17 Dec


In Search Of The Middle

The Middle is here, the Middle is there

It would seem like the Middle is everywhere

But where really is Middle? This is my quest

Until i have found it, my search will not rest.

Is it static or moving? Does it waver each day?

Maybe the Teachings will show me the Way?

There are Dhammapadas and Suttas and The Four Noble Truths

But maybe it's within the Precepts that i should set my mind loose...

I don't kill with my hands, nor have murderous thoughts

I regard eating meat also, as a killing of sorts

I can get angry when thwarted, but try to refrain

So does this Middle float close to a turbid terrain?

I steal neither belongings nor money that others possess

But have picked up found objects never-the-less

The temptation's still there, but i know it's 'not given'

So is this where this Middle lies partially hidden?

Although sex seems no problem - i'm celebate you see -

There are times when lust rises, from deep within me

And my dreams can be fruity, when Mara pops 'round

So this Middle seems rooted in more colourful ground.

This one's real easy - i'm as modest as can be!

'though most people who've met me may not agree!

The delusions are absent and i'm as quiet as a mouse!

So why is this Middle the size of a house?

Psychedelics and cannabis, put far behind

Very rarely drinking fluids that distort the mind

The food that i eat is wholesome and pure

This much reformed Middle seems almost no more.

Five pieces of Middle, from large through to small

Which when put together, forms a very strange ball

I can't lift it or roll it, so what should i do?

...mmm, 'Strive on heedfully'. Is this some sort of clue?

At 1996

Life can be strange at times - a few days ago the 'contents' on all of this website decided (seemingly upon their own volition) to change from being centrally aligned to left aligned...

So this morning i have been (so far, unsuccessfully) seeking help to rectify such a strange alignment change - then, afterwards, i thought about possibly publishing another one of my poems...

...And, yep, you guessed it - this particular one came rather readily to my attention...