30 Sep


This particular dream, i, rightly or wrongly, very much feel, may, perhaps, constitute a 'warning' / 'don't do it' type of dream scenario...

And as it was depicted by two very prominent members of British society, i, quite naturally perhaps, very much feel the need to be very careful/cautious indeed, with respect to the manner in which i relate it / pass it on / convey it to those concerned, via this 'ear website of ours...

Whether its contents in any way reflect reality/truth or not, is most obviously, perhaps, completely unknown to me...

And if it is indeed reflective of truth/reality, then neither do i know whether it relates to past, present, or a possible future...

And let's face it, for all i know, those within the dream could merely be enacting an already/previously enacted real-life scenario which was simply being re-enacted within the dream by, perhaps, similarly situated/involved family-related members - simply to get an evidential Message across from Someone who has already returned Home - how would i know, for sure, after all eh...

All i do know, is that, quite a number of years ago now, a proven-to-be, rather excellent clairvoyant medium, called Betty Savage, once told me, publicly, in a particularly serious way may i add, that i should always pass on that which i have been Given - it is something that i have always remembered - and it is Advice that i always, in the main, now try to adhere to / to be true to...

Also, i must add, i very much Sense, rightly or wrongly, that one Person in particular, very much seems to feel that is of particular importance to Them personally that i do indeed pass such dream contents/details on...

So anyway, without further ado, here we go...

This full-colour dream started off with myself walking on the left-hand-side of the male involved...

We very much seemed to be really good/solid friends/chums/mates - and were completely at ease within one-another's company...

We were chatting amicably with one-another as we strolled along - before i (i think) suggested, in a fun sort of way, that we run up the gently inclined road until we reached the top - in a fairly fun and energetic way/manner...

And that denoted the end of that seemingly introductory scene/part of the dream...

In the scenes/parts that followed, i was initially within a fairly large room within a personal/private residence/property/house/abode, with the partner/wife of the earlier mentioned, seemingly very good male/friend...

Both she and myself seemed to be good friends who were very much relaxed within one-another's company...

We were both initially stood up and gently walking around such a room in a very relaxed and happy / gently playful(???) way towards each other - whilst simply gently conversing, as if simply enjoying/passing time within one-another's company if you will...

It was one of those occasions where a certain socially-acceptable gentle flirtatiousness was being enacted by said female - with myself not really recognising such female behaviour as indeed being in any way flirtatious, if you know what i mean - for, to me, said female friend was simply clearly recognised as a/the well-known friendly partner/wife of/to my very good and close male friend...

Then, in the part that seemed to fairly seamlessly follow, if my memory serves me correctly, i was seemingly seated on a dining-table type of living-room chair - when/whereby said female friend either leaned forward or sat on my lap (i can't remember for sure) and kissed me, both warmly and enjoyably, full on the lips - ('It Started With A Kiss' ~ Hot Chocolate lolz) ...

And then in the scene(s) that followed, i remember feeling rather conflicted(???) - for, on one hand, such a kiss felt rather good and promising (invitingly beckoning the start of a possible/probable lovers tryst if you will) - whereas, on the other hand, i obviously felt rather uneasy with regard to potentially betraying my close and solid friendship with said female's husband/partner...

And, finally, within what constituted the end scene, both of us were acting a bit furtively, in the sense that we both felt the inviting inevitability of such a lovers tryst developing, but, most obviously, were somewhat concerned about said male both finding out about such a potential betrayal, and being deeply hurt about it also...
And that was just about it really...

...Apart from a remembrance of me taking a smallish number of fairly deep/bright, oxygenated blood-red-coloured, fairly long lengths of cord(???)/braid(???)/shoe-lace(???) type of material (similar, perhaps, to the draw-string that is used (and is a constituent part of) to tie and pull the hood part of a hoodie-style/type of sweatshirt closer to one's head) out of a dark-brown / dullish tan, zipped-at-the-top sports(???) bag/grip/holdall, and walking through some adjoining rooms, and carrying them, in my right hand, with a certain amount of concern perhaps (as if not wanting them to be found by said very good male friend??? - it had that type of 'feel' to it anyway) ...

End of dream...

Let me just mention, very quickly, a real-life situation, which i found myself involved in, quite a few years ago now, that may possibly assist in ascertaining the true nature of a certain part of such a dream perhaps - tis one that simply returned to mind, upon/after perusal/reflection of such a dream (again, i will endeavour to be a little circumspect(???) (detail-wise) with the recounting of it)...

I had noticed that a married female that i knew very well was seeming to be rather preoccupied with a separately married male, who i also new, for longer than had seemed necessary perhaps...

...Resulting in me walking into the room where i found them to be stood rather close in front of each other, with what i deemed, rightly or wrongly, to be overly immersive eye contact with each other, whilst they were talking - resulting in me saying something (making a meaningful remark) to said female that immediately seemed to bring them both clearly/effectively back into the present / here-and-now - with said female giving me one of those, not-overly-convincing, 'we weren't up to anything untoward you know' type of looks...

Twas like i had possibly rather effectively (potentially at least perhaps), nipped something in the bud in a positive/'healthy' way, if you will - rightly or wrongly / from my personal perspective...

So what i am trying to convey really is that i feel, rightly or wrongly, that this may well be the purpose of such a dream (if indeed it in any way represents a possible future reality of course) - i.e. to attempt to nip a possibly potentially developing situation in the bud, before any possibly unpleasant repercussions come into play / present themselves to those possibly concerned...

Aren't dreams and their possible interpretations interesting sometimes - i find some of them to be so sometimes anyway - especially so, when i have not had a dream of such interest to share, for quite some time perhaps...