30 Jan


Yet another totally unbidden 'FPD' (famous person dream), involving Marcus Rashford on this occasion - one that, to me, doesn't seem to be of any particular importance (we were simply interacting in a calm, friendly, matter-of-fact, every-day sort of way throughout), but hey, a rather excellent clairvoyant medium once told me (through a publicly given personal 'message' that i should always give (share) what i have received, so i have decided to log it here as i usually do with such experienced dreams...

I have absolutely no idea why i seem to have so many 'FPD's' btw - for as far as i am personally concerned famous people are simply ordinary people who have relatively high profile lives...

All i know is that i can remember having such FPD's since the 1980's, whereby i remember having quite a number of Prince Charles and Princess Diana dreams, during a time period when Princess Diana was still incarnate upon the Earth...

Who knows, maybe such things are commonalities amongst many people and i am simply not aware that such is the case...

Anyway, the dream...

It was in full detailed colour and seemed to mimic reality very readily in both a visual and interactive sense/way - and the overall theme involved a really nice/friendly black cat called Eric that a neighbour fairly recently (around 18 months ago perhaps) owned, before it went missing on a rather permanent basis (i guess either someone stole it, or the big local male fox had it for its dinner one night)...

We had seen Eric on a train at a train station in Hale (seemingly anyway) but had moved on within our ongoing interactions without him - before i later decided that we should go back to get him...

During one part of the dream Marcus was travelling on the inside of a train leaning outside a window watching me clinging onto the right hand side of the outside of such a train trying to pick something up from the ground - i then remember taking a pouch of cat food out of my right hand side jeans pocket and passing it to Marcus whilst realising that my situation was potentially quite a precarious one, and so started to take extra care about the parts of the outside of such a train that i was successively grabbing hold of as i was moving laterally leftwards across its surface...

In another part of the dream we had gotten onto a bus and were moving down the top of it towards one end of it before sitting down and chatting - there were some very ordinary lads/young males who we passed by and Marcus became ever-so-slightly silently niggled with one of them for some unknown reason (i think he may have got in Marcus's way or said something in passing perhaps)...

And then during another part of the dream we were both walking down a path which consisted of a series of paving stones/slabs with small gaps between each successive one, as if put there in order to make it easier to walk down during muddy/raining times perhaps (and with shortish uncut grass to either side) - and as we were reaching the end of such a path there were loads (9 or more perhaps) of scruffy (seemingly non-owned) black cats (they looked like their thick black coats needed a good combing) walking in front of us...

...We walked amongst them without incident (as if said cats were totally unaware of both of us) as we were passing them by - in actual fact there were more cats (not all black ones) that seemed to be following them from the left hand side (moving towards our right) that seemed to be moving out of someone's back???/front??? lowly fenced garden...

Then in the next part of the dream a small hungry tabby-type cat must have smelled the pouch of cat food that i was now carrying and was meowing fairly frantically for said food, causing me to let it know that said food wasn't for it to eat - whereby it stopped pursuing me/us and simply sat down on the pavement resignedly...

And then during the final part of the dream Marcus and i went in different directions towards said train station in search of Eric...

End of dream...

A rather bitty dream really (in this particular case involving black cats and two forms of public transport), as many of mine seem to be - but one of clarity and focus on a visual level non-the-less...

After i had awoken, and was appraising such a dream whilst still in bed, i remember feeling a bit guilty about not feeding said seemingly very hungry smaller cat - as Eric seemed perfectly okay generally really (isn't it strange what thoughts go through your mind sometimes - it was only a dream after all)...

Also, after i had awoken, the thought came to me that black cats had a certain symbology assigned to them when seen within (as part of) dreams - causing me to investigate such online, after getting up and making myself a cup of Earl grey tea...

...Apparently there are many such interpretations, dependant upon the details - so if anyone reading this wishes to see what such assigned meanings/interpretations are then please feel free to do so, obviously...