03 Apr


On 15 January i decided to take a bit of a holiday from my online interactions...

Why did i choose to do so???, you may reasonably ask...

Well, whilst a member of the Buddhist meditation centre that i used to attend, many moons ago now, i remember taking my first break from such meditational activities, due to the effects of the rising energies resulting from constant day-to-day solitary and group meditations - i simply found such rising/accumulating energies difficult to deal with when they reached a certain level, and so elected to stop meditating for a while in order to allow such energies to naturally subside...

Similarly perhaps, i find that such energies (or my personal perception of them at least) can and do tend to arise/increase perhaps as a result of what i tend to do on this 'ere website of ours...

Tis a perceptual thing that i now seem to detect perhaps a lot earlier than i used to back inth meditational days - it can sometimes 'unground' me, if you understand what i mean...

...And such a, perhaps cumulative, elevated and 'ungrounded' experience can/could, i feel/sense, cause a certain level of unskillfulness to arise within me perhaps - so that, in a nutshell, is why i chose, of my own free-will, to 'holiday' for a while fairly recently...

I actually enjoy taking breaks anyway - i enjoy the increased personal freedom that such breaks can perhaps facilitate...

So what did i get up to???, you may reasonably ask/enquire...

Hmmm - a good memory-testing question, i would initially counter...

Well, i bought some books, music, film dvd's and other such stuff that took my fancy online...

...And then, shortly after, (if my memory serves me correctly) i did my back in as i was lifting a not overly heavy, but rather somewhat large and awkwardly shaped object onto a table for 'emp-proofing' - not that i'm in anyway unfit and possibly 'easy meat' for some of the much younger street-wise guys who live in my neck of the woods you understand...

It sort of incapacitated me for about ten days - and was of a rather painful nature...

I would perhaps of ventured out to get some painkillers, if i was able - but such was simply not the case...

...Until ten days after, when i needed to get Rocky some more cat litter from the local shop - something that i managed to accomplish with the aid/help of an old broom that i used as a crutch btw...

Anyway, onth eleventh or twelfth day i realised that such previous exercise had done me some good, as i had hoped it would do - so i then managed to venture out much further, without the help of said broom, to my less local supermarket...

And after that everything was thankfully back to being fairly hunky-dory - causing me to rather relievedly feel 'good to go' once again...

But hey, as they seemingly quite correctly say, 'every cloud has a silver lining' - as such physical incapacitation meant that i had great difficulty sitting down (or in fact, getting in and out of bed), so i took such an unexpected opportunity to make great headway inth 'emp-proofing' department...

...Something i could do, with considerably less pain, whilst standing up - yippee eye ay eh...

Anyway, as i have known for some considerable time now - doing such simple tasks can often be/yield the ideal environment/circumstances for Inspiration to flow...

...And so it proved itself to be - rather repeatedly in fact...

...To the extent that, by the end of such a period of time, i had written down many such pieces of scribbled Inspiration (along with accompanying tunes that seemed to come rather readily actually) - over thirty potential candidates for future offerings on this 'ere website of ours, in fact...

...Inspirations, no doubt, from that newish upstart Editor, JJ - talk about a new broom sweepin' clean eh...

It made me think, 'she's gonna be workin' me like a dog man' - (well tryin' to perhaps innit)...

...Especially so when realisin' that new stuff was perhaps bound to come in during the unfoldment of future time - bummer huh...

And talkin' of bummers...

...I found that coffee, and dates strangely enough, can seem to make me light-headed for some strange and unknown reason - adding wotsit (oh, 'credence') to that well-known phrase, 'we are what we eat/consume' perhaps???...

Anyway, such light-headedness seemingly caused me to then fall off a stool that i was stood upon whilst looking for something on the top of my wardrobe one evening, as i was stepping down from it - resulting in me almost (well perhaps anyway) getting skewered, possibly multiple times, by a rather large and substantial mirror that came crashing down from off the top of a nearby chest of drawers as i impacted it...

...such a fall causing me to later realise that i had seemingly damaged a few of me ribs and bruised the area of tissue/skin below them - resulting in me experiencing some discomforture (especially so whilst electing to sleep on my favoured right side) whilst in bed, and whilst sitting on me computer chair and the floor whilst doin' stuff...

...Something that i am still aware of experiencing, to a very much milder extent, to this day btw...

I could perhaps have sought medical attention in both cases - but i don't like bothering the doctor too readily, as they tend to be pretty busy people after all...

...And i am a great believer in giving the body time to heal itself naturally anyway - and in the case of me back, i was simply unable to do so anyway...

...Which reminds me to mention those Thompson Twins personalised lyrics that came to my mind somewhat earlier  - the ones that i chose to share on this 'ere website of ours, on 8 January within the 'VIDEOS' area...

...'Doctor doctor, can you hear me calling calling' - possibly pretty spooky huh...

Anyway, back to the energies...

They actually subsided well before i decided to resume these 'ere website interactions - however, i simply decided to allow such a settled state to establish itself to a much greater extent before choosing to return, such is my want, so to speak...

And that is all i have to share regarding such a subject folks - unless something else comes to mind later of course...

Ahaa - there was indeed something that i had overlooked...

When my back had pretty much recovered, i found that i was left with some discomforture in my right hip joint - namely the area of the socket that the top ball of the femur bone fits into...

Such a later fall from off the stool i was standing on fixed such discomforture - thus another, rather welcoming, 'silver lining' occurrence was experienced...
