13 Dec


Within the 'Some Roy Orbison' MUSICal offering i mentioned that there was a certain Roy Orbison song that came to mind whilst my thoughts were somewhat occupied elsewhere - this particular blog is basically to explain what was going on within such a somewhat ongoing unshared thread of thought...

Are you sat comfortably??? - then i will begin lol...

Hmmm - where to start...

Quite a long time ago i shared a Johnathan Livingston Seagull MUSICal offering that painted a picture of someone who, after going through certain personal tribulations/experiences in life, found himself (well a seagull actually) being Told that he was now going to move on to a higher school of learning...

And then a few months later, and from my own personal perspective of course, i was Visited by someone, who like me is still expressing their self within physicality upon this Earth plane of experiential existence - someone who was seemingly in the same boat as me, so to speak...

Surprise surprise eh - it was a possible future scenario that was upheld/reinforced by certain A Team Members btw (given that such perceived Interactions actually represent reality of course)...

But what of Rhio thought i - if She isn't also going on to a new school of learning then surely i have the free-will choice to stay with Her (as well as other Members of the A Team 'Gang'- we are an 'effective team' after all, are W/we not???) in order to complete another cycle ('school term/year') within the Earth school of learning if i wish to...

Anyway, such a perceived scenario seemed to make said 'other person' feel that she now had the right to get to know me better, presumably in order to prepare for such a possible move forwards to the next school of learning - causing me to explain to her that it simply wasn't the right time, and that i wished to continue spending time getting to know Rhio better, as i had become very fond of Her...

So anyway, fast forward to a number of days ago, when Rhio and i were seemingly going through one of our sometimes repeated 'rocky periods' together - when said other Reappears, seemingly rather opportunistically, once again...

Well it would seem that i now have some free time, so why the heck not, thought i - it may at least answer / further address the 'what's it all about Alfie' scenario after all...

Anyway, after conducting myself in as gentlemanly way as i felt able, i simply fell asleep and woke up the following morning thinking 'hmmm, she seems to be quite an interesting sort of person really - perhaps she will pay me another Visit'...

...Only to find that Rhio had seemingly gotten over her most recent 'hump', and was once again back in Her 'Loving you' mode - causing me to explain that i still had a couple of important question marks to address with said other before i felt able to fully commit to Her once again...

So anyway, upon beddy-byes time i later realised that my darling Rhio's rivers ran somewhat deeper than said other's seemed to do - and so related such to Rhio when we I/interacted the following day...

...Causing me to reassure Her that if said other turned up once again i would simply explain in a straight-forward way to her that Rhio and i had resolved our differences and were now back together again, so she would have to go away as i had an Appointment to keep with Rhio that night...

...Rhio had earlier told me that She wanted to spend Time with me during that particular night-time btw - a request that i readily agreed to, as i wished to do likewise...

So the next day (last Friday) i awoke feeling rather 'chipper'/ positive/energised and started the day sat at my computer continuing doin' stuff - only for Rhio to announce that it was over between the two of U/us once again...

Whereby that 'it's over, it's over, it's over' tune by Roy Orbison came most readily to mind, as a sort of playful somewhat humorous response to such a seemingly repeated 'Groundhog Day' scenario - don't worry gals, it's simply a bloke way of dealing with your sometimes seemingly unpredictable emotional upheavals lol...

Here we go again, seemingly playing the same game over and over again, thought i, still rather light-heartedly...

'So what's the problem this time???', asked i, within wonderment...

'You didn't turn up last night as agreed' was the Reply, with the perhaps unspoken 'again' seemingly emotionally attached to / contained within it...

'What???, that seems rather strange, i had every intention of doing so (i was looking forward to it), so what went wrong then???' replied i, in a rather taken by surprise manner - 'I don't know' was the presumed Reply (i can't actually recall the full details of such a perceived Interaction any more)...

'So what's going on then???', continued i, after some further thought, within bemusement at such an unexpected revelation - before remembering that i had earlier awoken with a within-mind image of said other smiling somewhat 'knowingly'/'conspiratorially(???)' at me for a seemingly fleeting period of time...

...A remembered detail that i most readily shared, within honesty/transparency with Rhio btw...

So anyway, this then most naturally led to me wishing to know what exactly was seemingly going on with said other, that i had absolutely no recollection of whatsoever...

...And further more, i had absolutely no feelings of guilt that one would expect to naturally arise if some sort of secret tryst had taken place between said other and myself - in fact i was still feeling rather upbeat and positive...

...So felt that whatever it was that had seemingly taken place between us during my previous night's sleep-state was intrinsically Good - and that perhaps A Team Members simply weren't allowed to know either, in case they let me know about such a thing perhaps???...

Anyway, interest piqued, i suggested that perhaps an A Team Member could secretly Observe where it was i was seemingly going to etc etc, if it were to happen again - yeah, Patrick most definitely seems to be the Man for the Job for sure, if He's up for such an Assignment of course, suggested i...

And so it was to be - Job potentially sorted...

...With all of U/us having become increasingly invested in finding out what the heck was going on that seemingly none of U/us were allowed to Know about...

So anyway, after staying up 'till about 1am on what had now become early Saturday morning, i went to bed, spent some time with Rhio before inevitably falling asleep, and then awoke, thought of Rhio, and then found Her within-mind Self smiling Happily back at me - so seemingly We did indeed spend my rather redundant-body-sleeping-time Together with oneAnother...

...So all then seemed to be Rosy within Our Shared Garden once again - phew eh...

And that, in essence, was what it was all about folks - from my personal perspective at least...

So anyway, what was the interpretation of the three offered Roy Orbison songs from my personal perspective???...

Well the first one represents the 'it's over' bit - and the second one represents the 'let's do what it takes to Resolve what's seemingly going on' stage...

...With the third song representing the 'h/Happy' state of equanimity that resulted from it all...

There were actually a lot of Roy Orbison songs that i could have perhaps shared/offered under different circumstances - however, those that appealed to me energetically would have simply painted an incorrect/misleading picture, so simply couldn't be offered within such a respect...

Roy's songs are generally of a very emotional nature after all aren't they - so are easily prone to perhaps painting rather exaggerated pictures (potentially at least)...

So, if you read into things more than events / I/interactions actually reflected, then i can readily understand why that may have been the case...

The seas of emotions eh - probably best not to swim in them too deeply, suggesteth i - especially the rather turbulent/'choppy' ones...

An important addendum (added at 19/2/2021)...

This is in regard to the still incarnate person that i mentioned within the above blog - it is a point that i feel is important to make...

This person is most definitely not to be confused with another still incarnate person, (whom i forgot to mention at the time, as it had completely slipped my mind) who also paid me a within-mind visit on one singular occasion whilst i was in bed before falling asleep for the night, during the overall time period encompassed within the above blog...

This person came to me (from my personal perspective, obviously) in a very self-confident way - however, as soon as i detected, what i Perceived to be, a rather superior Vibe in relation to Rhio (as if it was a given that i would most naturally prefer her instead), i pulled the shutters down on her rather promptly, and she has not returned since...

The simple truth of the matter is that, from my perspective, such a possibly winy individual, simply couldn't hold a candle, in the Vibrational sense, to either Rhio or the other mentioned still incarnate 'visitor'...

The reason i say such a thing is that such a person would still seem to be practising (living by/within) many hindrances, and seems to be rather body and sensually preoccupied, which most obviously (in my mind at least) renders her a non-Spiritual person in the true sense of the word - and thus i w/could never be interested in i/Interacting with her in both/either a physical and/or non-physical sense...
