21 Nov

No-one other than ourself can truly fill the void within our heart: no-one other than ourself can truly heal our heart: this is what one of the lessons of impermanence teaches us (@ 13 September 2024) ...

Q: What do you call a fairly good-looking polymath??? - A: A pretty polymath, perchance??? (@ 30 August 2024) ...

If the apple doesn't fall from the tree it remains burdened Q.E.D (@ 4 July 2024) ...

If your hot air balloon is approaching a mountain you may find the need to raise its height in order to pass over it without incident...

We are all but pieces in a jigsaw - with some pieces seeming to be more interesting than others - but without all of them in place such a jigsaw remains incomplete (@ 12 June 2024) ...

Usually, when people talk about 'getting rid of their ego' what they are really alluding to is their desire to free themselves of their acquired egotistical traits/tendencies (@ 8 June 2024) ...

When you allow Spirituality to be intrusively competitive you are simply feeding your own ego (@ 4 June 2024) ...

Beware casting false/errant traits/characteristics upon others, for they are more likely simply projections of your own (@ 4 June 2024) ...

People tend to believe what they wish to believe - whether it be reflective of truth or not (@ 21 May 2024) ...

Love is a state of emotional dependency...

Sometimes gifts of perceived Appreciation can come in strange and unexpected ways...

Familiarity can breed complacency...

A 'narrative' is, upon occasion, simply an agreed lie (@ 23 March 2024) ...

One is a writer, not a fighter dahlings - well, allegedly anyway :-) :-) :-) ~ Me (@ 23 March 2024) ...

Always try to transcend your given/adopted label(s) if possible (@ 13 Feb 2024) ...

You cannot build a perceived utopia upon the suffering of others and expect it to prevail (@ 12 Feb 2024) ...

Some perceive reality as being fixed/singular - whereas others find this to be rather mundane - these often prefer the challenges that a more fluid reality presents them with (@ 8 Feb 2024) ...

The true/real currency of life is karma - rather than money, and the power/influence that oft commensurately accompanies it (@29 Jan 2024) ...

Be compassionate towards others but don't take on their karma...

Woke is a yoke that be spoke (@ 29 Dec 2023) ...

Woke is a yolk that's bespoke (@ 29 Dec 2023) ...

I think that sometimes that which we call L/love could/can become a dependency that B/blinds us (@ 20 Dec 2023) ...

The need to remain grounded can be paramount (@ 20 Dec 2023) ...

Be forever wary/mindful (of any 'buffeting' - gentle or otherwise) when approaching the eye of the needle (@ 20 Dec 2023) ...

The ego can become one's worst enemy if left unchecked/unnoticed (@ 20 Dec 2023) ...

Sometimes moments of clarity can get you out of your bed in the morning (@ 20 Dec 2023) ...

Never confuse the perceived foe with the perceived friend and vice versa (@20 Dec 2023) ...

We may never know what a new day may bring until it arrives (@ 20 Dec 2023) ...

We are but babies in our diapers, within the greater Scheme of things - and even that analogy may flatter us...

Q: Is Ignorance bliss??? ~ A: Only if you've lived a Good life (@ 8 Dec 2023)...

It is generally a lot easier to see perceived faults in others than it is to see them in ourselves (26 7 2022)...

The personality can be the soul's worst enemy...

The doorway to happiness can be found through acceptance and contentment (@5 Nov 2023) ...

Sometimes we experience a chaotic ripple traversing our Peace-time continuum...

Realisation often comes as a result of freeing oneself from the effects of conditioning...

Tis what comes UNBIDDEN to mind, that is usually of the MOST importance...

Never go up a creek without a paddle (@ 19 February 2023) ...

Once you start blessing the sins of your religion you start serving the devil of your religion - that should be perfectly obvious (@ 10 February 2023) ...

Power tends towards Spiritual/worldly corruption - absolute power tends towards absolute Spiritual/worldly corruption...

Evolution ~ continued expansions within Balanced conscious Awareness (@ 3 Sept 2022) ...

Those who wish to become part of a circus, make efforts to do so - those who do not, don't...

Fear is the vice that constricts Growth...

Solitude is often necessary during spiritual Unfoldment - rather than fight against it, embrace it graciously...

Meditation is about stilling the mind and simply observing what is, rather than trying to create what should be, or analysing why it is...

Always remember to remove the bee from your bonnet before choosing to attack others unnecessarily...

Q: What should you do if the spark goes outta your relationship??? ~ A: Try a little tinderness???...

Guides/Helpers/Muses - it is not how They are clothed, but the Influences they bring, that is of Importance...

