This dream occurred during the early morning of 8 Jan 2025, after having gone to bed the night before (sometime shortly after midnight actually) ...
In the first scene i was in some sort of plushly-carpeted auditorium-type setting, amongst a throng of other similarly seated people (nice comfortable/plush blueish material covered padded seats) - i remember feeling rather self-conscious, as a lot of other people seemed to recognise me and were giving me warm/interested looks - with one female in particular smiling warmly at me, and with me feeling quite shy about receiving such attention from her...
In the second scene twas if i was re-entering the same auditorium-type setting, with Arsene Wenger at my left-hand side - Arsene made a point of shaking my hand enthusiastically/warmly before he lept over some seats(???) rather athletically/agilely/nimbly, and going ahead - i then casually caught up with a then seated Arsene (who was facing me as he was sat/lounging, in a very relaxed way, upon a seemingly much wider seat) and was going to sit next to him but felt a wrongness in doing so, so sat in the row of seating behind him, with a fairly large space/gap/walkway between us, whilst he was still looking towards me (twas as if the large carpetted gap/walkway was some sort of delimiter and i perhaps wasn't meant to be / didn't merit sitting within his block of seating (well, either that or i simply didn't feel worthy - although Arsene didn't beckon me to join him, so i guess i simply didn't indeed merit being sat next to him) ...