26 Aug


I was in a big well-to-do house (with some family members who were circulating by/amongst themselves) - one of those where, as a visitor, you would need a map to find the nearest toilet etc...

It was full of 'old money' people, leisurely talking with one-another as they sipped drinks - they seemed to be rather out of touch with the real world, and rather dim inth 'ead perhaps...

I was seemingly following/shadowing Barack for a while, (without wishing to talk to him), until he must have seemingly asked me a question (or maybe it was a question/comment to someone else???), in a rather presumptuous manner - so i said, rather sternly, 'why did have to sexualise your question/comment???', to which he replied, before immediately turning round and walking away, 'that's a very good question indeed'; i felt rather out of place within such a setting, so put on my shoes (i was walking around in my stockinged feet apparently) and eventually found my way out, after the gathering/party seemed to have come to its conclusion, and a lot of people had already left...

Added Addendum...

There was another scene within such a dream that i didn't mention - but now realise that i probably should have done...

I must have eventually found a bathroom/toilet - everything seemed to be very high up (all the fixtures and stuff)...

...And there was diarrhoea type excrement coming from everywhere - which i found (as i was walking out), to my great distaste, had seemingly inevitably gotten over parts of my hands, face, and clothing...