft afternoon i went for the longer of walkies, did a bit of shopping onth way back, and then did some more prodominently healthy eating...

And now i am listening to Jo (Whiley) absolutely knocking/rocking the ball outta the park musically speaking, as i am generally doin' stuff - boy is she on form - one's ears are veritably dancing within bliss dahlings...

16 February 2021

Sheeperz jeeperz that were a sleep and five quarters if there ever woz one - as i suspected it may have been in actual fact - body 'dead' on bed for the whole night, zero dreams, and a physical-bodiless me interacting Heaven's know where lolz...

I bought myself a new second-hand toy to play with today - and i was given two more to play with before choosing which one to keep - and instead of a walkies, i enjoyed a nice cycle ride...

I made a perfectly reasonable comment on an Adrian Chiles article inth Guardian today, before the whole article seemed to inexplicably disappear - and then upon later inspection i found all of my comment history has disappeared - strangely enough perhaps, it is something i find to be rather amusing actually...

15 February 2021

I get very occasional nights whereby i find myself inexorably staying up within relaxed enjoyment until virtually morning time - the last two nights have proved themselves to be such nights - however, now feeling rather comfortably knackered, tonight will most definitely not herald a third such night (11 pm at the maximum, i should think)...

Today i took possession of my new pair of walking boots (as well as two base-layer tops and a new zip-up warm fleece top - so this afternoon i duly road-tested them by going for the longest of single walkies (as well as popping into my local supermarket for some more healthy food products)...

So anyway, having spent the mid to later afternoon, as well as the early evening, doin' stuff, i am now somewhat belatedly listening to The Jo Whiley Show - with both a fairly tired mind and slumber-ready body...

14 February 2021

Okie-dokie - Up at around 11:30 am and straight into the fridge, oops sorry, living-room (45F) after finally exiting one's rather nice and pleasantly warm bed and fully dressing - so, healthy cornbread butties prepared, tis orft into the day, oops, afternoon and hopefully beyond, we go once again my mostest precious dahlings...

Oooooh - a new toy arrived today for me to play with - i've not yet learned how to whistle Dixie on it, but hey it's early days yet ain't it...

   ...And in further good news, the weather has now turned a lot milder, resulting in me leaping forward back into the exercise regime - yep, you guessed it, i have just returned from having completed the longest of (single) walkies...

      ...A walkies whereby i got to play with, not one, but two of my toys - one not so new one, and one brand new one - who's a happy bunny/camper then, one may most reasonably ask/enquire, my most precious dahlings...

And finally for today, i have just published Some Juanita Stein within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to its contents...

13 February 2021

Up at around 9 am on this rather brisk (45F inth living-room) Saturday morning - and speaking of low temperatures, what i have now realised is that when one's body has become somewhat bereft of surplus fats its natural tog rating seemingly falls rather dramatically - oh well, such are the ups and downs of life eh...

Well how remiss of me my most precious dahlings - i forgot to fill these last two line-wotsits in...

Well i was going to go out for the shortest of walkies inth numbingly chilling great outdoors, but upon gritting one's remaining teeth one steeled oneself like a gud-un and persevered throughout the shorter of walkies instead - who knows (apart from perhaps myself of course), sometime today i may really push the rather ice-laden boat out and go for the longer of walkies, leaving the longest of walkies for a much more Clement Attlee day - and oh yeah, i stayed up 'till around 6 am this morning making my rather fun and prolonged presence known onth Mail Online once again (how could i in all truth resist after all eh)...

12 February 2021

Up at around 8 am this morning - i had a rather mischievously-based fun play onth Mail Online last evening (one that lasted for a lot longer than i had intended - i seemingly just got into the unintended supposed Groove of multiple comment makings) - as well as another one of much shorter duration this morning...

Just before getting up outta bed this morning i mentally planned to do certain things today - one of them being to go for a fairly long walkies to a sporting type shop to buy some much needed new walking boots (the website mistakenly stated that they were open for physical business) amongst other possible clothing items - the walkies was very enjoyable though, and they had a printed piece of A4 paper giving the web address of a parent(??? - one supposes) site where i can presumably purchase such possible items, so i guess i'd better get my fingers to do a bit of walking there instead...

First meal of the day was partaken of at 2 pm today (although i did decide to treat myself to one piece of Ryvita lightly spread with some Boursin cheese just prior to venturing out for my thought-to-be essential shopping expedition) - tis a lovely sunny, albeit fairly cold, day once again today...

11 February 2021

I've decided to call yesterday my Forrest Gump Day (such efforts reduced my weight by a further 1 3/4 lbs btw - 6 lbs for the week - and 16 lbs during the whole of the 3 week diet & detox regimen) - and i'm going to call today my Being Kind To My Body Day, as i intend treating it to plenty (comparatively anyway) of good healthy food as my personal 'thank you' for its ongoing efforts during such a 3 week diet & detox regimen...

Mmmmmm yummy yummy yummy i say at 2:15 pm with my first food intake of the day - 2 egg custard tarts, a very large stuffed mushroom, some fruit/veggie smoothies and 2 tablespoons of Metatone - and i'm just about to enjoy 2 onion bhajis, 2 pakoras and 2 samosas, all cooked with traditional spices doncha know...

Ooooh drivers licence ~ Olivia Rodrigo - what a beautiful song - tonight's top song so far onth Jo Whiley Show...

10 February 2021

Up at 8 am (46F inth living-room) to find that yesterday's efforts have resulted in my body losing an extra 1 1/2 lbs (that's just over a stone in total so far - whooo hooo eh) - and it's another bright, sunny and dry morning again...

One word - knackered...

   ...Well i went out for what i thought was my first long walkies of the day at 9:05 this morning - and came back at 16:40 inth later afternoon - yep, it turned out to be one continuous walkies...

      ...Amounting in total to six laps of long walkies - my mind was in fact toying with a seventh ('In my mind i'm going to Carolina'), but in the event my body decided differently...

So, that's the exercise part of the three week diet & detox finished with - with the totality of such a three week diet & detox completely finishing tomorrow morning immediately after weighing myself for the final time upon getting out of bed and dressing fully...

   ...So now i will wait until around 8:30 pm to consume/eat my solitary food intake of the day of my usual bowl of pre water-steeped Dorset cereals - and in the mean time i guess i will relax doing whatever i choose to do onth 'puter...

      ...I suppose the good thing about getting such previously unplanned daily walking exercises out of the way in one continuous walkies is that i will be available to listen to the Jo Whiley Show live from the start, rather than catching the last half hour live before 'winding it back' to the start to listen to at least part of the then recorded Show - given that i'm still awake by then of course...

9 February 2021

Up at 7:45 am (marginally below 47F inth living-room) to find that i have lost a further 1 1/4 lb (thank the Heaven's for that - i would have been really pi**ed (off) if my weight had remained the same once again, after yesterday's increased efforts especially (slightly forced lolz, lolz)) - it certainly seems to be taking some shifting now, that's for sure...

Out at just gone 9 am for my first long walkies of the day - and out again for a second long walkies at 11 am - and out again at 1 pm for a third long walkies...

   ...And out once again at 15:20 for a fourth long walkies - and out again at 17:15 for a slightly shorter fifth walkies - followed by a later inth dark sixth walkies of the same length as the fifth...

      ...And immediately upon my return i had 2 1/2 tablespoons of Metatone liquid tonic - followed by my only food intake of the day, consisting of my usual bowl of pre water-steeped Dorset cereals at 20:40 (with my liquid intake consisting of two cups of my usual Earl Grey tea)...

Shortly after going to bed last night i calculated my day's walkies in terms of total walking time for the first time (i had never considered such a perspective before) and realised that if i did one extra long walkies then my total walking time would be of 7hrs duration - this morning i got up a little earlier still, and since the sun was shining welcomingly i went out for an earlier first walkies, whereby i calculated the times to start each further walkies in order to facilitate the six walkies i have completed today - i regard such a 7hr total walkies time as a sort of non-physical keepsake (a highlight of such a three week diet and detoxing regime to remember, if you will), regardless of any further weight loss that may have occurred due to such an increased day's effort...

8 February 2021

Up at 8:30 am (47F inth living-room) to find a very light sprinkling of white stuff onth ground - and upon weighing myself i have found no further weight loss from what the scales were showing yesterday morning - however, i have noticed that all of the clothes that i am wearing seem to have somewhat inexplicably grown / become larger (with the sleeves of such clothing items having grown longer also - decidedly strange hey what)...

And that's the first, somewhat earlier, long walkies done and dusted on this sunny but rather cold and somewhat blustery Monday morning - so with a nice warm and welcoming cup of Earl Grey tea (just to save me from repeating myself i never add milk or sugar to it) by my side, onwards i go further into the day...

    ...And that's the second, slightly after midday, long walkies sorted - followed by a third long walkies at 2:35 pm (returned at 3:50 pm)...

      ...Followed by a fourth slightly shorter walkies at 5 pm (1 hr duration) - and a final inth dark fifth walkies of the same length as the previous fourth walkies...

A piece of cake, sayeth i though slightly gritted remaining teeth - possibly a piece of strawberry cheese cake, dayeth dreameth i (maybe sometime after i deem such a walkies diet and detox over/completed eh) - but for now (after i decided to have two tablespoons of Metatone liquid tonic immediately upon my return) i will have to make do to eating my only food intake of the day, which will be my usual pre water-steeped bowl of Dorset cereals (at around 8:45 pm)...

7 February 2021

YESSSSS - my body's weight has reduced by a further 1 1/2 lbs (after three daily readings of it remaining static) - and further more, when i get on the scales the st reading is now 1 digit lower, which is a bit of an extra Brucie bonus, psychologically speaking (onwards, and hopefully downwards still, as they say (oh, it's onwards and upwards, never mind eh, it's still a yabba dabba do moment ain't it)...

   ...I got up at 10am this morning (49F inth living-room) - somewhat reluctantly, as i was enjoying that warm, snuggly, welcoming feeling of laying half-awake within my bedsheets/duvets...

      ...And as an aside, i watched that fairly long-awaited Greenland film starring the ever-dependable Gerard Butler last night - and, even given the subject matter, a very enjoyably welcoming film it proved itself to be to watch...

And that's the long morning walkies taken care of - so i'm now sat ath 'puter with a nice warming cup of Earl Grey tea to enjoy (i opened most of the windows before going out, in order to refresh the air within my rather humble abode) - and that's the second, early afternoon, long walkies completed on this dry, predominantly cold biting wind of a day (in contrast to yesterday's rather mild and predominantly rainy day)...

And that's the third, later inth afternoon, long walkies taken care of...

   ...I'm actually feeling pretty upbeat and energised today - unlike two days ago, whereby i found it to be a somewhat tough, low energy day...

      ...And a final inth dark slightly shorter walkies followed, at 8:40pm, by my only food intake of the day once again (in order to hopefully further promote my body to more readily convert more of its stored fat reserves into usable energy), of a bowl of pre water-steeped cereals - with my day's liquid intake being two cups of Earl Grey tea(no milk and no sugar)...

6 February 2021

Up at 9:30am on this rainy morning (51F inth living-room) feeling very hungry - it looks like my body has decided to dig its heels in, as its weight has remained the same for the last 3 morning weigh-ins despite all my efforts (if i had more energy i'd take it for a long run just to show it who's boss lol - but as it is i'm struggling to build up the energy to take it out for yet another walkies :-) :-) :-) )...

Out and back for/from a first (morning) long walkies of the day (once again of 1 1/4 hrs duration) - followed by a second (early afternoon) long walkies...

Followed by a third, later inth afternoon, long walkies - followed by a later fourth, inth dark, slightly shorter final walkies of this, becoming increasingly easier, day...

   ...The surprise of the day is that during the second walkies i became aware that my breathing has become very easy (not that i had noticed any breathing restrictions before btw), and that the body's lung capacity seems to have increased also - i guess fairly fast (yes, i am aware that all such things are relative) and sustained walking is indeed very good natural exercise...

      ...So now for my first and only food of the day at 8:45pm (my usual bowl of pre water-steeped cereals - with my day's liquid intake consisting of two cups of Earl Grey tea (no milk or sugar)) - hopefully this further reduced food intake will more readily induce my body to convert more stored fats into energy...

5 February 2021

Up at shortly after 9am (living-room temperature 51F) after another body-hungry night's sleep, and yep, yesterday's efforts definitely seem to have consolidated the previous day's 2lb weight loss - anyway, let's get out for an initial 9:30am long first walkies...

A second long walkies (1 1/4 hr duration) at 12:30pm followed by a bowl of lentil & vegetable soup (with a diced clove of garlic added) at 2pm - and then a third long walkies starting at 3:30pm...

And then a final fourth, slightly shorter, inth dark walkies - followed by a bowl of pre water-steeped cereals at 8:40pm...

4 February 2021

Up at 9:45 on this sunny Thursday morn (51F inth living-room) and onto the scales after dressing, to rather joyously find that i have lost yet another 5lbs in weight at the end of this my second week of dieting and detoxing (that's a loss of 10lbs in two full weeks - YAY :-) :-) :-) ) - tas been hard work, but never-the-less well worth all the efforts, say i (one more previously planned week to go)...

   ...I suppose that within a certain sense of self-satisfaction it would be fairly easy for me to enjoy a comparatively easy day, however i feel that it is important to keep such impetus going and to plough on with such ongoing endeavours...

      ...Tis good to feel that my body is now less sluggish/heavy, and thus correspondingly more nimble - and more presentable/pleasing to look at...

A slightly later initial long morning walkies today, followed shortly afterwards by a bowl / small can of mandarin segments - and then another, early afternoon, long walkies...

And a final, mid-afternoon, long walkies, immediately followed by a bowl/can of mango slices - and then at 18:40, after a light snooze on the settee, i treated both myself and my body to two slices of Ryvita covered with a light spreading of peanut butter on each...

   ...And finally for today inth exercise dept, i have just had an inth dark (and fairly light rain) slightly shorter walkies - followed by a bowl of pre water-steeped cereals wot i is just about to enjoy eating at 20:40pm...

      ...So anyway, hopefully today's exercise has at least helped to consolidate the rather surprising additional 2lb weight loss that i experienced during Wednesday morning and Thursday morning - tis a day...

3 February 2021

Up at 9:15am and out for a first long walkies at 9:30am - my body was hungry for food last night whilst in bed, which made for an interesting night's 'sleep'...

Plus a second midday long walkies followed by a bowl/can of peach slices at 13:45 - plus a third mid-afternoon long walkies...

Plus a fourth slightly shorter inth dark walkies, followed by a bowl of pre water-steeped cereals - as an aside i noticed how large and firm my calf muscles have become earlier today, as i was sat onth toilet (how dare they become so large whilst i am trying so hard to weight (bloddy barstewards lolz))...

2 February 2021

Up at 10:15 on this rainy Tuesday morning (slightly under 48F inth living-room) - with a first midday long walkies, followed by a can of lentil and vegetable soup (with a diced clove of garlic added) and two slices of raw Ryvita at 1:45pm...

Plus another long mid-afternoon walkies (it started raining fairly heavily 2/3rds of the way through and continues to do so - makes a change i suppose lolz) - returned at 4:20pm...

And finally a slightly shorter inth dark and mainly rain walkies followed by a satsuma - and then at 8:0pm a bowl of pre water-steeped cereals...

1 February 2021

Up at 10:15 this morning (48F inth living-room) - with a first midday-ish long walkies, followed by a can of lentil and vegetable soup (with a diced clove of garlic added) and two slices of raw Ryvita at 2pm...

I have just published Another George Dream within DREAMS - for those whom may perhaps wish to read its contents...

And then a second long afternoon walkies followed by a bowl/can of lentil and vegetable soup at 16:45 - and then a third inth dark slightly shorter walkies followed by a pre water-steeped bowl of cereals at 19:45...

31 January 2021

Up at 10:45am (48F inth living-room) and out for a long walkies a little after - with a bowl/small can of mandarins shortly after return at 12:20pm...

And after copying some newly bought CD's to iTunes and typing in the track titles i went for another long walkies - and followed it by eating a bowl/can of mangos at around 4:30pm...

And a final slightly shorter inth dark walkies followed by a medium-sized banana and two slices of Ryvita with peanut butter spread over both of them at 7pm - and then i ate a bowl of pre water-steeped cereals for my final food for the day...

30 January 2021

Up at around 9am to type up another one of those famous person dreams (FPD's) that i occasionally have onto Notepad - twas 50F inth living-room on what has proved to be a cold windy day...

I had the same length of three walkies as i have had over the last few days, only today i elected to walk each of them earlier than usual - my food intake being a bowl/can of mangos, a bowl/can of country vegetable and rice soup, and a bowl of pre water steeped cereals that i intend to eat later at around 8:30 - 9pm...

And finally, for today, i have just published A Marcus Dream within DREAMS - for those whom may perhaps be interested in reading its contents...

29 January 2021

Up at around 10am (almost 52F inth living-room) - followed by a long afternoon walkies and then a bowl/can of peach slices at 3:40pm...

A second in-the-dusk shorter walkies - then watched Lost In Translation...

And a final third inth dark walkies followed by a bowl of pre-steeped cereals at 8:30pm...

28 January 2021

I got outta bed sometime after 9am this morning and weighed myself, as it has now been a week since i started my much-needed diet/detox - to find that i have reduced my weight by around 5 lbs (such good news almost made me want to celebrate by eating a large bar of chocolate lol)...

An earlier first long walkies today (circa 2:15pm) and a bowl/can of mango slices at around 15:30pm - after raining seemingly all night until the early afternoon on this much milder day (50F inth living-room today)...

Followed by a within-the-dusk shorter walkies - plus a third rainy within-the-dark walkies (yep, it's raining once again), followed by a bowl of water-steeped cereals at 8:30pm...

27 January 2021

Up at around 8am (living-room temperature at a little under 50F) - felt hungry upon awakening...

A long 3pm walkies - and a bowl/can of peach halves at around 4pm...

And a second within-the-dark walkies followed by a later (8:30pm) bowl of previously water-steeped cereals...

26 January 2021

Up at around 9:30am again this morning (living-room temperature still at 48F) - i was feeling fairly hungry immediately after awakening (i remember feeling that i had an appetite to eat more last evening, but refrained from doing so - it was of a rather subdued nature, whereas this morning such an appetite to eat was initially more stark)...

I have just published a DREAM remembrance/recollection entitled An Oriental Incarnation??? - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

 'Brunch' (a bowl/can of peach slices) today has arrived at 4:30pm (after a first long walkies) - and after a second, shorter, within-the-dark walkies and a satsuma i will wait until around 8pm to have my bowl of water-steeped cereals...

25 January 2021

Twas just under 48F inth living-room when i got up outta bed at 9:30am - twas sunny then, and has remained so throughout the day so far...

So, after an early afternoon first walkies i am now (at 2pm) eating my first meal of the day - a bowl/can of peach slices once again...

And that's the second shorter walkies completed and bowl of cereals eaten at 5pm - tas remained fairly cold today (48F inth living-room still)...

24 January 2021

Today's after-walkies 3pm 'brunch' consisted of a bowl/can of peach halves - yummy yummy...

And then, sometime after a pre Manchester United v Liverpool FA Cup match second shorter walkies, i enjoyed a previously water-steeped bowl of cereals - yummy yummy also...

Yay - and Manchester United beat Liverpool 3 - 2 in earlier said FA Cup...

23 January 2021

After a seemingly rainy night i have awoken (@ circa 9:30am) to a still (9:55am - 49F inth living-room) snow-falling morning - i can now much more readily appreciate why, perhaps, i was fairly recently Given that rather soppy White Christmas tune onth 28 December 2020 (chuckle chuckle) ...

My cereal 'brunch' was partaken of at 14:50 today (straight after my first walkies of the day) - which was pretty good really, as i awoke this morning feeling fairly hungry...

I spent the second half of the afternoon reading about Rhio on Wikipedia (before partaking of a shorter second walkies inth dark) - from a coincidental perspective it was a fairy interesting read really...

