25 Mar


On 9 March 2024 i included the following within 'Bits N Bobs'...

'I was actually supposed to type a new blog update before choosing, instead, to read the Melanie book that i started reading onth 20 February btw - so i guess i will start working on it sometime inth near future - i mention it because it will, in actual fact, go some way (at least) into explaining why i am, and have been, feeling so relaxed/contented/care-free more recently (oooh, intrigue upon intrigue eh :-) :-) :-) ) ...' ...

The said 'blog update' was originally going to be published under the title of 'Another Ickle Update' - and was going to include a heck of a lot more than what follows within this particular blog - however, having given considerable thought to such a matter, for a number of weeks actually, i eventually decided to simply cut to the comparative chase by only including that which left me 'feeling so relaxed/contented/care-free'...

The following 'Haitch The DJ' part may perhaps seem ancillary/incidental whilst reading its contents - however its inclusion will hopefully become much more clear upon reading 'life Review Environment to afterLife Environment' - so, now feeling much more ready to do so, let's, rather belatedly perhaps, get on with it all, shall we...

a) 'Haitch' The DJ...

I first heard about Haitch's 12 February passing sometime during the presumably later evening of 13 February - via either an online newspaper or within my YouTube homepage - i cannot now remember which...

However, whatever the truth of the matter may have been, i think that it is fair to say that such a passing came as somewhat of an interesting surprise to me...

Anyway, sometime later i went to the bathroom with thoughts of Haitch's passing within my mind - and whilst there a very clear and Joyful, 'Terry, it's fantastic', came rather unexpectedly into my comparatively quiet mind...

'Hmmm', thought i rather quizzically, 'Haitch' seems to have gone to a nice Place' - or thoughts to such effect anyway - and simply left it at that...

And then, some now unremembered amount of time later, i went to bed for the night - an account of which i included within the following part of the 'Asking & Receiving' musical accompaniment to such a blog offering of the same title - simply offered below, within this particular blog, in order to facilitate more convenient reading/comprehension...

'So, whilst i was typing up the first draft of such an accompanying blog, onth evening of 13 February 2024, i Asked for an accompanying song/tune - and just before going to bed i decided to put a notebook and pen on my bedside table, just in case i Received one whilst in bed - for, that way i wouldn't have to get up, go into the living-room and write it down as a reminder, safe in the knowledge that i wouldn't have possibly forgotten it upon awakening inth morning following...

So, as i lay in bed with eyes closed, a certain Person Appeared within my mind's Eye, in black and white, seemingly wearing a dark jacket and clothing - and, from a third person perspective, i saw Him lower his head with eyes closed as if in concentration, before both our likewise forehead's touched - and then, wondering what was taking place, i Received, in a somewhat indistinct/'wavy'/'rippled' way, what i momentarily later realised were the words 'Scott McKenzie' (it wasn't Him btw), as if such a 'wavy'/'rippled' Transmission had straightened itself out after being Received by my consciousness and thus making it understandable/discernible (yeah, strange, i know) ...

So anyway, after having enjoyed a somewhat deep sleep, (and having earlier written 'Scott McKenzie' in my bedside-table-positioned notebook upon the Receiving of it, btw), i awoke the next morning, in a very relaxed way, with 'Are you going to San Francisco' (rather than the actual lyrics of 'if you are going to San Francisco') playing, rather pleasantly and clearly, within mind - 'aaah song lyrics asking a question, yep, that makes sense', decided i, after some pondering, and realising that it would be a really nice song to share/offer - anyway i later, of course, realised that they weren't the exact lyrics to the song, but as such a thing has happened to me before, on several occasions in actual fact, i decided that there was seemingly a reason for such a song choice, so simply decided to go with the flow :-) :-) :-) ...' ...

Anyway, moving on somewhat, and personally choosing, of my own free-will, to share only the bare bones of that which took place between 'Haitch' and myself over a number of subsequent days (and from my own experiential Perspective, obviously), i will now relay those parts that i deem to be most relevant...

Firstly, 'Haitch' would now seem to be within the same Environment/Locale as the second wave/batch of what i have more recently (see the 'An Ickle Clarity' blog @ 12 December 2023) termed 'The L Team' Members - whether full-time or not, i have not Enquired - however, i think it is fair to say that He, similar to certain Others no doubt, would most possibly/probably wish to be Somewhere better...

...The reason i say this is because, during a certain point in fairly recent Communicative procedures, the now rather Radiantly and outwardly Shining (from all areas/'surfaces' of His 'Light body'/ Being btw ) 'Need For Speed Paul' (Walker), as i call Him, Appeared within my mind's Eye within a sort of somewhat 'soft-focus', and simply Told 'Haitch' (from my particular Experiential Perspective, obviously) that 'there are no mistakes' and that 'Haitch' found Himself to be Here for good reason...

