20 Oct


I have a secret Ninja...

...Although, admittedly, He possibly won't remain a secret for that much longer - in theory at least...

And what does such a secret Ninja do, the reader of these words may quite reasonably enquire/ask???...

To which i would most readily reply,  He is a Being that apparently affords me a certain degree of Protection from physical harm - or at least He has done in the past anyway...

Have you any examples of such Protection that you would care to share, i hear you further enquire/ask???...

Well, yeah - here are possibly the most notable of them...


Whilst in the fifth year at school i was invited to my first ever house party - by a girl that i hardly knew, from the year below as it happens...

So anyway, on the night in question, the time approached when i realised that i should be getting back home, before my fairly strict dad possibly complained...

So, feeling rather squiffy for the first time in my life, and thinking about my possibly annoyed father, i decided to jog down the long dark lane that led me home, rather than walk...

Anyway, after a short while i realised that i could hear other jogging sounds that were out of sync with the noise that was coming from my own feet repeatedly impacting on the ground - causing me to stop in confusion and turn around...

...Whereby i saw three lads chasing after me...

It was at this point when an internal male Voice said to me, 'just concentrate on staying on your feet'...

And the next thing i became aware of was seemingly returning to my body a little further down the lane, with my eyes locked with the seemingly standing aside third lad's...

...Upon which he announced to the other two, 'that's it, he's had enough now' - or words to such effect anyway...

And the next thing i became aware of was awakening in my bed the following morning, with the emerging thoughts of, 'oh, i was beaten up last night wasn't i???' - which, in turn, resulted in me feeling around my body for any damage incurred...

...Of which i detected absolutely none...

...Causing me to then feel around my face - nope, no pain there either, i realised...

So, up i got to inspect myself in the bathroom mirror - no, absolutely no damage whatsoever...

Strange huh...

A month or so later, one supposes, i decided to go into the school tuckshop - most probably to buy myself a 'Wagon Wheel' chocolate covered biscuit thingy...

So, as i was walking up the three steps, the biggest of the three lads who had previously been involved in attacking me (he was stood at the top of said three steps, just inside said tuckshop, as if guarding it) threw a punch at my head - it hit me on the forehead, without causing me any pain whatsoever...

...And the next thing i know is that i am now seemingly back in my body, with my rather persistent attacker laying prone across said steps with his head laying sideways upon one of those rather large and substantial thick metal drain covers - with my left hand upon his throat, and my right arm bent backwards ready to deliver a punch to his head...

...Causing me to think, 'hmmm, if i thow a punch and he manages to free his head, i'm going to damage my fist on said rather substantial metal drain cover'...

So, deciding to release him, i stood up - whereby he started hitting me once again ...

...And yep, you guessed it, the next thing i realise is that i am now positioned at some distance from said tuckshop, with loads of other kids watching, and a female teacher seemingly between the two of us, pushing me backwards...

Once again, absolutely no damage sustained whatsoever - strange huh...

Thankfully, i never remember seeing said lad (or any of the other two actually) ever again - i guess such events must have given him (them???) something to think about / ponder over eh...

So why did such a lad seem intent on attacking me repeatedly, the reader of these words may quite reasonably enquire/ask???...

Well i'm not entirely sure actually - as i never asked either him, or any of his two mates...

So i can only assume it perhaps had something to do with a particular day when, as a fairly new and begrudgingly badged 'prefect', i was told to stand in front of a locked and reinforced glass sliding door, and not to unlock it until a bell had rang - the other side on which stood a mass of protesting and impatient fellow 'schoolies', shouting to be let in...

So, who knows, perhaps he was one of those eh...


This next example occurred many years later, whilst in my later 40's...

I was at a friend's house playing 'Need For Speed' on his computer - with another guy sat to my immediate right...

Anyway, both said friend and the other guy started messing about with each other physically - and the next thing i know is that i am seemingly stood up and back in my body, with said other guy kneeling in front of me, with one of his arms seemingly in some sort of shoulder lock, saying that he gave up, or words to such effect...

...What happened in the interim, i have absolutely no idea - said other guy and myself simply resumed our former seated positions and carried on regardless...

...With said other guy announcing to me, rather excitedly, 'i'm pretty strong aren't i' - causing me to look back at him with a sort of, 'you've gotta be joking right' look on my rather bemused face...

Yep, rather strange huh...


This final shared example happened about a year or so later, one supposes - and involved a kick-boxing instructor friend - and occurred in the very same front room as the above example...