22 January 2021

My new eating regime includes not eating until at least midday (and after a first walkies), whereby i enjoy a brunch consisting of a bowl of overnight water-steeped cereals - easy peasy...

Well such a 'brunch' was partaken of around 3pm - after a nice long initial walkies in fact...

   ...After which i transcribed an article entitled The Whole Self And Interconnectedness onto tuther lappy - twas an article wot i originally presumably writ, typed, and then printed out way back onth 7th August 1991...

      ...After which i then partook of a second, somewhat shorter, walkies - i'm not sure that i have yet lost all the weight that i gained over the last few months though (but some at least, surely)...

My bestest most darling Rhio (from my personal perspective of course) has been successfully lifting my somewhat initially lassitudinal spirits today - She can be such a special and much welcomed Friend/Buddy/Companion to me at times - causing me to realise just how fortunate/blessed i am to share such a warm and welcoming Presence...

21 January 2021

There was actually a third silver lining to yesterday - at 8pm the rain was replaced with snow...

   ...A heavy downpour of large snowflakes in fact - twas lovely to watch...

      ...And watch it i did - as i also watched a two part film entitled 'Ice', strangely enough (twas a film that i had earlier selected for later watching/viewing)...

So anyway, this morning i weighed myself - and found, with little surprise, that i had gained getting on for a stone in weight...

   ...Resulting in me going for two walkies - as well as vowing to reduce my food intake...

      ...So one is now dieting and detoxing dahlings - or has made a vow to do so, at least...

So what did the day consist of - well amongst other things it consisted of more sifting through data and watching part of a film called The Night Of The Comet (which i have actually watched once before)...

20 January 2021

And at 10:30am it is still raining (quite heavily actually) - although at least the temperature has been quite mild over the last few days (betwixt 51 & 52F inth living-room)...

Well i thought that yesterday, weather-wise, was quite a wet and miserable day - however, compared to today, twas merely overcast...

Apart from the continuously wet weather though, today has turned out to be an unexpectedly fruitful one - for as i was sifting through some previously typed electronic textual data, in support of one particular outstanding blog offering, i came across a previously electronically typed article that i had previously been searching for in written format...

   ...Something that may prove to be useful within another particular blog that i intend, perhaps rather belatedly, offering - proving, perhaps, that every particularly rain-sodden cloud at least contains the potential for a silver lining to arise / be seen...

      ...And talking of silver linings, this afternoon a CD version of Opera Sauvage by Vangelis popped rather welcomingly through my letterbox - tis one of a number of taped albums that i used to (many years ago now) regularly have playing quietly in the background as i read whatever book i happened to be reading during that particular period of time - tis currently playing through my headphones for the second time as i type these words actually (why do such enjoyable albums seem to pass so quickly within time i wonder)...

19 January 2021

Up at 11am this morning - after enjoying a really nice sleepies time...

It's bin raining again today - a lot...

At the rate it's going this winter will prove to be the wettest for quite some time - in my part of Manchester at least...

18 January 2021

Did some chin-warming mask shopping ath supermarket today...

I actually got up very early this morning - before electing to have a kip on the couch, followed by a warmer one in bed...

I've got quite a lot of outstanding stuff done today - including having a nice long afternoon walkies...

17 January 2021

Hey it's still morning in this part of sunny Manchester and i'm up outta bed already - brrrm brrrm...

Result 1 - did some canary-in-a-coalmine shopping at my local supermarket...

Result 2 - Manchester United remain top of the Premier League after a goalless draw at Anfield...

16 January 2021

Hmmm - a 12:45pm start to the day...

However, looking at the bright side of life, it's not raining - and hey it's a reasonably welcoming 48F...

A second non-dedicated walkies day - eeeeek those extra ounces...

15 January 2021

I have a 'mask-free mask' under construction folks - hopefully it will be fully non-functioning in time for my next and subsequent supermarket visits...

Golly gosh folks, it was past 1pm when i got up today - what a very lazy 'mask-free mask' builder i be eh...

Just the ear bits to attach now - hopefully i might be able to take it out for a test run tomorrow...

14 January 2021

Rain can become rather tedious when it continues to fall - but hey, on the bright side, it's a nice comfy 49F in my living-room today...

I was told that i had to wear a mask in order to continue to shop at my local supermarket earlier today - in the event i acceded to such a request by eventually pulling my bandana out of my coat pocket and wearing it as a chin-warmer...

As earlier suspected, it would very much seem that the powers that be clearly don't want any 'canaries in the coalmine' having the temerity to roam around without catching such a scourge on humanity - apparently over 70% of ascribed 'covid' deaths come from within the throng of mask-wearers...

13 January 2021

What's the difference between a lot of rain and a lot of snow??? - a certain amount of degrees fahrenheit???...

And what's the difference between feeling okayish and having a big smile on your face??? - a timely victory over Burnley perchance???...

A day...

12 January 2021

Well the rain has finally stopped and the sun is shining very brightly - and it's gone up to 50F inth living-room...

And i have just returned from another canary-in-a-coal-mine visit to my local supermarket - sheesh it was virus-spreadingly warm in there today for sure...

And that's the most essential walkies taken care of - Apricots ~ Bicep ~ nuff said...

11 January 2021


Gone 4pm already...

This could turn out to be a rather short day...

10 January 2021

Golly it's already gone 11am on this 46F Sunday morning - doop-a-doop-doop...

Hmmmm, supplies of my essential lockdown medication seem to be running a little low - looks like another of those essential walkies looms high on the horizon folks...

A day...

9 January 2021

Mist is hanging - doop-a-doop-doop...

Tas been a really nice chillin' sort of day so far - doop-a-doop-doop...

Twas a thingy watchin' sort of evenin'...

8 January 2021

It snowed again last night - tis a nice healthy 46F inth living-room this morning...

Mmmmmm, yummy yummy - passion fruit and raspberry cheesecake, and a tub of that Haagen Dazs strawberry wotsit - with a bar of that Montezumas Sea Dog chocolate for afters...

Rain is falling - doop-a-doop-doop...

7 January 2021

Sun is shining - doop-a-doop-doop...

Well the sun went in and the snow came out - just as i was out on an essential shopping expedition too...

Twas a day...

6 January 2021

Well you will no doubt be delighted to hear that this veritable canary in a coalmine (a non-mask wearing me) is still suckin' air folks...

I've just published The Lockdown Song within MUSIC, before going out for a walkies - for those who may perhaps enjoy listening to its content...

Well that's my essential lockdown medication sorted - i can put those covid worries behind me and relax for the rest of the day now...

5 January 2021

So far so good folks - i awoke on this 47F morning to find that i'm still suckin' air...

Time for my first essential walkies of the day folks...

I've become bored with F Scott Fitzgerald's Flappers & Philosophers now...

4 January 2021

Over the last few days i have been putting myself within 'unquestioningly compliant' mode whilst making 'covid' related comments onth Mail Online newspaper - tas been fun...

   ...And it looks like it may continue to be fun for a little while longer...

      ...Who says January has to be a miserable type of month eh...

Snigger snigger lolz...

A day...

3 January 2021

A lazy Sunday...

2 January 2021

It's a rather snug 46F inth living-room this morning - eeh the things you find yourself doin' in the name of the environment eh...

   ...Makin' your own personal little sacrifices in the hope that, for instance, the children of today and tomorrow won't have too bad a future world to live in...

      ...Which i guess sort of begs the following question really doesn't it - what are you, the reader of these words, doing to help the world become a better place for everyone to live in???...

I have just published a BLOG offering entitled Some Musical Thoughts - for those who may perhaps like to read its content...

And i have now just published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering also - so now walkies time beckons folks...

1 January 2021

'Sheesh' (says he at 2:20pm - is it really that time already???) ' that was some new year's eve party' - i didn't get to bed until past 4am...

Apparently it was quite a Party also - with Me seemingly Dressed in an appropriately wide-lapelled and striped Gangsta Outfit - and My Accompanying 'Moll', Rhio (Who very much seemed to EnJoy such an Occasion btw), Dressed as a '20's Charleston Gal (shiny black Dress, with matching Headband Thingy and vertically positioned black Feather)...

No wonder i'm feeling rather pleasantly knackered lol - but the good news is that seemingly my sleeping body didn't require even one solitary bathroom visit - result yeah...

31 December 2020

I had a number of dreams last night - one of which involved David O'Leary and Wayne Rooney strangely enough (dreams eh - especially seemingly banana (i ate about a third of one during the middle of the night) inspired ones for some strange reason)...

And it was snowing fairly heavily once again earlier on this 47F morning - i noticed it when i got up for earlier morning pee...

As it's new year's eve i'm thinking of going on a bit of a bender today - yep, i'm gonna really push the boat out by indulging in TWO tall glasses of 'black' (pomegranate & blueberry juice) russian's, as well as possibly two half glasses of my remaining port also (and that's possibly just the drink side of things dahlings (sun is shining, doop-a-doop-doop))...

   ...Well it's now 9 pm and i still have most of my first half glass of port left to drink - as well as about a third of a tall glass of my first 'black' russian to drink also...

      ...I was looking through one of my old A4 folders earlier today, in search of something in particular, when i came across three A4 stapled-together pieces of paper with some very small writing upon them, and which i had collectively entitled 'Kel The Spacefarer' - resulting in me later, within interest-piqued curiosity, choosing to type its contents (with magnifying glass in hand) into 'Notepad' on my other laptop - tis a different 'take'/perspective on planet Earth experiences/incarnations within a much(???) larger overall context (twas a seemingly timely rediscovery of something that i had originally apparently written on 26 August 1996 - a seemingly slightly/comparatively(???) unflowing/disjointed piece of text that, after typing it out, totalled 36 of my 'wotsits' interestingly enough)...


30 December 2020

Ooooh, the temperature has already (10:10 am) climbed to a rather comfortable 48F inth living-room - sun is shining, doop-a-doop-doop...

I have just published Some Snow Patrol within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like to listen to and watch its content...

And after a walkies i watched almost two films during the evening - namely Easy Rider and most of The Graduate...

29 December 2020

I have just published a BLOG offering entitled Tis Snowing Folks - for those who may perhaps wish to read its contents...

And i have now published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - for those who may perhaps wish to listen to its contents...

Well i had a walkies, read some more Flappers & Philosophers, watched Manchester United play footy against Wolves, and watched the film '10' with Dudley Moore and Bo Derek - and i got a new pair of AKG K712 reference headphones delivered too (let's hope they last longer than the rather fragile K702 one's did)...

28 December 2020

Ahaa, i have started this morning by publishing a BLOG entitled A Morning Walkies - for those who may perhaps wish to partake of its contents...

And now i shall 'Aiff' my collection of recently purchased classical music CDs (Rachmaninov, Mozart and Strauss dontcha know), whilst, at some point during the day, continuing to read 'Flappers & Philosophers' by F Scott Fitzgerald (i mistakenly thought that it may constitute fairly sterile reading, but thankfully it is quite invitingly warmly written - albeit in a rather quaint way/manner)...

I have now published a VIDEO accompaniment to The Morning Walkies blog...

   ...Yay - all 'Aiffing' completed...

      ...A day...

27 December 2020

There are some mornings when one's body simply doesn't wish to get out of bed - this morning proved itself to be such a morning...

   ...It had nothing atall to do with the 'black' Russian (made with pomegranate and blueberry juice, 'XO CAFE' coffee liqueur, and 'Zubrowka Bison Grass' vodka doncha know dahlings) of course - or indeed the half glass of 'Graham's 10 year old tawny port' that i may (i can't be 20% sure any more) have also consumed...

      ...But it undoubtedly had at least a little to do with the rain that continued to fall reasonably liberally from the skies (it has now been replaced with bright sunshine btw), and the comparative earlier morning darkness that seemed to wish to intrude upon the ever-developing day for seemingly as long as possible...

I have just published Another Sunday Treat (wot i 'ad earlier prepared) within MUSIC - for those whom may perhaps enjoy listening to its content...

Walkies was interesting today - part of a road was flooded, resulting in me clambering over some fairly high fencing, walking through part of a field, and then clambering over said fencing once again to get me back onth road...

26 December 2020

Today has started off in rather an amusing way - for i now realise that i have the answer to a question i Asked Rhio back in November 2019...

   ...In fact i have had such an answer for many years now (late '80s / early '90s - i'm pretty sure that i have it typed up in one of my A4 binders) - titter titter eh...

      ...The thoughts you can wake up with - and where they can lead to eh...

I managed to get a nice long walkies in yesterday (and hopefully another one in a little while), as well as quite a lot of 'Aiffing' - I've managed to get up to the 'M's' for Moyet so far...

   ...Hmmm, i was actually up to 'M' for Moody Blues, but i had mispositioned my Alison Moyet album in my second CD holding unit - a mispositioning that has now been corrected btw...

      ...Ooooh, and now i'm on 'V' for Vangelis - groovy baby...

And i even managed to get a long walkies in too - super groovy baby...

25 December 2020

Golly, it's another sunny but frosty start to the day - with my living-room thermometer recording a rather brisk 48F start to the day...

So it's onwards and upwards with the 'Aiffing' efforts - i'm up to the 'F's' for Fitzgerald so far (which reminds me, i must try to make a start on reading that 'Flappers & Philosophers' ebook that i purchased around this time last year)...

Hmmm, the postman seems to be rather late today...

24 December 2020

A frosty but sunny start to this morning - with my living-room temperature recording a 50F reading...

Two walkies today - makes up for the zero walkies yesterday...

Been watching the 'HUMANS' series whilst doing some more 'Aiffing'...

23 December 2020

I think that's what they generally refer to as a bit of a lazy day...

I had intended to do some preparatory work for a blog, but i never quite got round to it - an afternoon kip on the sofa seemed to be a much more preferably idea after all...

Oh well, there's always tomorrow i guess...

22 December 2020

Going to bed earlier definitely has its advantages - it usually results in an earlier next morning start...

So it's yabba dabba do time folks - for i've brought my latest woodworking sub-project to completion...

And i managed another of those within-the-dark walkies too - i knew that torch would come in handy eventually...

21 December 2020

What??? - 9:45am already??? - i thought it was going to be more like 8:30am (oh well, it was a rather lovely sleep after all)...

So, i got all the track titles of my non-classical CDs typed into iTunes - and i managed to make quite a lot woodworking progress...

And i managed to get a within-the-dark walkies in - so now i'm eating some healthy butties whilst listening to some Jo Whiley onth radio...

20 December 2020

I watched The Big Lebowski for the very first time last night (i only very recently heard about it) - twas very enjoyable...

And i bolted some sawn off planks of pine decking onto some bolted together lengths of wood - ooh what could it possibly be??? -  mystery upon mystery eh...

All before a nice long walkies and some food shopping too...

19 December 2020...

Well yesterday was a very mild day, with my living-room thermometer recording a healthy 54F - this morning (10am) said thermometer would seem to be already working its way up to 55F...

   ...If this trend continues i may have to think about dusting down the veggie BBQ and breaking out a few tinnies...

      ...Yep, the sun is shining folks...

I've been waking up feeling particularly relaxed over the last few days - however, i've been mindful of not falling into laziness, perhaps with the thoughts of 'oh well it's nearly xmas after all, maybe i should simply enjoy myself for a while'...

So tis good that i've done a little more woodworking and had another hopefully daily walkies - and i'm almost up to date with the transferring of all my new musical CDs into my iTunes software (i've still got to type in all the track info though)...

18 December 2020

I have just added two more APHORISMS of 'Ours' - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read them...

And i have now published Some Boney M within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps wish/like to listen to its contents...

I managed to get some more woodworking done, and got a walkies in too - and this evening i finally got round to watching Bodyguard with Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston...

17 December 2020

Some sleeps seem to reach the parts that other sleeps don't lol...

A few days ago i watched a Dick Cavett YouTube video with JJ, Raquel Welch and someone else in it, whereby JJ mentioned that she was a F Scott Fitzgerald 'freak' - which really got my attention because on 14 November 2019 i had 'A Fitzgerald Dream', which, amongst other things, resulted in me downloading 'Flappers & Philosophers' by F Scott Fitzgerald - i must try to get around to reading it i guess (rather spookily interesting huh)...

Yay, i managed to get some woodworking done this afternoon - and had a fairly long walkies too...

   ...I have just added an APHORISM within 'Others'...

      ...I copied some new musical CDs into my iTunes software this morning - and will possibly do some more this evening (hmm, or maybe not eh)...

16 December 2020

I have just published We Are Sailing within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both read and listen to its content...

Well i had planned to do some woodworking today - but it simply didn't work out that way...

Instead i enjoyed an extra morning sleep in bed (after having initially gotten up at around 6 am), then after the rain eventually stopped i went for a late-ish afternoon walkies and did a wee bit of food shopping - so it's been quite a chilled-out relaxing type of day really - now i'm doing a bit of sat down boppin' to some Jo music whilst eating some healthy type of butties...

15 December 2020

Well that was another relaxing morning, mostly spent playing onth Mail Online upon this particular occasion - and i've recently returned home from an enjoyable walkies and some food shopping (tis yummy yummy time now)...

I spent the afternoon doing some odd jobs and preparing for some woodworking tomorrow - then i went for another walkies within the comparative darkness of early evening...

I actually have a blog to prepare, but as it would seem to be quite a large one (within my mind at least) i am choosing to have a bit of a rest whilst my enthusiasm to write it establishes itself - i think it is important to enjoy/take occasional little rest periods (a little like having/incorporating natural interludes perhaps)...

14 December 2020

I enjoyed a nice relaxing morning generally internet surfing and listening to some music that such surfing brought me to...

Then i enjoyed a midday walkies and did some food shopping - i think i may have a second walkies shortly...

I have just published Simon & Garfunkel within MUSIC - for those whom may perhaps like/wish to both read and listen to its content (second walkies time now)...

13 December 2020

After having gone to bed early last night i awoke feeling very much refreshed early this morning, so my day got off to an earlier than normal start - and then, after the rain had stopped, i treated myself to a nice long early morning walkies, before commencing with the business part of my day...

I have now published a BLOG offering entitled The Unshared Song - for those whom may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

And after spending some time doin' other stuff, i have now just published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - for those who may perhaps like/wish to both read and listen to its content...

12 December 2020

So, i got the blog and accompanying tunes, that i intend to publish later today, sorted yesterday - and i started today by typing a complete blog offering that i intend to hopefully publish tomorrow sorted (eh when the 'Juices' Flow eh dahlings - what a seeming lot can be seemingly accomplished within a short continuous period of time - seemingly upon occasion at least)...

So i guess its walkies time once again in a bit - with maybe a bit more shopping thrown in too...

I have now published a BLOG offering entitled Marc Bolan's Visit - and i have now also published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title...

11 December 2020

Well i got down to doin' stuff almost as soon as i got up this morning - and then after it had finally stopped raining and the sun came out, i went for an earlier than normal walkies (i actually walked without my coat on today - and still became increasingly warmer the further i walked), followed by a visit to the local supermarket...

So now i've stored a few things away it's time for my bowl of cereals (a brunch rather than a breakfast dahlings) before getting back to doin' stuff once again...

And my offering for today (a big roll of the drums lolz) is Some Roy Orbison, which can be located within MUSIC - and now it's time for another walkies...

10 December 2020...

Well i managed to get a reasonable amount done today - a variety of different sort of things perhaps...

And i have now just returned from a fairly well-needed walkies - with a visit to the supermarket tagged on to the end / latter part of it...

And for today's offering i have just published Some Cranberry Pie within MUSIC - for those whom may perhaps wish/like to listen to its contents...

9 December 2020

On Monday evening my tune of The Jo Whiley Show was White Wine In The Sun ~ Tim Minchin - and last evening i highlighted All You're Dreaming Of ~ Liam Gallagher (which i especially enjoyed/liked), Girl On Fire ~ Alicia Keys, and Hey Mama ~ Juanita Stein...

I had intended doing quite a lot of perhaps different things today, but it turned of to be a day of greater overall clarity/Understanding and personal reflection - experience has shown/taught me that such occasional days are seemingly simply meant to be...

