02 Sep


This is a blog that i have been wanting to type out for quite a while now - it comprises a personal Spiritual structure that has been evolving/developing for many years - one that has now crystallized into a much more clear/understandable form, and hence it is one that i very much feel ready to offer...

I believe in a Creator that created the universe and everything within it - a big bang event, if you will - similar, perhaps, to a sperm penetrating an ovum, which, in turn, started off the creative process which is still taking place within the universe...

I believe that the fabric of such a universe contains a, perhaps still developing, consciousness that forever tends towards maintaining Balance and integrity within such a still/forever developing/changing universe...

And i believe that free-will choices also form part of such fabric within such a universe - and that such free-will choices, together with the ever present tendency towards Balance promote evolution - and that evolution, in the Spiritual sense, is the purpose of all within such a universal physical playground of life...

...A physical playground of learning/developing for all of us consciously developing Beings to incarnate into - time after time and experience after experience - within a process called reincarnation...

...With the non-physical counterparts constituting that which is called Home - and with such non-physical/discarnate Beings helping their incarnated/physical brethren through the process of Inspiration, Telepathy, and direct sleep-state Interactions - all as one big Family, if you will...

Further more i believe that We (the non-physical Beings) incarnate, repeatedly, within a variety of physical vehicles of expression (physical vessels) - physical vehicles of expression that are contained within that which we refer to as the four kingdoms of matter/physicality - those kingdoms known as the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms...

...And that we both evolve and devolve within such kingdoms repeatedly during our incarnations - evolve as a result of gaining/amassing skilful experiences within Balance over many incarnations - and devolve as a result of unskilful experiences gained outside of Balance...

...And that when we have been Adjudged to have evolved sufficiently, here on planet Earth for example, then we relocate to another, more advanced, arena of physicality (other planets perhaps) - a place where we have the opportunity to evolve further - a place where we, as Beings, move to as a new Home perhaps, also...

And so it goes on - always with the possibility to devolve (return to the planet of our previous evolutionary process for extra/reinforcing lessons) - but hopefully to further evolve incrementally within a steady progression...

So what of the physical vehicles of expression???...

Well i personally see the human physical vehicle of expression as being akin to a car that we get into at the start of each of our incarnations - a car that we journey within during our physical lives - and a car that we exit when such individual journeys come to their incarnational end...

...Which would make our physical vehicles of expression within the animal kingdom akin to a bike with an engine perhaps - and our physical vehicles of expression within the plant kingdom being akin to a push-bike - and our perceived non-movements within the mineral kingdom being akin to simply standing stationary perhaps...

...With evolution (as well as the ever-present possibility of devolution of course) taking place within each kingdom within ever more creatively capable physical vehicles of expression - until we reach the human kingdom - whereby predominantly our more developing brains provide a variety of differing creative potentials to experience and gain a certain level of mastery over, within one singular physical vehicle of expression, be it male or female...

So we have the ability to transmigrate throughout the kingdoms here on planet Earth - moving forwards within the balance of skilful thoughts deeds and actions - and moving backwards when the levels of creativity available to us have resulted in unskilful actions being amassed that have taken us out of Balance to such an extent whereby reincarnating within the same physical vehicle of expression would only result in us moving further still out of Balance...

So what situations could cause us to transmigrate from the human kingdom back down to the animal kingdom for example???...

Well, situations whereby our unskilful actions have caused suffering to many people, could be one example - and the more people such unskilful actions are adversely visited upon the more out of Balance we become (negative karma we amass) - so when population levels are high/great we should obviously be very careful how we wield whatever amount of power and influence has been bestowed upon us, one would very much suggest...

...With another situation that may cause us to devolve into the animal kingdom being one whereby we simply acted in a way unbefitting to such a human kingdom - a beastly way for example - or a particularly predatory one perhaps...

So what could physical vehicles of expression beyond the human kingdom be possibly akin to???...

Well, hand gliders, microlites, planes, spaceships etc, perhaps...

Who really knows eh - all that perhaps seems very obvious, is that we, at our human level of evolution, must surely be akin to babies still in their nappies/diapers - within the great scheme of things at the very least...
