14 Nov


There is a lead-up to this dream sharing...

It concerns someone whom i have very recently reacquainted myself with, if you will...

Someone whom i find myself attracted to on many different levels...

There is quite a considerable age difference between the two of us - which may make it seem rather inappropriate to an, 'onlooker' / some other people, perhaps...

However, here's the thing about age - we (or at least myself anyway), inside our head's, are simply/often not as old (well we don't necessarily feel so, at least) as our physical body would tend to suggest...

Like so many things, such 'age' simply resides on/within what i would most readily term to be 'a spectrum of being' - a spectrum that we may rather readily slide/move up and down upon/within on a moment-to-moment basis, perhaps...

Sometimes we may notice some physical bodily complaints, if you will - days / periods of time, when our body tells/reminds us that we are no longer such a 'spring chicken' so to speak...

And on other days our ageing body may remain quiet and uncomplaining - and indeed we may find ourselves, 'bursting with energy' / feeling rather energised, perhaps...

And then there are the bright, warm, sunny days of course...

Days when, perhaps, if you are someone like myself, you find yourself prone to doing what may be  termed as silly, rather 'childish' things, such as pretending to hide behind a lamp-post, in a most obvious way, upon seeing/noticing a friendly, perhaps similarly-minded approaching neighbour/friend whilst out n about onth street, so to speak...

A time when some 'grumpy old (observing) sod/git' may think the worst of you / look at you with a certain disdain perhaps - but hey, upon such days, and within such fun circumstances, who cares what such people may think, or indeed say, right???...

Anyway, moving swiftly on to the dream itself - which was in black and white, rather than colour, and occurred within the early/earlier hours of Sunday 10th of November (if i remember correctly)...

I was walking hand-in-hand with the above mentioned certain someone - with her on my right-hand-side...

I then found that we were in what i assumed at that time to be a submarine - but later, upon appraisal of such a dream, realised it seemed more like a classically saucer/circular shaped UFO...

The level of the lighting of the general surroundings of such a vessel was of a fairly bright, easy to discern, white nature - but more of a very slightly smokey-white nature/ambience, if you will...

I was feeling quite tense and rather claustrophobic as such a vessel seemed to descend further down into what i presume was the ocean/sea...

And i was experiencing a certain feeling of possible foreboding if you will - i sensed that cracks/fissures were about to appear on the insides of such a vessel (which i also saw within my mind's-eye if you will, whilst within such a dream-state) and that water was going to start pouring through such cracks/fissures...

Then i heard the following, loud and clear...

'Hocus pocus - FOCUS'...

And that swiftly brought an end to such a dream...

Which upon later appraisal, undoubtedly seemed to be telling me to put such fanciful, romantic preoccupations aside, and instead focus clearly on the Work in hand, so to speak - which i then dutifully did...
