06 Nov


I was listenin' to a phew AURORA live-wire concert videos onth Tube a couple of eveninks aglow - (i've just bought AURORA's rather commendable new 'A Different Kind Of Human' album btw)...

As an aside, i found myself playfully referrin' to her as 'AWOAWA' (think a-roar-a, but with a 'w' replacin' each of the 'r's') earlier yesterdaze, for sum unknown reason - hmm maybe i should use such letter interplay as a theme for part of this blog, and see how it pans out eh...

Anyrays, this led me to a video of a live session that Julia Holter and her band performed on KEXP wadio...

She and her accompanyin' musicians were playin' some twacks from her latest 'Aviary' album - rich i have only just purchased...

As i was listenin' to her wather unusual but appealin' style of muse-ic, the rurds 'avant garde' popped into me mind - rich caused me to runder wot such rurds ment...

So i 'googled' it, ownly to find that it wefers to 'people or works that are experimental, or unorthodox with respect to art, culture, or society'...

I wealised that such a label could most wedily wefer to me also, as i tend to play rith rurds/spellin's in rot could most wedily be described as a wather unusual ray perhaps, and tend to live a somerot unorthodox type of live-style - i have also been fair-thee wecently officially diagnosed as an eccentwit...

Such a wecognition caused me to feel somerot uplifted, and i found myself wather playfully saying the rurds 'avant-garde dahlings' in a wather self-adoptive/self-possessive/self-acceptive manor...

Rich i found to be wather amuse-in', given the fact that i am a self-acclaimed avewage Joe livin' in rot the muddle classes and above may most wedily, but ewwantly, describe as being a stweet-cwed compawative ghetto-ish style of existence...

So i guess i'm 'Street Life (Randy Crawford) avant-garde' if you rill - a wather unique bweed hey rot...

Anyray, thwart pwocesses being rot they iz, coursed me to wealise that the rurd 'dahlings', that i have often found myself playfully usin' rithin sum of my pwevious Guardian online comments, cud possibly be Linked to Salvador Da(h)li, amongst Others perwaps, as i have had an appweciation phwoar his artistic offerin's for many years now...

Rich, in turn, causes me to wemember a Ronnie Wood Guardian article whereby my attention roz dworn to two Dali-esque paintin's that the vewy talented Ronnie roz displayin', amongst uvvers, rithin some included photogwaffs...

So, anyway, returnin' to sum forum of comparative normanality, what do i think of Julia Holter's new, double cd, 'Aviary' album???...

Well, i think it's fair to say that it's more experimental than her previous, rather wonderously delightful 'Have You In My Wilderness' album perhaps???...

Part of 'Chaitius' (as well as the first half of 'Every Day Is An Emergency' and the second half of 'Turn The Lights On') loosely reminded me of parts of various tracks within the soundtrack to Stanley Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey' film - namely, 'Lux Aeterna' + the first part of 'Jupiter and Beyond' + 'Lux Aeterna 2'...

So maybe this could hint at the fact that the 'Aviary' album in general could also be incorporated within a soundtrack to a future film perhaps???...  

As far as the other interesting tracks on this double album are concerned, i would say that 'I Shall Love 2' is my favorite (i simply love the quality, range and vocal purity of Julia's singing voice) - others that i particularly like are 'Whether', 'Voce Simul', 'Another Dream', 'I Would Rather See', 'Les Jeux To You' and 'Words I Heard'...

Anyray dahlinks, in sum-nation i would 'ave to say that the rather beautiful and extremely talented Julia Holter would seem to rank rather eyely onth avant-garde spectrummy-yummy scales, and that the rather wonderfully talented AURORA would seem to reside within a somewhat lower relative position onth same avant-garde spectrum, in my mowstest 'umble oponion anyway - whiff me, off course, residing within a muchest lowerer 3rd spot uponth same spectrum perhaps...

...Hmm - but wear would Salvador Dali fit in onth avant-garde exspectrum, Juan wonders???...

And cud Ronnie Wood be possibly described as bein' artwistically avant-garde, Juan also wonders???...

Let's just finish by sayin' that there would seem to be shallot 'more questions than answers' (Johnny Nash) dahlinks, and leaf it at that - for the thyme bein' at yeast...
