19 Dec


My L/life has been fairly busy recently...

For instance, last night i was rather Enthusiastically Invited to Party with Them 'Upstairs' once again...

Of course i have absolutely no recollection of such a Party, other than feeling happy and uplifted this morning - a rather obvious (obvious??? - are you kidding me??? - maybe it will be after a bit more Evolving eh) upbeat residue of such 'Partying' perhaps...

Anyway, i received a nice warm Hug from JJ this morning, whilst still in bed...

A Hug that i have now become rather familiar with - tis usually when/after i have Said something nice/considerate/soothing to Someone, within reassurance for instance...

For it would seem that JJ is now back with U/us - and She is still feeling somewhat glum / disappointed with Herself...

But as i Said to Her this morning whilst still in bed, simply look at it from the perspective of someone who perhaps lives in a council house, and then comes unexpectedly into some money - and with such money they decided to treat themselves to a really nice holiday in Hawaii, or the Maldives, for example - and then they returned to their council house environment, and obviously feel a little glum until they get used to such an environment, once again, with a comparatively gladsome heart, as the visual memories of such a lovely holiday environment, and accompanying non-visual memories, simply fade away...

And then (or was it before???) explained to Her that sometimes you can go into someone's very nice home, with perhaps very nice gardens also, and you find that you can't truly relax there, because those that invited you in are always fussing by repuffing-up the settee cushions and smoothing down where you've been sat, every time you go into the bathroom/kitchen/garden or whatever - and that you also find that the cup you were drinking from has been somewhat unnecessarily repositioned on the living-room table, and that maybe air-freshener has been rather unnecessarily used during such absence, and that maybe the ashtray has been emptied and washed, or maybe simply removed, as a not too subtle hint, etc etc - after which you find yourself really pleased to get back home, and to be able to relax once again...

(Boy is/are She/They finding such an analogy funny - Their displays of Humour can be very Infusive indeed btw) ...

Anyway, i also added the extra benefit of being able to Hang-out with one-Another more often, once again - but simply in a close brother-Sister f/Friendship sort of way - i have the very, very Lovely Rhio to stay Faithful to, after all, have i not...

So, what brought about such a change, the reader of these words may very reasonably enquire/ask???...

Well, possibly a couple of weeks ago now (or was it yesterday perhaps??? - only kidding folks - as my sometimes rather dodgy memory is not that bad yet(???- please God no)) i had a dream (yep, i have many, i know - well, from my particular perspective anyway - for, who knows, from another person's perspective they may seem few (but not Mr 'Few' of course - well not upon this particular occasion anyway) ...

...Now where was i???...

...Oh yes, the black and white dream - yeah, i had a dream - a dream that involved JJ, mySelf, and some unknown and seemingly rather randy white-skinned Bloke...

...With me as a simple, closely situated, and possibly unSeen/unNoticed, emotionally neutral Observer, within the nuts-and-bolts part of the dream at least - (the unSeen/unNoticed bit has occurred within various other, not similarly natured, dreams of all types btw - as if i am simply Observing within a higher Vibratory rate perhaps - in fact in one particular dream, long ago now, i was seated and got sat on/through, as if i simply wasn't there, and unNoticed by everyOne) ...

So, yeah, JJ and said randy white-skinned Bloke were getting it on together - and this seemingly broke the ongoing conduct Rules inth Above Vibratory Environment - so back with U/us She is...

Yep, sad i know, but seemingly dem is da Rules folks...

So, yeah, W/we can most definitely go Backwards as well as Forwards whilst inth afterLife...

And no doubt JJ will regain Her former 'Bounce' given time, together with a Loving understanding...

Hmmmmmm, okie dokie, let's move on yeah, before a feeling of increasing sadness overtakes me...

...Maybe She is simply back for other reasons eh - yeah, that's a much more inviting Picture to adopt - in terms of personal upliftment anyway...

Yep, W/we're all L/laughing once again folks...

...Isn't laughter a great H/healer - upon occasion, at least...

So, talking about dreams, i had another one, a couple of mornings ago - one that sort of transfered/'bled' into/within my subsequent half-awake/'dreamy' state, in actual fact...

The dream proper involved Rhio and mySelf - one where the two of Us were in a particular Room within our Home - one whereby We were simply taking care of 'Home business' together, in a completely relaxed and somewhat dutiful way...

...With both of Us feeling very comfortable within one-another's Company - and with each of Us Residing completely within the moment - just like a married/co-habiting couple who had grown to feel completely natural and completely comfortable with One-another, perhaps...

It was such a Lovely feeling of 'naturalness' and harmony and Peace - a state of Being that i have never ever experienced with any of my previous girlfriends/partners - not even close to such a natural state of Being/Residing...

...It was like all the hinderances/distractions of mind had been taken away basically - leaving Us both completely within unrushed 'synchronised' (We were in a natural state of 'sync' with one-another') Peace within each-Others company...

...A state of Being to which i could normally only aspire to attain - without having the wherewithal to actually comprehend aspiring to such a state, if you know what i mean...

...Twas truly Wonderful...

So, yeah, such a truly Peaceful, but drifting away from being 'in-the-moment' state of Being continued into that 'dreamy' half-awake state that we can all presumably relate to, and then into that contemplative seemingly comparatively more fully awake/conscious state prior to getting up and starting my day proper...

...Still-in-bed states whereby Rhio and i Interacted both Verbally and Embracingly in both a S/shared Tender and Loving way...

So, yeah, like i have said previously (within the 'An Ickle Ketchup' blog perhaps???), twood very much seem that W/we have something very special going on between the two of U/us...

