10 Feb


In the first scene i was stood outside with a group of others, looking up into a dark(ish) stormy sky at a long and large, stationary, gun-metal, solid-square-linked (2 attaching links per side) watch-strap UFO, with numerous similarly metalled 'arms' and 'fingers' protruding from its sides - in the second scene i was sat in the front left side of and old Hillman Minx (rather than Hunter) car, looking out of the bottom side window, upon which some said 'fingers' were drumming/tapping (as if waiting) uponth lateral intersection of window and metal side door, causing me to move rightwards along the bench seat, towards the right hand side door - and in the final scene i was back outside looking up into said darkish stormy sky with the others, and seeing that said UFO was no longer there...

The interesting thing about this dream is that i once owned, during different times of my younger life, firstly my very first car which was in fact an old tank-like Hillman Minx, and secondly a similarly titanium metal-strapped watch - and sometime possibly inbetween owning these two such items a polaroid photo was taken of a stationary UFO hanging in the blue daytime sky above a pub where our family was then living, before said UFO apparently then shot up vertically intooth sky and disappeared - said photo was then apparently sent to Jodrell Bank and never replied to...

The other thing of possible interest was that last evening i had started to watch a film called Flight Of The Navigator before deciding, through tiredness, to get an early night - such a film was about an 12 yr old boy who disappeared for eight years, apparently returning onth same day that a UFO crashed into some electric pylons - so, who know dahlings, maybe i was similarly 'taken', and that such a film resulted in experiencing such a dream (kinda spooky huh) ...