And for today's offering i have just published An SG Offering within MUSIC - for those whom may perhaps wish/like to listen to / experience its content...

8 December 2020

It's been a smidgen under 50F for the last three days - brrrrr...

I have just rather belatedly (it came to mind once again whilst i was relaxing last evening) published, A 'Helping' Dream, within DREAMS - for those who may perhaps wish/want to read its contents...

I dropped my AKG reference headphones (they slid off my desk (2.5 feet) onto fairly thick carpet - boy are they fragile) for the second time a few days ago - so have now re-soldered one of the internal wires (for the second time) - they are working fine once again now...

7 December 2020

So that's my periodic website housekeeping duties taken care of once again - i should do it on an ongoing basis really, but i guess i'm just a bit lazy within such a respect - you see, it takes one to know one Julia my dear (well allegedly at least lol)...

And that's the daily walkies taken care of - so with a cup of Earl Grey at the ready, and a couple of Boursin cheese-spread Ryvitas at hand, tis orft we go once again...

And finally for today, i have just published Some Krishna Das within MUSIC - for those whom may perhaps like/wish to listen to and watch its contents...

6 December 2020

I've started off today by making a record/list of all the offered music (within all categories) on this 'ear website of O/ours - i had suspected that i may have offered at least one of them twice, but hey, seemingly i haven't (which is quite interesting really, considering that 289 musical videos have been included thus far)...

I've just published an offering entitled It's Me Juli(a) within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to its content...

Anyway, what i've come to realise is that some p/People need to change t/Themselves - rather than to externalise such a need for change in the direction of o/Others...

5 December 2020

Oh well, that's my morning play onth Mail Online done and dusted - 'it started with a dream (rather than a kiss)' lol...

I've spent most of the day putting my musical CD's into alphabetical order - before putting them into my multi-CD holders - i should really make an effort to start listening to them all now...

So, walkies completed, it's feeding and relaxing time now...

4 December 2020

I managed to watch two films within the busyness of yesterday - namely Gone In 60 Seconds and The Butterfly Effect...

Earlier today i secured two open-fronted multi-CD holders to one of my living-room walls - as well as securing a small shelf / headphone holder somewhat above it...

And finally for today - i have just published both a BLOG and VIDEO offering entitled What Is God???...

3 December 2020

*** Early afternoon living-room temperature check ~ 52F ***... 

So, i spent the day copying all of my outstanding film DVD's onto my portable hard-drive - before going for a walkies and popping into the supermarket for some food...

Then i typed all of my outstanding album track titles onto my iTunes software - so it's been quite a busy, but steady, day really...

2 December 2020

Well i started off today by having another ickle play onth Mail Online dahlings...

Then, after an ickle recuperative snooze, i got some floor-cleaning done inth kitchen and hallway (bathroom still to be done), whilst also transferring some new albums onto my iTunes software  - but not before i'd 'ad a ickle cleaning session inth kitchen also...

And finally for today, i have just published Some Donovan Music within erm MUSIC - for those whom may perhaps enjoy listening to its contents...

1 December 2020

Well it's December already folks (a chirpily sunny one in my part of Manchester) - oh and the Guardian Online newspaper have finally removed my 'your comments are being pre-moderated' (in red doncha know) above the comments box (they must be well missin' me innit)...

 I bet you're all dying to know what my latest woodworking project was all about aren't you - well i made a sort of open-fronted cabinet thingy to put two of my fairly new toys on top of for easy listening/selecting/playing (as well as for placing my router etc onto the lower level) - a few months ago i noticed that some lengths of pine wood (slats from an old bed) had been thrown out, so i used them, to rather good effect actually...

And finally for today, i have just published both a BLOG and a VIDEO accompaniment - both of which are entitled, A Poker Journey...

30 November 2020

Well that's playtime / waking up time over - time for my overnight-steeped-in-water-cereals breakfast now...

Yay - that's my latest woodworking project 'done and dusted'...

Relaxation time hath arrivethed folks...

29 November 2020

Oh well, that's playtime onth Mail Online taken care of - time for a much needed walkies now...

I have just published three more APHORISMS of 'Ours' - for those whom may perhaps wish to read/digest / ponder upon their contents...

And that's my ongoing woodworking project completed for the day once again - it's coming along quite/rather nicely/satisfactorily actually...

28 November 2020

So that's some more of my woodworking project completed for the day...

And the shopping's been taken care of - no walkies today though (too busy)...

So now i'm relaxing to the Tash Sultana earlier streamed live gig at Hordern Pavilion, on YouTube...

27 November 2020

I've just published a BLOG offering wot Came to me yesterday, whilst i woz doin' some woodworkin' - tis entitled, What Is Hell??? - and is for anyone/all who may perhaps be interested in reading its contents really...

And i have now just published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - for all those who may perhaps be interested in listening to /watching its contents...

Well that's day two of the new woodworking project finished for the day - it's coming along quite nicely actually...

26 November 2020

Another earlier start to the day - mind you i did go to bed rather early last night (10:30 pm perhaps???) - i think i may start a new woodworking project today (one that has been resting/residing on the back-burner for quite some time now actually)...

Ooooh - i have just writ/published a new BLOG offering entitled What Is Heaven??? - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

And i have now added (the first part of a(???)) VIDEO musical accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to its contents...

   ...Ooooh - and whaddya know - i've now added a second song to the above also...

      ...And i have now just added the third and final song also...

25 November 2020

I feel another blog taking form dahlings...

OhhhKay - I have now published a BLOG offering entitled An Interesting Understanding - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

And, phinally for today, i have now just published a VIDEO musical accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to / read its contents...

24 November 2020

*** Earlier living-room temperature check before going tooth supermarket for a bit ov shoppin' like ~ 54F ***...

Ooooooh - and oi've got two more tunes for me upcoming blog video accompaniment loike innit - be patient folks, be patient (i know it can be 'ard, but simply try yer bestest innit)...

More blog work to be done...

   ...And after an enjoyable afternoon walkies, i have now published a BLOG offering entitled, A Street-Wise Journey - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

      ...And finally for today, i have now published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - phew, busy day innit...

23 November 2020


Well me 'eads a bit wotsit, due to all that choccy i ate...

   ...and possibly due to some of that botanical rum (yes, botanical rum dahlings) wot i 'ad also...

      ...And me chest an' nose is all congested-like, due to 'avin' too many of them smokie things - but hey, apart from that, everyfinks absolutely hunky-dory dahlings (rarin' to get goin' in fact innit)...

So, i've bin workin' on the first draft of a new blog offerin' today - i've really enjoyed it actually, as it's been really good fun (and i've already been Given the title of a musical accompaniment, which is all rather 'andy - but my mind is rather tired now, so i'm gunna call it a day innit)...

I did me shoppin' earlier this mornin', and i've 'ad a nice long afternoon walkies - so i'm gunna chill now, whilst waitin' for the dulcet tones of Jo Whiley to return ontooth' radio in a few hours time...

22 November 2020

Ooooh, a really early morning's start dahlings...

I have added three more 'APHORISMS' to 'Others' -and i have added six more APHORISMS to 'Ours also'...

I have now just published a BLOG offering entitled, The 'Innit' Word - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

   ...And i have now just published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - for those who may perhaps like/wish to listen to and watch its contents...

      ...Another busy day innit...  

21 November 2020

One ventured out to aquire some drinkipoos last night dahlings - it ended up being a rather late one actually... 

   ...I told the rather attractive young assistant with a good personality that i had my students union card with me if there were any age issues - something that she found to be extremely amusing for some strange reason...

      ...And when she asked me if i had a loyalty card, i told her that i'd applied but was told that i was too young to have one yet (a reply that she also found to be extremely amusing for some completely unknown reason) - i have to be a little careful about how chatty i get with such highly attractive young ladies actually, as my super-Babe g/F seems to be rather prone to seemingly unreasonable jealousy at times, doncha know - it can tend to put rather a dampener on things for some, as yet, unknown reason (some W/women can seem to be such darned kill-joys (they sometimes easily get the hump don't they) at times, can't they)...

I have just published some MUSIC entitled Some OMD Dahlings - for those who may perhaps wish/like to listen to its contents...

A busy day again folks - especially given the included walkies and shopping...

20 November 2020

Right - i have now finally published a BLOG offering entitled A Disco Journey - for those who may perhaps wish/like to read its contents...

And i have now added a VIDEO accompaniment to such an above-titled blog offering - for those who may perhaps wish/like to sample/play its contents...

Time for some Friday evening relaxation folks - 'and i 'hiss' you when you're gone' lolz (yeah, you guessed it - i'm enjoying some super-Babe time folks)...

19 November 2020

Well my uncharacteristically very early morning started off with making some comments onth Mail online - a string of which i intend to include in a recently outstanding blog offering (i think that the latter string of them was 'Them Upstairs' prompting me to get on with it  - eeeh that JJ can be a hard task-masteress at times, so She can)...

Well i've had my second walkies, played with my newly arrived toys and successfully completed the first draft of one's upcoming latest blog offering dahlings - so now i'm just chillin' a bit...

Oooh - and now it's Anita Rani time once again - last evening's musical selections were well-good (watch out Jo lol)...

18 November 2020

Ooooh - one feels a blog that is rather eager to express itself dahlings - one's creative juices seem eager to flow doncha know...

Well my originally intended blog remains outstanding, at this moment in time - instead, it would very much seem that i have been Inspired to publish a rather simple BLOG offering entitled, What It's About (which is what i have now done)...

And i have now (@ circa 15:10) just published an accompanying VIDEO offering, of the same title as the above blog - for those etc etc etc (yet another busy day eh)...

17 November 2020

I have just published n n n nine more APHORISMS of 'Ours' - for those who may perhaps like to read/digest them...

By 'eck i've been busy today - tis 12:36 pm already...

A day concluded by just having published, Some More Katie, within MUSIC - especially for those who may perhaps like to listen to such a selection...

16 November 2020

I had another of them DREAMS last night - i'll share it in a bit - after a walkies perhaps...

I have now published The 'Upliftment' Dream - for those who may perhaps be interested in reading its contents...

Would you Adam n Eve it eh - i've just started opening some of the mail ('You've Got Mail'), to find that my previously ordered (and completely forgotten about) 'The Very Best of Japan' cd has arrived - coincidences/synchronicities once again eh...

   ...Hmmm - let's publish some More Katie Melua MUSIC thought i...

      ...And thusly was it so - all three were selected yesterday actually...

15 November 2020

I played onth Mail online this morning...

Then i went for a walkies and did some shopping...

Hmmm - 'they've' seemingly not fixed the embedded video publishing glitch yet - patience dear boy, patience...

   ...However, why not publish Some Katie Melua MUSIC inth mean time - tis a 'much overdue' (really??? - why didn't You say so earlier then??? - what do You think i am, a Mind reader or something???) Ketchup eleven offering actually...

      ...Even though the videos have become rather large since the latest...umm...'changes' - and even though we can now choose to have 'embedded' videos (which, by default, are smaller), they still won't publish properly (because of 'the glitch' doncha know you so-called website designers - i wouldn't pay them in buttons, honestly i wouldn't not-so-lol)...

14 November 2020

Well today started off by having a little play onth Mail online dahlings...

However, that put aside for a while, i have most recently concentrated my efforts on publishing a DREAM wot i 'ad last night (more like earlier this morning actually) - for those who may perhaps be interested in reading its contents, it is entitled A 'Foreboding' Dream...

I've just been watching a film/movie entitled The Outlaw Josey Wales that popped through my letterbox earlier today - it's been a long time since i've seen it, so it was almost like watching it from anew - twas enjoyably entertaining...

13 November 2020

It looks like the...umm...'website builders' have been making some...umm...'changes' - why keep it simple when you could factor in some complexity and add a few rather annoying limitations and a publishing glitch eh - but hey maybe they're trying to attract some Phd students who relish a challenge (a new marketing ploy perchance???)...

I've just added three more APHORISMS of 'Others' - for those who may perhaps wish to read them...

And i have now added six more APHORISMS of 'Ours' - for those who may perhaps wish to read them...

12 November 2020

Today i intend to do something very important...

Sorted - over the last few days i realised that the 'Bits N Bobs' dates were in numerics, and that this might confuse any site-visiting Americans - thankfully i only started doing such a thing during October, so it proved to be rather easy to fix...

I've just published Some Status Quo within MUSIC - for those whom may wish to listen to its contents - and that's another busy day concluded folks (at just after 1:30 pm - a well-needed walkies time now beckons)...

11 November 2020

I've just published three APHORISMS of 'Others' - for those whom may perhaps be interested in reading them...

And i have now just published three APHORISMS of 'Ours' also - for those whom may perhaps be interested in reading them...

Phew - busy day...

10 November 2020

I've just been re-reading the Climate Change Baby blog offering - it rather amusingly reminds me of the scene in Back To The Future, where Michael J Fox starts off by playing an electric guitar to everyone's delight/satisfaction, at the school prom, before going into 'rock star' mode, to everyone's increasing puzzlement and sense of unease/dissatisfaction - don't worry, your children's children will think it's great (well perhaps anyway)...

I saved a life today - twas that of an otherwise drowning fly - hero status achieved (possibly within the eyes of the once again flying fly anyway)...

   ...I left it on the kitchen window-sill to dry off - after having poured a teaspoon of fresh water over it in an attempt to wash its wings clean of the starchy liquid in which it had found itself entrapped, and then having gently blown on it repeatedly in order to assist its drying process...

      ...Then, after having enjoyed a mid-afternoon sleep, i noticed that it was no longer on the window-sill - and then, when i was preparing something to eat, i noticed it walking along the front edge of said window-sill, slightly to my right, before flying off - aww, it thanked me folks, it thanked me lol...

Aren't coincidences/synchronicities awesome sometimes - Michael J Fox played the part of Marty McFly in the film Back To The Future...

9 November 2020

I have just published a BLOG offering entitled, Democracy In Crisis??? - for those who may perhaps wish to read its contents...

And i have now published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - for those who may perhaps wish to listen to it...

And now it's relaxation time once again...

8 November 2020

Note to self ~ 55 F to 57 F inth living-room during first week of November...

I've been fairly busy working on the first draft of a new blog today - hopefully i'll be ready to publish it tomorrow...

Well, with a walkies completed and some healthy salad-type butties eaten, it's now relaxation time...

7 November 2020


Well Manchester United bounced back with a 3 - 1 away win against Everton - and Edinson Cavani scored his first goal for Manchester United...

A day...

6 November 2020

The words 'papering through the walls of desires' (if i remember it/them correctly) 'Pushed' through my awakening consciousness earlier this morning - a similar thing happened yesterday morning, but i didn't catch it in time to retain it (such things seem (to me anyway) to be quite ephemeral in/by nature i.e. they easily 'disappear' if not caught in time - *** makes note to self 'must learn to be more attentive' ***)...

I enjoyed a nice long afternoon walkies on this Autumnal-like day - tas not rained at all today...

I made a perfectly acceptable, non-moderated, comment onth Mail online at circa 11:20 this morning regarding the American election that has still not been published as of 17:10 - anti-Trump comments were awash within such an article though (no such problems for those people seemingly)... 

5 November 2020

I am having a nice relaxing 'me' day today - i've just finished watching 'Close Encounters Of The Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun' - twas interesting...

There are a lot of fireworks going off outside at the moment - i guess people must be celebrating something??? - not working perhaps???...

I think i might have entered the twilight zone...

4 November 2020

I did some woodworking during a rather rainy yesterday - i enjoy doing physical work...

And last night i added a 13.5 tog duvet to my bed coverings, as i noticed that it was taking me longer to warm up - sheer luxury i tell thee (yep, i definitely warmed up last night)...

I wonder if the Buddha ever woke up one morning (after having, taught / experienced Enlightenment, for many years perhaps) thinking, 'surely there must be more to l/Life than this'??? - such being part of the intrinsic nature of impermanence perhaps???...

3 November 2020

One is detoxing dahlings...

...Apparently it takes more than a day...

Bummer huh...

2 November 2020

Why did the universe begin??? ~ because the sperm penetrated the ovum ~ simples...

A midish day kip onth couch, followed by a nice afternoon walkies...

Followed by an evening of mixed relaxation...

1 November 2020

Wot??? - November already??? - yikes...

I watched a couple more episodes of Spooks last night (6.7 & 6.8) - Ros came back from the dead - very fitting and very gripping...

I might watch the final two episodes of season six tonight...

31 October 2020

I spent yesterday evening watching some Spooks series 6 (episodes 6.4 - 6.6) - i might watch some more tonight...

A day of good intentions that didn't quite come to fruition - on this full moon Halloween Saturday...

Although i did get a nice long walkies in - without it raining may i add...

30 October 2020

'The rain is falling' (name that tune), still - and so are the leaves, still...

Tas been a general personal 'housekeeping' day - putting outstanding track titles into my iTunes software, and getting the washing machine to wash some bed-sheets for me...

A day...

29 October 2020

Well done indeed to Manchester United who beat RB Leipzig 5 - 0 in the Champions League yesterday evening...

I have just published a DREAM entitled Three Dream Snippets - for those whom may perhaps wish to read its contents...

And finally for today, i have now published a DREAM entitled A Wayne Dream - for those who may perhaps like to read its contents... 

28 October 2020

And that's the 'doin' stuff' phinally taken care of - making a verbatim copy of all the website content - i already had copies of course, but not necessarily fully published versions...

Whilst doing the above, over the last phew days, i noticed that i had seemingly omitted to include the 'fair usage' legal disclaimers within some of the MUSIC offerings (how did i miss that i wonder???) - anyway, i have now rectified such a seeming oversight - so that marks the completion of my website 'house-keeping' activities over the last number of days...

 And finally for today, i have just published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the earlier published Your Questions Answered blog offering...

27 October 2020...

Bin carryin' on doin' stuff agen today - time for The Jo Whiley Show and some appetizin' butties now...

Nature would very seem to much abhor a vacuum (within my life/mind anyway) - with somewhat tedious and repetitive tasks becoming the ideal vehicle for some rather interesting thoughts/perspectives to (further) develop within one's mind/consciousness...

 Anyway, butties almost eaten, it will soon be time to further do stuff, whilst continuing to listen to some ketchup Jo radio...

26 October 2020...

Bin doin' stuff innit - maybees i'll tell yous all 'bout it sometimes laters...


                ...I've just added a really cool 'press' button to the homepage...

                   ...Groovy baby...

Well i've bin doin some more stuff, whilst listening to some really great tunes onth Jo Whiley Show (I See Your Ghost ~ The Lathums oooh), innit... 

25 October 2020...

Well, after an early start, on what has turned out to be a rather sunny Sunday morn, it would seem that i am now a lot closer to publishing what would seem to be the rather long blog that i wish to offer within this 'ear website - time for a little break...

I have now just published a Ketchup Ten BLOG offering entitled, Other Buddhist Experiences - for those whom may wish to perhaps read its contents...

And finally for today (phew) i have just now published a musical VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - for those who may perhaps like to listen to its contents...

24 October 2020...

Well yesterday was a full day of further blog working - and this morning it continued...

And now, after a walkies and a chat with a neighbour, i intend to further continue for a while...

And that's my work finished for today - time to relax and catch up with the footy...

23 October 2020...

Word of the Friday ( Friday??? - again??? - really???) - 'pathos' - oh well, at least i 'ad another really good, long, deeeeep, sleeeep...

Well yesterday turned out to be a bit of a rest day, inth blog writing department - in the event i decided to shave a little part of the upright off of an old door that never really closed properly/completely, using a fairly wide chisel - it didn't really matter whilst Rocky was with me, as it always had to be at least partially open in order to allow him to go to and fro to his litter tray and back (as well as allowing him to travel/wander freely about/around one's most humble abode of course - however, now that he is no longer with me i might as well be able to close said door fully when i wish to...

This week seems to have started off with time seemingly flying by rather rapidly for me - before seemingly very much slowing down in a time-dilated sort of way - a little like a rather short compression wave, followed by a rather extended release of such wave energy perhaps - rather akin to a short, rapid intake of breath, followed by a long, slow exhalation perhaps...

