04 May


We would all seem to be blighted by intolerances of some nature or another, to many varying degrees in fact - it very much seems to be an ingrained part of what is sometimes referred to as the human condition doesn't it...

For some it is the colouration of one's skin, for example - for others, it could be the dialect or language, or indeed adjudged proficiency of such, within which we choose to verbally express ourselves...

For yet others, it could be the mere bodily shape/differences of our physical vehicles of expression - or, in a likewise manner perhaps, the shape/colour of the mechanical vehicles that we choose to use/own for personal transportation purposes...

And then there are all of our personal likes and dislikes to take into consideration of course, and our expressed intolerances within/towards these also - including such comparatively superficial ones, such as the acceptability, or otherwise, of certain bodily hairs for example...

All in all, such intolerances seem to reflect our limitations, within what we deem to be acceptable or otherwise behaviour...

And within such intolerances, arguments, disagreements and conflicts are often borne - and yet many of us consider ourselves to be civilised beings...

Thank the heavens that at least some of us can see the humorous side of such personal limitations eh - upon occasion at least perhaps - especially so when viewing ourselves from within a much larger/wider perspective perhaps...

...A perspective that encompasses reincarnation perhaps - whereby we incarnate into a variety of physical vehicles of expressions of a variety of different shapes, genders, outer skin colourations, and shapes/sizes etc - to say nothing of the physical locations we find ourselves born into of course...

...The humour of such situations being the fact that we will, fairly undoubtedly, have been housed in the same type of physical vehicle of expressions that we may currently be expressing various intolerances towards, during one of our previous incarnations, at the very least - but hey, at least we are civilised beings yeah...

...And yet how many of us can honestly say that we have at least given even a fleeting consideration to the natures of our forms of expression during the times when we are residing/abiding outside of our Earthly expressions/incarnations???...

...And some profess to be so evolved, that they consider themselves to be part of the Godhead itself - you just couldn't make it up could you...

And we wonder why other possible beings within the universe / our own galaxy seem to be rather reluctant to come on down and embrace us within the arms(???) of friendship - personally, i think that a far more likely scenario is that such possible galactic/universal neighbours would be doing their best to avoid us well-fed savages / 'shallow Hals' like the plague - or even quarantining us out of due considerations for the well-being of other beings throughout our galaxy/universe...
