22 Dec


Those of us who voted to leave the EU were seemingly rather scathingly/disparagingly referred to as 'Brexiteers' and 'unicorns' by the Labour Party element of those who seemingly most fervently wished to remain within the EU - and we were the people who gained/obtained the majority vote amongst those who chose of their own free-will to vote...

The most amusing aspect of such an assigned 'unicorn' label is that it is in fact a very flattering one - and in no way whatsoever a disparaging one, as such people seemingly rather ignorantly thought...

'Unicorn' characteristics...

...from the New World Encyclopedia - 'the unicorn has come to be a symbol of purity and beauty, and is one of the few mythical creatures not associated with violence, danger, and fear. As humans advance, establishing a world of peace and harmony, these characteristics of the unicorn will come to be manifested through human beings'...

...and from www.unicornsrule.com - 'the unicorn is thought to hold the power to divine truth'...

...pretty cool huh...

Anyway, moving on, such Labour Party people are still seemingly wishing (within a system of democracy) to be the tail that wags the dog - and, as such, are still (post election) seemingly choosing to openly insult such Brexit voters...

Here are some of the things that such people chose to call Brexit voters within an article onth Guardian a couple of days ago...

...'credulous fools', 'stupid voters', and 'unfeasibly stupid' - and these examples were taken from only the first 2 of 34 pages of comments available to read at that time...

From my personal perspective, at the very least, when such insulting sentiments are still being maintained by such seemingly Labour Party people (who are, by the way, supposed to be representing such average people like myself - are they not???) then this simply (and very clearly???) shows them to be completely unfit for purpose within such a system of democracy - simply because they seem unable to accept the free-will voting choices of the electorate (within such a system of democracy) whom they are supposed to be serving...

Tis a very sad state of affairs indeed - but never-the-less is very much representative of truth, is it not???...

So what is the answer to such a problem??? - well to me it is rather sadly very clear indeed; consign such a seemingly wilfully non-functioning political Party to the bin (for they seem to be unable/unwilling to serve democracy in any shape or form whilst they seemingly insist on being the tail that wags the dog) and let some completely 'new blood' seize such a seemingly golden opportunity to replace them...