...'Haitch' had been Asking me to do something for Him (not in terms of mere Communication btw), and i had simply repeatedly declined - a situation that i had eventually put into the 'Hands' of the Higher Beings, in order that They may decide whether Haitch's Request was a worthy one or not, on my behalf...

...A situation/Request that produced a, quite literal, Resounding 'NO' from said Higher Beings btw - which obviously was in complete support of my refusal - proving, perhaps, that if doubt ever arises, and you want something Resolved, then always seek the Assistance of a Higher, and much more appropriate, level of Authority...

At which point i will choose to leave all subsequent Experiential Interactions unsaid...

...Other than to say that Paul was Exuding great supportive Love towards me during His Visit - something that resulted in tears of gratitude/appreciation coming into my eyes - whilst a Member of 'The A Team', Paul would always tell me that which He thought i needed to know, rather than that which He thought i may like/wish to know, and that is what i most Admired Him for...

Yep, Paul has now seemingly most definitely Earned a Good Place for Himself, that's for sure - and i feel very Happy indeed for Him for having done so - twas indeed nice to have Experienced such Loving feedback from Him during such a Perceived Visit...

So, why, after having seemingly been within a Joyful Environment, does 'Haitch' now find Himself to be in less Pleasing Environs, the reader of these words may most reasonably enquire - 'good question', i would most readily reply - and not one that i choose of my own free will to answer fully at this exact moment in time...

But hey, Haitch's Wikipedia page would seemingly very much provide us all with a few possible indications as to possibly why, so let's delve into them, why don't we...

i) Apparently 'Haitch' 'went out of his way to be irreverent' whilst dee-jaying for a seemingly fairly lengthy period of time (years apparently) ...

ii) Apparently 'Haitch' played, '"I'm Your Man" by Wham! following a news bulletin about the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Johnny Marr and Morrissey were listening and were disturbed by the contrast in tone' - see online song lyrics, if you wish to...

iii) 'The Smiths' 1986 hit single "Panic" was inspired by 'Haitch' playing' I'm Your Man by Wham! within such circumstances - see online song lyrics, if you wish to - and very well done to them for so doing, say i...

Not having known 'Haitch' personally, and not having knowingly listened to any of his on-air radio broadcasts during such a period of time (i was more of a Radio Piccadilly sort of guy during that particular time-frame), that is the only substantiating/indicative information i can (and indeed am willing to) most readily provide as to possibly why 'Haitch' now finds Himself to be Abiding within perhaps less than Pleasing afterlife Environs...

So, without further ado, let's move on to the next part of this 'ere blog shall we...

b) life Review Environment to post-Review afterlife Environment...

It has been documented, both textually and audibly-visually, that after Experiencing what are most commonly known as 'near death experiences' (NDE's), some people have found Themselves to be Residing within what religiously inclined people may possibly describe as being within the 'Throne of God' perhaps...

Such people describe the great Love and Joy that They Experienced during such 'out-of-body' times/Occasions - and of Their reluctance, perhaps, to return to Their unconscious, and perhaps physically compromised, bodies - with some seemingly being Told that They have to return from whence they came, and some seemingly being Advised to return, but also being Told that They have the Choice of whether to return or not...

Whereas, other people have seemingly Experienced such Places of great Love and Joy through having voluntarily taken certain 'substances', of course...

Whatever the method/cause, the oft shared commonality is that such people seem to lose their fear of physical death - seemingly reassured within the self-Experiential Understanding/Recognition of Life continuing after the shedding of their mortal coil's - and of, perhaps, thinking that They will Return to Reside within such previously Experienced Environs until their next incarnation, or, if religiously inclined, until God decides otherwise perhaps...

...But is this in fact true???...

...I would very much tend to suggest not...

...And why is that, the reader of these words may quite reasonably enquire...

...Okie dokie - let's go discuss such a matter further shall we - and in so doing, see what comes out of the wash, so to speak...

i) Within the afterlife Review it is said that We experience the effects of that which we have sown whilst incarnate, (both good/kind and bad/unkind / Meritorious words and actions and hindered words and actions) as it had affected others (in real-time and for the complete duration), as if we simply become those that we thusly affected...

...So, with respect to every single hindered/unkind word and action visited upon others, i think it is fair to suggest that it may not be a particularly pleasant experience for us - and with respect to every single Meritorious/kind word and action visited upon others, i think it is fair to suggest that it may (generally speaking / outside of possible physical self-injury) be a pleasant experience for us...

