11 Oct



The idea for this short story came about as a result of the so-called possible 'hybrid scenario' that has been suggested may be occurring, via hypnotic regressions of some of those who suspected that they were/had being/been 'abducted' by 'aliens/ETs - it is simply representative of a possible 'best case scenario' if you will...

I have simply chosen to 'join some dots' based upon things that i have read / listened to / heard about over the years - and like all dots that can possibly be joined, they don't necessarily have to be the right dots, joined in the right order, do they - so basically, such a short story is simply offered, rightly or wrongly, as a work of fiction/fancy that may or may not give rise to some form of food for possible thought amongst those who choose to read it...

Enjoy - or not of course...

A number of Cycles ago, when a war within a certain part of the galaxy was nearing its end, a spaceship became damaged in a skirmish with another spaceship belonging to the side that would become the eventual victors of such a war...

The Anoonis, as such occupants of such a stricken spaceship were known, managed to evade either capture, upon their surrender, or total destruction...

So they simply limped their way though space undetected, searching for a suitable planet within a far away solar system, in order to hide themselves away from the consequences of such a seemingly inevitable defeat...

Eventually a suitable planet was found - upon which they near crash-landed...

Such a planet was inhabited by various animal species - including a comparatively much less evolved higher species...

The Anoonis now had a problem to solve - they had to try to repair their spaceship, using the natural minerals/materials that were available on such a planet...

However, they were few in number, and such work would take much effort and time...

So, having a geneticist amongst their crew/numbers, together with the requisite technology, they decided to upgrade such a much lesser evolved indigenous higher species, in order to use them as their slaves/work-force...

So a tinkering they went...

And within such tinkering, they decided to cut such a species off from their non-physical Brethren by robbing them of their natural ability to Communicate and be Guided by Them...

Rendering them much more reliant/dependant upon their new masters...

And off to work they put them - mining the raw materials they would need in order to repair their ship and such...

Some managed to escape such genetic tinkering - but not many...

And such still whole brethren managed to hide themselves away until such Anoonis thankfully and mercifully finally departed their home planet...

Upon which they reintegrated themselves and mated with their genetically afflicted and mentally 'upgraded' brethren - until they themselves were slain for their differences by such now much unbalanced former brethren...

The result being that the offspring of such mating at least managed to regain some very/comparatively rudimentary/limited form of Communication with their non-physical Brethren - but not nearly enough in order to live Spiritually balanced lives upon such a planet...

The result being that such a tinkered with species now 'evolved' in a much hindered way...

With much karma being amassed by/amongst them - resulting in them being trapped within only the physical realm and the non-physical Realm immediately above - in never-ending cycles of reincarnation, Cycle after Cycle...

However, eventually such a genetically modified species did manage to evolve technologically, to the extent that their eventual electronic communications spread out into the ethers of space...

Communications that were eventually detected by a much more advanced and Spiritually balanced race...

A race that decided to come to the aid of such a most obviously out of Balance species...

Resulting in them creating a new, and once again Balanced, physical vehicle of expression for such a much earlier genetically tinkered with race...

And after the end of yet another planetary Great Cycle of renewal had taken place, and conditions had normalised themselves once again, they simply put small groups/communities of such indigenous souls, housed within their new and Balanced physical vehicles of expressions, down within various locations upon such a planet...

Leaving their numbers to grow, and their lives to return to much more Balanced ones, once again - and the remnants of the genetically tinkered with indigenous species to their natural physical extinction, due to a natural preference amongst such souls to incarnate back into only Balanced physical vehicles of expression, once again...

Resulting in such souls once again being able to Ascend within/up all of the various Realms of existence/evolution - as they naturally/formally should have been / were able to...

The end...
