06 Apr


Got up, got out of bed, and combed my hair in seconds dead...

Then, turning on the bathroom cold-water tap inth sink for Rocky to drink from, i had the very necessary pee pee dahlings...

Then i cleaned out Rocky's litter tray before serving him a couple of helpings of his 'Rocky food' - which he likes to eat onth one of the kitchen, work surfaces / counters, doncha know...

Next i opened a kitchen cupboard to get the cereal boxes out - only to find that there was a bowl of water-steeped cereals already onth shelf dahlings...

...The very same one that i had prepared yesterday morning - and had obviously forgotten about...

Very yummy yummy indeed dahlings...

Then, having switched on one's laptop, one looked at one's most important 'arrow ratings' onth Mail online dahlings - and then, whilst eating my breakkie, i made the obligatory bare minimum single comment to treat my many fans to, in order to rather reassuringly let them know that i was indeed still alive n kickin' oh so special dahlings...

And then i treated Rocky to a reassuring morning hug and a couple of onth top of the head kisses - before cleaning his hear-holes with some cotton buds...

Next i threw out some kitchen food-related rubbish dahlings - before deciding to start the cleaning of the kitchen floor...

After which, i decided to make a start on the much needed cleaning of the bathroom...

Then one went back onth Mail online to check on one's most important 'arrow ratings' once again - before feeling compelled to make another comment dahlings...

...Simply to reassure my many fans/followers that i was still okay - one wouldn't want the poor little blighters to start pining for one's attentions afterall would we dahlings...

But, oh no!!! - such an attempted new comment simply wasn't accepted!!!...

Panic attack, panic attack!!! - the heart is all a flutter dahlings...

Better take one of my tranques in order to calm myself bloody down - breathe dahling, breathe...

Aaaahhh, that's better, no need to get all het-up like that - perhaps there's simply a delay in the system...

I'll simply get back to the cleaning, and try again later - let's get the floor done...

Now then, let's get back onto the Mail online once again dahlings - yes, you guessed it, to check on one's 'arrow ratings' once again - and to check to see if that comment has been bloody-well accepted before making the next obligatory comment...

...Oh no!!!, panic attack, panic attack!!!, it simply hasn't been accepted and i can't think of another bloody thing to say dahlings!!! - EEEEK!!!...

...The tranques, the tranques, i need another of those bloody tranques!!! - oh where the hell did i leave them!!!...

Oh, there they are - breathe dahling breathe, everythings going to be okay...

...Just allow some time for their calming effects to kick in...

Oh what a completely exhausting day it's turning out to be - breathe dahling, breathe...

Oh no!!! - the first rule of self-advertising has been broken...

...'above all else stay relevant'...

And how on Earth can one stay relevant if the poor blighters no longer know whether i'm still alive or not?!?...

 How am i ever going to recover from such a bloody setback?!? - and when will the inspiration return!?!...

This could be it - i could be completely finished!!!...

Breathe dahling, breathe - maybe another tranque will help to get me through the rest of the day...

Now where did i leave the bloody things?!?...

Oh no!!!...

Breathe dahling, breathe - oh there they are...

Maybe i should lie down for a while on the sofa...

Aaaahhhh, it's time for 'The Jo Whiley Show' - sanity at last dahlings...

Maybe i'll try requesting the tune to those words that were going through my mind whilst cleaning the bathroom floor - 'crazy ??? crazy ??? what about us', i think they were...

...Jo's bound to know the song afterall... 

NOOOOOO!!! - i'd completely forgotten, it's been moved forward to eight a bloody clock!!!...

...The tranques!!!, the tranques dahlings!!! - where the bloody hell did i leave them!?!...

...Breathe darling, breathe...
