01 Mar


I had a number of dreams / dream segments last night involving King Charles and his friends/associates - one of who seemed to be struggling for dosh - but these are the two parts/bits that i have chosen to share...

The first part involved two chlorophyll-green coloured slippery-looking lengths of youngish, not fully mature/grown, cut off pieces of tree trunk that seemed to have fallen(???) off of a wooden indoor statue-like thingy that was situated within a slight recess within a main room - much to my surprise i managed to put back into place the smaller/upper of the two pieces without it slipping off, but i decided that the lower and more substantial piece was simply too heavy to lift at that time, and so left it standing upright next to said statue-like structure - later King Charles passed it by (giving it a cursory glance to his left as he did so) and i noticed that said larger piece was no longer there...

In the second dream segment i was to accompany King Charles on an outside walk to somewhere - before setting off i asked him whether i could use his square-shaped, throne-like, personal wooden bathroom/toilet that we were both stood beside, as i was in need of a pee - anyway, having been given a somewhat disinterested permission to do so, once inside, and upon inspection of the square and substantial wooden structure, i realised that it was simply still in a state of disrepair, so was unable to use it...