14 Mar


Some time ago whilst looking through some old A4 folders / ring binders i came across a story that i had seemingly written on 26 August 1996 - i seem to think that it was one that i simply found myself to be writing, within one fairly short, continuously flowing, concentrated session - and one that i simply filed away after having completed it...

Twas at a time when i was still walking/within my Buddhist Journey??? - or maybe shortly after it had come to an end???...

Anyway, i thought it may make for an interesting inclusion as a blog offering on this 'ere website of O/urs - so duly typed it out, for the first time, in its verbatim form - with only the formatting changed in order to facilitate easier reading...

However, upon later appraisal/reading, i found it to be rather clumsy(???) / overly complicated(???), and not reflective of my current point of consciousness / understanding perhaps, so simply left it in obeyance...

More recently i decided to do a bit of a rewrite/modification - with it being further tweaked after the first draft was completed...

So, having now been completed to satisfaction(???), i have now decided that the time has come to offer this newly modified version of 'Kel The Spacefarer'...

So, without further ado, here it is...

Kel had undertaken many experiences since his Beginning...

The Ship had taken him on seemingly many Journeys throughout the Ether Of Experiences...

Each separate Journey had taken him to a specific Destination/Location chosen by ManDroid Prime, the Resident Intelligence who was integral to the running of the Ship...

Prime was unquestionably Wise, seemingly Knowing in detail / intimately the whole / every aspect of the Ether Of Experience...

Kel had heard that there were other, more experienced, SpaceFarers who could play an active part in selecting their Destinations, with Others, rarer still, who were actually allowed to make the selections Themselves - these were invariably the Old Ones, whose experiences within the Ether was very great indeed - Kel could only Dream, in raptured awe, at such possibilities...

At this particular point in time Kel's Location was on the outer edges of a Wheel Of Experience, which was itself Located within the outer edges of the Ether Of Experiences...

If the rumours were true, then this fact, along with the current apparently uncompromising Nature of Prime, was a strong indication that Kel was, as yet, indeed a Young One...

For rumour had it that the Destination chosen by Prime had such a Ship Travelling ever inward, spiralling, toward the centre of the Ether of Experience, into which One eventually disappeared totally engulfed by the Great Light...

Further rumour speculated that said Great Light was merely a Doorway which led One to yet another Ether Of Experience...

However, it would seem that such conjecture would forever remain mere speculation for those that had not yet made such a possible Transition - for no-One had ever been known to have returned, and thus it was reasoned that the Doorway into the Great Light was but a one-way Transition...

This particular Location, possibly like all others, comprised many different experiences for Kel to investigate...

Initially Prime had automatically chosen which particular experience Kel was to consecutively be assigned to...

However, as time passed, and more experiences had been gained, Prime had invited Kel to make certain choices for himself...

At first these limited choices were of little Consequence - but with the passing of time, more and more thought had to be put into the Decisions that Kel was allowed to make...

Sometimes, when unsure, Kel would/had ask(ed) Prime to help him out with his decisions...

At other times Kel felt confident enough to 'go it alone' - sometimes with unfortunate/unseen Consequences...

Kel had eventually progressed to the stage of being sole decision maker - with Prime merely acting as Advisor, in this respect...

The periods between individual/consecutive experiences were called Periods of Rest...

Initially Kel seemed to need very little time during each Period of Rest, but as the consequences and nature of his experiences grew ever more challenging, so the times spent within each Period of Rest increased...

Generally, each Period of Rest was followed by a new experience to under-take / participate in...

However, Kel found that whenever he 'fouled up' he would be sent back to revisit the same type of experience...

On some occasions he would be told by Prime that he may undertake another experience, but that after Successful completion he would have to attend to the unfinished business of his current/unfinished experience before being allowed to move on further...

If he really 'fouled up' he found that he would be sent back to undertake the same type of experience on possibly a number of consecutive occasions, and that some of these would vary from short and harsh ones to long and harsh ones, with each necessitating a prolonged period of Rest before he felt ready to continue once again...

At first these unforeseen harsh experiences had seemed quite unfair, as if Prime was punishing him whimsically...

However, with the passing of time, Kel had come to understand/realise that he was, in fact, punishing himself, due to his unwise/unskilful activities/actions...

Later, this realisation crystalised itself into what Prime told him was called the Law Of Karma...

It was only when Kel's point of consciousness resided within a certain pre-defined band upon/within the Karmic Spectrum Of Balance, Prime had told him, that his lessons within such a Location would be Adjudged to have been Completed...

Kel also came to realise that the Location of his Ship could not be changed until such a state had been attained...

This revelation caused Kel much remorse when he had started to tire of such experiences, for he felt that Completion seemed a very long way away indeed...

With great compassion Prime assisted Kel to reach Completion as effectively as possible, for he could see that Kel, his charge, was undergoing great suffering...

After great striving Kel eventually learned to free himself of all desire to quickly move on, and thus be free of his attachment to such experiences also...

Suffering, eventually ebbed away and Kel found his natural state of happiness returning until the blissful moment when he was at last able to return to his Ship and move on further...

Upon Completion, Kel was somewhat surprised to find that he was in a complete state of Equanimity with respect to such current Location's experiences...

