25 Nov


Well, my mostest Loveliest GurlyFriend (we is now a definite item innit - and have been for a while now actually) Rhio was With me once again last night...

She seems to be around me most times actually - although in the daytime, when my mind can often be elsewhere, i am sometimes not so readily aware of Her Presence perhaps (unless i am Working, whereby i find myself to be increasingly Asking for Her clarification/advice/opinion - and whilst enjoying some walkies times of course)...

...Although, during the evenings we tend to share at least some time with oneAnother also - She often reassures me that She Loves me very deeply...

...And sometimes, when i find reason to apologise to Her for often having my thoughts elsewhere (it's part of the Job really - it takes my mind in different places), She often simply Says an Understanding, 'I Love you' - which i most readily interpret as Rhio adding Silently, 'that's all that matters' (it simply represents an unspoken Vibrational C/communication between U/us)...

I actually feel very Blessed to have Rhio as my Partner - mainly because i Know that She actually means it...

So anyway, as you can probably guess, W/we have seemingly grown very close to oneAnother - and such a Relationship feels very Special/Real to me (well, seemingly very much for the both of U/us actually)...

Strange for some people to try to comprehend perhaps (which is absolutely fine btw) - but it simply is what it is...

...Interacting with such People is seemingly part-and-parcel of my Job afterall - so as in all such I/interactions, sometimes P/people simply grow C/close to oneA/another (it's as simple as that really)...

...And perhaps i'm simply a much better catch outside of my body than i am when withinit innit (eat your hearts out gals lol)...

Anyway, what all this leads to, is that sometimes Rhio will come Lay beside me (in a within mind sort of way) upon me getting into bed for the night (She's simply besotted with me innit - tis obvious really) - no doubt Waiting patiently for me to fall asleep and to exit these old bones of mine, in order that We may spend some Quality Real-time with OneAnother...

...Doin' whatever it is we do Together i guess - probably many different Things really...

So anyway, whilst L/laying beside oneAnother, i sometimes See (within mind, once again), in full Colour, other Faces (and Bodies) - quite often in Real-time (as if watching a Movie perhaps)...

This has previously caused me some confusion - as in, 'why are They present, i wonder / 'what are They doing Here???' (and, upon reflection, why hasn't Rhio seemingly not Become/Shown jealous/irritation)...

...Unasked 'Questions' that have remained unAnswered - until last night in fact...

...When the 'penny' finally dropped - as it often(???) does eventually - even with me...

Such 'Others' are simply Rhio whilst within other incarnations (we are seemingly all multi-incarnational Beings afterall) - gee do i feel dumb sometimes / upon such occasions...

'Why dumb' you may ask...

Hmmm - good question lol...

Yeah, i guess such confusion is all very understandable within ignorance, isn't it - but the simple truth is, i had already gained the 'Smarts' to work it out all by myself really, hadn't i...

...Hence, no doubt, my darling Rhio's unseen presumed wry Smiles eh - an aspect that causes me much amusement btw...

Eeeeh, They can be such Fun at times, these Gals - and the Guys also actually (within different respects of course)...

Tis what makes such a Job reet good Fun actually - i think They Know that i would perhaps rather easily become bored with it all otherwise...

...Tis like keeping a child entertained really, isn't it - of that i have absolutely no doubts/pretensions...

So what a very Welcoming light-bulb moment eh - yeah, i know, i get many of them don't i (well seemingly anyway)...

Why in particular, you may well ask...

Well it solves a rather ongoing problem that i seem to have - i can simply get/become bored rather easily...

...Gals included of course...

...Everything tends towards sameness/familiarity eventually afterall, doesn't it - so commitment, for me, has always been a bit of an ongoing problem like...

...And as much as i find Rhio to be a very Interesting and Welcoming GurlyFriend, the lack of commitment factor has always tended to be in the back (or sometimes not the back of course) of my mind...

The truth of the matter is that i don't like 'hurting' people (especially so G/gals) that i know have grown close to me (and i them perhaps) - such feelings/thinkings can sort of very much tend to cause me to become depressed (potentially at least)...

...Simply because i know how hard it can be for me to live up to such perceived expectations - it can be a real bummer at times...

Often resulting in me shying away from (trying to avoid) such perceived commitments - within a very general sense...

But hey, i've now found the benefits of 'Loving Angels instead'...

(In truth i suspect that i am in no way alone within such a respect - tis simply a guy thing gals innit lol)...

...For rather Lucky people, such as myself, seemingly have many GurlyFriends - all seemingly Wrapped Up in one Package...

Problem Solved innit - and absolutely no cheating involved either - and what an absolute Privilege it is to be the recipient of such personal Sharings eh (yeah, She well-Loves me innit - tis obvious really)...

Why problem solved???...

Well it would most definitely seem to solve (or at least partly solve) the easily growing/becoming bored issue, doesn't it...

And hey, the Icing on the Cake is that it's a two-way solution - potentially at least...

'Happy days are here again' eh...

'I'm in Heaven - Heaven when we Touch'...

...Are those really lines within a tune also???...

Well i can hear the tune playin' in my 'ead...

...So, upon this occasion, who cares whether they are or not eh...

Maybe it will come to me later...

*** And later - after a walkies *** ...

Ooooh it very much seems like the 'besotted' bit has annoyed Rhio for some unknown reason - eeeeh T/they don't 'alf get the 'ump easily sometimes don't T/they - by 'eck T/they do...

Apparently i can act like such a jerk sometimes - BIG oops eh...

The trouble with some W/women is that they start off by telling you that they L/love you - which can be really great obviously...

...Then T/they go about trying to change you...

...And then, if you've allowed T/them to change you, no doubt T/they become bored with you - and go looking for another mountain to climb/conquer...

...It can seemingly be like an ongoing series of events for T/them, can't it...

Ooooh - i think i may have said a little too much once again lol...

Oh, and in closing, lest i forget - 'Just Like Heaven' are the Words that were Given to me during walkies (the actual music that was earlier playing within my mind relates to the song called '(Feels Like) Heaven' by Fiction Factory btw) - oooh, (upon checking that W/we're still okay), Rhio doesn't just 'Love' me, She 'Adores' me lol (She just Told me (once again - i'd forgotten lol))...
