24 Dec


This particular blog is in relation to me leaving the Guardian Online newspaper and transferring my comments making interactions/efforts to within The Daily Telegraph Online newspaper instead - a transfer that involves a regular paid fee by the way - however, before anyone (onth Guardian for example) bursts a blood vessel of further suspicion, it is probably worth mentioning that such a regular fee is to be paid by me, rather than to me eh (after a rather generous 3 month fee-free 'testing of the waters' introductory period, may i add) ...

...Of course in Guardian land, they (or at least some of them) may very well have rather conveniently convinced themselves that such a transfer somehow categorically proves that i have spent the last 10 years or more onth Guardian as a Conservative HQ mole, one suspects - whereas, in reality, i am simply an independent thinker and, thus, floating voter, who actually tried, rather unsuccessfully (for some unknown reason) to transfer to The Independent Online newspaper initially, before being seemingly fated to transfer to the Daily Telegraph online newspaper instead - heck, i had even chosen a title of 'An_Independent_Thinker/Thunker' through which to communicate future comments...

But, hey, rather interestingly, one suspects, such a transfer to the Daily Telegraph Online newspaper could prove to be a rather educational one for me, as, seemingly at least, such a transfer frompt Guardian tooth Daily Telegraph could possibly seem akin to moving from one end of the political spectrum (far(???) left perhaps) to the other (far(???) right perhaps) ...

Anyway, with the introduction to such a blog offering now having been completed, let's move on to the 'nuts and bolts' of such a transfer shall we...

On 19 December 2022 i made three rather unsuccessful comment attempts within a seemingly now non-existant Guardian Online article...

The first one being as follows...

'If i returned to my home (after a walk or a visit to the shops for example) to find, say, several people who i knew absolutely nothing about, sleeping in my bed, relaxing on my sofa, and helping themselves to the food in my kitchen, i personally wouldn't be too pleased about it...

If i then phoned the police to ask them to come and remove them, after they had perhaps insisted that my home had now become their home also, only to be told that said police simply didn't have the authority to do so, then i definitely wouldn't be AT ALL happy about such suddenly changed personal circumstances...

In fact i would probably, additionally, very much feel the need to visit my local GP, asking for some anti-anxiety medication for example, explaining that i was finding it very difficult to sleep soundly in my bed at night - but hey, i guess that's just me - for, admittedly, i have been told that i am a particularly sensitive soul...'

Such a personal comment/analogy, regarding the ongoing problem we, in the Uk, are experiencing with illegal entry into Great Britain via boats, was simply removed...

In confusion, i then modified such an offered comment slightly in order to see if it would now be accepted - the following is such a modified second attempt...

'If i returned to my home (after a walk or a visit to the shops for example) to find, say, several people who i knew absolutely nothing about, now within my home, i personally wouldn't be too pleased about it...

If i then phoned the police to ask them to come and remove them, after they had perhaps insisted that my home had now become their home also, only to be told that said police simply didn't have the authority to do so, then i definitely wouldn't be AT ALL happy about such suddenly changed personal circumstances...

And seemingly, i am not alone in this respect, for other people seem to feel similarly...'

This attempt was indeed successfully accepted initially, until it was rather quickly removed, after someone rather curiously accused me of being racist...

So, not to be deterred, and within even greater confusion/determination, i corrected such a completely false assertion by offering this third attempt...

'If i returned to my home (after a walk or a visit to the shops for example) to find, say, several people who i knew absolutely nothing about, now within my home, i personally wouldn't be too pleased about it...

If i then phoned the police to ask them to come and remove them, after they had perhaps insisted that my home had now become their home also, only to be told that said police simply didn't have the authority to do so, then i definitely wouldn't be AT ALL happy about such suddenly changed personal circumstances...

And this publicly shared viewpoint has absolutely nothing to do with racism, in any shape or form - it is simply the way i view such a situation - i am simply not a racist, and this (3rd attempt) comment contains absolutely no indications of racism whatsoever...'

This third attempted comment offering actually stayed 'active' for a short while - and received a number of replies, some of which i responded to, in a completely acceptable/logical/polite way may i add (for i was, rather obviously perhaps, making perfectly sure that such replies were worded in a completely acceptable manner) - but, hey, when i then went to my 'comments and replies' page to check that such latest interactions were indeed still active within the comments part of such an article, i found that such a third attempted comment, plus the replies, had all been rather quickly removed, also...

This, in turn, prompted me to make the following comment - knowing that it obviously wouldn't be published, but, equally knowing that someone at the Guardian would quite obviously read it - for how could it not be read by someone if it was prevented from being published (Q.E.D. eh) ...

Oh, and by this time, if my memory serves me correctly, (which, upon this occasion, i feel sure that it does btw) i noticed that the Guardian had now put me on 'all comments pre-moderated mode' ('Your comments are currently being pre-moderated' (in red btw) ) ...

'So much for free speech eh...

Seemingly, if a person chooses to sing from a different hymn sheet, in terms of comments offered, then this is simply deemed unacceptable...

Closed minds ranking together, in order to silence other perspectives seemingly - how incredibly sad is that...'

...For, within political articles at least, this very much seemed to be the case, did it not???...

Who knows, perhaps the following earlier, first comment of the day (it was actually an 11:02am reply to a comment 'C' had made within another Guardian article), had jangled some seemingly(???) rather paranoid chains eh...

''Despite claiming to have "no working class friends"' ...

Of course he has - look no further than myself for instance...

Bestest buddies - Q.E.D. ...'

...With the 'he' referring to our Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, btw...

Why had i chosen to offer such an obviously 'tongue-in-cheek' reply, the reader of these words may (quite reasonably???) enquire/ask???...

