04 May


Sometimes something that you have Received that you have decided not to share can sort of gnaw away at you (play on your mind) until you set the intention to indeed, share it / pass it on - such has been the case in this instance, so hear goes...

I was walking down a country-type lane that i sometimes walk along when taking one of my regular walkies - i was going to visit George Clooney at his home (well, one of them anyway)...

So as i was walking along the pavement/sidewalk i arrived outside his front door - which was situated on the immediate inner edge of said pavement/sidewalk btw...

Although i had realised that there were people/folks at home and that a side/vase light was on, i realised that i, a complete stranger, could hardly simply knock on his front door completely unannounced - so i simply walked on by, so to speak, and continued on with such a walk...

In the next scene i was walking out of George's back door onto a sort of paved area, with George following me  - before i realised that i was no longer wearing my jeans...

There was a square-shaped dustbin/trashcan with a planked wooden top situated on the paved(???) area, so opened it to see if said jeans were in it - instead i noticed a presumably disgarded shiny-brown leather-edged jacket with a shiny(???) black inner lining lying flat at the top of said dustbin/trashcan instead, so i closed it once again...

I then, rather absent-mindedly, realised that there was a smart pair of nicely-creased/ironed trousers dangling across of my left forearm, so proceeded to put them on whilst the now rather fed-up George stood politely bye - he was obviously wishing that i would go take a hike, so to speak...

Anyway, as i started to walk along the pavement/sidewalk once again, i realised that the bin/trash men would only take such a disgarded short-lengthed jacket for themselves - so decided to go back and take it for myself as a sort of momento of our meeting...

As i opened the wooden top to such a dustbin/trashcan once again i this time noticed that the front side of said jacket was in fact of a rather finely corded faded(???) sage green colour - with a few worn patches/areas on it...

Anyway, then a female employee/helper was stood close to me, so i rather embarrassedly put said jacket back, closed the lid, and presumably did a rather hasty exit stage left...

End of dream...

With such a dream-mission/duty now hopefully accomplished/completed??? - dreams eh...