05 Oct


Around the time of my mid teens, or perhaps slightly later, i remember my mother exclaiming the following as our paths crossed one day...

...'I must have been a really bad bugger in a previous life to have deserved a life like this'...

A rather strange thing for an ex/lapsed Catholic to have said, one could rather easily reason - maybe she had simply overheard a perhaps related conversation involving others perhaps???...

Anyway, whatever the truth of the matter, many years later, whilst a group of us were sitting within a certain Christian Spiritualist Church, mum received a message from a visiting female medium/clairvoyant, very much suggesting to her that she had experienced a previous life as an Egyptian princess ('i See you as an Egyptian princess' -  Jimima perhaps???) - a seemingly very much welcomed message, that seemed to make mum feel rather good about herself...

Much more recently, i linked such a message to her much earlier statement - and pondered upon such a possible link...

I considered a number of the observed/sensed hindered aspects of her personality, and viewed them as being mere vestiges of the level of such hindrances that she must have perhaps had during her supposed/before-told, way back when, incarnation as an Egyptian princess, when such hindered states were presumably perhaps in their fully fledged states - to deduce that she could indeed have been a particularly, 'bad bugger' / extremely hindered individual...

So, given that mum has seemingly not yet fully repaid/rebalanced the karma she amassed during such a singular, rather 'priviledged'/'powerful'/'influential' incarnation all that time ago, for how long and for how many subsequent incarnations has such a rebalancing/repayment process so far possibly taken???...

Well, in terms of the time-frame, there would seem to be two rather broad possibilities...

Firstly, the 'classical'/'official', doctrine / school of thought, would seem to suggest a time period of between 3150BC (1st dynasty) and circa 2000BC (11th dynasty) - so let's, perhaps rather arbitrarily, choose the mid point between such dynastic periods; thereby giving us a date of 2575BC...

And secondly, there is the non 'official'/'classical' time period that seems, perhaps much more reasonably, to take into account the rate of the apparent water erosion of the sphinx - giving us a date of say 10,500BC???...

And let us now speculate upon the average incarnational length of each singular human incarnation during such a subsequent time period - on average, 60 years per incarnation perhaps???...

And finally, let's pick a rather arbitrary average time period spent within the earned 'after-life' conditions between each Earthly incarnation - 60 years also perhaps???...

...Giving us a perhaps rather arbitrary 120 year overall span of time between each completed Earthly incarnational experience perhaps???...

So, how many rebalancing/payback lives does that give us so far???...

Well, a start point of 2575bc would give us around 38 previous lives so far - whereas a start point of 10,500bc would give us around 104 previous lives so far...

However, such calculations assume that all subsequent incarnational lives have been human ones - a perhaps rather inaccurate assumption, given that such a particularly hindered incarnation may well have necessitated a number of more severe and possibly much shorter transmigratory incarnations within say the animal kingdom, in order to more readily render her eligible to experience more/further Earthly lives enclothed within a variety of human vehicles of expression once again???...

How many Earthly incarnations would we be talking about then, one may reasonably enquire - many, many more, one could very reasonably speculate; simply to get back to the level of balance/imbalance (on a very simplistic level/basis at least, one would most readily suggest) she had earned for herself immediately prior to experiencing such a possible/before-told Egyptian princess incarnation perhaps???...

But hey, let's look on the bright side yeah - what if a possibly very much hindered mum had been a presumably much more powerful Pharaoh, rather than a mere princess???...

...What suffering could she have wreaked upon others then???...

...And how many more incarnated beings could such suffering have been visited upon???

...And within how many 'lower' kingdoms could such suffering/destruction have spread itself???...

...And to what extent???...

Within what lower kingdoms could mum have incarnationally potentially fallen into then???...

Within both the plant and mineral kingdoms perhaps??? - incarnations whereby the only signs of her former human self were perhaps the barely visible and highly(???) distorted images/imprints within the barks of trees, or the surfaces of rock faces, perhaps???...

Rather/Potentially serious food for personal thought/introspection/consideration, one would have thought - one that could rather easily liken our many incarnational lives to a game of snakes and ladders perhaps; where we make perhaps great efforts to climb the ladders (evolve), but find ourselves perhaps rather readily prone, if not careful, to slide rather quickly/readily down some of the many snakes (devolve) perchance???...

Maybe this is why it is said that 'slow is the fast way' perhaps???...

...Taking care/time to think before putting thoughts (especially hindered ones) into action, in order to make more steady, gradual, progress (evolving) perhaps??? - rather than rushing rather recklessly backwards in a more reactive/instinctive manner (devolving) perhaps???...
