18 Dec


Okey dokey, let's type this 'two sides of the same coin'(???) dream up...

Tis a dream that i had in the earlier hours of this morning, shortly before awakening...

The Philip in question refers to the former Prince Philip - the recently 'deceased' husband of the Queen...

Tis the first time that i can ever remember having a dream involving such a person - even though, over the years i have had quite a number of dreams involving that which we call Royalty...

This one took part in a slightly rectangular living type room...

If my memory serves me correctly the floor was wooden and bare, and the walls fairly nondescript (i wasn't aware of there being any wallpaper or wall painting for example)...

There only seemed to be two items of furniture at most - a two-seater settee across from where i was located - and possible another one beneath where i was standing (although i can in no way be sure of this - it was simply an impression of a possibility that i had)...

And there was a third person present throughout such a dream - namely my old street-wise friend that i referred to as 'Jeremy' within the blog entitled 'A Street-Wise Journey'...

...With 'Jeremy' being sat in a fairly relaxed manner on the same settee/sofa that Philip was sat more formally/traditionally on (sitting forward, and faced towards my direction) - with 'Jeremy' seated at the side wall side, against where said settee/sofa was positioned - and with the back of said settee/sofa against the adjacent longer wall...

...With Philip wearing a fairly light (but not overly) brown suit of varying hues, from a more sandy brown to varying other shades of brown, with possibly some thin threads of red also - twas of a traditional chequered design that was more readily common within past periods of time perhaps...

Anyway i had what could best be described as a large £2 coin in my right upturned open palm - the type with an outer fairly broad ring of brass/copper coloured metal, and an inner comparatively large circle of 'aluminium' coloured metal, upon which were three human depictions (if my memory serves me correctly) that i was focussed upon in a general/relaxed sort of way, within a certain enquiring interest - i was looking at it from different angles / planes of view, in order to try to see more of the details if you will...

...And as i became more specifically focussed/preoccupied within increasing interest/enquiry, the said 'coin' became much larger, and i realised that if the quality of the silvery circle upon which details were 'sat' was better (was made out of a mercurial/'liquid' type silver, rather than 'aluminium') then the images would become much better defined (like a computer screen with a much greater density/number of pixels for example) - causing/resulting in it, rather magically, becoming so...

It was at such a point in the dream that Philip began showing an interest also - resulting in me walking over to him, leaning forwards and thus downwards and showing it to him...

A rather amusing 'side-show' was taking place during the time i was stood on the opposite side of the room actually - well, amusing in retrospect anyway...

I noticed that 'Jeremy' produced a 'twenty bag' of cannabis that he seemed to be eager to roll a spliff from - however, he seemed to be waiting (out of presumed deference) for Philip to leave before doing so - and when he realised that Philip didn't seem to be leaving any time soon, he seemed to take the view that 'okay if you're staying i'm not prepared to wait politely any longer and you're just going to have to accept that i wish to build and smoke a spliff, as i am now really/increasingly eager to do so'...

...With Philip looking at the spread out cannabis and 'Jeremy's spliff building with a certain amount of interest (as if he may, perhaps, have fancied having/trying a toke himself, within a somewhat subtle and mildly interested sort of way)...

Anyway, after i had shown Philip the 'coin', our eyes met and engaged each other for a short period of time, in a fairly relaxed way - although there was a certain feeling of unease within me, as i realised that he had been a high ranking member of royalty, and was unsure whether it was appropriate to be completely relaxed with him (whether he would be okay with it basically) - with the non-verbal feedback from Philip being one of a certain realisation of his changed circumstances/status (as if saying / acknowledging for possibly the first time that he was no longer 'royalty', and as such it would it obviously(???) be okay to be completely relaxed/normal with him)...

And immediately after we had both acknowledged Philip's change of circumstances within such eye contact, i found us both to be stood up, with me turning round slightly and saying 'would you like a cup of tea, or a cup of coffee, or a drink of milk perhaps???'...

...Upon which i noticed two(???) extended arms to my left-hand-side holding two small (1 pint) square(ish) plastic bottles of milk (one of which was half-full, and the other which looked like it had a quantity of milk that would only suffice/accommodate the making of possibly three cups of tea or coffee at the most), causing me to think 'please don't choose the milk option, as there obviously isn't that much left (i think i had gotten the distinct feeling/impression that he was going to choose the milk option lolz)...

Anyway, in the final scene i had opened and was looking into a freezer that was crammed full of frozen vegetables(???)/food - with Philip helping to remove some of the ice build-up so that the top 'door' would close more readily/properly/fully - with such a freezer being situated within a small and somewhat cramped room that seemed to be situated just outside of the living-room...

And that folks is where such a rather interesting dream (well for me anyway) came to its conclusion...