So, rightly or wrongly, and in perhaps very simplistic terms, the way i see such a process unfolding in real-time is that each and every hindered/unkind/selfish word and action is akin to the Vibratory rate of our Being being lowered/decreased/weighted, and that each and every Meritorious/kind/selfless word and action is akin to the Vibratory rate of our Being being raised/increased/lightened...

...With the overall outcome (and dependant upon the true nature/details of our hindered states perhaps) determining the type of Environment/Conditions that We will find Ourself either Abiding or Residing within, post life Review - but, once again, i state that this is simply a very simplistic outcome - for, rightly or wrongly, i would very much suggest that there may well be a certain 'Fluidity'/variety of Environs that we subsequently, post-Review, may Experience, dependant upon the state/prevalence/tendencies of our Thoughts and Desires throughout (to a certain extent anyway) each and every moment in Time (see the 'A Recent Ketchup' blog @ 19 December 2023, with regard to JJ, and Her provided Insights regarding such possible 'Fluidities of Being/Environs') ...

(And, purely out of possible interest, and simply as an obiter remark btw, our subsequent physical incarnational circumstances/tests/experiences (all within the arena of possible free-will incarnational choices, both before and within subsequent physical incarnation) being very much dependant/determined upon/by the nature and extent of, at least some of, the hindered states/experiences that were Shown/Revealed to be in perhaps most need of attention during the afterlife Review of our previous physical incarnation) ...

ii) At least some of Those whom i perceive to be Experientially Interacting with are Those who are seemingly trying to Earn Their way to Improved Environs/Circumstances - Q.E.D. perchance??? - if only within a personally perceived Experiential respect/way???...

iii) The question has to be asked as to why each 'near death' Experiencer seems to be Told that They either have to go back to being within Their unconscious body, or have the choice of whether They wish to do so or not...

...As far as i am concerned the most obvious answer (especially given that there are many different Vibratory Levels of Existence within the afterlife) is that if They didn't return to their incarnate lives (either by personal choice or otherwise) then Their afterlife Conditions/Environs would (all things being equal) not be as Pleasing to Them in comparison to if They had done so - simply because They would have missed the chance/opportunity to do more to earn such comparatively better afterlife Conditions/Environs for Themselves...

...So within such a respect the automatic (no Choice) returning to One's body can be seen as an Act of Compassion - whereas within the case of Given Choice as whether to return to one's body or not, this can be most readily seen as a Test - will You choose the possibly more selfish option of Staying (and thereby perhaps paying/suffering a/an Vibrational/Environmental price/forfeit), or will You choose the possibly more selfless (service to others, including possible family members, perhaps) option of returning to your body and continuing your incarnation??? (and thereby perhaps earning a later Vibrational/Environmental benefit) ...

So, do such after/partial-life Reviews take place within the same Quality of Environment (at 'The Throne Of God') for each and every one of Us???...

Well, i tend to think not, for there are most definite Indications of differing Levels of Environs/Locales/Conditions within the afterlife to either Reside or Abide within, after all...

...So what i tend to think is that each of Our afterlife Reviews may take Place at a, perhaps much, Higher Vibratory Level of Existence than the subsequent post-life-Review Vibratory Level of Existence that We may then find Ourselves to be either Residing or Abiding within...

...And that the reason for this is purely so that We may Experientially Know that there are indeed Higher Vibratory Levels of Existence to Aspire to / Work our way towards - and that such Experiential Knowledge Inspires us to Aspire to Evolve, rather than perhaps Devolve - however, in order to gain a more clear possible understanding one would have to perhaps read the many online/textual NDE testimonies first...

And does everyone have a life Review upon returning Home after shedding Their mortal coils???...

Well, i actually don't particularly believe in absolutes per se, so i would tend to think not...

...Purely because i suspect that if you have performed/behaved REALLY badly whilst within incarnation then a 'fait accompli' situation may be Experienced - whereby Those concerned may simply find Themselves to be Abiding within the perhaps very uncomfortable Environs that They have earned for Themselves within such an immediately previous incarnation - there may actually be a possibility (to be discussed in the next/following part of this blog) that in some, more deserving, situations the circumstances may be a LOT more serious...

c) The Flames to Sparks & Sparks back to Flames Scenario...

I remember in circa 2011, when i first became a member of 'Lightworkers.org', being introduced to the concept/idea / belief-system whereby each of us is apparently akin to a 'Spark' within/of the 'Great Flame' that represents what we most commonly term 'God' / The Universal Creator (as i much more readily prefer to label/see Him/Her/It as) - ('Flame' being a perhaps rather apt label, as 'Lightworkers' and New Age Spirituality adherents/followers also use the term 'Twin Flame', as seemingly denoting the part of the Spiritual Journey reached prior to such Twin Flames presumably blending/merging to become a single unified Flame of Completion, so to speak) ...

