30 Nov


This particular dream started with me walking up to Marcus (Rashford) as he was closely tending to a close circular grove of yellow flowered fairly tall (neck height) 'bullrush' type plants - with such yellow flowers going quite a way down and around each large/thick stem...

We then watched a tribal group of people on a nearby hill - all of whom seemed to be involved in some sort of fairly energetic ritualistic/group type behaviour - some of whom were on horseback, seemingly in pursuit of others on foot...

Marcus wanted to walk up said hill to take a closer look, with me advising against it...

...Which seemingly turned out to be good advice, as i'm pretty sure we would have been set upon as unwelcome outsiders if we had ventured up to them...

In another scene that followed we both watched another group of people who also seemed to be involved in some sort of sexually-based ritualistic behaviour...

They were all naked, seemingly fairly dirty, and had two-tone naturally camouflaged skins of dull/matt grey-green colouration...

Both scenes seemed to be on a planet that was non-technological, and thus way back in time compared to that of current day planet Earth...

In the next scene Marcus and i were hanging out with Jennifer Aniston and her mother(???), inside Jenni's house during the daytime - with Jenni seemingly being fairly bemused at/with our presence there - i got the feeling that the setting seemed to be around the late 70's/80's time-frame, or possibly slightly later perhaps...

I seemed to be potentially romantically interested in Jenni, whereas a relaxed and sat down (on a settee/sofa) Marcus seemingly wasn't - seemingly (based upon this and other dreams) Marcus and i get on quite well as buddies without feeling the need to converse very much - end of dream...


I forgot to mention that during the first two scenes Marcus and i had a short discussion/conversation...

Twas about Buddhism, a subject in which Marcus seemed to be fairly knowledgeable, and thus seemingly interested - including him being seemingly fairly au fait with the energetic effects of full moons...