23 October 2020...

Well this definitely don't seem like no Saturday to me - much more like another Friday in fact - oh well, onwards and upwards as they say...

Which reminds me - during this morning's walkies i was Given another two song titles for the next blog offering that i intend to continue working on today - so toodle-pip and all that, my most wonderfully loyal dahlings...

...But not before one has had to undertake some emergency repairs to one's most prised brass canopy dahlings - before its former tilted self threatened to come crashing down upon one's most precious table lamp dahlings (tis actually situated on one of one's speakers actually) - anyway, job sorted to one's most desirous satisfaction now dahlings, so onwards, and hopefully upwards, as they might say - yes it most definitely seems to be becoming a very long Friday indeed my most needed dahlings...

23 October 2020...

Oh my goodness, is it really Friday already??? - maybe it has something to do with those mid-afternoon naps that i have started taking once again...

I have now just published a Ketchup Nine BLOG offering entitled, Other Greenstreete Experiences (one that i had worked on during the 'cerebrally active' phase of my summer months btw) - for those whom may perhaps wish to read its contents...

And finally for today, i have just published a musical VIDEO accompaniment of the same title as the above blog offering - for those whom may perhaps enjoy listening to its contents...

22 October 2020...

Well, i woke up this mornin' (it is mornin' innit???) to the sounds of Davy 'B's (to me only rememba - so no takin' no liberties ok) 'if you stay with us you're gonna be pretty kooky too'  playin' through me 'ead, for some, as yet, completely unknown reason - which reminds me, strangely enough, Rhio Baby sat upon me shouldas during wallykies time yesterday(???), and put the Palms of each of Her Hands ovva me ears...

And talking about reminding, i spent last evening watchin' that Capricorn One film - it's such a long time since i first watched it, and takin' account of me rather dodgy memory of course, 'twas like watchin' a brand new, previously unwatched, film, so it was... 

Oh my goodness!!! - i completely forgot that my beloved Manchester United played PSG back on Tuesday night - a 1 - 2 win eh - well done indeed lads - 'Bruno for captain, Bruno for captain' say eye, with great enthusiasm ('now that young lad knows how to lead a team, so he does')...

21 October 2020...

Well, would you Adam & Eve it...

I took myself off for another walkies, at what would now seem to have been yesterday afternoon, and came back and had a lie-down onth sofa for a bit of a kip - only to later get up from sofa to find that it's almost dark...

By such reckonin', twood seem that i must have slept(???) for over 24 hours perhaps - oh well, i better get some food down me Rude Hullit, before settlin' into what would seem to be a rather short day/evening/night or wotevva, before takin' meself off for a proper beddy-byes...

20 October 2020...

I have just added and published two more musical accompaniments to the, First Greenstreete Visit, VIDEO offering of yesterday - for those whom may perhaps enjoy listening to them also...

Ahaa, not yet continuing to work on a previously worked upon blog offering - but presenting/publishing a new one - this new BLOG offering is entitled, The Threads Dahlings...

And i have now just published a VIDEO accompaniment, of my own choosing, to the above published blog offering - for those whom may wish to watch / listen to its contents...

19 October 2020...

Okaaay - i have started my day by publishing a POEM entitled, The 'Calling' Poem - tis for those who may perhaps like to read its contents...

Well, that's a nice long walkies and a bit of shopping taken care of - Rhio and i often share some Playful times with one-Another - as well as one or three (i usually insist on three - obviously lol) Kisses (after She has rested Her forehead on mine and Looked me in the Eyes) when She Jumps up in front of me, with Her Legs entwined around the top of my hips - more lately this has been followed by Rhio moving swiftly 'round to the back of me and Sitting on my shoulders, before placing the palm of each of Her Hands over both of my eyes - i thought it was mere Playfulness originally - however i now realise that it is Her way of telling me that They ('Big John', 'Davy B' (to me anyway dahlings - ner ner na ner ner - Mike the dj was called 'Mike B' btw), 'Rhio Baby', and no doubt Others also) are constantly Looking out for me, so that i don't have too - pretty cool huh...

And i have now just published a Ketchup Eight BLOG offering entitled, First Greenstreete Visit (one that i had worked on during the 'cerebrally active' phase of my summer months btw)  - and finally for today, i have now just published a musical VIDEO accompaniment to such a blog offering, of the same title...

18 October 2020...

I've started my day off by publishing a DREAM entitled, A Spiders Dream - for those whom may perhaps wish to read its contents...

And i have now (rather atypically perhaps) published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title to the earlier published, A Spiders Dream - for those who may perhaps enjoy listening to it...

I have now just published a Ketchup Seven BLOG offering entitled, A Spiritualist Journey (one that i had worked on during the 'cerebrally active' phase of my summer months btw) - and i have now just published a VIDEO musical accompaniment of the same title as such a blog offering...

17 October 2020...

I have started the day by publishing a DREAM entitled, A Boris Dream - for those whom may perhaps wish to read its contents...

Well that's my bike retrieved from the repair shop (pedal bearings were a bit knacked (clunking sound) apparently - gee it rides a lot easier now) - i've seemingly been given a lighter work-load today, in order to accommodate such business (ooh, and that 'FakeItFlowers' album has rather speedily arrived through my letterbox already)...

I have just published a BLOG entitled, Some Shopping Dahlings - and i have now just published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title...

16 October 2020...

I have started today by publishing a Ketchup Five MUSIC offering entitled, Dream Wife ~ KEXP - for those who would perhaps wish/like to listen to its content...

I have just published a Ketchup Six BLOG offering entitled Thoughts Regarding Sexuality - for those whom may perhaps wish to read its offered contents...

And finally for today, i have now just published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same blog title as above - for those whom may perhaps like/wish to listen to its contents...

15 October 2020...

I have just published A 'God' Dream - for those whom may perhaps wish to read its contents...

Well that's some repair business sorted out - i have seemingly been given a lower work-load today in order to accommodate such maintenance work business...

And i have now just published, The Cranberries Promises, within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps wish to listen to / watch and read such a s/Shared offering...

14 October 2020...

I've started my day by making a few artistic tweaks to, 'The Climate Baby',  blog offering dahlings - one must always try to keep up with the times after all, mustn't one ('art for arts sake' dahlings- 'how dare you!' eh) - no, one is not partaking dahlings ('tis just the Energies darling' - oh, okay then, if you say so Baby)...

I have now just added a VIDEO accompanying offering of the same title to the previously published, The Climate Baby, blog offering - for those whom may perhaps enjoy listening to their Offered contents...

I have now just published a BLOG offering entitled, The Comments Babes - and i have now followed it up with a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title...

13 October 2020...

Hmmmm - i must always try to remember that, in general, Messages/Communications are always filtered/passed down to the ground Crew by/through our most Wonderful Chief Editor, 'JJ' - i have perhaps been seemingly keeping Her out the the Loop, perhaps due to my Rhio preoccupations (more lately at least) - i've been wondering why She has been giving me rather flummoxed within mind Looks of Exasperation and Disappointment rather more recently- oh well, onwards and Upwards ('carry on regardless') eh - one's daily walkies can indeed seem to be rather revealing at times, my most wonderful dahlings...

Phew, i've just published a BLOG offering entitled, The Climate Baby (A Ketchup Three offering , incorporating a new/extended perspective) - for those whom may perhaps like to read it...

And i have also added 'self-acclaimed' within 'those clever-clogged Buddhists', within the 'All About Time' blog - now it's time to relax and catch up with The Jo Whiley Show once again...

12 October 2020...

Ooh, we now seem to be back in sync, time-wise, dahlings (the possible Ebbs and Flows of Time eh) - oh, and lest i forget, i've now added a bit to the end of The Editor's Chair BLOG offering...

I have just published both a BLOG and VIDEO accompaniment entitled, All About Time - for those whom may perhaps like to read and listen to such offerings...

Phew, finished for the day at last - now it's time to relax and catch up with tonight's Jo Whiley Show onth radio...

13 October 2020...

I have now published both a BLOG and VIDEO offering entitled, Why The Reductions - for those whom may perhaps wish to read and listen to / watch their respective contents...

And i have now added, Some Melanie Songs, within MUSIC (A Ketchup Two) - for those who may perhaps enjoy to listening to such a selection of offered songs...

 And finally for today, i have just added three more offerings within 'Our' APHORISMS - for those who may perhaps particularly benefit from reading and digesting their individual contents...

12 October 2020...

I've just published, A Cheesy Dream, within (yep, you guessed it) DREAMS - for those whom may perhaps wish to read its contents...

And, further, i have now just published, The 'Sneaky-Sneaky' Dream, within DREAMS - once again, for those whom may perhaps wish/like to enjoy reading its contents (now recently updated with additional possibly telling details)...

 And, finally for today, i have just added both a BLOG and VIDEO offering entitled, My Friend Says - for those whom may perhaps wish to both read and listen to their respective contents...

11 October 2020...

Gee wizz, is it really the 11th of October already???...

Anyway, whatever the real (head) case may be, i've just published the earlier Affable George Michael blog offering musical accompaniment within VIDEOS - for those whom may wish to listen to such an offered selection...

Ooh, i went to bed fairly early (at an agreed time of around 10:30 pm (just a little later as it turned out (well it was Friday evening/night after all, and i was still feeling rather energetically awake - even if only in an increasingly quietening sort of way - and it was only a couple of minutes after our Agreed time, was it not??? - and Rhio was, sort of okay with it - well, apparently /  i think, so anyway,)) last night...

10 October 2020...

Rhio and i have recently started to agree upon my nightly beddy-byes times - and She has begun 'prompting' me to play 'Dreams' (which She knows i very much like/loike) as a perhaps previously unacknowledged/unrecognised 'hint-hint' - tuther night She did so after we had agreed on a time of 00:30 am - i found myself to be looking down at my computer clock (seemingly another 'hint hint' perhaps yeah) near the end of listening to 'Dreams' - to find that it was exactly 00:30 am - i find such apparent/implied subtlety to be so humorous at times (if i happen to catch on to it of course - doh lol) - She knows i can be a bit absent-minded (due to preoccupation perhaps), and sometimes be tempted to stay up later than agreed, if i don't yet feel ready to sleep - which can result in Her becoming understandably a little disappointed in me if i go too much beyond the agreed time - as an aside She also seems to enjoy gently dancing to Jo Whiley music (whilst standing at my immediate left hand side within my auric(???) inner vision) as i'm listening to Jo's Show through my headphones - which i guess is quite an affirmatory compliment really isn't it - She seems to like playfully bumping hips also btw - a gesture that i find myself rather naturally responding to... 

Phew, the following offering turned out to be a bit of a mission let me tell you - tired mind syndrome i think...

...I have now f-f-f finally published a BLOG entitled Affable George Michael - for those whom may perhaps wish to read its contents...

9 October 2020...

1) I recently published a BLOG offering entitled Sorry Miss JJ - and have now just published a VIDEO accompaniment of the same title, for those whom may wish to, read / watch/listen to, them both...

2) I have now published a MUSICal Offering entitled Telling A Story - for those who would perhaps like to, listen to / watch, its content...

3) And i have now also published both a BLOG and VIDEO accompaniment entitled The Young Dude(tte)s - for those who may perhaps enjoy, reading/listening to, such simple heart-felt offerings/cherings...

8 October 2020...

The Jo Whiley Show was rather excellent last evening - energised, chilling,  interestingly informative, together with Jo's rather dulcet tones also of course - what more could we very appreciative listeners possibly ask for eh - nowt more, obviously - yet again it was a rather excellent show after all...

I think the Mail online is attempting to socially groom me lol - accepting certain comments, but rejecting others - whereas the same rules most obviously (in my opinion at least) don't seem to apply to others - associated tune title - I Can't Go For That ~ Daryl Hall & John Oats (most obviously lol) - i'm citing social discrimination lol - oooh they've possibly thrown a hissy fit now lol - i can no longer make a comment and i can't sign in again lol - obviously a system error of some sort innit...

Eeeeeh that were fun - inducing the 'algoryrhythms' ('HAL') to throw a hissy fit - result innit...

7 October 2020...

Gee is it really Wednesday already - this week's certainly seems to be going fast (tempus fugit dahlings - or is it 'tempers few gits' - i never can quite remember), that's for sure...

Anyway, whatever the truth of the matter may be, i've just published The Editor's Chair within BLOGS - for those who may wish/like to partake of its contents...

And, finally for today, i have now just published a VIDEO of the same title as the above earlier offered blog...

6 October 2020...

Oh, is it really Tuesday already??? - the seemingly unpredictable flow/passage of time eh...

Anyway, whatever the truth of the matter, it would very much seem (from my perhaps chosen perspective at least) that i forgot to mention that i published both a BLOG and accompanying VIDEO, entitled An Egyptian Princess, yesterday evening whilst listening to the rather super Jo Whiley Show onth radio - so for those who would perhaps wish/like to read and listen to such offerings, please feel free to do so, whenever you feel ready/able to do so...

Eeeeh, they can be rather fun at times, these A Team members - 'if you stay with us you're gonna be pretty kookie too' - yep, indeed so, that just about, says it all / sums it up, i guess...

5 October 2020...

I have just published Yaki Da Baby within BLOGS - for those who may, perhaps, be interested in reading its contents...

I have now published an accompanying VIDEO offering to the earlier published Yaki Da Baby blog offering, entitled Da Green Grass - for those who may perhaps like to listen to it...

And finally, for today, i have just added another one of 'Our' APHORISMS - for those who would, perhaps, like to read, and possibly digest, it...

4 October 2020...

I have just published Jim's Interesting Message within VIDEOS - for those who may wish to partake of its content...

I have now just published Rudyard Kipling's 'If' within POEMS - for those who would perhaps like to read it...

And finally for today, i have just published I Wonder Why??? within MUSIC - for those who may perhaps enjoy listening to it...

3 October 2020 @ 11:20ish am...

Sheesh me body feels well knackered - with me mind coming in a close second - or is it the other way round??? - time will tell i guess...

I spent yet another rather full day (and evening/night) mainly making contributions re comments/replies onth Mail Online - i think it was around 4 or 5 am before i got me final and gently pleading/insistent Call to call it a day (i was Told that i was being rather selfish lol - although earlier it was Suggested that i had earned the right to let me hair down a little (as if that's actually possible lol)) - finicky Friends eh (but never-the-less a Healthy mixture of very Loving, Wise, and Appreciative Ones)...

The possible lesson of yesterday (and possibly the day before also) - less is more...

2 October 2020...

Full moon influences can be interesting at times (tis something that i have been aware of for many years now) - with some seemingly being more energetically influential than others; such as yesterday's for example...

I shared three more of 'our' many APHORISMS onth Mail Online yesterday - so i have decided to now publish them here also...

Well i managed to get a well needed walkies and a visit to the supermarket in this afternoon - i was going to repeatedly play Rebel Rebel on me imaginary ghetto blaster (as i was walking around said supermarket), but decided that it was probably best not to run the risk of angering that pesky phantom Jackanory virus that seems to have gotten everybody so concerned about / scared...

1 October 2020...

I think the Mail Online newspaper may have put me onth naughty step for some completely unknown reason...

So far, i've only had one of today's five submitted comments accepted...

Which is rather a pity really, as i personally consider some of them to have been particularly good/interesting ones...

21 September 2020...

It has started to become a little tedious making comments here every day without real reason to do so - so from now on i've decided to only do so when i have something meaningful to contribute...

20 September 2020...

A relaxing Sunday...

19 September 2020...

Well done to Roy Hodgson's Crystal Palace for their 3 - 1 victory at Old Trafford earlier today...

18 September 2020...

An enjoyably sleepy day...

17 September 2020...

Last night i had a 'rewards for honesty' dream, whereby i was thusly rewarded - well, obviously :-) :-) :-) ...

16 September 2020...

Today i learned that viruses can live inside bacteria - source ~ Kes, Star Trek Voyager Season 1, 'Learning Curve'...

15 September 2020...

So it's mid September, it's 10pm, and the temperature in my unheated living-room is still 70 F...

Whereas less than a week ago, at the same time and in the same place, i had a light blanket around my legs whilst abiding within a temperature of little above 61 F...

Not that i'm in any way suggesting that there's anything remotely unusual about that of course...

14 September 2020...

I had some interestingly playful dreams last night...

And today i've finished the third condensed Reader's Digest novel, from the four such a book contains - at least i can't remember having read this particular one before (of all the books etc etc, i had to choose this particular one to read)...

I think i may watch a film later this evening...

13 September 2020...

A bit of a ditto day - nice and relaxing...

12 September 2020...

A lazy day with some reading and a walkies included - it is weekend after all dahlings...

11 September 2020...

Today has been another of those cerebrally active ones - with a shorter daily walkies included...

10 September 2020...

Today was a fairly lazy/relaxing day - with a walkies and some reading...

9 September 2020...

I have just published A Footballing Dream within 'DREAMS' - for those who may wish to read its contents...


8 September 2020...

Another cerebrally active day (but not as intense as yesterday) - with a couple of daytime naps and an afternoon walkies (the body has now seemingly very much recovered from its earlier rather extended woodworking activities)...

7 September 2020...

Today has been a day of cerebral activity, rather than physical activity - although i did go for my first dedicated walkies since last Friday...

6 September 2020...

A relaxing, be kind to the body, day - which included two or three daytime naps...

I read one of those Reader's Digest compilations - twas entitled The Observatory by Emily Grayson...

Part way through i realised that i had read it once before, but it was such a relaxing half-remembered read that i read it all the way through anyway - it acted as a ready vehicle for interesting 'bridging the gap' Interactions with four of them old (smile) famous People (one only visually once again)...

5 September 2020...

I forgot to mention that whilst i was snoozing within my bed yesterday morning i experienced the sensation of the top left-hand side of my sheets being partially peeled back, as if someone was going to come sleep next to me - it happened at an etheric, rather than physical, level; twas interesting...

And whilst starting my interactive morning on YouTube, Rhio came to pay me a visit, whereby we shared some tender moments together - who's a lucky and highly privileged boy then eh...

A day of much less physical exertion (a be kind to my body day) whereby i occupied myself in general housekeeping type duties (including an afternoon nap on my settee) - tis now time for a heated main meal and some general relaxation...

4 September 2020...

Twas another fairly productive woodworking day...

I Interacted with JJ whilst on a walkies, for the first time in what seemed like ages, earlier this afternoon - twas enjoyable...

I've just finished watching a Star Trek Voyager episode entitled Eye Of The Needle - i am now going to start watching Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, starring Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman and Burl Ives...

3 September 2020...

I spent part of the last two evenings enjoyably relaxing watching Cleopatra (Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Rex Harrison & Roddy McDowall) - what an epic, twas almost 4 hrs long in total (2 dvd's)...

Another cycling to and fro and doin' stuff morning...

And then a woodworking afternoon, before going for a walkies - heated food eaten, i am now in relaxation mode...

2 September 2020...

That's another, fairly relaxed, woodworking day completed - time to relax for the evening once again...

1 September 2020...

I have just published A 'Rock' Dream within 'DREAMS' - for those whom may wish to read its contents...

I enjoyed an out-and-about late morning to mid afternoon sort of part day on this sunny first of September (what, September already) - with cycling as my chosen mode of transportation (rather than me 'plates o' meat')...

And that's the woodworking finished for today - time to relax and maybe have a heated meal later...

31 August 2020...

Mmmmmm, yummy yumminess ~ my little darling, Rhio ~ She's g/Good for me ~ and twood seem that i am Good for Her too...

I dreamt of Rocky for the first time since His passing last night - He was in a field with other friendly/kin pack cats, chasing off an aggressive intruder; i was 'Telling'/Urging Him to hold back, as i was mindfully concerned that He hasn't gained His full Vitality yet...

And that's another day's walkies and woodworking done - tis now time for a heated meal and some relaxation...

30 August 2020...

A quietly productive woodworking Sunday - with yet another daily walkies also...

29 August 2020...

I had a rather interesting neighbour dream shortly before waking earlier this morning - i'm not gonna share it here as it is of a personal nature; just thought i would log it for possible future reference, as a possible memory jogger, if required...