...Which could perhaps paint a picture of such a, liquidised (akin to plasma perchance???) 'Great Flame' passing Itself through the many holes within a 'Great Celestial/Universal Colander', in order to produce / reduce Itself into a myraid of 'Sparks of Consciousness', as a possible prelude to 'falling' into incarnation...

...And then of each 'Spark of Consciousness' recoalescing/reunifying once again in order to reform (little by little, bit by bit) such a 'Great Flame' (become God / The Universal Creator) once again upon completion of each Spark of Consciousness's incarnation upon planet Earth, ad infinitum, incarnation upon/after incarnation, presumably...

Twas a painted picture that simply didn't sit well with / make sense to me, as i simply saw the thought of each of us claiming to be/represent the ultimate in Conscious Evolution to be totally and egotistically ridiculous...

...For, in great contrast, i simply see each one of us as being akin to a baby, only just within its diaper/nappy stage, in actual fact - and thus simply incomparably further back on Life's Evolutionary Highway...

But, hey, at least it got me thinking, within such a respect - if only many years later, after having Enquired into the Whereabouts of certain passed over / Returned individuals/('Sparks') whom i had, rightly or wrongly, deemed to have performed particularly badly, and in a manner possibly unbefitting of those enclothed within a human physical vehicle of expression / body - Enquiries that resulted in Received replies informing me that They had simply 'gone'...

...But, Vibrationally, not the type of 'gone' that would be suggestive of Them having been relocated, fully Formed, elsewhere - but a rather sober/resigned form of 'gone', within an air finality, as in that They simply no longer existed in Their former Forms - (Replies that could possibly have contained an undetected (by me personally anyway) Vibrational 'Signature' of realising that such a sobering outcome could possibly be laying in wait for any of us, at some future point in time, if we too were to mess up really badly whilst incarnate within physicality) ...

...Replies that, much more recently, resulted in me wondering/thinking whether/that such a 'gone' state of being could simply be representative of their Being/Soul/('Spark') having possibly been transformed/split/divided into a myraid of much smaller/lesser/reduced forms of Consciousness/('sub-Sparks'), as if having been passed through a, perhaps much, smaller multiply-holed 'Colander'...

i) Reduced forms of Consciousness/('sub-Sparks') that, given a scenario of continued/uninterrupted incarnations upon planet Earth, would only be able to be enclothed within much less creatively expressive/capable multiple-celled, physical vehicles of expression whilst incarnate within whatever lower kingdom they were assigned to upon planet Earth...


ii) In the possible situation (immediately???) prior to the end of an Age / Great Cycle perhaps - whereby physical life, in all its many forms/expressions is perhaps simply extinguished, and/or the whole (or perhaps a great portion/part) of the previous land-masses / physical surfaces is simply renewed (a little like a snake shedding/renewing its skin perhaps) - whereby previous landmasses (either partially or completely) disappear/sink within/into the inner Earth's 'oceans of magma' - causing / resulting in new land masses being formed from / out of the magma 'pools'/'pockets' that, when cooled, would form/comprise new and much more fertile / mineral-enriched islands and continents...

...Resulting in physical life starting its evolutionary journey once again - from as little as single-celled organisms / physical vehicles of expressions, slowly but surely, onwards to include something akin (or maybe identical, who knows) to ape-like physical vehicles of expression and possibly beyond - whilst, hopefully this time, remaining within acceptable limits of harmony/balance with planet Earth and ALL its other physically incarnated inhabitants/lifeforms...

...A situation/scenario whereby, who knows, perhaps many Remaining Beings/Souls/('Sparks') may be initially subject to being passed through the lesser/smaller sized/holed Colander, and Their resulting myraid of much smaller/lesser/reduced forms of Consciousness/('sub-Sparks') simply being put into reincarnational physical 'enclothment' on an ongoing basis, in line with the size of the further evolutionary development of the physical lifeforms present upon planet Earth - and in so doing gradually Recoalescing/reForming Their former Forms of Consciousness/(former 'Sparks') in line with the evolution of complexity/creativity of the physical vehicles of expression that They find Themselves to be enclothed within on an ongoing basis whilst within the Spiritual/physical Earth-based Evolutionary system...