There were five of us in the room in all - and said kick-boxer guy asked me to put out my arms - so thinking that it was the start of some sort of friendly interaction/game, put out my arms i did...

...Upon which both my wrists were grabbed by each of said kick-boxer guy's hands - rather more firmly than mere 'play' would indicate...

...And yep, you guessed it - the next thing i know is that i have just returned to by body once again...

...With said kick-boxer guy stood stationary behind the rear of a leather sofa - with me upside-down at about a 30 to 50 degree angle upon the front of said sofa...

...With his hands still grasping both of my wrists - and both my hands now grasping both of his wrists...

...And with both my legs pointing upwards - and with one of my straight-legged booted feet resting on his left shoulder, with the other booted foot moving slowly towards his other shoulder - with the seeming option to kick him in the face if i wished to...

But hey, i'm simply not a violent guy - and i actually regarded said kick-boxer guy as a friend - so no way did i wish to inflict any pain upon him...

So, i simply kept moving said other leg forwards and rested the other foot on his right shoulder - and then moved it over his head and placed it gently on his left shoulder, with the other one...

...Upon which i relaxed my grip, and he relaxed his, causing us both to disengage each other - potential conflict over - and then i simply uprighted myself and sat with my back towards him on said sofa...

...Causing one of the other lads to jump over said sofa and sit next to me, with one of those, 'i'm your man' looks on his somewhat surprised face...

I then found myself becoming silently furious with said kick-boxer guy - as i very much felt that he had somehow betrayed a friendship...

Anyway, after a short delay he came across to my side of the sofa and felt my left bicep, saying something like 'you're pretty strong aren't you' - to which i found myself replying through gritted teeth, 'yeah, i can be very strong when i want to be' - causing him to leave very shortly afterwards...

The next time we met, by the way, i offered him my hand in friendship - which, after looking at it suspiciously for a moment, he took...

...It was simply my way of saying, 'let's put all that nonsense behind us and start afresh as if nothing happened'...

And so we did - although i didn't see him very often after that...

The strange thing about it all was that when i found myself having returned to my body, it was as if said kick-boxer guy's energy had simply been neutralised - for he seemed to be completely static and unable to do anything...

Really strange huh...

I guess i have Someone to thank when i return Home, haven't i...

All the above examples seem to share one particular commonality btw - as far as i know none of the other people involved seem to have gotten hurt either - which i find to be rather reassuring...

So anyway, am i the only person on planet Earth to be afforded such Protection, the reader of these words may quite reasonably enquire/ask???...

Seemingly not, i would most readily reply...

For one Sunday morning, back in the latter 80's, i was laying in bed when the thought/urge came to me to listen to some hymn singing, onth radio that was positioned next to my bed...

...So, not normally getting the urge to listen to such music, a dial turning i presumably went, until i found such music to be playing...

...Only to then listen to the account of two lapsed Christian girls who had apparently been beaten up by a gang of other girls - one of whom had been kicked repeatedly whilst laying on the ground...

...And guess what - neither had sustained any physical damage whatsoever...

'WOW!!!' thought i - it's happened to others also...

But in this particular case said lapsed Christian girls had put such a Protective Intervention firmly at the feet of Jesus - causing them both to return to their faith as born again Christians...

...Whereas for a non church attending me, such Interventions have simply been assigned to the Protective efforts of That which i have chosen to call 'my secret Ninja'...

So, what are the chances of such Protective measures being afforded to more people also???...

Well, very great indeed, i would most readily suggest - i guess it's simply that not many of us talk about it to others eh...

Which raises the rather obvious question as to why such things seemingly happen to only(???) some of us i guess...

A question i would now answer by suggesting that it has absolutely nothing to do with being in any way 'special'...

In fact i would very much suggest that it either has, or will, happen to every one of us during at least one of our many incarnations...

For i see it as something that simply promotes an expansion of our consciousness - something that simply gives us something different/extra to think about / embrace, if you will...

...Something that helps to provide us with the realisation that there is a heck of a lot more to life than we formally realised perhaps...

And no doubt there will come times within future incarnations where we will experience other 'strange' and further thought-provoking events - seemingly unusual experiences that will provide the impetus for further/more expansions of our consciousness perhaps...

For it is seemingly simply all part of the Evolutionary process - that's how i see it, from my current point of consciousness anyway...

No more, and no less...

And with that, here endeth yet another of my simple blog offerings - and yep, tis a strange one, i know...