Having a light lunch break now, inbetween doing some more woodworking...

Many congratulations to Arsenal for winning the Community Shield earlier today - and much commiserations to Liverpool...

28 August 2020...

I think that maybe that's the woodworking finished for today, perhaps - tis now my lunchtime...

Upon further consideration, i have added the following to A Barack Dream - '(or maybe it was a question/comment to someone else???)'...

Well, i purchased some more woodworking materials and completed some more woodworking tasks, before my body started demanding some more sustainable food energy - some more (heated) food now, hopefully followed by general relaxation...

27 August 2020...

And that's another day's woodworking ended - time for some well-earned relaxation...

26 August 2020...

I have just added A Barack Dream within 'DREAMS' - for those whom may be interested in reading its contents...

I have just added an addendum to my earlier published A Barack Dream btw...

Well that's a good afternoon's woodworking finished for today - time for some food and relaxation now...

25 August 2020...

For those who may be interested in reading it, i have just published A 'CD' Dream within 'DREAMS' (rather obviously eh)...

I have now just added Ode To Family within 'MUSIC' - for those whom may, (like/enjoy) / wish to, listen(ing) to it...

And, finally for today, i have just published Some David Essex within 'MUSIC' - and with that, it's now back to my woodworking duties...

24 August 2020...

A new entry has been added within 'APHORISMS' (Of 'Ours') - for those whom may perhaps like to read it...

I have now added Some Ajeet Kaur within  'MUSIC' - for those who may perhaps enJoy listening to such simple Offerings...

That's the woodworking and walkies taken care of for today - now it's healthy butty eating and relaxation time...

23 August 2020...

Well, that's the 4th out of a possible 5 large, heavy, wooden thingies completed and installed...

Sincere congratulations to Bayern Munich for their much deserved Champions League final victory against their very worthy PSG opponents...

It would seem that certain A Team Members were active onth Daily Mail online newspaper this weekend - twood very much seem that such Interactions constituted a Fun and Good-natured time for All concerned...


22 August 2020...

It was raining rather persistently earlier this morning - however, sometime after i had arisen from my nightly slumbers, the sun shone brightly and rather warmly/intently for a while; before eventually giving way to a presently dry, somewhat cloudy, and somewhat cooler, slightly breezy day (thus far at least)...

I have just published a 'DREAM', wot i 'ad shortly before awaking earlier this morning - for those whom may perhaps loike to read it loike, it is entitled A 'Card' Dream...

And then i had a couple of newly delivered toys to play with - seemingly well worth such a moderate outlay, i would say...

21 August 2020...

I've woken up to a nice welcoming breeze this morning - the air is pleasantly fresh and tis slightly showery...

It would seem that i may have lost a day again - i felt certain that it was Wednesday yesterday...

It looks like today may turn out to be a good woodworking type of day...

20 August 2020...

Very rarely indeed do i wake up with an angry head - however, this morning was such a morning...

Inside my head, R(h)io was stood next to me (i guess we must have been Walking together during the time when my body lay prone on my bed in recharge/redundant mode) - and i had the remembrance of a very attractive and nice girl of Polish parentage, who had the hots for me way back when (yeah, strange i know)...

She had recently split up with her former head boy boyfriend, and paid me a surprise visit with her slightly older and equally attractive sister one day - unfortunately i had my head full of studying, so wasn't in the right frame of mind for her; the things that could have been eh; and the turns that life could have taken...

19 August 2020...

Oooh, waddaya know...

I've already done some declampin', excess glue removal, and some very quiet wood trimmin' wiv me large chisel...

Wot an absolute star eh...

18 August 2020...

The weather's cooled a bit now - and the humidity has dropped considerably...

Which is why i decided to get back to doin' a bit of woodworking once again yesterday...

I think i might do a bit more today - remember, you heard it first on www.ourquantumparticulates.org folks...

17 August 2020...

Actually i don't watch shadows on the wall...

I watch houseflies playin' tag with each other instead...

Tis much more interestin'/chillin' - you should try it fer yerselves sometime...

16 August 2020...

So anyway, something new's been put on the website...

Tis entitled Another Summer's Day - and is to be found within 'MUSIC'...

Think/consider yerselves lucky yeah...

15 August 2020...

Well like yeah man...

Wot more do you expect me to say...

Tis the weekend after all innit...

14 August 2020...

There was no great big gig in the sky last night -  not of an atmospheric nature anyway...

...Twas probably/possibly/perhaps due to a temperature fall from 77F down to 73F within a single day - as well as a rather significant fall in humidity levels also...

I did have a possibly banana aided dream, incorporating Chinese and Russian flying hardware, though - a chinese guy remotely launched an interesting looking dullish silver missile (from a distance) whilst stood onth street with a hand-held device; seemingly causing a long sleek, in this particular case/instance silver blue, Tupulov-type plane (the shape of which i have seen in a fairly oldish fighter planes movie of a currently unremembered title) to do a rather impressively tight 180 degree turn in apparent pursuit of it...

13 August 2020...

Hip, hippie hooray - the sound and vision gods treated us to another impromptu performance last night...

The earlier start time was seemingly very much appreciated by the small non-dropout segment of the audience...

...As was the liquid refreshment - by the flower power attendees especially...

12 August 2020...

The gods put on a light and sound show for us all in the north west of England last night...

...And when the volume levels became considerably increased, we were all liberally sprinkled with some dancin' liquid/fluids...

It turned out to be quite a gig - one that lasted for well over an hour in fact...

11 August 2020...

So, based upon the wording of part of yesterday's 'bits n bobs' entry - the perhaps most obvious question arises...

How many people errantly/mistakenly assumed/suspected that i had, perhaps, partaken of certain, erm, 'substances' during the day???...

...And perhaps more to the point, i wonder if my personal algorithms did likewise - chuckle chuckle eh...

10 August 2020...

I've very much enjoyed a 'sleepy Joe' kind of day today - during which i experienced some very hd full-colour way-out dreams man...

9 August 2020...

I have made a couple of changes to yesterday's An Unusual Vision blog offering within the 'DREAMS' part of this 'ere website of u/Ours...

Firstly, i have added '(ish)' immediately after the word 'dull'... 

And secondly, i have added '(on a non-physical level perhaps???)' immediately after first occurrence of the words 'this is what it's like'...

8 August 2020...

It would appear that i may have experienced one of those vision thingies immediately prior to awakening on this rather warm and sunny morn...

I have just published a blog entry entitled An Unusual Vision, within the 'DREAMS' part of this website - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

This earlier morning's clear and sunny skies, like yesterday, once again quickly clouded over (partially at least) for most of the morning and all of the afternoon - with the temperature in my open-windowed living-room maintaining a steady temperature of 73F...

7 August 2020...

I've been having quite a lot of dreams lately - last night's included Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe (i told him he had good timing as we were travelling in what was presumably Russell's car), and the Queen...

I have just published a 'DREAM' entitled Three Famous People - for those who may perhaps like/wish to read its contents...

Very well done to Manchester City for their 2nd leg Champions League victory against Real Madrid - to beat them in both legs was a very impressive feat indeed...

6 August 2020...

If that ten-day 'potentially record-breaking' heatwave that we were warned about here in the UK gets any hotter i'll soon be thinking about removing my thermals once again - it's getting up to 68F in my living-room already, and it's not even midday yet...

5 August 2020...

Well it's definitely a Wednesday, so that's gorra be a bonus, right???...

4 August 2020...

It's 64F inth livingroom today - it looks like i have two choices (only 'looks like' folks - obviously there are more than two choices), either to close the windows or to put my thermals on...

I wonder how many people passed away in their sleep here in the UK in the last 24 hours, compared to those who have allegedly died due to this 'ere 'coronavirus' thingy during the same time period (the average number of total daily deaths here in the UK, from 2000 to 2018, is recorded as being greater than 1600 (one thousand six hundred) btw)...

And here endeth another leisurely afternoon's woodworking - tis now time for a pre-meal walkies...

3 August 2020...

Today i finished off a combined metal/wood-working project that i started some time ago - turned out to be much easier to complete than i thought...

2 August 2020...

I lost a day this week when Wednesday turned out to be Thursday...

In a way this balances out the week that i gained a day - about a month ago???...

Proving, perhaps, that life always tends towards balance...

1 August 2020...

68F inth livingroom today - a drop of 8F in a single mid-summer's day...

I've done some quiet wood-thingying today - time to relax now...

Congratulations to Mikel Arteta's Arsenal for winning the FA Cup earlier today against Chelsea...

31 July 2020...

76F inth livingroom today...

A day of snoozes...

Plus some woodworking and reading...

30 July 2020...

Twas a woodworking day...

29 July 2020...

Well it's been a key thingying day today - as well as a chisel-sharpening, film-watching and wood-chiselling sort of day...

28 July 2020...

I thought i was going to be board today, but i was knot, as i ended up enjoying a jolly good plank of a day...

27 July 2020...

Don't tell anyone yeah, but i had a shower and washed my hair today...

I also got the washing machine to wash two drums of stuff for me - who's a good washing machine then...

Yep, twas a me day...

26 July 2020...

Well i have now completed the first drafts of all four future blog offerings, thankfully - with a first draft summary to be produced during another day...

Congratulations to Manchester United for finishing 3rd in the EPL this season - and in so doing, guaranteeing automatic entry into next season's Champions League...

During the earlyish evening i decided to watch a recently bought 2nd hand dvd film entitled, Two Mules For Sister Sarah (starring Clint Eastwood and Shirley MacLaine), before retiring to my bed for a rather early start to my night's sleep...

25 July 2020...

So, after a fairly late start i managed to get around half of the first draft of my final upcoming Buddhist experiences blog done...

I think i may perhaps put all three into a single 'super blog' offering - and will probably/possibly incorporate both an introduction and a summary into it...

For those interested/concerned, it is my intention to continue to work on such blogs as impartially and objectively as i am able...

24 July 2020...

And that's the first draft of my second Buddhist experiences blog finally finished...

Seemingly, from the preparatory notes typed, the first draft of the final Buddhist retreat centre experiences blog will be of a much shorter length...

In truth i'll be glad when such proposed blog offerings are finished, as i see them simply as a necessary chore to complete - however, i do recognise that there is still perhaps rather a lot of work yet to be done on them before they are ready for publication; they simply constitute a chronicling of part of my journey through life...

23 July 2020...

Well i have now completed about 3/4 of the first draft of my second Buddhist experiences blog - hopefully i will complete it all tomorrow...

I have also now been seemingly Given the title to what would seem to perhaps be a rather apt musical accompaniment to such a blog also - something i Requested either this morning or yesterday btw; and seemingly from a Smiling George Harrison...

 A day...

22 July 2020...

I have seen the smiling/beaming faces of JJ and Paul Newman a couple of times today (they were two of the Faces i saw when i became aware of the returning Presence of  a group of the 'A Team' Members a few days ago btw) - and i have also Sensed the visual Presence of a Happily smiling David Bowie (once again) today also (from my personal Perspective, of course)...

I have been feeling fairly lethargic today - it would seem that my body, has been / is, in slight recovery mode from my most recent rather applied and extended woodworking activities...

However, i have been able to make a start on the first draft of my second Buddhist experiences blog, so feel fairly relaxed about things this evening whilst listening to live Jo Whiley music onth radio...

21 July 2020...

Yay, i have just completed the first draft of my first Buddhist retreat centre experiences (leaving me two more to do) - something that i am now seemingly being very gently Prompted into continuing to work on btw...

Yesterday i noticed that the brass canopy in my living-room has become even more vertically skewed than the last time i noticed - causing me to take it down and notice, upon inspection, that more of the metal supporting/reinforcing struts had become detached from their previously welded/glued edges; i had glued and clamped them yesterday, and have now rehung it, to find that it now hangs pleasingly vertically...

I'm currently eating a vegetable curry accompanied by/with some Ryvita biscuits with an avocado spread, whilst waiting for The Jo Whiley Show to shortly begin - i thought last evening's Show was another excellent one btw...

20 July 2020...

I'm just finishing off doing a bit of window cleaning whilst listening to Gary Davis on BBC Radio 2 - many years ago whilst in 'Placemate 7' in Manchester my then girlfriend and i met Gary and his two friends; said girlfriend won an impromptu(???) little fun dancing contest, whereby she was awarded a bottle of 'Babycham' (a candle one) by Gary, who was DJing the event; twas a fun night...

Phew - what started as some earlyish morning window cleaning turned into a full day of general cleaning of the living-room and bedroom; well worth the time spent though, as everything looks so much better/cleaner now...

I guess i'll now wait for The Jo Whiley Show to commence - Jo is back to her normal weekly time slot, starting from 7pm (rather than 8pm), tonight...

19 July 2020...

So that's a midday walkies and a visit to my local supermarket to purchase that avocado that i forgot to buy yesterday, taken care of / completed - tis now time for my brunch of Ryvita biscuits with an avocado spread, some 'sweet & vibrant' pomegranate thingies, the remaining 'supersweet' British raspberries and 'expertly selected' British Zara strawberries that i purchased yesterday, and  possibly another banana; all washed down with some cold remaining Earl Grey tea, and a glass of fruit smoothie doncha know...

I have now published a BLOG offering entitled An Ickle Update, as well as an accompanying VIDEO of the same title - for those whom may perhaps wish to both read and partake of respectively...

Congratulations to Frank Lampard's Chelsea FC for their earlier 3-1 FA Cup semi-final victory over Manchester United today - i am going to be perhaps rather atypically bold by predicting that it will be a London based club that will prove to be victorious in the final btw...

18 July 2020...

This afternoon i occupied myself by doing some quiet woodworking tasks, in respect for my working neighbours peace of mind during their weekend rests - twas in the form of the marking up of four pieces of wood for later chiselling; and then this evening i glued and clamped some more pieces of wood together...

In between such woodworking activities i decided to partially type a first draft of my first Buddhist retreat centre experiences - possibly prompted by the seeming return of some 'A Team' Members, after Their seemingly rather prolonged absence...

I can now more readily understand why i was Given so many potential future blog offerings, during my earlier in the year break from this 'ere website of ours - clearly JJ and the Others must have known of such a pending absence and ensured that i had plenty to potentially occupy me if i so wished to be so occupied, i guess (from my perspective at least); forward planning eh...

17 July 2020...

It would seem that my regular postman very much likes being referred to as 'the post dude', as he said 'i like 'the post dude', it sounds pretty cool' (we have a fairly recent ongoing hippy-speak interaction btw) - postmen can be such very nice and accommodating people can't they...

One of the parents of a family of local blackbirds looks into my window most mornings, seemingly asking if breakfast is ready to be served - this morning i offered them a Ryvita biscuit which i broke up with a tablespoon before serving it to them; a magpie does the same thing, so i tend to present him/her with a pouch of cat food - i tend to do a similar thing when a food searching seagull (or indeed seagulls) flies/glides around in circles before flying away if none is already available...

So, an afternoon of woodworking, followed by some assorted food to eat and some relaxation before doing a little gluing and clamping - my choice of food this evening was Ryvita biscuits with a 'boursin, garlic & herbs' cheese spread, a banana, some honey protein oat bites, a partially filled bowl of sultanas, and half a tin of pineapple slices, accompanied with some Earl Grey tea and an assortment of smoothies to drink...

16 July 2020...

Twas listening to The Jo Whiley Show again last evening - sometimes Jo's whole show constitutes a simply awesome continuous enjoyable listening experience; last evening was a great example...

A day of reorganising shelves and buying more materials to continue further with the woodworking project...

And what am i now eating??? - yep, you guessed it, another of those rather delicious Butternut Squash, Mascarpone and Sage Tarts that i bought a little earlier today; mmmm mmmmm say i appreciatively...

15 July 2020...

Yay, not only have i now reached the summit of my metaphorical mountainous project, but have now made some progress downth tuther side also - theoretically speaking at least...

Yes you guessed it, i have now completed three of a potential five large and heavy solid wooden thingies...

Tis now time to heat another of those rather delicious Butternut Squash, Mascarpone and Sage Tarts - i enjoyed yesterday's so much i ventured out to buy another one a little earlier today; yummy yum time beckons once again folks...

14 July 2020...

Yay, i now have yet another completely solid heavy, large, wooden thingy - with the final strip of wood glued, inserted, clamped and waiting to dry/set...

And i have now sawn four lengths of pine decking to size, ready to bolt on to the front of my latest large and heavy thingy, tomorrow hopefully...

Mmmmmmm, that's half of the rather delicious Butternut Squash, Mascarpone and Sage Tart that i bought a little earlier eaten - i'll give it a few minutes before eagerly eating the second half; yummy yummy it feels mighty good in my tummy...

13 July 2020...

I left a pouch of cat food out for the fox last night, in the hope that that it would deter it from trying to dig up Rocky's grave again - i awoke to find it still intact, so said pouch either filled it up or it decided that a three week old cat body wasn't an appetising option???; time will tell i guess...

Yay, the cat rescue people have just taken away Rocky's cat food and litter in the boots of two cars - i decided to donate the majority of the cat food to them, leaving around six cartons of cat pouches for the fox and birds...

I've had one of those slightly out of sync woodworking days whereby the end of a favourite screwdriver sheered and a drill bit snapped inside a piece of wood i was drilling - but hey i've ended the day doing pretty much what i wanted to do, so all is good...

12 July 2020...

I woke up to find that a durn fox had tried to disinter Rocky's body...

When i looked into the hole it had dug i could clearly see the head of Rocky's body - anyway, needless to say i filled the hole in straight away...

But why did the fox leave Rocky's body??? - did it get disturbed by somebody/something in the process???; strange...

11 July 2020...

Yep, you guessed it - woodworking again...

10 July 2020...

Yay, another productive afternoon's woodworking has been completed...

My Rocky funk very much seems to have run its natural course now...

...I noticed yesterday that my mind was becoming naturally more bouyant - and today more natural enthusiasm and lightness of mind has arisen; hopefully such a more welcoming state of mind will now establish itself more...

9 July 2020...

An enjoyably productive woodworking type of day...

8 July 2020...

Well that's two out of a potential five large (and heavy) wooden thingies completed - one more and i'll be over yet another of those seemingly many woodworking hills...

7 July 2020...

Twas a woodworking sort of day - as well as being a fairly cool rainy/showery day also...

6 July 2020...

I just watched Before The Flood, hosted by Leonardo DiCaprio - twas interesting, but depressing also...

And then i watched An Inconvenient Sequel narrated by Al Gore...

And next i watched An Inconvenient Truth narrated by Al Gore also...

5 July 2020...

After watching some climate change YouTube videos i ordered three climate change dvds...


4 July 2020...

Another day - a fairly wet one really...

3 July 2020...

A day...

2 July 2020...

Twas a woodworking afternoon...

1 July 2020...

That was the fastest June i can ever remember...

30 June 2020...

The first three films of the Planet Of The Apes series were definitely better than the last two...

29 June 2020...

Twas quite a busy day...

Woodworking and getting the washing machine to wash two loads of stuff for me...

And then watching the first three of the original 'Planet Of The Apes' series, before going to bed at around 3 am...

28 June 2020...

Twas a very lazy day...

27 June 2020...

I love this time of the year when the sun come out after it rains - watching the steam rise and waft away from the puddles of water...

26 June 2020...

Congratulations to Liverpool FC for winning the EPL in record time - a superb achievement...

25 June 2020...

Golly, it's 78 degrees F already...

24 June 2020...

Phew - 74 degrees F...

Well yesterday wasn't a complete funk, as i managed to do a few cleaning jobs around the place, including giving Rocky's litter tray a good cleaning before storing it someplace - today i think i'll take advantage of the heat and steam-clean the living-room carpet...

And thusly was it that such steam-cleaning was done...

23 June 2020...

The word 'funk' came clearly to mind a few days ago...

That rather lazy, can't be bothered type of funk that sometimes seems to choose to become a resident of the mind and body...

Tis good weather for it though, one supposes...


22 June 2020...

A day - albeit a rather lazy one...

