12 Dec


During the time when i was generally tidying up my amassed jumble of books, i found four A4 pieces of paper (stapled together in two separate pairs) - upon which are two separate AOL communications with a lady who called herself 'Joy3439' - together with four personally written poems that she decided to share with me...

It all came as rather a surprise to me actually, as i have absolutely no recollection of such interactions between the two of us whatsoever - none at all - weird huh...

So anyway, as such interactions form part of my spiritual journey through life, i have decided to share them here on 'ourquantumparticulates.org', within POEMS...

As i was earlier typing such poems (verbatim btw) i decided to include an accompanying blog in order to both explain where and how such poems came into my possession, and to share the attached personal communications that 'Joy3439' chose to share with me...

So, without more ado, here is the first verbatim transcription of the two such communications, in its entirety...

Subj: Hello

Date: 28/02/2001 08:20:28 GMT Standard Time

From: Joy3439

To: Ryvita man

Hi Tex 

Hope you enjoyed the topic yesterday. I had to leave sadly and would have loved to have been there to the finish. Also my friend KT Frankovich is a clairvoyant psi, writer, poet and one extraordinary person. Her accounts in her book Where Heavens Meet left me wondering how many times we describe observed phenomena as one thing when it is actually another.

I have heard of out of the body experiences and also the reference lucid dreaming. I do believe in the various planes and our ability to move from one dimension to another.

When i was researching eastern philosophies i learned of the 4 major areas of the mind and more specifically the difference between Ego and Spirit.

If you know anything about these subjects i would like to chat about them or could you tell me who i would be better discussing this with.

Thank you

Have a nice day


(Helen Arnold)

This was then followed with the sharing of 'The Other Side Of Nowhere' and 'The Forever Day'...

Later that day i apparently received the following, second, of such two personal communications...

Subj: Re: Hi Again :-)

Date: 28/02/2001 14:07:44 GMT Standard Time

From: Joy3439

To: Ryvita man

Thank you Terry for taking the time and trouble to explain. It is always difficult for me to ascertain what peoples understanding of observed phenomena actually is. As you say peoples collection of memories, understanding and reliance on dogma colour the whole picture. We see fragmentation in the many schools of thought, but i see this as one of the many paths on the way to understanding and knowledge.

Yes, my studies were all mainly Hindu based in the beginning of my own search, but i read a book called A Course In Miracles. This book has totally changed my life and views and given me a wider understanding and appreciation of all cultures and religions.

Some years ago i was ill and had a bad breakdown. This over a period of weeks meant all my sleep patterns were disturbed and at times were non existent. I felt to be awake all the time and was so tired but could not sleep. However it was during one of these times that i had either a dream or hallucination or something else. It was so real and i was sat in a chair fully awake. A wall across the room seemed to melt away and i saw into the grounds of the Garden. I walked through the wall into the garden and what i saw and experienced is now years later coming out in poetry. I have never written, enjoyed or read poetry until my own writing began. When i see the whole collection it amazes me and i wrote it.

I will not publish this first poem i share with you but this was a real happening to me.

Also since the poetry began my other senses are more acute - i do at times have visions of one sort or another. I enclose one or two i hope for your enjoyment and no i am not a loony though at times i wonder :-))

Best wishes


(Helen Arnold)

And this second one was then followed with the sharing of 'The Garden', 'Jacob's Ladder', and 'The Forever Day' (once again)...

So there you are - two separate personal communications that i have absolutely no recollection of what so ever - wow...

Whether there were more than two, and i have simple lost them, who knows...

For how long we interacted, and what else we may have possibly discussed with one another, who knows...

All i do know is that during such a particular period of time i also was struggling with what is rather generically termed as 'mental health issues'...

'Issues' that were diagnosed as clinical depression and anxiety at the time...

...All though such assigned/designated labels really described / related to symptoms rather than causes...

The truth being, one would most readily suggest, is that such a path of Spiritual enquiry tends to, rather understandably really, rearrange one's marbles a bit...

But hey, all normalises itself eventually, so it does, so it does...

What a very lovely, interesting, and highly intelligent lady she seems...

...And no, she most definitely wasn't a 'loony'...

...I think that is rather obvious really isn't it...

Anyway, such shared poems are now within POEMS, under the title of 'Some Shared Poetry' - well worth a read, one would most readily suggest...
