04 Oct


If my memory serves me correctly (which, on this particular occasion, i think it does), the idea for this particular blog came to me during the final stage of my second, later afternoon, walkies onth/during 29 September 2021 - possibly immediately after another blog theme was borne actually...

It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul - and windows are two-way devices that can both be looked into and looked out of - thus, perhaps hinting at / representing a possible two-way flow of energy/information, both from /out of and to/into such a 'soul' perhaps...

And when we are relaxed/relaxing, the information we are digesting/observing seems to be much more readily absorbed/processed doesn't it - often sponge-like perhaps, into our Being/mind/soul - be that information coming/originating from films/movies, tv, video games, books, newspapers, advertisements, social media / internet interactions, etc...

So it is possibly of little surprise that any potentially unhealthily oriented contents could possibly very much more readily influence our thoughts and actions for the worse - as well as perhaps activating / further refuelling our more predisposed primal desires - possibly aided by possibly still latent previous-life predisposed hindrances / unhealthy predilections that have yet to be fully healed / brought back within a more balanced state of being...

...And as is sometimes said, after all - garbage in, garbage out - or at least the possibility of such being the case anyway...

So what possible examples most readily come to mind???...

a) Those that may (further???) (re)activate possibly predisposed desires of a sexual nature...

1) Being shown / witnessing / reading about inappropriately young children wearing inappropriately skimpy and perhaps tight-fitting/body-hugging clothing - especially so perhaps, when such children are viewed innocently enjoying/expressing themselves??? - and possibly affecting/influencing those who are more readily predisposed to seeing such children in a sexual way perhaps...

2) Being shown / witnessing/viewing / reading about sexual activities between adults - especially when of a more immersive/indulgent/gratuitous nature perhaps...

3) Being shown / witnessing/viewing/promoting / reading about non-consensual, and possibly stalker-type, sexual activities between adults - especially so within more immersive enactments of rape for example, perhaps...

b) Those that may (further???) (re)activate possibly predisposed desires of a violent/predatory nature...

1) Being shown / witnessing/viewing/promoting / reading about various weapons being used in order to exact revenge/discipline/control - especially when of a more immersive/indulgent/gratuitous nature perhaps...

2) Being shown / witnessing/viewing / reading about the enactments of torture perhaps...

3) Being shown /witnessing/viewing/promoting / reading about enactments of unhealthy social control/coercion - such as those sometimes seen within unhealthy gang-type cultures perhaps...

c) Those that may unknowingly promote various forms of potential employment for the wrong motivations/reasons...

1) Being shown / witnessing/viewing/enacting / reading about the 'bad cop' in action perhaps??? - especially when such 'bad cops' are perhaps seen to be gaining in some way or another by unhealthy/unlawful/unsavoury ways of being???...

2) Being shown / witnessing/viewing/enacting / reading about war-type situations whereby those so empowered are seen to be taking the law into their own hands perhaps??? - for reasons of unhealthy self-gratification/control/coercion for example???...

3) Being shown / witnessing/viewing/enacting / reading about other types of employment where the possible glorification of ill-gotten gains is being promoted for example???...

d) Other possible candidates for potential concern/consideration perhaps???...

1)'Girly' magazines and sexually oriented/themed online sites??? - especially the more sexually explicit ones perhaps???...

2) The more sexualised images/photos within certain (online) newspapers perhaps??? - especially so when such images/photos are a regular feature/part of such (online) newspapers perhaps???...

3) Some of the more raunchy, sexually suggestive (and more sexually attired/clothed) (musical) performances perhaps??? - especially so when such 'artistes' are attracting (and thus potentially influencing) a much younger (female) audience perhaps???...

So are there any possible karmic consequences for those actively promoting/enacting such-like activities/images/etc towards their targeted/potential audiences, one may quite reasonably ask/enquire???...

Well logically one would tend to suggest that there may well be, could there not??? - especially so, perhaps, if such a medium/vehicle of entertainment was deemed to be a particularly 'successful' one that perhaps reached a very/particularly large audience - one where many more, possibly more vulnerable, people's minds could have been negatively/unhealthily impacted/affected perhaps...

But most possibly we wouldn't find out until we had shed our mortal coils and returned Home to that which is most commonly termed 'the afterlife' would we...

...Whereby we could possibly be Shown the effects such/our activities have had on certain other unhealthily affected/influenced individuals - could we not???...

...As well as how such affects may have possibly caused such peoples lives (or part(s) thereof) to have been unhealthily/negatively impacted / derailed by such activities - could we not???...

...As well as perhaps realising how such activities may possibly negatively impact/affect, not only our own afterlife conditions, but possibly our possible future lives/incarnations also - could we not???...

So i guess it's a kind of tick-tock tick-tock, time will tell, type of situation really isn't it...

But, at the very least, i would personally certainly suggest that such thoughts/sharings could perhaps constitute a very valid form of food for thought - could they not???...
