28 Mar


I've been interacting/communicating on the internet, via national newspapers mainly, since around 2008 if my memory serves me correctly...

I started off on The Sun newspaper, when i realised to my very great surprise that it offered the facility for anyone of us to potentially globally communicate to/with individuals of all races...

Next, if my memory serves me correctly, i moved on to The Independent; then The Telegraph; and finally, in newspaper terms, to The Guardian...

It comprised a journey of exploration and personal challenge - and, probably like all things/experiences/interactions, it had its good/pleasant times and its bad/unpleasant times...

...And along such a travelled road, i had my times of rest and recovery also...

In the early days of such a journey i seemed, from my own personal perspective at least, to be attacked several times on what i would most readily call a psychic level - resulting in me taking time out to recover...

...And later my many offerings would seem to have been attacked by a seeming variety of 'pranksters', for the want of a better word...

For instance, sometimes i found that my passwords seemed to simply stop working - then, at a later period of time, my comment history temporarily disappeared on a couple of occasions, during the period of time that i was making comments on The Guardian online newspaper...

Then, on the 2nd October 2019, i clicked on an article whilst on The Guardian online newspaper that somehow took me to a question and answer quiz that comprised a number of questions that asked me, in series, to select how i wished to be tortured, from three given options in each case (i am in no way implying that anyone from The Guardian was in any way complicit in such a 'prank' btw) - in the event i simply chose to answer each question in turn until i got fed-up with the whole thing and simply exited such a presumably spurious article...

...I then 'responded' by making the following comment within an article entitled 'The Guardian view on eurozone populism: fight it with fiscal firepower', by communicating the following at 5:26am that morning...

'Talkin' of populism...

It would seem that all my personal algorithms may be suffering from some sort of existential crisis...

Maybe i should sing some calming music to Hal in order to try to induce some relaxation back into his being - a few verses of Daisy, Daisy, perhaps???...' ...

...If my memory serves me correctly, the reason i chose such wording was because it would seem that i was being psychologically 'pranked' in a number of different ways as soon as i engaged the many different internet interactions of my choice on that particular early morning - 'pranks' that seemed to instantly cease after making such a published comment btw...

Much more recently such 'pranks' have involved attempts to seemingly deny me access to this 'ere website of ours, by presenting me with onscreen messages such as, 'this site has been permanently deleted' for example, whenever i have wished to sign in, in order to present additional offerings for reader consideration...

...on the first two occasions the wonderfully helpful and extremely competent staff at 'site123' managed to get me 'up and running' once again within a very short span/period of time indeed - and on the third most recent occasion i managed to get myself 'up and running' again with the help of something that the said extremely competent and very helpful 'site123' staff had (perhaps inadvertently???) offered to me on an earlier occasion...

Anyway, more recently still, i received an email from my internet service provider, seemingly suggesting that i had perhaps cancelled my contract with them - which, if true, will presumably take effect immediately prior to my next direct debit payment date...   

So, in summary, i would just like to take this opportunity to say that if i ever do disappear from the internet without, forewarning / prior notification, then please be assured that i have simply not just 'upped sticks and left', so to speak, but rather, i have simply been indisposed by the actions of others - either temporarily or permanently...

