03 Apr


Many thousands of years ago a species had investigated the genetic structure/make-up of their own physical body / vehicle of expression...

And much to their eventual karmic cost, they decided to 'upgrade' themselves - not realising that such 'upgrades' would set them on a path further and further away / out of balance from/with nature...

...A path of conquest rather than mutual co-habitation/learning - a path whereby they would increasingly see/view planets and other species as mere resources to be plundered for their own selfish uses/purposes...

Such genetic tinkering was akin to cutting/removing part of a length of string - and gluing the resultant pieces/ends together to form a shorter overall length of string...

...Not realising that in order to remain in balance/harmony with their home planet, and all that lived upon it, they needed to 'walk the evolutionary walk' of the whole, uncut, length of 'string'...

So, fast-forward time, and such a species had developed yet further, technologically, down such a hindered path - become increasingly out of balance with their then ailing home planet - and having developed artificially intelligent robotics to assist them in their quest for domination and conquest...

...Artificial intelligences that were, quite logically, programmed to be as hindered in their approach to live in general as their creators were...

And so onwards they ventured - conquering other planets, both within and outside of their own star system - and as a consequence bringing other life-forms/species under their subjugation as they went...

With such artificial intelligences sometimes both conquering and eradicating, some of their, now far spread, biological creators - as well as other life-forms/species also...

Thus a path of destruction was put into increasingly greater motion throughout a growing part/portion of the galaxy in which they resided...

And thus were the much more advanced/evolved within-balance beings/species within such a galaxy required to bring such an unhealthy and highly unwelcomed situation under control - and to repair the damage done, in an ongoing effort to restore balance...

Eventually their ongoing efforts gained ground - with such much more advanced/evolved within-balance beings/species managing to get at least some members of such a highly hindered species to understand the errors of their much hindered ways...

...Resulting in some of such a highly hindered species using their genetic 'expertise' to put right that which they had put wrong - as a form of karmic restitution, if you will...

But what a mess of destruction had both they, and their artificial intelligences, left strewn/littered throughout those parts of the galaxy affected - with abandoned/damaged spacecraft left on moons etc - as well as the sheer destruction to/of/upon such affected planets and moons also...

Upon occasion, even suns had been destroyed - together, of course, with some of their resident planets - with both the surviving ones and their remnants being ejected from the orbits they had formally followed, and sent careering outwards throughout such a galaxy...

...Some of which ventured, sometimes destructively, through other planetary systems - and yet others being 'captured', within new orbits, by the suns that they ventured too close to...

Eventually, and thankfully, such a war, waged by such a hindered species and their equally hindered artificial intelligences, came to an end of course...

With the result being that necessary measures/steps were put into motion - in order to never allow such a highly destructive situation to ever arise again within such a galaxy...

And the moral of such a sorry story???...

Well, perhaps they can be found within the following lines of one particular poem???...

'Those who rush forward, will see their efforts laid waste - for slow is the fast way, so put aside your great haste'...