Always remember to point a finger at yourself before choosing to point it at others...

True Progress can often be a slow and Painful experience...

It is not what we do that we are Judged upon, but our motives for so doing...

All is karma, but not all is truth...

Meditation is about acquiring a stillness within the mind, of observing its quality, and then becoming at-one with it...

Meditation helps to still the emotional pendulum...

It is the simplicity of meditation that so often eludes us...

Another person's perceived level of Spirituality is relative to one's own point of consciousness...

If yesterday no longer exists and tomorrow is yet to be born, why do so many of us waste our time and energy living in both past and future???...

Spiritual greed, quite naturally, attracts the lesson of patience...

Complexity more easily facilitates deceit...

Confucius he say ~ an opinion is like an onion - it has many skins which can be revealed in many different ways...

Q - What is the art of skillful writing/communication???   ~   A - The ability to paint clear pictures with words...

The emotions are our own personal weather system...

Love ~ two keys meshing ~ turning and meshing...

Happiness is the Sun shining out of your heart...

Completion/limitation is not compatible with infinity - so/therefore Enlightenment can only be/represent/constitute a singular signpost along the Way/Path...

Messages in bottles - we perhaps never know when they will turn up / arrive at the shore - and at which particular shores they may arrive at/upon...

Unhealthy desires pollute the mind - the fulfillment of unhealthy desires pollutes mind, body and soul...

Unorthodoxy often helps to unshackle us from the constraints of the conditioned mind...

The ability to simply observe self-suffering is an acquired art...

Never make judgements through the eyes of I/ignorance (@ 3 August 2021)...

Karma ~ that which is woven into/within the conscious fabric of the universe (@ June 2021)...

Q. What do telepaths call mobile phones??? - A. disabled signs...

If sympathy was a glass of milk some would wish to drink as much of it as they possibly could (@ April 2021)...

Compassion for the dubious health of, another's soul / other souls, often causes Us to Wisely choose to remain silent, lest they fall further into the Spiritual wilderness...

Unskillful behaviour begets unskillful behaviour...

'Rest in peace' ~ the picture painted ~ eternally in a state of repose upon a chaise longue perhaps??? (@ 13 April 2021) ...

Don't be cruel - be cool - act like a fool (tis the unmitigated(???) power of emerging Love dahlings) (@ 31 March 2021) ...

Truth is that which often lies unseen before the questioning mind...

A label is that which separates us from Experience...

Happiness is becoming the stream that carries you through life...

We each attract to ourselves whatever we require for our next stage of Growth...

As a result of our actions we are often the creators of our own futures...

Give unto others that which was Given unto you...

If it don't come from the heart, it ain't worth a fart...

All deceit is self-deceit...

Those who grasp at nettles shouldn't be surprised when their fingers get stung...

Modesty is one of my strong-points...

I have conquered the desires of my lower self - and i intend to conquer them again tomorrow!!!...

Too much curiosity can soon become pain in ass...

Q: Why do some monks choose to take the vows of silence??? - A: I don't know, why don't you ask them...

Confucius He say (allegedly anyway) ~ If one can dig a spliff, one can (apparently) dig a hole also {'far down man'}...

Be aloof whilst on the hoof, searching for your Troof...

You cannot bomb/desecrate your way into Heaven/Paradise - it simply doesn't work that way - as should be perfectly obvious...

The limitation of Truth fosters the breeding-ground for intolerance...

Seek out your own Truths - if they resonate with a feeling of harmony then keep them, otherwise discard them and seek out alternatives...

True Acceptance comes as a result of an inner Knowing, rather than as a consequence of successful conditioning...

Accept fully the failings of others, but do not align yourself with them...

Acceptance is the price we pay for our emotional well-being - it is a state of mind to be achieved, rather than a quality bestowed upon us...

Self-deceit is borne out of Spiritual ignorance...

Truth penetrates the soul, whereas deceit flatters the ego...

Enlightenment cannot be attained through the clever mind...

Available options are not simply either, and, or - but rather, either, and, neither, or...

do this - do that - do nothing ~ 'if in Doubt, do nowt'...

That others don't understand, is of little importance - that YOU understand, is of the utmost importance...

Confucius He say ~ If one can dig a hole, one can plant a tree also - and if one can plant a tree, one can plant a forest also...

Focus on the journey, rather than the goal (1997)...

Be ever wary of the advice of others...Question all things - never accept blindly...If in doubt listen to what your heart is telling you...

You can't appreciate the sun without experiencing the rain - you can't appreciate the calm without experiencing the storm...

