04 Sep


I do not claim ownership of any of the following music/videos in any way whatsoever, and as such they are in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have simply chosen, of my own free-will, to showcase them here in order to provide some education/entertainment/relaxation/upliftment to both myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents - if you find that you have enjoyed listening to them, then please consider purchasing them for yourself, in order to help the artist(s)/individual(s) further along their chosen journey through life...

I was actually belatedly Offered 'Keep The Customer Satisfied' by Simon & Garfunkel as a seemingly solitary musical accompaniment to the same titled blog, but quickly decided that i much prefer the below three Donovan songs, as they much more readily/appropriately facilitate the main theme of the general 'make-over' that i would like such music to reflect...

Yep, Rookies for sure, one's most precious dahlings, Rookies for sure...

'Must try harder' Rookies, 'must try harder' - early days yet though, for sure - early days yet - :-) ;-) :-) ...

1) Jennifer Juniper ~ Donovan...

I think it was sometime during my third visit tooth curtain shop that i had made the connection between the chosen 'Juniper' netting (nay, 'voils' dahlings, 'voils') and Donovan's 'Jennifer Juniper' song...

Thus its inclusion, as a reflection of such a choice of net curtains...

Pretty neat huh - as hopefully such curtains and nets will look to observing neighbours, once up - one simply must, rather belatedly, make an effort to 'keep up with the Joneses' after all dahlings (even though, in all honesty, i feel pretty sure that i've never met any 'Joneses' living in these 'ere neck of the woods) ...

2) Colours ~ Donovan...

So, with my 'starter for three' (rather than ten perhaps) having been seemingly self-established, i then decided to delve into my three Donovan cds, to see if they contained any colour-theme reflective offerings...

And, sure enough, within Donovan's 'Definitive Collection' cd, i found three possibles to choose from...

With this being the first of my colour-reflecting chosen Donovan offerings...

3) Mellow Yellow ~ Donovan...

...And with this more energetic colour-reflecting offering being the second of the three available ones to choose from...

And, yes, such an indepth/extended 'make-over' did indeed challenge one's available energy stores - on numerous occasions actually - but hey, we got there in the end, as they say...

Donovan eh - what a musical Gift to humanity he proved himself to be - unique, eclectic (really??? - okay, if you say so - Rookies i tell thee, mere Rookies), and simply a joy to listen to...