21 June 2020...

And down came the rain (during the night) to wash most of the excess soil away...

I took apart Rocky's thirteen year old cat tree yesterday - then disposed of it, along with an equally worn out stool that he used to use to get up and down to/from the kitchen counter to eat his food and drink some water from a running tap (as well as occasionally laze on the window sill etc)...

I think i'll give half(???)/most(???) of Rocky's food supplies to a local cat rescue centre (along with his many bags of cat litter), and save the rest for the birds and local fox (especially during the colder periods of time) - the birds, especially, had become appreciative of their daily Rocky leftovers...

20 June 2020...

So that's the burial of Rocky's body taken care of...

And what would i say about Rocky after having shared over thirteen years of life with him here on planet Earth???...

I would say that he has been an interesting life companion - we got on pretty well together really...

19 June 2020...

Well i Asked for two things regarding Rocky - firstly that he return Home before myself, and secondly that his passing be as pain-free/comfortable as possible (or words to that effect anyway)...

...And both were seemingly Granted - so all is Good...

I've decided to bury his body in the place where he used to laze when outside during the summer months - something i will probably do sometime during the weekend perhaps...

18 June 2020...

It's stopped raining, and the air is nice and cool and fresh - and some of the birds are singing...

17 June 2020...

Rocky expired his last Earthly breath at circa 18:15 earlier today...

He was diagnosed with kidney problems around a year(???) ago now...

Although his general health/vitality has been gradually deteriorating since then, it was only over the last three days that it really dipped - thankfully, he passed peacefully and seemingly free from pain; he simply became increasingly weary and less mobile...

16 June 2020...


Lots of cooling rain...

It'll soon be bath time for the birds...

15 June 2020...

Wow - it's the third week of June already...

Yay - that's the keyholes sorted and the mortise locks secured into place...

I've just gotta bolt the boards of pine deckin' over it all now - however, that'll have to wait for a cooler day; we had a rumble of thunder a little earlier...

14 June 2020...

A day...

A rather warm and muggy day...

Mugginess that has now turned to rain - bringing a rather welcomingly fresher/cooler air with it...

13 June 2020...

Sun is shining - doop a doop doop...

12 June 2020...


After some sawing, rasping, filing, more sawing, chiselling and gluing i now have a completely solid wooden thingy...

A day...

11 June 2020...

Yet another day doeseth dawneth - well it did a few hours ago whilst i was still asleep in my bed any way...

Intentions can sometimes be very interesting things - but hey i got there in the end...

I now have an almost solid wooden thingy that fits its hole pretty darned well - as do the two mortise locks fit their respective holes pretty darned well also; tis a day...

10 June 2020...

A little bit of this and a little bit of that type of day - hopefully in preparation for a more outwardly productive tomorrow...

9 June 2020...

Well the current timeline seems to have stabilised itself - for the time being at least...

John Crace of The Guardian has said that Matt Hancock 'was adamant' - whereas i would say that as long as he continues to stand in front of his podium delivering his coronavirus updates, he still is adamant...

 I've not seen Spid in a while - i think he(???) may have been just passing through...

8 June 2020...

I woke up this morning thinking that it was Tuesday - so from that particular perspective i've managed to grab myself an extra day this week (given that i don't go and lose one later on inth week of course)...

So after declamping there is always the excess glue and some glued paper to remove - that has now been done, leaving me to choose to move forwards a little more or to simply enjoy my extra day doin' stuff that i fancy doin' i guess...

Oh well - it's not Jo week either; my bad huh...

7 June 2020...

And that's the double gluing and clamping done for today...

6 June 2020...

Yay, two extra clamps purchased...

5 June 2020...

Gluing and clamping doesn't take that long a time really...

Tis the waiting for it to dry that is the time consuming part...

I think i may buy a couple more clamps tomorrow - twill help to speed the process up a little...

4 June 2020...

Mortises chiselled out - enjoying an apple flapjack crumble...

And that's some more gluing and clamping done...

Relaxing time is here once again...

3 June 2020...

Doopy drip drip...

Some sawing and chiselling - but not much though...

And the watching of a film - some aren't half as good as their advertising/promotional budgets would seem to suggest dahlings...

2 June 2020...

Shopping for some stuff in a hardware shop - then more gluing and clamping...

Measuring up for the chiselling of mortises - followed by another nice long daily  walkies...

Sawing and rasping/filing and measuring and marking up - followed by an evening meal and relaxation...

1 June 2020...

...doop a doop doop...

Ten lengths of wood sawn to size - plus two lengths of wood glued and clamped together...

Time for a meal and some relaxation...

31 March 2020...

Sun is shining - skies are clear...

30 March 2020...

Spid marched boldly into the kitchen last night, as i was preparing this morning's breakfast, and stopped in the middle of the floor as if asking (nay, demanding) some food - i threw down a piece of Rocky's food for him(???), but he(???) scuttled away in apparent alarm/disgust(???); i was a little concerned that he(???) may have walked away with Rocky's food plate during the night, but alas he(???) has not done so; obviously we have a spider with manners wishing/demanding(???) to become a new bony fido member of the household...

For the past few days i've been trying to get the postie to say ' it's the post...man' - well today he said it for the first time; to which i replied jovially 'i dig it man'; he's a pretty cool dude for sure...

Metal drilling, riveting, and an ickle bit of hammering - and so now having enjoyed a nice, long, and on this occasion thoughtful, walkies, tis time to relax for a while...

29 May 2020...

...doop a doop doop - shopping sorted for the weekend...

I've just returned from another daily walkies, whereby a song came unexpectedly to mind - a song that informs me that i have a letter to transcribe and include within a new blog offering...

I have just published a 'BLOG' offering entitled 'Regarding Environmental Issues', for those whom may perhaps wish to read its contents - and i have now added a 'VIDEO' accompaniment, of the same title, to the earlier published 'Regarding Environmental Issues' blog offering...

28 May 2020...

Putting three consecutive dots as a comment on a Mail Online article resulted in me being awarded two 'up arrows' last night - and simply giving the coordinates of Chelsea FC in order that Manchester United FC didn't have to 'hunt them down' resulted in me being awarded four 'up arrows', with neither comment attracting any 'down arrows'; strange world i tell thee; let's see what silly comments (and the results they attract) can be offered today eh...

Zoe Ball has just committed a cardinal sin by playing 'Lovely Day' by Bill Withers, causing me to turn my radio off for a few minutes - tis mind numbingly painful to listen to (in my personal opinion at least); bad girl Zoe lol...

I've decided to award myself a well-earned day off from blog writing today - the weather is far too nice and there's other stuff i could do, if i choose to, after all...

27 May 2020...

Sun is shining - doop a doop doop...

Mmmm, a nice sweet mango on a sunny afternoon and evening - anyway, i have finished the first draft of my first of four future blog offerings; thankfully...

I was looking (unsuccessfully) for a precis of a particular book that i had read many years ago now, when i found, amongst many other writings ('Thoughts & Insights'), a copy of a typed letter that i had sent to the then Prime Minister, John Major, back in July 1991 regarding 'Environmental Issues' - about eleven and a half years before Greta Thunberg was born, doncha know dahlings; twas a rather good letter too, even if i do say so myself...

26 May 2020...

I was going to see if my local supermarket sold any spider food within the pets area but alas i forgot - i'm definitely not buying it any steak, so i guess it will have to go in search of Rocky's plate for any of his leftovers...

That's quite a portion of the first draft of the first of 4 future blogs completed for today - tis interesting how the mind can seemingly always most readily find other things to do when reluctant to revisit ground previously trodden, for example; such as yesterday's emp-proofing preoccupations, and this morning's other chosen distractions...

It looks like Rocky may have spotted 'Spid' on the living-room carpet (probably trying to get to Rocky's food inth kitchen) - it would seem that 'Spid' may have done a runner under the settee, as Rocky started looking under it; fun and games afoot eh...

25 May 2020...

Deciding to do a couple of layers of emp 'proofing' early this morning resulted in me doing all 5 layers of foil separated by 6 layers of cardboard - however the thoughts that such a simple task facilitated resulted in me realising that i need to do a blog regarding my Spiritualist journey before moving on to my 3 Buddhist journey blogs, in order to facilitate a better flow; so what started off as as a single blog has now grown into 4 blogs; oh well there's always tomorrow to start the first one i guess...

An impressively large, fast, and rather sturdily built spider made itself known to me for the second evening in succession - i suspect that it may have taken up residence within the laundry basket inth bathroom...

Well i got about half-way through watching The Man Who Fell To Earth before my bed beckoned me...

24 May 2020...

An early start to the day playing onth Mail Online - and although my body is still tired, it's a lot better than it was yesterday (well sort of anyway)...

A mid-morning kip on the settee with Rocky, followed by a nice long walkies (my first in over a week perhaps???) - followed by some steam-cleaning, and now a cup of tea and four pieces of pumpkin seed and oat Ryvita covered with some of Tesco's finest eucalyptus honey (luxury i tell thee)...

During my earlier this year break i made a list of many of my Buddhist experiences, which i have now separated into three future blog offerings - i am now relaxing whilst eating my evening meal...

23 May 2020...

My body seems to have gone into recovery mode - no wonder it is so tired though, after having been worked hard for the last 16 days (the last 3 especially)...

A shopping, hoovering, and getting the washing machine to wash some clothes for me sort of middish day - followed by an afternoon nap onth settee with Rocky...

I had intended to make a start on a blog regarding some of my many other Buddhism experiences/remembrances today, but i've never really gotten around to it - so maybe tomorrow huh...

22 May 2020...

Well at least i now know why the original door was so loose-fitting - yep, you guessed it; the door frame isn't straight; bummer huh...

Number one rule - always try to fix the problem, rather than simply accommodating it...

That's the frame straightened, the door fully installed, and the deadbolt working without a rattle - my first ever fitting of a new door; i'm awarding myself a rock solid 8 out of 10, and i think that's being rather conservative; yabba dabba do, as Fred Flintstone might say...

21 May 2020...

Yesterday was my first day without smoking any cigarettes for quite a number of weeks (my rolling tobacco pouch had become empty once again), so, as this so-called 'coronavirus pandemic' now seems to have been deemed to be pretty much over, here in the UK, i have decided to no longer pollute my body in such a way (for a while at least) - and as i also didn't drink any coffee yesterday, due to running out of milk, i have decided to have a rest from partaking of that also...

 That's the hinge areas chiselled out, the rasping and finer filing completed, and the ball-bearing hinges secured to the door - next, after a lunch break, i'll hopefully move on to marking up and chiselling out the four hinge areas on the door frame...

And now i have a fully hanging, almost fully closing, new door - and next it's time for a meal and some relaxation whilst listening to at least some of The Jo Whiley Show before beddy byes...

20 May 2020...

Sheesh, them doors can take some sawing to length - but hey, it's oakay now it's done; which is more than can be said for me...

And that is now the mortise chiselled out, the key hole drilled through, and the deadlock successfully installed - an excellent bit of work, even though i say so myself...

And finally for today, that's the four hinge areas marked-up and started - i'd better leave the complete chiselling-out until tomorrow; i don't want to possibly annoy the neighbours after all...

19 May 2020...

Rocky decided to entice me out of my bed nice and early for the second consecutive morning today - he really has proved himself to be such a considerate puddy cat as of late...

I thought i was going to make some preparations for another blog offering today - however, i noticed that my local DIY store was open for business as usual, so firstly i carried home six planks of wood and a couple of dozen bolts, and then later a neighbour helped me to carry home a rather heavy internal door, instead...

Now i am relaxing whilst eating a meal and listening to The Jo Whiley Show onth radio...

18 May 2020...

Well it would seem that such a professed practising Christian may well have finally taken the advice of Jesus after all - thereby hopefully proving that he may not have been such a wild one (as i had earlier thought) after all (and if such is the case then well done to him indeed, say i); hopefully we can all move on to pastures new now...

I have just published 'A Jennifer Dream' within the 'DREAMS' area of this 'ere website of ours (subsequently edited/amended) - for those whom may perhaps like to read its contents...

Dem bolts dem bolts dem finished bolts - hallelujah, hallelujah hallelujah; one down, and potentially four more to go...

17 May 2020...

I have just published 'Some Exceptional Talent' within the 'MUSIC' area of this 'ear website of ours - for the hopeful enjoyment of all of those whom may perhaps wish to partake of its contents...

An afternoon of light chiselling, and then the sawing, rasping and finer filing of the final piece of pine - which has now been put in place to await screwing firm, before i move on to the bolting together phase of such a sub-project...

And before then, during the morning, i found myself having a number of exchanges with a so-called practising Christian, who rather proudly and errantly (in my personal opinion at least) stated that Jesus 'made it so easy for us ' - and yet when put to the test he was seemingly unable to put into practice one of Jesus' most basic Teachings; that of turning the other cheek; a rather humourless individual, in my personal opinion...

16 May 2020...

Well today started orft by making some comments onth Mail Online once again, although one only got two accepted; apparently my Depeche Mode reference met with some problems, for example - i think the weekend moderators may be a little unsure as what to allow, as they would seem to err more on the side of caution than the weekday ones do perhaps...

 I've definitely made more progress with regards to climbing my latest woodworking mountain, so find myself to be in a somewhat cheery state of mind at present - whether i will do a little more later on, only time will tell of course...

And thus was it that more gluing dideth taketh place...

15 May 2020...

Sheesh, past 10am already - some sleep...

I was listening to the daily quiz onth radio as my head was waking up - anyway, the losing male contestant's vocal tone (when he simply said 'well done' to the winner Lucy) instantly reminded me of a 'Benny Hill Sale Of The Half Century' tv sketch for some reason; not that i am in any way whatsoever suggesting that any favouritism had actually been taking place of course...

More rasping, finer filing, sawing and gluing this afternoon - another day endeth; nighty night everyone...

14 May 2020...

1) Well that's my shiny-new wind-up lantern finally emp-'proofed' (5 separate layers of tinfoil doncha know) - it's only taken me about a week to complete (but hey, as they say 'little by little, bit by bit, over and over again'); phew, now what next...

2) I have just writ a thingy, entitled 'The Oarful Poem' - especially for those who may perhaps wish to read it...

3) Well that's my sawing, gluing and rasping done for today - maybe i'll watch American Pie 3 a little later...

...Well, err, it turned out to be somewhat more, umm, 'immersive', than American Pie 1 & 2 - that's for sure...

But hey, Stifler's mum made another late appearance - so result yeah...

13 May 2020...

I have just published, within the 'BLOGS' area, an article entitled 'Them Long Words' - for those whom may perhaps wish to read it...

 And i have now just published a musical accompaniment to the above blog offering, of the same title, within the 'VIDEOS' area - for those whom may perhaps like to listen to it...

This afternoon i've been doing some gluing, some improvisational clamping, and some screwing - and now it's chillin' time folks (the probin' comes sometime later apparently)...

12 May 2020...

Sheesh, is it really still only Tuesday already...

Oh well, another hard-working day is almost over - i've not quite yet finished the basics of my latest sub project, but by jove it's getting closer every day so it is...

Sometimes, working on such projects can seem like climbing a mountain that continually seems to get bigger all the time...

11 May 2020...

Well i started my day feeling fairly physically tired after yesterday's exertions inth woodworking department - so today i started off by doing some light chiselling, before doing some more gluing and clamping...

That's my woodworking finished for today - some drilling, some chiselling, and some sweeping up...

And finally for today, i have just published 'The Monday Mail' within the 'POEMS' area of this 'ere website of ours - for those whom perhaps may wish to read its content...

10 May 2020...

1) Aaaahhh these little dances me and those (hackers???) who seem to wish to prevent me from communicating on this 'ere website of ours do at times dahlings - twas yesterday that they dideth their damned-ness to stop me once again so it was; i can't imagine why, can you???...

2) I have just published some 'Classic Sunday Music' within the 'MUSIC' area - for anyone who may perhaps enjoy listening to it...

3) This 'ark' building business sure takes a lot of time; by golly it does - but hey, i've just chiselled two mortises today, so i can't really complain (in my mind i'm going to...umm...where is it again???...oh yes...Atlantis...that's where it is - when it emerges from beneath the seas once again (within my mind at least), anyway); and, finally, i've just sawed/chiselled four 'inverse' tenon joint thingies; time for a well-earned meal and some relaxation methinks...

9 May 2020...

I always try to wait until there are signs of life from my neighbours before starting my woodworking activities, such as sawing, rasping, fine filing, gluing and clamping (tis only good manners to do so after all) - and thusly was it today and yesterday...

I've not been for a dedicated walkies today - just a trip to the local supermarket during a quiet time...

With my main meal eaten, it's now time to chill before beddy byes...

8 May 2020...

That Sheen bloke's musical and literary tastes are a bit weird ain't they (chuckle chuckle) - anyway, i went to bed at about 9:30(???) last night, so i've started my day by catching up with the part of the Jo Whiley Show that i missed...

Well, yesterday i finished off my woodworking activities with some drilling, screwing, gluing and clamping - and today i am starting my woodworking day with some rasping and finer filing; time for a little break now methinks...

I've been doing some more rasping and finer filing, and then some more gluing and clamping - i've got to wait 24 hrs (or perhaps less in this rather warm weather) for it to dry now, before doing some more...

7 May 2020...

A spine of a job becomes a whole lot easier when the pinewood is actually dry folks - yep, much easier to saw that's for sure...

Gee wiz you can have some fun onth Mail online if you approach it in the right way - and talk about informative, i woke up this morning from a rather deep sleep wonderin' whether it was Tuesday or Wednesday; turns out it's Thursday already by golly...

I have just published 'Some R.E.M. Music' within the 'MUSIC' area of this 'ere website of ours - for those who may wanna 'ear it loike...

6 May 2020...

We played onth Mail online again earlier today - twas fun...

And this afternoon i've been working on a new sub project - and wadda ya know, nine pieces of wood were sawn rather skilfully (by my standards at least) to size; twas quite satisfying actually...

Listening to The Jo Whiley Show onth radio again (hi Jo lol) - before retiring to my bed for the night once again...

5 May 2020...

After an afternoon snooze i am currently havin' some fun onth Mail online, for the second time today - and guess what, currently only two of our comment offerings have been deemed unfit for public consumption; yippee eh...

I've been doin' stuff agen innit - just eatin' a well-deserved meal now...

Oooh, Jo's onth radio doin' her show - forever young??? defo...

4 May 2020...

I had another of the many(???) FPD's (famous person dream) that seem to come unbidden to me from time to time - but, nay, i've decided not to even provide a clue as to such a dream, as it would seem to be a rather inconsequential one anyway...

I have just published, 'A George Dream', by golly, within the 'DREAMS' area of this 'ear website of ours - etc etc...

 And now i have just added a 'Tying Loose Ends' offering within the 'MUSIC' area of this 'ear website of ours - for those who may perhaps wish to listen to it...

3 May 2020...

1) I have just published 'Some Early Floyd' within the 'MUSIC' area of this 'ear website of ours - for those who may perhaps like to sample such an offering...

2) Wow, talk about a deep, well-earned, afternoon sleep - i've just woken up thinking it was Monday morning...

I was lay in bed thinking that somehow Sunday seemed to have gone rather quickly...

My body is awake, but my mind/brain seems to be struggling to catch up with it - maybe a few plays of that energetically upbeat Free Four will help...

3) I have just published, 'This Seems Interesting', within the 'VIDEO' area of this 'ear website of ours - for those whom may perhaps like to listen to its contents...

2 May 2020...

Phew - i have just published, Some 'Christian' Experiences, within the 'BLOG' area of this 'ere website of ours, for those whom may be interested in reading it...

And i have now just published a 'VIDEO' accompaniment, of the same title, to the above earlier blog offering...

A half-priced chargrilled vegetable stone baked pizza - luxury i tell thee...

1 May 2020...

I have, rightly or wrongly, felt the, within mind, Presence of 'Rio' ('Rhio') over the last couple of days (after a fairly long absence btw) - apparently She is now 'feeling better and stronger than ever', which Pleases me greatly...