With all suffering completely extinguished, Kel now knew that if ever directed by Prime to return to such a Location, in some at present completely unknown Capacity, he could now do so with complete Impartiality/Equanimity...

Enlightenment, the term for accomplishment of voluntarily freeing oneself of all obligations that kept him within his current Location, had now been attained, resulting in Prime directing said Ship to yet another Location within such a Wheel Of Experience...

Eventually such a Ship, after having ventured ever inwards, would enter the Centre of such a Wheel Of Experience - a Location that acted as a Portal to other Wheels Of Experience - the next one of which would be selected by Prime Himself, of course.

A few days ago i also decided to include the original version of 'Kel The Spacefarer' within such a blog offering - simply for comparison / possible interest / completion purposes...

So here is this one also...

'Kel had had many experiences since his Beginning.

His ship had taken him on many journeys throughout the Ether of Experience. Each separate journey had taken him to a specific destination/location chosen by Prime, the resident Intelligence that was an integral part of his ship.

Prime was unquestionably wise, seemingly knowing in detail / intimately the whole / every aspect of the Ether of Experience.

Kel had heard that there were other, more experienced, spacefarers who could play an active part in selecting their destinations. Others, rarer still, who were actually allowed to make the selections themselves - these were invariably the Old Ones, whose experiences within the Ether was very great indeed - Kel could only dream, in raptured awe, at such possibilities.

At this point in time Kel was docked to a space station whose location on the outer edges of a galaxy called (Andromeda?) was itself located within the outer edges of the Ether.

If the rumours were true, then this, along with the current apparently uncompromising nature of Prime, was a strong indication that Kel was, as yet, a Young One.

For rumour had it that the destination chosen by Prime had every ship ever inward, spiralling, toward the hub/centre of the Ether of Experience, and that/until one disappeared totally engulfed by the Light.

Further rumour speculated the Light was merely a doorway which led one / emerged at the furthest reaches of yet another Ether.

However, it would seem that such conjecture would forever remain mere speculation for those that had not made the Transition - for no-one had ever been known to have returned, and thus it was reasoned that the doorway into the Light was a one-way journey.

Space station Earth, as this location was called, comprised many different areas for Kel to investigate.

Initially Prime had automatically chosen which Room Kel was to be assigned to.

But as time passed, and the experiences to be derived from ever more Rooms passed Kel had been invited to make certain choices himself.

At first these limited choices were of little consequence. But with the passing of time, more and more thought had to be put into the decisions that Kel was allowed to make.

Sometimes, when unsure, Kel would/had ask(ed) Prime to help him out with his decisions.

At other times Kel felt confident enough to 'go it alone' - sometimes with unfortunate/unseen consequences.

Kel had eventually progressed to the stage of being sole decision maker - with Prime merely acting as advisor, in this respect.

The periods between Room experiences were called Periods of Rest.

Initially Kel seemed to need very little time during each Period of Rest, but as the consequences and nature of his experiences grew ever more complex, so the times within each Period of Rest increased.

Generally, each Period of Rest was followed by a new Room to investigate. However, Kel found that whenever he 'fouled up' he would be sent back to the same Room.

On other occasions he would be told by Prime that he may investigate another Room, but that after successful completion he would have to attend to the unfinished business of his current Room before being allowed to move on further.

If he really 'fouled up' he found that he would be sent back to the same Room on a number of consecutive occasions, and that some of these would be very short and harsh ones, neccessitating a prolongued period of Rest before he felt ready to continue.

At first these unforseen harsh experiences had seemed quite unfair, as if Prime was punishing him whimsically.

However, with the passing of time, Kel had come to realise that he was, in effect, punishing himself, due to his unwise/unskillful activities.

Later, this realisation crystalised itself into what Prime told him was called the Law Of Karma.

The nature of the lesson on space station Earth, Kel had now come to appreciate, was Balance.

It was only when Kel's unskillful actions matched his skillful ones, Prime had told him, was he in a state of Balance. And that states of imbalance adversley affected Kel's freedom of choice.

Kel then came to realise that his ship could not be undocked from space station Earth until (all Rooms had been fully investigated and) such a state of Balance had been attained.

This revelation caused Kel much remorse / a great shock.

For he had started to tire of the experiences of space station Earth, and found that Balance seemed a long way away yet.

With great compassion Prime assisted Kel to attain Balance as quickly as possible, for he could see that Kel, his charge, was undergoing great suffering.

After great striving Kel freed himself of all desire, generated by his attachment to his experiences.

Suffering ebbed away and Kel found his natural state of happiness returning until the blissful moment when he was at last able to witness the separation of his ship from space station Earth.

Upon reflection, Kel was somewhat surprised to find that he was in a complete state of equanimity with respect to space station Earth.

With all suffering completely extinguished and Balance attained, Kel now knew that if directed by Prime to return to space station Earth, in some at present completely unknown capacity, he could now do so with complete impartiality/equanimity.

Enlightenment, the term for accomplishment of voluntarily freeing oneself of all obligations that kept his ship docked to space ship Earth, had now been attained.

Note: The Ether of Experience is a spiral, within which each galaxy forms another spiral. Thus, each galaxy is a spiral within a spiral.'