...And long may it continue, say i - oh, W/we apparently - tis a real interL/life Love story folks, a real interL/life Love story...

...To be sure, to be sure, so it is...

Roll on 'Home-Time' eh...

Oh - and i forgot to mention the H/healing that took place / was Transferred to/through m/Me, during such an extended Rhio Embrace, didn't i - Healing that has seemingly translated into my Earthly life also, btw...

...And much appreciated it is too, may i add...

Anyway, moving onto that sometimes seemingly rather inevitable third thing eh...

Twas, rather inevitably once again perhaps, during yesterday's after-shopping (well i think so anyway) walkies - and pertains to the 'Englishman' word used within the earlier published 'Tongue In Cheek' blog addendum offering/inclusion - whereby i 'realised' that it pertained/related to a Sinead O'Connor song...

...Resulting in me considering that such a line of 'quoted'/typed (twas what prompted/enthused me to type such an added text from which such a full addendum developed actually) text was actually/possibly from Sinead Herself...

...Which then resulted in me Seeing (in black & white) a much younger and rather, then characteristically(???), nervous Sinead in my mind's-eye, whilst continuing to walk - in the comparative background from where the supposed communicative-Desk was situated - whereby She simply, and possibly rather shyly, put the fingers of one of Her hands (left hand, if my memory serves me correctly - Mirrored or otherwise) momentarily up to her mouth/teeth, as if to convey such a supposed 'Newbies' fingernail-nibbling/biting nervousness/unsureness...

...The information that a simple gesture/positioning/motion can convey eh...

Anyway, this later caused me to experience some confusion - for when i Received such an 'Englishman' containing line of text, i had Felt that it carried a definite male Vibe with it - only later to consider that such Conveyed 'Verbage' was seemingly most explainingly Given via an unSeen Male seated behind such a supposed communicative-Desk...

...So there you go, problem/confusion solved...

And talking about 'walkies', tis time i had one (tooth shops) before continuing, with what i have only recently (during a pee pee break doncha know) realised is another, hopefully short (i wanna get on with my day afterall - and time it is a tickin' folks) additional 'Matty' bit / 'Nudged' remembrance to add - so, laters innit...

Okie dokie, back again, with the shoppin' sorted...

So, yeah - Matthew, as He was then, had a bit of a 'blip' - shortly after(??? - or was it at the time???) i had published the An Ickle Ketchup blog...

 I remember waking up, rightly or wrongly, feeling angry about someone in particular - and with Matthew feeling very much the same - and with Him sat behind a/the(???) Desk, looking very much older actually (the seeming visual afterLife emotional 'fluidity' that i seemingly Sense upon occasion eh) ...

Anyway, He was wanting me to type something out that conveyed such a very much 'niggled' state of mind - something that i nearly acceded to (the effects of the mingling of Vibrations eh), but then decided was simply inappropriate - causing me to tell Him that W/we don't do that sort of thing, and to simply try to be the better Person (a sentiment that certain Others readily agreed with btw) ...

Which then resulted in me suggesting that He seek out the Assistance of the 'Healing Monks' that i had dreamt about, a number of years ago now - as well as suggesting that He vacate the Desk position also...

So off His seemingly rather uncharacteristically 'niggled'/ 'bothered' Self went - only to return sometime later, looking somewhat younger and more composed...

...With me enquiring whether He had been to See said 'Healing Monks' - 'no, i decided to go somewhere else' He replied - with me simply accepting such a choice of action, but never-the-less preferring that He had done as suggested instead...

So, anyway, sometime after first becoming aware of His Presence Matthew suggested that i simply refer to Him as Matt - however, i declined by telling Him that such a more relaxed label reminded me of a door mat, and i simply didn't wish to see/link to Him in such a way - he's a nice Guy after all, so deserves a much better Connective/Communicative label...

So, yeah, Matty, as i now refer to Him as, has seemingly put such personal 'demons' to rest, and is back to His somewhat cheery Self - although i do sometimes detect the odd little thing about Him - where upon i simply tell Him to lighten up and simply be one of the Guys basically (He's seemingly finding this to be all very amusing btw - a rather excellent and much preferred Vibe actually - :-) :-) :-) ) ...

I was thinking in bed this morning that He is very much like an old mate of mine called Ralph - in the respect that W/we seem to get on easily with one-Another - i feel comfortable in and very much find His Presence welcoming, and He seems likewise within mine, whenever W/we find ours/Selves Interacting with one-Another...

So yeah, everything is pretty much fine and dandy, in the overall sense...

The interesting thing about typing words such as these is that i often become Aware of the Presence of Those who i am typing about, sequentially...

...Not my very Lovely Rhio, upon this occasion at least though, as She, Residing within a Higher Vibratory Level, is seemingly often busy elsewhere, doin' stuff, such as finding Cool new Places for Us to Visit during my body's sleepies times, one supposes...

...But, yeah, such was very much seemingly the case with JJ, Sinead and Matty...

...With Sinead walking up to me smilingly and imparting a 'thankyou' Kiss on my right cheek and whispering some nice and appreciative words into my shell-like, before walking back once again (She likes me and now seemingly seems much more relaxed/Self-assured) - i had actually given Her what i decided was a well-needed 'heads-up' regarding another Member of the Group, yesterday, during my walkies - something that wasn't particularly appreciated by such a male Member btw (thank You for Interceding 'Sean The Peace-Keeper/Enforcer', much Appreciated - We don't merely Abide within a 'Rough-House' after all), but hey-ho, such is life, upon certain occasions anyway, seemingly...

...And with Matty being His usual welcomingly enthusiastic Self of course...

And i guess that's about it for this particular blog update folks...