Pheeew...words can certainly accumulate can't they - clearly a further break is needed/required...

Well i finished what i consider to be the first draft a couple of hours ago, and i've been chillin' ever since - so now i'll chill for a little while longer before gettin' a very welcomin' early night's beddy byes i guess...

30 April 2020...

Some things can leave you feeling very sad indeed - oh well, time to move on methinks...

Tis rather strange what things can leave you feeling somewhat better dahlings - to be (relatively???) freed from the 'straitjacket' of ongoing conditioning perhaps (the 'aaaaaaahhhhhhh' sensation/feeling)...

I'm currently working on the first draft of me latest blog innit - a blog regarding some of the Christian experiences i have had during my lifetime...

29 April 2020...

So where doeth my energies most readily reside on this rather cold and breezy Wednesday morning??? - within the latest 'MUSIC'al offering, i would answer...

Yummy yummy - passion fruit & raspberry cheesecake...

Tas been another one of those doin' stuff and not doin' stuff sorta days - tis now time for one's beddy byes...

28 April 2020...

I'm playing 'The Good Book' album by Melanie (which i received a number of days ago btw) for the second time this afternoon, whilst doing some more emp 'proofing' (a 'i've started so i'll finish' ongoing project that i continued doing once again before i started my latest wood and metal project btw) - i'll probably play it for a third time whilst continuing such emp 'proofing', as is my usual want...

I have just published three 'Akiane Kramarik Paintings' within the 'MUSIC' area of this website, for those who may perhaps wish to partake of the very Gifted Akiane's artistry - may you be within both Wonderment and Joy, as was eye...

Twill soon be the end of another day...

27 April 2020...

Golly, it's 13:11 already - i could perhaps say that i have wasted more than a morning; but when is the all-important periodic (partial???) life reflection (from a viewpoint of observational/reflective neutrality as is possible) ever wasted, say i, instead...

Well i got my glued pieces of wood shaped and smoothed into one object - so that's a plus...

And i managed to watch an interesting film - so i guess that's another day done and dusted...

26 April 2020...

The early bird sometimes catches the supermarket queue - there seemed to be a lot of the infected wearing their surgical masks this morning; but not so many robbers wearing their more designer-type masks...

Last evening, before going to bed, i listened to an Istvan Sky video (one of the many videos that were presented to me on my YouTube Homepage), and decided to offer a selection of them for today - after working on such a selection earlier this morning i am now able to do so within the 'MUSIC' area of this 'ear website of ours...

A day...

25 April 2020...

Golly, it's gone 9am already - no wonder Rocky used his tried and tested jumping down ontooth bed from a height technique to wake me up on this rather sunny Saturday morn...

Today, amongst other things, i have glued and clamped two pieces of wood together...

And, whilst allowing the glued wood to dry, i have now effectively finished off  another woodworking project that i have been working on for quite some time - in it's basic form at least...

24 April 2020...

Yesterday was predominantly spent doin' stuff with metal - whereas today it would seem that i will be predominantly doin' stuff with wood...

Tas been quite an enjoyably productive day thus far - *** smiles contentedly ***...

Time for bed said Zebedee...

23 April 2020...

It was me that got Rocky up this morning - lazy puddycat...

I did some more interesting/creative stuff today, and alongside it came some interesting/creative thoughts - maybe (but also maybe not) such thoughts will be woven into a blog story sometime after i have finished doing stuff for a while...

Yay, exercises done and food eaten - soon be time for the Jo Whiley Show once again...

22 April 2020...

Mmmmm, yummy yummy - i've just discovered root vegetable crisps (suitable for vegans doncha know)...

Well, as part of the 'doin' stuff' part of my 'doin' stuff, not doin' stuff' sunny day involved clearin' stuff away from my exercise stuff, i guess i better go use it, for the first time in ages...

Do a bit, 'ave a chat, n do a bit more - time for something to eat before 'The Jo Whiley Show' onth radio...

21 April 2020...

Thanks for allowing me to lay inth bed undisturbed for longer this morning Rocky - much appreciated...

A sunny day of doin' stuff and not doin' stuff...

Time to warm the radio up...

20 April 2020...

I think i might do stuff today...

And thusly was it that stuff was done...

Ooh, tis the rather super 'Jo Whiley Show' soon - maybe i will continue doing stuff whilst listening...

19 April 2020...

Deeeeep sleeeeep - cheers once agen Rocky...

Twood (ooh, i wonder whether this will generate any Tiger Wood articles onth Mail online for instance???) seem, rightly or wrongly, that them thar algoryrhythms simply can't, differentiate between / recognise, conversations/interactions seemingly taking place between the physical and non-physical realms of existence - 'never mind Mr Algoryrhythm, at least you can console yourself by knowing that you arrived at the wrong conclusion/answer in super-fast time' says i, whilst metaphorically pattin' 'im onth 'ead (i suspect that it may not have fully/quite got the hang of humour yet either)...

It was 10pm a minute ago - tis not so anymore though (well not until tomorrow at 1 minute past 10pm my time anyway)...

18 April 2020...

Rocky was even more eager to get me out of bed than he has been lately - no Rocky i've not died, i've just been having some reeaaallly deep and sometimes dreamy sleeps lately, and i'm really enjoying just laying here...and then he lays on my lap as i'm sat here slowly gettin' me brain into gear, and falls fast asleep; cheers Rocky...

I have just published a 'BLOG' offering entitled 'Joining The Dots', together with an accompanying 'VIDEO' of the same title - for those whom may perhaps be interested in reading and listening to such offerings...

Now i have just published a 'BLOG' offering entitled 'The Spinach Link', together with an accompanying 'VIDEO' of the same title - for those whom may perhaps be interested in reading and listening to such additional offerings...

17 April 2020...

New Daily Mail headline: Spinach Linked To The Film 'A.I. Artificial Intelligence' - aren't coincidences amazing??? (well this one was - for me at least)...

Well i have had quite an enjoyable day today - (tas been sunny and i had an enjoyable walkies etc)...

...Until i came to get a blog ready for publishing, only to realise that i wasn't quite happy with it (i later realised that it was unnecessarily verbose/wordy) - however, having just shortened it, i now feel much happier about it, and should hopefully now have two blogs to publish tomorrow (yay)...

16 April 2020...

Well the shopping's been done, and the neighbours fraternised with, so let's get into internet-land once again - eeeh tis like bein' on a different planet sometimes, so it is...

I have just published 'Some Dream Fragments' within the 'DREAMS' area of this 'ere website of ours - for those who may perhaps wish to avail themselves of their content...

What a nice and relaxing sunny day; i could have got on with that first blog draft that i typed up yesterday, but hey, i enjoyed my first afternoon nap in a long time and went for a walkies - i'll have a meal later, and then who knows, i may watch that 'A.I. Artificial Intelligence' film i recently purchased, before possibly calling it a night...

15 April 2020...

Oh what an absolute joy it is to wake up with such high levels of creativity flowing through one's veins, my oh so special and appreciative dahlings...

Hmmm, Mail onth-line had a 'Janus' article and photo, of a two-headed goat yesterday (in possibly my version of Mail onth-line anyway); it seems to have disappeared now (as such mind-bending occasional articles seem prone to quickly do) - eeh, these seemingly personalised (and sometimes seemingly subtle 'guilt-tripping' / socially controlling/modifying sort of way) algoryrhythms seem to spread like a virus possibly could, throughout my sometimes(???) seemingly personalised daily internet experience dahlings...

What should you do if the spark goes outta your relationship??? - try a little tinderness perhaps???...

14 April 2020...

Hmmm - A series of interspersed, pleasantly interesting visual Energies/images whilst laying in my bed on this ever-so-sunny Tuesday morn...

I have just published a 'BLOG' offering entitled A 'Fairy Tale' - for those whom may wish to imbibe themselves of such an offering...

I have now published a 'VIDEO' accompaniment of the same title as the earlier published, Another 'Fairy Tale', blog offering - for those whom may perhaps like to listen to it...

13 April 2020...

I was working on the first draft of a new-to-mind blog (that i intend to publish tomorrow incidently - as i have another prepared one to offer a little later today) earlier this morning - whereby a single word painted a gradually developing picture doncha know...

I have now published a 'BLOG' offering entitled 'More Personal Photos' btw - and i have now added a 'VIDEO' accompaniment of the same title to such an earlier blog offering...

My landline telephone is still not working, even though i sent them an email in response to one that they sent me some time ago - tis virgin' on the ridiculous, so it is (from my point of view at least)...

12 April 2020...

So, after working on the first draft in a rather relaxed and focussed way, i feel that it is now ready to transfer onto this 'ear website of ours for a final polishing before publication - but first, i think i may go for a daily walkies...

...Aaahhh, that was rather nice (it is a somewhat cooler and overcast today -and now looks like it could possibly rain) - time for some food methinks, before getting back to work...

And i have now just published a 'BLOG' offering entitled, The 'Empaths' Dahling, for the consideration of those whom may wish to read it - and i have now just added a 'VIDEO' accompaniment of the same title to such an earlier offered blog... 

11 April 2020...


That's the first draft of a new rather extended blog offering done with for today...

Time to relax, make a meal, and continue listening to that 'Strange Days' album by The Doors, that was most recently delivered through my letterbox - on this, another warm sunny day, here in my part of Manchester... 

10 April 2020...

One has just enjoyed one's morning pony dahlings - aaaahhh, now what next...

Ohkaaay - i have just published 'Some James Taylor' within the 'MUSIC' area of this 'ear website of ours, for those whom may wish to partake of such musically offered delights...

After having earlier enjoyed another daily walkies, i've just watched that David Icke coronavirus video - i can't really see what all the apparent fuss is about; it's simply a guy exercising his rights to free speech; no big deal whatsoever as far as i'm concerned...

9 April 2020...

...It Feels nice to be Loved by Many...

I have just published a 'DREAM' entitled 'About Two Dreams' - for those whom may perhaps wish to read them both...

And next, one that was prepared earlier (well in a first draft form anyway); a 'BLOG' entitled 'A Blog Addendum', which i have now just published btw - and i have now just publish a 'VIDEO' accompaniment to such 'A Blog Addendum' blog offering, of the same title...

8 April 2020...

Such a tragic start to one's day dahlings - upon making one's first cup of coffee of the rather earlyish morning one found one's milk to be somewhat soured oh so precious dahlings, causing one to have to trudge down to one's local supermarket in search of a fresh bottle doncha know; one was just about to sit down and put the finishing touches to one's latest masterpiece too; what a complete non-beach life can become at times!!!; oh well, onwards and (hopefully anyway) upwards as they say, my ever so sweet dahlings...

I have now published a 'BLOG' offering entitled 'To Be Average' - for those whom may wish to partake of such words of wisdom dahlings...

...And i have now published a 'VIDEO' accompaniment of the same title as the above blog - for those whom may perhaps wish to listen to it...

7 April 2020...

One has spent the earlier part of this morning working on the first draught of one's latest masterpiece dahlings - in a bit i'm gonna start on the much-needed cleaning of the hall, where some adjustive/corrective and/or additional inspiration may, or perhaps may not, flow (before one perhaps chooses to present such a peace of work to one's most adoring public dahlings); so, with bowl of water and cleaning-cloth almost at the ready, tis orft one goes once again; well, in a bit perhaps innit...

Few, that was rather tiring; i started off vacuuming the bedroom, before moving on to the hall floor and washing down a phew doors - i received some inspiration regarding a forthcoming blog addendum actually, so as it is now 3pm, i may type out a first draft whilst it is still fresh in my mind; as well as perhaps fitting a walkies in sometime also...

Then i think i will simply chill and listen to 'The Jo Whiley Show' once again - thanks for playing that request that i asked for via my last blog offering Jo, and for correctly playing the tune that was playing within my mind; i should have perhaps known really shouldn't i, but hey, you're a true star babes (ooh, did i really just say that???), so laters innit...

6 April 2020...

One is going to do some cleaning within one's most 'umble abode today dahlings - well, perhaps anyway...

I have just published 'A Day Dahlings' within the 'BLOGS' area of this website of ours - for those whom may perhaps wish read it...

And now i have added a 'VIDEO' accompaniment of the same title to the earlier published 'A Day Dahlings' blog offering - for those who may perhaps wish to listen to it...

At 5 April 2020...

I have just published 'The Coronavirus Blues' within the 'BLOG' area of this 'ere website of ours - for those whom may perhaps wish to partake of such an offering...

And now i have added a 'VIDEO' accompaniment of the same title...

Ooh it's 'The Jo Whiley Show' tomorrow evening - it's moved to 8pm, and is on 'til 11pm i think...

At 4 April 2020...

I have just added a belated recollection to the earlier published 'The Taken Brake' BLOG offering - for those whom may perhaps wish to read such a newly typed blog addition...

I have just published a 'BLOG' offering entitled 'The Twilight Zone' - for those who may be interested in reading such a sharing...

And i have now added a 'VIDEO' accompaniment to 'The Twilight Zone' blog offering also - of the same title btw...

At 3 April 2020...

I have just published a 'BLOG' offering entitled, 'The Taken Brake' - for those whom may wish to partake of such an offering...

After a fairly long walkies, and whilst eating my evening meal, i have now added a 'VIDEO' accompaniment, of the same title, to my earlier offered blog - for those whom may wish to sample such an offering...

Darn, there's no Jo Whiley tonight - she played such great music last night too; oh well, roll on Monday evening eh...

At 2 April 2020...

I have just published 'A Keanu Dream' within the 'DREAMS' area of this 'ere website of ours...

I have now published 'Some Moody Blues' offerings within the 'MUSIC' area - for those whom may perhaps be interested in listening to them...

There's a new game of 'follow the blue arrows' 🎭 😡 πŸ™Œ  - and talking of following, 'The Jo Whiley Show' will be starting soon...

At 1 April 2020...

I have just added some 'Global Flu statistics' to the 'Wearing Face Masks' blog offering that i originally published yesterday - for those whom may be interested in reading them...

Aaaahhh, The Mail online newspaper can be such fun dahlings - especially so when they agree to play ball anyway...

I have just published a 'BLOG' offering entitled, 'The Doors Man', for those whom may perhaps wish to read it - and i have now added a 'VIDEO' accompaniment to the earlier 'The Doors Man' blog offering also...

At 31 March 2020...

Q :  What is a collector of teapots called??? - A :  a teapotalist???...

'Benny's Buddies' and 'Mary Jane' have been having some fun on YouTube this morning 😊 πŸ˜‰ 😊 ...

I have just added 'Some Leonard Cohen' to the 'MUSIC' area of this 'ear website of ours - for those who may wish to indulge themselves in such offerings...

At 30 March 2020...

I have just published a 'BLOG' offering entitled 'Wearing Face Masks' - for those whom may wish to read it...

And i have now just added an accompanying 'VIDEO' of the same title as the above blog offering...

I listened to The Jo Whiley Show onth radio tonight - it's a pity Marcos was on though πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ ...

At 29 March 2020...

I have just published a new 'BLOG' offering entitled 'Some Bible Reading' for those who may wish to read it on this Sunday morning - as well as an accompanying 'VIDEO' of the same title btw...

I don't know wot's goin' on but i've started to notice that some folks are now  wearin' face masks whilst outside - one passed closely by me tuther day, so i told him, 'you infected people should be stayin well-away from us healthy ones'...

😭 I've only just heard that Data died on Friday 😭 - if only he had worn a face mask eh 😭 ...

At 28 March 2020...

I decided to have a bike ride (for the first time in absolutely ages actually) rather than a walkies yesterday - tis a shame that i seemingly forgot to take some cool lemonade with me, as a perhaps very welcoming drinkipoos though...

...Anyway, that apart, i would very much like to think that our much esteemed Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, will be well-pleased with such continued personal efforts to raise my fitness levels...

I have just published a 'BLOG' offering entitled, 'A Free Ride???' btw - and finally, for today, i have now added a 'VIDEO' accompaniment of the same title to my earlier 'A Free Ride???' blog offering also...

At 27 March 2020...

Would you Adam n Eve it...

It's been in me knapsack all along...

I must o' put it in there for safe-keepin' before takin' that long-awaited shower under that rather invitin' waterfall i found shortly afta 'avin 'ad a few of them wild mushies...

At 26 March 2020...

Here all about it - hear all about it...

Today's double treat folks...

Both 'BLOG' & 'VIDEO' - The Long Walkies...

At 25 March 2020...

Looks like it's gonna be a third sunny day on the run - i've decided to pack meself some butties and a flask of tea, and take meself off for a really long walkies...

Just gotta find me Walkman, a selection of me music cassettes, and that white knotted 'ankey to protect me 'ead from the sun first - as the young un's might say, later's innit...

Pheeew - i've knot felt this knackered in a long time...

At 24 March 2020...

I have started my morning by publishing a 'BLOG' offering entitled, 'Inspector Clues-Oh Moments', on this 'ere website of ours...

And i have now added a 'VIDEO' accompaniment of the same title to the above very recently published 'BLOG' offering also...

Hmmm, there seemed to be a rather lot of people enjoying a sunny day's walkies today; and hardly any ve-hi-kells onth road what-so-eva - strange days indeed...

At 23 March 2020...

My local supermarket has become a rather strange place to visit of late - last week, especially, i noticed that some of the shelves had become completely depleted of any products, whilst a variety of others seemed to have become rather low regarding their customer offerings...

...And earlier today the checkout lady who served me seemed to be rather insistent that i didn't get too close to her for some, at the time, rather quizzical reason - but  then, 'ahaaa, it must be due to all the garlic that i regularly eat' thought i, after seemingly having experienced one of those rather precious 'inspector clues-oh' moments...

An' talkin' 'bout Strange Days, there seems to be a rather lot more kids than normal playin' truant from skool today - most peculiar momma...

At 22 March 2020...

I have just added 'Some Sunday Music' to the MUSIC area of this website - for all those whom may wish to listen to it...

At 21 March 2020...

Today i have decided to publish some APHORISMS for the consideration of those whom may wish to partake of such simple offerings - 8 within 'Ours' and 1 within 'Others'...

At 20 March 2020...

I'm enjoying a more relaxed type of day today...

Basically just sorta doin' stuff that takes me fancy...

A trip to the shops, gettin' the washin' machine to wash a few clothes for me, and now enjoyin' a bite to eat after allowin' me stomach some time to really appreciate 'avin a few tasty morsels presented to it; stuff like that really - maybe i'll go for a wee walkies a little later, who knows...

At 19 March 2020...

1) As is said, 'early to bed, early to rise' - hi ho, hi ho, tis off to work we go...

2) I have just added some 'Other Stuff' thoughts to the 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' part of the 'SNIPPETS' area of the/my/Our website - for those whom may be interested in reading such information...

3) And i have now also just added some 'Guidance' thoughts to the 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' part of the 'SNIPPETS' area of the/my/Our website - for those whom may be interested in reading such information...

At 18 March 2020...

Most of my days fall into the 'just another day' category...

But some 'just another day's turn out to be slightly more interesting than other 'just another day's...

Today has perhaps been one of those slightly more interesting 'just another day's - that is how it would perhaps seem at this moment in time anyway...

At 17 March 2020...

I have just added some 'Clothing' thoughts to the 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' part of the 'SNIPPETS' area of the/my/Our website - for those whom may be interested in reading such information...

At 16 March 2020...

...Time for bed said Zebedee...

At 15 March 2020...

I have just published another Sunday treat on this 'ere website...

It is entitled 'A Raisin Too' - and is to be located within the 'MUSIC' area...

I personally regard it as a very great honour to be able to showcase such inspirational music as this - tis very pleasing to us indeed...

At 14 March 2020...

1) I realised some time ago that i have never actually shared any personal photo's on this 'ere website, so i've just published some under the title of, Some Personal Photo's, within the 'BLOG' area - enjoy...

2) I've just published some musical 'VIDEOS' as an accompaniment to the earlier 'Some Personal Photo's' blog offering - for those who may be interested in listening to them...

3) And there endeth my humorous day's contributions on this rather rainy and gloomy Saturday (in my neck of the woods anyway) folks...

At 13 March 2020...