The seat of self-honesty is to be found in the heart, rather than the mind...

Become aware of your failings/shortcomings, and seek to lessen them - rather than congratulating yourself on your achievements/improvements/accomplishments...

Confucius He say ~ Man of Peace need no gun...

Confucius He say ~ man may have biggest army in world, but if his troops have no heart to fight, then he have no army at all...

Confucius He say ~ man with no heart is like tree with no sap - it sways with the wind but is unable to enjoy the experience...

Confucius He say ~ wondering and wandering (often/potentially) walk hand in hand... (recently (@5 10 2020) Inspirationally paraphrased)

Until you are happy inside your heart you have nothing of true value...

Many of our problems result from taking ourselves too seriously...

Generally things are only as important as we make them out to be inside our heads (a slightly differently worded version to the one i shared here earlier)...

Humour - the art of saying something perhaps uncomfortable/unpleasing, in a more acceptable/welcoming manner...

It is often the simple things in life that are of the most real worth/value...

Service, unselfishly motivated, opens your heart...

Although the reality of a situation may be clear to us, we often feel compelled to seek out the perceived safety of illusion instead...

Let fear guide you rather than rule you...

Unskillful behaviour begets unskillful behaviour...

Sometimes success comes from the not doing, rather than the doing...

Learning develops knowledge - whereas experience develops wisdom...

Sometimes things are only as important as we make them seem to be inside our heads...

What can seem 'boring' to one, may be endearing to another - and what can seem attractive to one, may be vulgar to another...

At times the Sun shines out of our hearts - and at times tears flow through our hearts...

Don't seek to be clever - seek to be honest with yourself instead...

Humour can often be a 'healthy' mask for the expression of pain...

Man who constantly look inward, easily lose sight of world...

Many of our problems result from taking ourselves too seriously...

Be ever wary of actively seeking out the psychic side of life - when the time is Right all will be made known to you...

If you have learned from experience, then you have been taught - no matter what the polarity of the teacher...

We are greedy for that which we are not yet ready ~ (1997)...

A TRUE F/friend tells you what you NEED to hear, rather than what you WANT/WISH to hear...

Truth is often seen as an unwelcome guest...

In order to Love others you need to understand them first...

Some people can be likened to a wriggling fish that is being played on the line of pride - for they refuse to let go, even when they are most obviously in error...

Pride is the mask that denies guilt...

Self-acknowledgement is the first step towards self-cure...

Often an imperfection that lies unseen has to be reflected back to us in a magnified way before we are able to perceive it within ourselves...

Resentment is often borne out of inaction...

Each has to plough their own furrow - each their own Salvation to attain...

Is not the offer to remove a splinter from another's eye, from one who has a beam in their own, not an extremely selfless one?...

Don't seek to be clever - seek to be honest with yourself instead...

We tend to bombard each other with words, rather than seeking/electing to communicate in a meaningful manner/way...

That which you have to sacrifice is only that which you are attached to...

The most important thing in life is to be true to yourSelf... 

We are placed in the physical in order to learn how to relate to it in an harmonious way...

If you can turn a momentary lapse into a catalyst for further Growth, then you have gained ground further along the Path...

Each has their own Path to tread; their own Salvation to attain...

Who knows down/along which paths our karma will lead us, and how many steps down/along each we will be required to tread?...

Although we can actively 'fight' against it, we cannot change what IS - the 'fight' merely represents the struggle of Growth...

Do not treat books as bibles, they merely reflect the accumulated thoughts and opinions of others - and like all things, are prone to error and distortion...

Humility should never be confused with subservience...

How can one be free when bound to people, ideals, possessions and beliefs? Let go, accept, and simply observe. Only then will reality be separated from illusion...

The Truth is often simple - it is generally our ignorance that prevents us from seeing it...

Although the reality of a situation may be clear to us, we often feel compelled to seek out the perceived safety of illusion instead...

Truths that touch the soul sow the seeds of Wisdom...

He who limits Truth limits Growth - he who limits Growth limits freedom...

To be given an answer is easy - to understand the answer may not be so easy, for it often requires a voluntary investment of/in energy...

The most improbable usually happens at the least expected time...

He who thinks simply sees clearly...

Truth is that which Stands unaided WithIn its own Light...

Tis the quality of the fruits that are of most importance - rather than the label given to the tree upon which such fruits grow...

My sense of humility has been honed to perfection...

That which we do unto others, we do unto ourselves also...

Karma ~ the consequences of the dances within free-will choices...

'Love' can be an easy thing to say - and an easy thing to betray ~ JJ specifically...