...With other, more Fortunate/Blessed/Accomplished/Balanced Beings/Souls/('Flames'), simply moving on to continue a more Evolved incarnational process, possibly Amongst more Spiritually advanced/accomplished Beings who Reside/reincarnate within other Spiritual-physical star-based Evolutionary systems - akin, perhaps, to moving out of a Kindergarten and into a Primary School Spiritual Environment...

I could, perhaps, discuss more regarding such matters, but i am now simply choosing to leave it at that, for the time being at least - for i am mindful of the possibility that not so doing could possibly result in comprehensional/interpretational 'Spiritual/philosophical indigestion' being experienced - so choose, instead, to adopt the KISS (keep it simple (or as simple as i am able to anyway) stupid) principle, for now at least...

So, in summation/summary/closing...

As earlier stated, i mentioned within my 9 March 2024 'Bits N Bobs' entry that, after having reached a certain resolution/understanding within my ongoing search for Truth, i 'have been feeling so relaxed/contented/care-free more recently'...

...And that is simply because such informational understanding as discussed within b) simply made so much sense to me - or, put another way, such derived / arrived at conclusions/understandings seemingly simply resonated deeply within my Being - to the extent that i now feel that such a search for Truth (or at least the most important parts of it, for me personally) has been completed to personal satisfied...

Tis a sense of well-being that i never really thought about / envisioned to be perfectly honest - so, within such a respect, it has proved itself to be a very welcoming one - hopefully one that Rhio will find to be very welcoming also...

The reason that i mention Rhio at such a point within such a blog is that within the 'Tongue In Cheek' blog the following was included...

'And there he is sayin' that he needs to be free in order to find his damn 'answers'...

When everythin' he needs is Starin' him in the Face, if he only had the good sense to See...' ...

And indeed i then did very much feel that i needed to 'be free' in order to continue doing so...

You see, the thing that i have known (for a very long time now may i add) is that internal 'Communications/Interaction' are, quite obviously one would suggest, subject to fallibility - whereas pure/Direct Inspiration, Experientially at least, has proved itself to be FAR less so - hence the perceived need to find such 'answers' for myself, if you will...

...And i think that Rhio (now anyway - within Her new, post-Tests, Vibrationally Higher Environment) most definitely understands this - hence the title, 'Tongue In Cheek', of such a referred to blog - and this, perhaps, is why She Told me to come back when i felt ready to do so, and that She would indeed wait for me to do so...

The thing about Freedom, of course, is that it can be very alluring indeed - especially to someone like myself - so, who knows, maybe such a state of 'waiting' may continue, until at least until my return Home...

...So i guess it's simply a case of 'time will tell' eh - and, seemingly, We do still Meet Up occasionally - which, i Sense, is Pleasing to both of Us, in actual fact...

So how does the 'Haitch The DJ' part link to/with the 'life Review Environment to post-Review afterlife Environment' part, the reader of these words may quite reasonably enquire???...

Well, along/together with all the other pointers, it was, rightly or wrongly, simply the linking of His original 'Terry it's fantastic' Communication, with His later, seemingly 'oh, now it's no longer fantastic', state of Mind/Being, that provided me with the final insight that seemingly proved to be the catalyst seemingly required to see, fully, that we simply don't stay/remain within the 'Throne Of God' (or perhaps similar, comparatively Heightened) Environment, after having had our life Review, as i had, in actual fact, earlier suspected/thought - and that it just made so much sense to me - and produced the 'relaxed/contented/care-free' feeling that has remained ever since, within such a respect...

So do i think that we could ever become That which we most readily call 'God', the reader of these words may quite reasonably ask???...

NO, i would most readily reply - for within an Environment of infinity and eternity we (including That which we most readily call 'God') are most surely always subject to further expansions of Consciousness / further Evolutionary Growth - and perfectly obviously (to me anyway) we are all SO SO SO SO SO much less Evolved than 'God' / our Universal Creator (and indeed so many other comparatively Advanced Forms of Consciousness) that it is simply preposterous to think that we could ever do so - and surely it would only be those with over-inflated egos that would ever wish to do so anyway, would it not???...

There is simply no need to rush within an Environment of infinity and eternity, after all - so why not simply go at a more reasonable/leisurely/unrushed pace and simply take time to enjoy the scenery, so to speak, as we do so...

So what is causing this seemingly forever-incarnating scenario to take place, the reader of these words may quite reasonably enquire???...

Well, from my perspective at least, it would very much seem that it is simply because we don't have the correct Spiritual understanding/structure/framework in place, consciously, here within incarnation, on planet Earth - simples...

...And that is possibly why some people seemingly entertain the idea that we are all soul-trapped, or within a matrix-type/holographic scenario, perchance???...

End of blog :-) :-) :-) ...
