28 Nov

This added 'SNIPPETS' 'header'/column already has a 'Bits 'N' Bobs' area, whereby i intend to share little snippets of my every-day life that i choose of my own free-will to share with those who may chose/wish to read such stuff/words - an area of the/my/Our website that will contain stuff/info that is generally shorter than a 'BLOG' entry would be...

I also intend to include an area of the/my/Our website that i/We have chosen to entitle 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' - 'sum' rather than 'some' purely because such 'preppin' entails a certain monetary investment/outlay...

Over the latter (for sure) years life has taught me the importance of practising a certain amount of prudence - of putting something(s) aside for a possible future 'rainy day' if you will...

It started off with making sure that i have always got slightly more than enough money in my bank account to cover my monthly bills, and general needs perhaps (after i incurred several £30+£10 bank charges due to having insufficient funds within my bank account to cover all of my outgoing 'Direct Debits') - and then, over more recent time, such prudence grew further from there...

I realised that my (formally seen/viewed as somewhat strange) mother always kept her/the 'larder' fairly well-stocked with primarily canned foods (pre-cooked foods that could be eaten straight from the can) simply because she, as well as many others obviously, had experienced great suffering together with a fairly ongoing, lack of food / bodily sustenance / hunger / 'empty' belly, during the period of 'ration cards' especially perhaps, during WW2 - and later acknowledged her seeming 'need' to continue to act in such a, prudent / thinking ahead, sort of way, by starting to practise a similar (and indeed extended) type of prudence myself...

From my perspective at least, we seem to be living within increasingly(???) uncertain times - signs of which can possibly be seen to be occurring around the world, can they not???...

So, is it not more sensible/prudent to have an extra store of stuff in the cupboard, so to speak, than having money (zeros and ones really, in a binary context) laying 'idly' in the bank??? - i choose of my own free-will to believe that it is (even though i will readily admit that i personally may possibly never ever have the need to use such items of possible future need/use - but hey, even if i don't happen to be around (having shed my mortal coil perhaps???) then at least such items could possibly be of future use to others if and/or when such a possible(???) situation/circumstance should ever arise)...

So this is basically what this 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' area of the/my/Our website is intended to be all about - sharing certain measures that i, have chosen / possibly will choose, of my own free-will to put, calmly, collectedly, and consideredly (rather than choosing, as some may do, to shout/yell, 'HEAD FOR THE HILLS FOLKS!!!, in a perhaps unnecessary, and possibly alarmist, stampede inducing, type of way) into practise...

The reason that i have chosen 'Fore' within 'A 'Fore' Word' btw is because it is a golfing term, whereby a golfer hits his golf ball further down the particular hole he/she is playing and then realises that there may be a possibility that such a golf ball may perhaps hit another such golfer playing further down the same hole, and so shouts 'fore!!!' as a warning that such a forward playing fellow golfer may be hit by such an ill-considered flying golf ball - and the reason that/why such Chosen/Given songs have been selected within the 'A 'Fore' Word' video accompaniment area of the/my/Our website is simply in order to reflect, within song, the possible energy(???) of the 'Sum 'Preppin' Tips' sub area within such a 'SNIPPETS' area of the/my/Our website...