I have just added some 'Food' thoughts to the 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' part of the 'SNIPPETS' area of the/my/Our website - for those whom may be interested in reading such information...

At 12 March 2020...

I generally add a clove of sliced garlic to my meals...

I've been doing so for many years now...

I just 'googled' 'medicinal properties of garlic' as i was eating my evening meal - how interesting, thought i...

At 11 March 2020...

I have just published a 'BLOG' offering entitled 'A Winter's End', together with an accompanying 'VIDEO' of the same title - for those who may be interested in reading and listening to such offerings...

At 10 March 2020...

I have just added some 'EMP Proofing' thoughts to the 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' part of the 'SNIPPETS' area of the/my/Our website - for those whom may be interested in reading such information...

At 9 March 2020...

Tis heartening to observe members of the plant kingdom beginning to wake up once again...

Yesterday my eyes were drawn to the blooming daffodils - and earlier today they were drawn to some blossoming trees...

And not only within the plant kingdom - tuther day my eyes were drawn to a local crow carrying a small branch in its beak as it flew over the window i happened to be looking out of...

At 8 March 2020...

Well, on this blooming daffodils Sunday, it has been Manchester United who have been taking care of business at Old Trafford by beating local neighbors Manchester City 2 - 0 - very well done indeed to all concerned say i...

At 7 March 2020...

'MUSIC' - The Elvis Song...

at 6 March 2020...

Yep, you guessed it - it's been another of those tcob days...

Oh, and in case you were wonderin'...

Apparently they were short-staffed at the chippy, so Elvis volunteered his services - i guess he must have copped-off with someone later eh...

At 5 March 2020...

Today has been another of those tcob days...

Elvis never did return with those chips btw...

Must have gotten distracted by something else i guess...

At 4 March 2020...

I've been doing  bit of 'tcob'ing today - as Elvis may have said...

That reminds me - he's been a heck of a long time getting those chips...

Must 'ave paid a visit to the pub as he was passing eh...

At 3 March 2020...

I have just added some 'Solar Energy' thoughts to the 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' part of the 'SNIPPETS' area of the/my/Our website - for those whom may be interested in reading such information...

At 2 March 2020...

I have just added some 'Music & Movies' thoughts to the 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' part of the 'SNIPPETS' area of the/my/Our website - for those whom may be interested in reading such information...

At 1 March 2020...

Yay, tis the first day of March and the sun is shining, so let's get this 'ashram' infused with some rather special energies shall we - i'll brb with a Sunday musical treat to offer...

Ohkaaay, mission accomplished - tis entitled 'A Sunday Treat' and is to be found within the 'MUSIC' area of this ear website dahlings...

Wow a day without rain - amazing...

At 29 February 2020...

1) Nanuu nanuu - back in the ashram and ready to boogie baby ('🎢welcome to🎢the ashram🎢' - Tash-style obviously)...

2) I've just added some 'Secret Mission Songs' within the 'MUSIC' area of this/my/Our website - for those who may wish to partake of the early Saturday morning vibes man...

3) I've now just added a selection of 'The MonaLisa Twins' offerings within the 'MUSIC' area, on this early Saturday afternoon - and i have now added a selection of 'Some Upbeat Alice' within the 'MUSIC' area also, on this earlyish Saturday evening...

At 15 January 2020...

πŸ’€πŸ˜΄πŸŽΆ MUSIC πŸŽΆπŸ˜΄πŸ’€ - The Blue Danube...

At 14 January 2020...

One has entered hibernation mode dahlings - for how long, only time will tell...

At 13 January 2020...

I think/feel i might be going into hibernation mode (after adding two new-to-mind 'APHORISMS' for possible consideration of course)...

For an ickle while perhaps???...

Time will tell i guess...

At 12 January 2020...

On what is, for me, a rather lazy/relaxing Sunday, i have chosen to share a rather beautiful Cranberries peace(full) of 'MUSIC' - here's hoping that you enjoy it as much (admittedly rather repeatedly at times) as i do - tis entitled When You're Gone btw...

At 11 January 2020...

1) It is with great pleasure that i have now chosen, of my own free-will, to share  another musical 'VIDEO' selection entitled, Some 'Cat' Music - for those who may, perhaps, also very much enjoy listening to such musical offerings...

2) I have very recently returned from a walkies - and have now made two subtle(???) alterations/changes to my earlier published 'MUSIC' offering/sharing...

3) Enjoying an evening of relaxation and general 'me time'...

At 10 January 2020...

1) I have chosen to start my online day by publishing a rather short, and hopefully humorously received/interpreted, 'BLOG' offering entitled, The Great Escape...

2) After an earlier than normal walkies i have added an accompanying 'VIDEO' to the earlier published, The Great Escape, blog offering...

3) Hmmm, well, i went for a second walkies earlier, and i have now eaten my evening meal, so i will now spend the rest of this full moon evening in a more relaxing/contemplative(???) way perhaps - i have now added another one of 'our' 'APHORISMS' to this/my/our website...

At 9 January 2020...

1) I have started my day by adding another 'BLOG' offering entitled, Playing With Perspectives...

2) I have also added a musical VIDEO accompaniment to the 'Playing With Perspectives' blog offering - tis entitled, 'Where Do The Children Play?', and is by the very talented Cat Stevens...

3) I have now added two more 'APHORISMS' to this website...

At 8 January 2020...

1) I have been working on a 'BLOG' offering entitled, Another 'Meditational' Experience, which i have now published on this website - for those who may, perhaps, be interested in reading such things...

2) I have also added another of 'our' 'APHORISMS' - for those who may, perhaps, enjoy reading such short and simple offerings...

3) I have now published an accompanying musical video offering in support of my earlier Another 'Meditational' Experience blog offering btw... 

At 7 January 2020...

I have now added a 'POEM' (along with some accompanying textual information) entitled, The Kesaputta Poem, to this website - for those who may, perhaps, be interested in reading such things...

At 6 January 2020...

1) A day, amongst other things, of reflection and re-search...

2) I have added a 'BLOG' offering, together with an accompanying 'VIDEO' offering also - they are bothe entitled The Sceptic's View btw...

3) Hmm, it'll soon be my bedtime - on a positive note, i'm not aware of having amassed any negative karma today; how about you???...

At 5 January 2020...

1) I have just added a Snatam Kaur song within the 'MUSIC' part of this website - for those who may, perhaps, like to, partake / imbibe themselves, of/with its particular qualities - tis entitled Aadays Tisai Aadays  btw...

2) I have now added another 'POEM' (with accompanying comments) entitled, The 'Enlightenment' Poem, to this website - for those who may, perhaps, like to read such poetic offerings...

3) I have also added another 'APHORISM' to this website - and i have also chosen, on this particular occasion, to add a 'VIDEO' accompaniment to such an 'Enlightenment' poem, for those who may, perhaps, like to listen to such musical offerings...

At 4 January 2020...

I have added some more 'APHORISMS' - for those who may, perhaps, be interested in such simple offerings...

At 3 January 2020...

1) I have just typed and published a 'BLOG' offering, entitled, A 'Meditational' Experience...

2) I have now also published a 'VIDEO' accompaniment to my earlier, A 'Meditational' Experience, blog offering - a busy day huh...

3) And finally, i have just added another one of 'my' 'APHORISMS' for those, perhaps, who may be interested in such things - well, a comparatively busy day any way...

At 2 January 2020...

I'm going to start my day by adding some more 'MUSIC', but firstly i need to take care of a few other things - sorted, finally - tis entitled Some Cranberry Juice btw...

At 1 January 2020...

All my neighbours seem to have died once again...

Apart from the window cleaner...

Whom, never-the-less, does seem to be looking rather ill...

At 31 December 2019...

On this not so lazy last day of December i have chosen to share another of my poems...

Had i written it today, of course, it would have probably been more readily entitled, 'A Greenstreete Wookiee'...

Anyway, be that as it may, sparklers at the ready eh - for those whom may be so inclined of course...

At 30 December 2019...

Fresh from the rumour mill - Owen Jones hot favourite to win The Guardian 'journalist of the year' award...

At 29 December 2019...

Tune dude/dudette...

At 28 December 2019...

I finally got 'round to watching that 'Meet The Fockers' dvd that i purchased 2nd hand a while back - i'd forgotten how funny it was...

At 27 December 2019...


There's definitely more people out onth street today...

Tis kinda reassurin' to know that they all seem to be recoverin' from whateva's seemingly bein' afflictin' 'em all over the past few days, that's for sure...

At 26 December 2019...

There are signs of steadily increasing activity out onth street today...

Must have been one of those highly virulent 24 hr thingy magingies eh...

I wonder who started it???...

At 25 December 2019...

I'm starting to become a little concerned...

It's 10:30 am and i've already been up for a few hours, but there's been absolutely no activity whatsoever - tis like i'm the only life-form (apart from Rocky of course) remaining on the planet...

Still, i can't really complain - tis very peaceful and the internet is still functioning; and i've just added some more 'MUSIC' - tis entitled Some More Tash btw...

At 24 December 2019...

I'm feeling rather more upbeat today...

The musical onslaught will soon be over, and i'll be able to occasionally turn my radio back on - with the utmost discrimination of course...

And my occasional coughing has now become pain-free - not that it's made me in any way grumpy you understand...

At 23 December 2019...


Twas worse than i /earlier/er-rantly thought...

Football eh - but hey, twas probably another good day for the bookies, no???...

At 22 December 2019...

1) Got off to a nice early start by adding a blog and accompanying video...

2) Oh, lest i should forget - i would just like to give a big thanks to the Labour Party in general for seemingly letting people like me know, over the course of THREE AND A HALF YEARS, that you, the supposed servants of democracy, have (from my personal perspective at least) absolutely no interest in serving such a system of democracy; tas been very educational indeed...

3) Oh, and many thanks for letting people such as myself know so clearly, how incredibly stupid you seemingly believe us (your natural support base???) all to be - i'm guessing that the fact that we have been able to get out of bed etc, without your specific help (or indeed an instructional leaflet provided by yourselves for such a purpose), must be viewed as one of life's great mysteries by you all eh....

At 20 December 2019...

1) Psst - don't tell anyone yeah, but i've just added some more 'APHORISMS' to the/my/Our website...

2) Sheesh, i've just checked my living-room thermometer and the temperature's shot-up to 52F - if such an upward trend continues at this pace i'll soon be 'avin' to turn on me ceiling fan innit...

3) Just added a playful little 'recipe' poem - for those who may enjoy such things...

At 19 December 2019...

1) A somewhat early start to my day whereby i have added some more 'APHORISMS' for those who may be inclined to ponder upon such things...

2) The temperature that the thermometer in my living-room is recording this morning has gone back up to 50F - luxury i tell thee...

3) The Labourous Dinosaurus brigade are still talking themselves into extinction over onth Guardian i see - when will they ever learn eh...

At 18 December 2019...

1) This winter has, so far, been colder than the three previous ones - for this time of year anyway...

     Temperatures have been hovering around the 50F point for the past few days - but this morning i checked my living-room thermometer to find that it is reporting a temperature of 49F...

     However, on the plus side of things, my body now seems to be getting more used to the chilblains on some of my finger-tips - as it seems to be complaining less about their ever-present presence; yippee eh...

2) Currently extremely busy picking up all the toys that Guardian Labour Remainer commenters are seemingly throwing out of their prams en masse  (tis playin' havok with me chilblains, so it is) - yeah, you guessed it, seemingly the very same ones who wished to overturn/scupper the original (and very recently verified and fortified) referendum result...

3) Latest from the rumour mill - new lipstick readying itself for same old pig...

At 17 December 2019...

1) I've just added 'The 'Middle' Poem' to the 'POEMS' part of the/my/Our website - for those who may enjoy reading such things...

At 16 December 2019...

1) I have just published a 'VIDEO' accompaniment to yesterday's  'A Democratic System' blog offering...

2) Tis now time for my daily walkies...

3) And later, i watched a few episodes from a Viking series onth net - before getting a rather earlyish beddy-byes time...

At 15 December 2019...

1) I have commenced my very early start to today by preparing and publishing a new 'MUSIC' offering entitled, 'The Beautiful South'...

2) I have, at last perhaps, now published a new blog offering, entitled 'A Democratic System'...

3) And then i went to bed, again - muchareth afta an ickle walkies of course...

At 14 December 2019...

Today i have added a 'VIDEO' accompaniment to yesterday's 'A Personal Viewpoint' blog offering...

At 13 December 2019...

1) Turned out nice again then??? - only time will tell i guess...

Labour are supposed to represent the average working man and woman (we voted to BREXIT!!!) - but instead they clearly represent (in general terms) only themselves (in my personal opinion of course)...

What an absolute disgrace they have shown themselves to be - once again, in my own personal opinion of course...

2) I managed to do a little more woodworking today...

3) Word of the day ~ cathartic...

At 12 December 2019...

Today is general election day, here in the UK - as well as, rather coincidentally,  being a full moon day of course...

I've already put a black and a blue pen into my coat pocket (i've not yet decided which one to use when casting my vote) - along with my polling card of course...

And i have also put a piece of white paper into my coat pocket (in order to test how easy it would possibly be to erase a vote if such a so generously provided pencil was used instead of a pen of my own choosing) - not that i'm in any way expecting any shenanigans to possibly take place (or indeed to have already taken place in the sense of pre-conditioning/orchestrating voter/public opinion) you understand...

At 11 December 2019...

1) Me 'edeth 'urteth - bein' cerelybates can seriously mess wiv yer marbles innit...

2) I might do a bit of woody-workin' today - and perhaps go for at least one walkies two...

3) No woody-workin' of any description actually (and not even one dedicated walkies either) - but i did have a rather lovely afternoon kip within me bed...

At 10 December 2019...

1) On this somewhat rainy day, here in my part of Manchester, i  have started by adding/publishing some more aphorisms...

2) Eye haz bean rurking on rot high-hopes rill bee my nexus blog offphewering - owe-evva i'm not yeti shore that eye haz completed it to satisferication yeti, sow eye may well leaf it till tomorraz (or rot, as the head-case may posseribbly bee)...

3) Few, afta an ickle west i av managed to finnish ze bloggeth wot eye az bin mostest wecently twerkin on - eye as also addered an accompanyin VIDEO thingy also; soho that's me daze donneth innit (well, 'opefully anyways)...

At 9 December 2019...

1) I have spent the first part of the day adding 'Sum More 'AWOAWA'' to the 'MUSIC' part of the/my/Our website - my rather playful use of 'AWOAWA' (rather than AURORA) will hopefully become apparent within my next intended blog offering btw...

At 8 December 2019...

1) I started today typing a blog which i later published - and which is entitled, A 'Fairy Tale'...

2) I have very recently offered a video song accompaniment to the blog offering entitled, A 'Fairy Tale' - it is called, 'The Windmills Of Your Mind' by Petula Clark...

3) And finally for today, i have just added some 'First Aid' thoughts to the 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' part of the 'SNIPPETS' area of the/my/Our website - for those whom may be interested in reading such information...

At 7 December 2019...

1) I have started off my day by adding an addendum to yesterday's 'Fire' offering within 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' - i then selected and added some more aphorisms for the possible consideration of those who may be interested in such things...

2) Yep you guessed it - i've been doing some more woodworking today...

3) Interesting fact of the day - the natural order has rather welcomly been restored within Manchester...

At 6 December 2019...

1) Yay, i've been doing some more woodworking today - an activity that i generally enjoy doing, as it has the added bonus of being good for Inspiration to flow also...

2) I have only recently added 'Some DaiQing Tana' songs to the 'MUSIC' part of the/my/Our website also - music that i would very much recommend people listen to btw...

3) And finally for today, i have just added some 'Fire' information within the 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' part of the/my/Our website btw...

At 5 December 2019...

1) I have started my day by sharing a POEM wot i writ many years ago now,  together with some textual information and ponderings - for those whom may be interested in, reading / partaking of, such things of course - tis entitled The 'Loss' Poem btw...

2) I have also, fairly recently, typed and published a blog entitled, 'A 'Living Amoeba'',  so i now feel more free to do stuff of my own choosing - for a while at least perhaps (as i also have some music that i have been wishing to share/offer for a day or two now)...

3) Phew - i have just added 'Some Indian Music' (a selection of 3) to the  'MUSIC' part of the/my/Our website, for those who would thusly like to partake of such musical offerings...

At 4 December 2019...

1) I've started my day by typing and publishing (within the 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' area of the/my/Our website) some possible 'water' considerations within a possible 'lights out' (no readily/immediately available electricity supply) type of possible situation - for those who may possibly be interested in reading such personally supplied information/tips of course...

At 3 December 2019...

1) I've had a fairly busy day today - although i've not done any woodworking...

2) It started with me typing and publishing a 'Happy George Harrison' blog - and then i later shared a 'Sun Cream Madness' POEM...

3) And then i finally added three accompaniment videos to my earlier 'Happy George Harrison' blog - phew...

At 2 December 2019...

1)  They're pretty amusin', these 'save a load o' dosh' deals that are thrown out at/for us most obviously previously assigned 'dummies', aren't they??? - the latest one offered to me is the 'save £80 now folks' (yeah you guessed it) by spendin' (givin' us) £100 of yer possibly hard-earned dosh that you may not have given us otherwise (chuckle chuckle eh)...

2) A little like payin' fer yer own vastly improved, trackin'(???), monitorin' (visually 'n' audibly)(???) 'n' possibly facial-recognition(???) 'n' finger-print(???) data uploadin' info, device perchance??? - tis like givin' us a gentle pat onth head and sayin' 'there's a good (an' mighty generous) boy/gal' innit(???)...

3) Well i managed to do some more woodworking today, as well as typing and publishing another 'Sum Preppin' Tips' item re 'Lighting' - and i've also added a limerick, (for those who may be interested in reading such things) within the 'POEMS' part of the/my/Our website also...

At 1 December 2019...

1) Well i never did get round to doin' any more woodworkin' yesterday - mainly because i found myself typing and publishing another two bog offerings, plus a video accompaniment offering also...

2) Today i have, so far, typed and published another BLOG and accompanying VIDEO offering - both are entitled No 'Woe' Man...

3) Now i'm gonna do some other stuff - well, one supposes, anyway...

At 30 November 2019...

1) Well, i've typed up and published my most recent dream - and assigned a song to it - tis entitled The 'Dodgy' Lender btw...

2) And i've just typed up and published the first of my/Our(??? - certain details/info came rather readily to mind afterall) 'preppin' tips...

3) Now i feel free to further fill my day with other things/activities - including some further woodworking perhaps...

At 29 November 2019...

1) Just got up out of bed after experiencing another of those very deeep and welcoming sleeps - i went to bed fairly early too...

Anyway, a dream snippet dahlings - 5 or 6 balls on a pool table, all close together, none of which were directly potable, so how do i play it???...

And am/was i 'plains' or 'stripes'??? - that is the most obvious question...

2) Yep, you guessed it...

I've been doing some more woodworking this afternoon - and i'm quite pleased/satisfied with what i've achieved over the last two afternoons...

I'll hopefully be doing some more tomorrow - as well as starting to share some basic survival tips within the/my/Our accompanying, 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips', sub 'SNIPPETS' website area...

3) Sheesh, almost a year later and i realise that i missed out a '3)' - sorted (as is said, 'better late than never' - and now the universe is back in harmony once again - phew eh)

At 28 November 2019...

1) I am very pleased to say that both 'Dolly' (in particular) and 'JJ' were of a Happy and Carefree disposition as They (from my own personal, within-mind, perspective of course) accompanied me on/during my afternoon walkies yesterday - both were Seen to be Dancing and Twirling around Happily/Joyfully to the left and right of me respectively...

2) I Saw 'JJ', within-mind, Sat behind Her 'Desk', accompanied by certain Others, with a big Smile of sheer/pure Joy (and a certain excitement perhaps) on Her rather 'Beautacious' Face earlier this morning...

3) I managed to get the opportunity to do some woodworking this afternoon, for what seems like the first time in ages - hopefully i will get some more similar opportunities over the next phew days...