Well, for two completely separate reasons actually...

Firstly, i had, at the time of the earlier-this-year-local-elections received a reply (one of very many, within a seemingly very short period of time, actually) from someone seemingly stating/implying that i was a Conservative HQ mole (possible signs of paranoia once again eh) - something that is rather laughably incorrect btw...

...Along with another reply that included/cited a comment that i had made some years(???) previously, where i had said, amongst other things, that i thought that Andy Burnham (the Manchester mayor) was doing a good job - resulting in me thanking them for having personally saved it for seemingly future 'evidence' against me, as it had also mentioned that i had indeed voted for Labour in the past, if my memory serves me correctly (resulting in the presumably, now, big red faced 'Conservative HQ mole' accuser's accusation being completely blown out of the water) - a rather wonderful turn of events / home goal, hey what :-) :-) :-) ...

And secondly, i had made a number of comments (see the four provided examples below) and associated replies, onth Guardian, basically saying that Rishi Sunak, in my personal opinion, should replace Liz Truss as Prime Minister - only for Liz to, very soon afterwards, be in fact replaced by Rishi Sunak - something that rather pleased me, obviously, for i had 'championed' Rishi Sunak within comments made (both with the Guardian anth Daily Mail btw) during the Conservative Party, leader selecting, series of 'husting' events (a rather strange/atypical thing for an alleged 'racist' to have chosen to do huh)...

1) At 3 October 2022 (15:19)
Personally, i simply cannot see 'i'll do anything to hold onto my job, u-turn-Liz' leading the Conservatives to victory in the next election - i honestly think that people would have further warmed welcomingly to Rishi had he been in charge, simply because he would have done the biz - but without him at the helm, i honestly think that they are already dead in the water basically...

2) At 4 October 2022 (9:48)
I have heard it said that a PM cannot be removed from office during their first year of service - but this is simply not the case is it - for, if true, such a first year serving PM could perhaps develop, or be diagnosed, with an ongoing health issue, for example, that is deemed to prevent them from carrying out their duties (perhaps to the required standards), couldn't they...

3) At 4 October 2022 (10:40)

(In response to 'Whatastateofaffairs')...

'Or simply replace her with Rishi, if deemed necessary, Whatastateofaffairs??? - he was the only other contender for such an available position after all - so, given it works that way, maybe he would be deemed as the correct and rightful substitute/successor, if such a situation ever arose???...'

4) At 24 October 2022 (14:36)

'Well done Rishi - i am very pleased for you - :-) :-) :-) ...

Now it's a matter of steadying the ship, taking care of the biz, and reaching cruising speed...

And hopefully, yourself and your personally chosen team will be the ones to do so...'

...Further fuelling the possible feelings of a growing possible/perceived paranoia amongst at least some of the 'Labour faithful' perchance??? - tis certainly how the 'joining of the dots' could possibly be perceived, after all, could it not???...

I had actually, rather cheekily perhaps, earmarked a future comment, to be made/offered over the Xmas period inth Guardian, whereby i was going to state that i had received a personally signed Xmas card from Rishi and his wife ('oh, i never realised that Rishi had sent one out to every household inth country - how incredibly generous/thoughtful of him') - received on the exact same day that i had also received an anonymous and imaginary Fortnum & Masons luxury Xmas hamper lolz - possibly best that i had moved on tooth Daily Telegraph eh, otherwise such possible/perceived paranoia may have rocketed itself through the proverbial roof at great speed eh...

...Anyway, keep it to yourself yeah ('mum's the word') - for who knows, i may get the opportunity to do so onth Daily Telegraph eh - a possible, obviously humorous, comment that may well be rather healthily/welcomingly received with much Xmas joviality (if only within my own light-hearted mind) eh...

So, bottom line, i am most certainly not prepared to be potentially silenced (within the political articles that are open to comments, at the very least) through continual comment 'moderation', as this very clearly infringes upon my ability to express my rights of free speech - and, hey, by leaving them to it, so to speak, if the Labour Party (otherwise perhaps known as the 'we are alway correct Party' / 'it's always everyone elses fault Party' / 'the incredibly/increasingly desperate Party') were to be crushed, once again, by the electorate, at the next general election, then the possibly/seemingly 'paranoid ones' within the Labour Party would surely find it more difficult to blame me personally eh - but hey, don't hold your breath eh, as they would very much seem, from my perspective at least, to always wish to blame anyone other than themselves for such ongoing woes...

Who will they be turning on next one wonders - the voice of reason, Keir Starmer, perchance???...

...Perhaps they will have a collective brain wave/fart(???) and replace him with Jeremy Corbyn eh - (sheer genius i tell thee, 'Lg') - or, who knows, maybe they will simply decide to put Party before country (surely not eh) by keeping both Jeremy and other publicly-perceived(???) 'toxic' Labour politicians, working/agitating(???) busily inth background???...

Anyway, Rishi replacing Liz was a bit of a coincidence wasn't it??? - i hear you, rather reasonably perhaps, say...

Indeed it was, i would most readily reply...

But, hey, as far as i am concerned, if such Rishi-supporting comments/replies were indeed noted and acted upon by the Conservative Party, then all well and good, for i simply wish for what is best for the country - and, rightly or wrongly, i honestly think/believe that Rishi is the right man/person for the job, and, as such, heartily wish him the very best of luck/fortune indeed within his ongoing efforts to get this country of ours up to 'cruising speed' once again - as we ALL should, surely...

And with that, let's call this blog offering a 'wrap' shall we - for the time being, at least, eh - Merry Xmas everybody :-) :-) :-) ...
