18 Apr


This blog is to remind me why i said the following within the 'bits n bobs' area on 17 April 2020...

...'New Daily Mail headline: Spinach Linked To The Film 'A.I. Artificial Intelligence' - aren't coincidences amazing??? (well this one was - for me at least)...' ...

'ohwellwhatever' had made the following comment regarding an article entitled 'Smoking marijuana even just occasionally could increase the risk of suffering severe complications from coronavirus, doctors warn' on 15(???) April 2020...

...'Well, this seems ridiculous to me. I've never smoked let alone smoked weed however, I'm pretty certain a fair majority of the world have at some point so you might as well correlate CV to spinach'...

To which i lightheartedly replied...

'Tomorrows article - 'Spinach Linked To COVID-19'...' ...

So, i then watched the A.I. Artificial Intelligence' film on the evening of 16 April - as i said i may do within the 'bits n bobs' area a little earlier that day...

...Only to see the main character, David, a 'human' A.I. furiously eating spinach in response to some goading by his human 'sibling'...

'Aren't coincidences amazing (well this one was - for me at least)' i wrote down on a notepad, sometime after watching such a film...

Yep, it really is as simple as that...

Oh - and the film???...

...Twas first released in 2001 apparently - and is a film that i can very much recommend watching...
