11 Apr


Yep, you guessed it...

...I got up from outta me bed for a pee on a few occasions once again last night...

...Occasions upon which i felt slightly peckish - so found myself wandering in tooth kitchen for another of those consecutive nibbles/bites on a rather nice looking (and tasting, in actual fact), appetising banana...

...Until all of said banana was eventually consumed - three separate occasions/visits perhaps???...

So anyway...

Onto the famous persons dream segments that such consumption would seem to 'ave spawned once again...

The first bit would seem to have been the result of my rather ponderous(???)/relaxed pursuit of a rather energetically eager dog and cat, who i had apparently invited for a walkies within the great outdoors...

Anyway, along the way i remember passing a rather forlorn looking brown and white coloured Spaniel-type dog with floppy ears...

It was backed-up against an outer brick-walled building, with a railing-type black-painted metal fence, within seeming touching distance, in front of it...

I was drawn to attempt to comfort-stroke it, but somewhat sorrowfully chose not to do so - for it gave me a look that seemed to say 'i'd really like you to, but i have lost all trust/faith in human beings in general'...

So, continuing my search/pursuit for/of said dog and cat, i came upon a young, fairly broad-shouldered adult male, who was sat, with a couple of friends perhaps, on the, not recently / in need of a, cut grass lawn that was close to a block of multi-floored (2, or possibly 3 perhaps???) oblong-shaped council flats...

He was a good-looking chap, with the type of blonde, slightly frizzy-type and slightly wild(???)/overgrown(???)/unkempt(???), reasonably well-kept/maintained hair that would later recede into increasing levels of baldness perhaps - and was wearing a mid-brown, open buttoned, corduroy jacket, and was of a rather relaxed demeanour...

Anyway, rather early into our seeming conversation, he announced to a standing me, that he was getting/growing rather sick/tired of the ongoing secrecy regarding his rather famous, film-star, mother's name/identity - and that one of his, presumably previous, school teachers, who was seemingly in a similar boat to him, was planning/intending to do likewise...

...In the sense of outing one of his famous and secret parents also - such a school teacher was seemingly someone whom i had apparently met in an earlier, unremembered, part of such a seemingly ongoing dream...

...yes i know - completely bananas isn't it...

Anyway, moving onwards...

In another, leading up to, scene, i was walking up to and passed, a lateral (from left to right) row of either two or three white-coloured rather substantial industrial chimneys - my attention would seem to have been drawn to them for some unknown reason...

...They too seemed to have been within the/a same/similar general council-flat area/setting, visually speaking - and, once again, were within a fairly open and flat, not very closely or recently cut/lawned, seemingly multi-grassed general setting...

Anyway, this would, in turn, have seemed to have perhaps led up to the next famous person part of the same seemingly ongoing dream...

This part took place in what would seem to have been a rather large/expansive, lower-chest/stomach deep, concrete(???) man-made, square or slightly oblong(???), 'lake' - with a number of other such rowing/punting flat-bottomed oblong wooden boats floating upon it within fairly spaced-out locations (although some were indeed located/grouped more closely together)...

It involved a suited Daniel Craig leaping/jumping Bond-like, from one particular flat-bottomed boat that i happened to be stood next to / within(??? - both, in sequence perhaps???), into said man-made lake - and swimming (nay seemingly 'gliding') rather expertly and with great efficiency towards another, fairly nearby, flat-bottomed boat...

...Whereby a small group of people (a couple of similarly fairly well-attired males and either one or two females perhaps???) who were stood in the water next to their particular flat-bottomed boat (perhaps drinking champagne perhaps???)...

...Whom, upon his arrival, seemed to award him a rather welcomingly appreciative 'well done old chap - rather well enacted indeed' sort of greeting - as if he had purposely re-enacted a particular scene within one of the films he had played a perhaps leading part in...

Whether Daniel was in fact re-enacting part of a film that he specifically had perhaps starred in, or whether he was merely symbolically representing a previous(???) Bond(???) actor, within such a seemingly re-enacted dream scene or not, is of course completely unknown to me in reality - given that there is in actual fact such a scene within some particular, to me unknown, future or previous movie of course...

...yes i know - completely bananas once again isn't it...

Yep - and that just about wraps it all up folks...

Tis a wrap i tell thee - a wrap...

And for those perhaps wondering...

No - i haven't, even fairly recently, been knowingly partaking of any drugs what-so-ever (recreational or otherwise)...

...And i most definitely didn't knowingly consume any alcohol, at any time during either the day evening or night-time, before going to bed, either (apart from eating a bar of Bourneville 'rum and raisons' chocolate in the later afternoon) - in fact, i'm pretty sure that the same was true of the day, evening and night-time before, also...

There was one strange occurrence that i should perhaps mention, however...

And that was that after i happened to get up for yet another (final???) mid-sleep pee pee, and ventured yet again into the kitchen for the final bite of my remaining chosen banana (eeeks - i have in fact still got one remaining banana from the same recently purchased bunch to consume - oooh possibly errr eh), i happened to notice that there was a fairly light accumulation of snow onth ground, in front of my main living-room window...

...And upon looking out of said window, i noticed that said area of snow was covered in an equally-spaced multi geometric flower/petals type pattern...

I remember thinking, in a rather ongoing relaxed manner, that this seemed rather strange, and so purposely self-appraised my mental state - which i found to be of a very clear/lucid, and rather relaxed nature (possibly slightly more relaxed than usual perhaps??? - but then again that may merely be due to all the, made with water, cups of rather nice 'Horlicks' that i seem to be rather habitually drinking as of late - i have in actual fact only recently opened/started my fourth consecutive 'jar' of the stuff) - tis seemingly the bananas i tell thee, the bananas...

Anyway this, within such mental clarity/lucidity, then caused me to look out of tuther living-room window, whilst on my way back tooth bedroom - only to very clearly notice the exact same repeating geometric pattern seemingly covering that particular area of snow also - yes, strange i know...

Oh, i've not mentioned the time-frame within which such dream sequences took place, have i - well all i can possibly say is that, although it was possibly within a late '60's-early/mid '70's setting, it could of course equally have been within a setting dated at perhaps a million or more years before Christ, within a similarly progressed(??? - really???)/mirrored civilisation, within a possible previous Great Thingy Cycle - well, one perhaps supposes anyway...