04 May


I do not claim ownership of any of the following music/videos in any way whatsoever, and as such they are in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have simply chosen, of my own free-will, to showcase them here in order to provide some education/entertainment/relaxation/upliftment to both myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents - if you find that you have enjoyed listening to them, then please consider purchasing them for yourself, in order to help the artist(s)/individual(s) further along their chosen journey through life...

At Seventeen ~ Janis Ian...

After completing the blog to which this 'ear tune is linked, and after trying to find one myself, i Asked my well-respected Mate and seeming 'go to Guy for a tune', Davy B (but only to me of course - yeah, eat yer hearts out fookers lolz)) if He could 'elp me out like...

Anyway, like the good Mate that He is, He not only promised to get one sorted for me, but also promised that He would get it through to me also - which He duly did, shortly after i had taken my second pee pee of the night and returned to my bed (no doubt after having consulted with various other A Team members of course)...

Anyway, firstly the remembrance of such a blog came to mind, followed shortly afterwards by the thought-Word 'Seventeen' (good choice thought i), and then (whilst i was trying to remember the name of the associated artist) the thought-Word 'Ian', and then the thought-Word 'Janis' flowed through my rather relaxed mind also - 'Janis', thought i, 'how interesting', as JJ (one of my other Mates btw lolz - as well as being o/Our Chief Editor of course) Herself had of course suffered from various intolerances, especially so during her school days apparently...

Murder Song (5, 4, 3, 2, 1) ~ AURORA...

Parts of this '5 4 3 2 1' tune came to mind immediately after i had fired up me lappy early this morning...

Sung, of course, by that rather gorgeous young gal with the rather discretely and attractively 'manicured' under-the-armpits hair...

Which i found to be rather interesting in itself, as i had earlier been thinking about some of the 'shallow Hals' amongst us whose attentions had seemingly been thusly directed, within the comments attached to one of her many YouTube offerings, during some of my yesterday's daily internet surfings - causing me to think about how such people's rather superficial minds may perhaps be directed whilst watching one of Akiane Kramarik's latest YouTube masterpieces - 'yeah, her paintings are all right i s'pose, but i don't like the way she styles her hair very much, or the clothes that she wears' lolz...

Is There Anybody Out There? ~ Pink Floyd...

This was my choice...

I chose it yesterday, after having completed the first draft of the associated blog (i had been playing their recently purchased The Final Cut album at the time - of which The Gunner's Dream is part, interestingly enough) - but then chose to put it aside after deciding that it perhaps wasn't the best singular offering to associate such an accompanying blog to - especially so, as it is of such a short duration of course...

Which was, in actual fact, what caused me to ask me new bestest Matey, and go to Guy, 'Davy B' (but only to me of course) if He could possibly 'elp me out within such a respect - sorted innit lolz...