19 Oct


The Calling

They're driving me mad, these voices i hear.

I try to ignore them, but it's all very queer.

They question my actions and answer my thoughts.

I'm beginning to think it's an illness of sorts.

Do not be troubled, we mean you no harm.

All will be answered, just try to stay calm.

You're Unfolding you see - it's unsettling, we know.

Please don't reject us, we don't want to go.

We're Guides and we'll help you to keep your Path clear.

So keep God before you and please, do not fear.

What path is this and why have you come?

I don't want your guidance - i want to have fun.

What's this of unfolding? - i'm fine as i am.

All this, it means nothing - it's all just a sham.

You're after my soul, but it's not for sale.

Be gone! Tell someone else this devilish tale.

We come from the Light and there's much to be done.

We love God dearly and work for His Son.

You've been Chosen by Him. Please, don't turn your back.

The mission's important. This is no evil trap.

Your Earth is in crisis - Spirituality is low.

With you as our channel, we'll put on a show.

People must turn from their misguided ways.

The Truth must shine through, for mankind to be saved.

Why am i crying, when i feel so much joy?

My emotions run rampant - i weep like a boy.

If Christ is your Master, then i'm happy to Serve.

Let's all get started, for i have so much verve!

I've always felt empty - right down to my feet.

But with this new found purpose, i feel so complete.

What IS going to happen? What am i to do?

I beseech you - please tell me, for i haven't a clue.

We'll tour the whole world - the dead will be raised!

You'll bring them to life - God's word will be praised!

Former stars will appear on t.v. for the masses.

For man doesn't die. Dear child, he just Passes.

@ 14/12/89

This is simply a poem that i found myself writing at that particular moment in time- i am simply choosing to share it as a record of part of my Christian Spiritualist journey...

It simply represents a 'doubt and relief'(??? - one hardly thinks so, my all-so-precious dahlings - comparative relief perhaps) scenario that i was experiencing along that particular part of my ongoing Spiritual journey, at that particular moment in time...

...And no more than that...