22 Oct


We are NOT our physical body...

For our physical body is merely our physical vehicle of expression whilst we are incarnate here on planet Earth...

And at the end of each incarnation we simply shed such a mortal coil and return Home...

 And where is Home, the reader of these words may quite reasonably enquire???...

To which i would most readily reply, it is the Place/Conditions we find ourSelves to be Residing/Abiding within upon returning Home once again...

The Place/Conditions that we have earned for ourSelves...

Conditions that could be either more or less pleasing/displeasing than those that/which we left before entering into our most recent completed incarnation...

So do we continue to incarnate within the same type of physical vehicle of expression, incarnation after incarnation, one may quite reasonably enquire???...

To which i would most readily reply, we incarnate into the type of physical vehicle of expression deemed to be most suitable for our further Balancing/reBalancing/Evolution...

So, for instance/example, if our level of imBalance had increased to the extent whereby a physical vehicle of expression of less creative ability was deemed to be more suitable for us, then no surprise if we found ourself incarnating within such a physical vehicle of expression of lesser creative abilities...

And likewise, if our level of imBalance/Evolution had decreased/increased to the extent whereby a physical vehicle of expression of greater creative ability was deemed to be more suitable for us, then perhaps no surprise if we found ourself incarnating within a physical vehicle of expression of greater creative abilities...

And would we always reincarnate into a physical vehicle of expression resident upon planet Earth, one may quite reasonably further enquire???...

To which i would most readily reply, well the universe would very much seem to be a very big place indeed, would it not - so why would all of our incarnations have to take place on one singular planet orbiting one singular sun???...

...For there must be many potential planets suitable for such similar physical incarnations, must there not???...

So when and how do we know for sure that we are not merely our physical body, the reader of these words may quite reasonably enquire???...

Well, ultimately, through personal experience, i would most readily reply...

But until then why not either read about or listen to the experiences of others, either through books or via the internet for example...

...Or indeed through listening to the personal testimonies of family members, friends, and/or neighbours for example...
