26 Nov


Well this surprise blog offering was spawned whilst looking through my YouTube 'Homepage' on this early Thursday morning, interestingly enough...

...When i saw a song title called 'Heaven Is A Place On Earth' by Belinda Carlisle...

Causing me to think, 'well 'heaven', in a very general sense, can be wherever you happen to find it' - when you have found a certain level of 'happiness' / sense of 'security' within your life perhaps...

However, if you do happen to think that it comprises a 'place on Earth', then this would/could seem to suggest that you also think that 'when the light go out' (upon physical bodily 'death'), then that's the end of your existence...

So such a flawed/limited philosophy/outlook/view-point always ends in tragedy really - and simply doesn't represent the R/reality of the situation...

So from this perspective, such a very limited philosophy/outlook/view-point simply represents illusion/ignorance really...

So what truly is Heaven??? - one may very reasonably ask...

Well from my P/perspective it is a Place of Residence that we aspire to - a Place to work towards / earn during each of our Earthly sojourns/incarnations...

It is a Place of Happiness/Fun/Peace, high vibrational Colours, general Upliftment, and Wonderment perhaps...

...A place where We can be more Creative...

...A Place where We can perhaps learn new skills in preparation for our next incarnation...

...A Place of Higher Learning opportunities perhaps...

...A Place of Hope and re/further-Energisation of our Being...

...A Place that leads Us to further personal/individual Evolutionary opportunities...

...A Place where We find OurSelves within the Company of Friends - both old and new perhaps...

...Etc etc etc...

A Place, or indeed perhaps many (innumerable perhaps) Places ('My Father's House has many Mansions' perchance???) Where 'the World is (perhaps) Our Oyster' as They seemingly say...

And there you go - another blog finished - all i need now is a Tune lol (patience my Dear boy, patience)...
