08 Jul


Because i have lived in the area that i do for such a long time i both know and am known by a lot of people - not well-known by many perhaps, but never-the-less known - known in passing would perhaps be a better, more general, way of describing it...

Anyway, one such person that i occasionally 'bumped into', as they say, was a fairly large guy known as 'Thorny'...

One of the stories i heard about him, many years ago now, was with regard to a 'happening' much earlier in his life - whereby apparently there was a street fight taking place, and Thorny was apparently astride another guy, who he had pinned to the ground beneath him - and whereby he was apparently giving said guy a beating with his fists...

Anyway, said guy's friend apparently hit Thorny onth head with a small ball-pein hammer in order to try to get him to stop presumably repeatedly thumping his supposed friend - with Thorny apparently taking such a blow with no/little complaint/effect, as he apparently simply continued his physical assault onth other guy...

Anyway, some personally unknown time later he was apparently having sex with an equally personally unknown female (he was rather popular with the ladies apparently) - when a blood vessel apparently burst in his head, causing him to apparently slump on top of her, unconscious - resulting in him seemingly being rushed to hospital and later making a supposed 'full recovery'...

So anyway, in short, it would seem that Thorny had been a bit of a lad, as they say, in his younger years...

Anyway, there came a time when i noticed that he seemed to change quite considerably - whether it was simply that i became better known to him, and he simply found me to be an agreeable person, i have no idea, of course - but, from my personal perspective, at least, he rather suddenly seemed to morph/change into a very welcomingly nice, generous, and considerate person indeed...

...And no, it wasn't due to the fact (as they say) that he had 'found religion' - as far as i know he had actually been born into the Roman Catholic faith - but whether he had been a 'practising' one or not, i have no idea...

So anyway, twas sometime after such a personally perceived moment of change that i wondered whether such obvious karma incurred in the seemingly protracted beating of such a guy would now be transcended/negated due to such a perceived fundamental change in him - twasn't that he was in any way a 'bad' person when i first became aware of him, as a somewhat more distant neighbour, btw - twas simply that he seemed 'guarded', and potentially 'menacing', from my perspective, at least...

He was actually, like myself, a Manchester United fan - a Manchester United fan who, from my personal perspective, suddenly seemed to have 'seen the light', as they say - and twas a joy to witness, tis as simple as that really...

So, yeah, 'Thorny', as he was known, was very well liked locally - a guy with a big heart and and a ready smile - a guy that i never really got to know, and vice versa...

...And a guy whose much less capable physical life apparently came to a rather brutal end onth evening of July 1st 2024 - for he had apparently been virtually beaten to death the week before (and subsequently put into an induced coma that he never emerged from, apparently) by two guys (one of whom lived more locally to me) - apparently an ex army guy (and his mate apparently) who, unknown to myself, was allegedly terrorising some of his most local neighbours into 'lending' him money, on occasion at least...

...A guy who, for no apparent reason, completely unexpectedly, and rather joyfully, 'high-fived' me in passing the last time i remember seeing him onth street...

...A guy (along with his apparent mate) who is now, no doubt, very much regretting such brutal actions, one supposes...

...But never-the-less a guy whose ill-advised/considered actions seemingly answered my earlier ponderings with regard to 'Thorny's' earlier-in-his-life, seemingly similarly ill-advised/considered, actions - the answer seemingly being that, no, you don't/can't simply transcend/negate your karma - no matter how much you later change for the better...

...An answer that makes complete sense to me btw...

But hey, from my perspective at least, tis far far better to pay off your current-life karma before returning Home (if you are indeed able to do so), rather than leaving it to be repaid in a subsequent life / subsequent lives - for you have then simply unburdened yourself of it, so it no longer holds sway over both your afterlife and future physical life conditions/restrictions - which, in Thorny's case, particularly, pleases me greatly...

May we all have the opportunity to do likewise eh - be they current or previous life karmas - or indeed (at least some of) both, of course...
