08 Apr


During the period of time that i was making comments onth Guardian newspaper as 'AnAverageJoe' dahlings, i was told by a couple of other commenters that, in their opinion, i wasn't 'average'...

I'm pretty sure that they meant it as a compliment - seemingly suggesting that some of my typed contributions were, in their opinion, more than 'average' perhaps...

If my memory serves me correctly, i replied to each of them within explanation of why i deemed myself to be 'average' - i had only got one solitary 'O' level (in woodwork) during the first taking of such 'O' levels, whilst in the 5th year of high school for instance...

...And had stayed on through the 6th and upper 6th years upon my mother's advice - i had been offered (after the initial selection of the first chosen candidate, whom i assume must have later declined such an offer for some, to me, unknown reason) a position at a golf club other than the one i was a junior member of (my mother and father were steward and stewardess of such a golf club btw) and my mother had (with uncharacteristic wisdom in my then opinion) said, 'what if it doesn't work out - you will have no qualifications to carry you through life' (or words to such effect)...

Possibly rather fortunately, such words of wisdom had rung true at that time (in truth i did not believe that i could become good enough to later be a professional golfer anyway) and so i heeded such motherly advice...

Thus i stayed on at school for two extra years - but not to study for 'A' levels (although i did sit the exams, rather unsuccessfully in actual fact, for a solitary 'A' level in 'geometrical engineering drawing' whilst in the upper sixth year) like the other students, but to eventually amass 5 such 'O' levels (or the equivalent of) by the end of the upper sixth year...

If my memory serves me correctly i then went on to explain that i had studied on a day-release basis, whilst at work, for a work related professional institute qualification of three years duration - and that i had also elected to study at night-school for an 'ONC' in 'business studies' during the same time period (where i also elected to successfully sit the examinations for three additional course-related 'O' levels btw), and that later i had studied at night-school for various computer related subjects...

But no, i had no 'A' levels to my name, and i hadn't attended university, as i suspected many of such Guardian commenters had - so i was 'average'...

...In fact, within such company at least, i was very much less than 'average' - for a variety of reasons perhaps...

Now when i am Inspired, i may appear to be more than 'average' perhaps - but such a misperception, from my perspective, would merely constitute a perspective of (Spiritual) ignorance...

...For without such Inspiration we could, each of us, perhaps be deemed to be very 'average' indeed - i very much feel that i am, that's for sure...

Now some (whom perhaps wouldn't wish such to be the case) may suggest/say/assert that such self-declared 'averageness' is merely a sign/reflection of low self-esteem perhaps - whereas i would say, quite categorically in fact, 'no it isn't - i am simply being truthful, as i see truth to be'...

Now here's the thing - what if i, rather conveniently perhaps, deluded myself into believing that all such Inspiration derived itself from a deeper part of myself???...

...How could/would it affect my ego and pride dahlings??? - well one would readily suggest that it could, perhaps very easily, further exacerbate such feelings of inflated self-worth...

...Resulting in the rather self-deleterious inflation of such ego and pride dahlings - could it not???...

...And making one believe that one was rather, better / more worthy, than other self-deemed 'less talented' people - could it not???...

...And if so, causing separation to take place and, developing / bringing into existence, a very much 'them and us' way of being - could it not???...

And what about when we return Home - when our physical vehicle of expression (our physical body) 'gives up the ghost' within???...

...When we perhaps meet such Inspirers and then realise/understand, without doubt, that we had, knowingly or otherwise, deluded ourselves into believing (perhaps by preference - subconscious or otherwise) that it was we that were the 'great' and 'gifted' ones - and of the way we had, treated / looked down(???) upon, those whom we had deemed to be lesser souls/beings/ mere mortals...

...And of the karmic debts that such people may perhaps of amassed/accumulated due to such hindered ways of being/choosing...

So, moving on, what does seeking to be 'average' really/actually mean - to me at least???...

Well, in the real sense, for those whom perhaps really do, have / suffer from, issues of low self-esteem, it is something to aspire to perhaps...

...And for those whom perhaps, have/suffer from, inflated egos/pride and an elevated sense of self worth, it is a way of self-balancing/correcting - a way of, attaining / residing within (a fairly broad band perhaps, of) observational/active neutrality (The 'middle way' of Buddhism perhaps???)...

There are those who would seem to handle such fame/celebrity, very well / rather admirably, perhaps - they would seem simply to go to work and, do / continue with, their jobs and then return to their family/normal lives without such fame/celebrity affecting them at all...

And there are those who would perhaps seem to actively embrace such fame/celebrity - perhaps to their own cost(???)/detriment(???)...

...Whilst others, perhaps, see all too clearly(???) the inherent dangers that could perhaps lie in wait for them - and so they instead simply choose, of their own free-will perhaps, to avoid such potential distractions by working more quietly and/or anonymously, within the comparative background so to speak, and within the environments of their own choosing(???) perhaps...

...Environments of comparative 'normality' perhaps - and with people/neighbours whom may help to keep such 'average' people much(???) more grounded within reality(???) perhaps; 'man know thyself' perchance???...
