11 Dec


I originally paid for this site of O/ours to be active for three years - believing it to be a simple/straight-forward three year contract - a contract that i could possibly renew for a period of a further one to three years, if i wished to...

I had absolutely no idea that there was an 'automatic renewal' default setting that came with such a contract - none whatsoever...

I simply supposed that i would be contacted and offered a contract extension/renewal near the end of such a three year agreed contract...

I had actually become somewhat bored/tired with/of it all by circa April of this year and believed that it had all simply come to it's natural conclusion - and as such had made some preparations to fill my time with other things - like gaming and learning to play my virtually unused Yamaha keyboard for example...

So, by the time the three year contract was nearing its end i found myself to be feeling both somewhat freed on the one hand, and somewhat sad on the other - it had constituted an interesting three year period in my life, and i simply felt that a cycle within my life was reaching its natural ending - even though i had amassed around 16 future blog titles (the majority of which had musical accompaniments already assigned to them) and some intended MUSICal additions...

But i simply felt unenthused basically, so left them all in obeyance, thinking 'well it probably doesn't matter whether they get done or not really'...

Then, come November, i unexpectedly received a text from the bank asking me whether it was me who had authorised a payment of slightly more than £400 to renew this 'ere website of O/ours - 'no' i replied - and so the payment was simply not completed...

'Thank Heavens for the new banking verification measures' thought i, and left it at that, feeling safe/assured that such a contract wouldn't be renewed against my unvoiced wishes...

However, on the 6th December i found that such a sum had now gone through and this 'ere site was up and running once again, without any intervention by myself with the website host whatsoever...

Thank Heavens that i had more than enough money to cover both it and my regular monthly payments without it impinging upon my ability to enjoy Xmas eh...

Twas only on Friday 9th Dec, in actual fact, that i looked for and found such an 'auto-renewal' function in operation - one that i deactivated straight away lest it happened once again btw - but hey, joy upon joy, i then found that such a taken sum of money has renewed this website for three more years, rather than for the one single year that i had earlier presumed it to be/represent...

Very reasonable indeed i would say - how much it will be used is anyone's guess of course - maybe simply for more interesting dreams to be added (i have 2 outstanding ones already btw), and/or the occasional blog, time will tell i guess...
