04 Jun


I do not claim ownership of any of the following music/videos in any way whatsoever, and as such they are in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have simply chosen, of my own free-will, to showcase them here in order to provide some education/entertainment/relaxation/upliftment to both myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents - if you find that you have enjoyed listening to them, then please consider purchasing them for yourself, in order to help the artist(s)/individual(s) further along their chosen journey through life...

My Silver Lining ~ First Aid Kit...

I think it was possibly four or five days ago that i decided to offer my 'Shelley Omnist YouTube interactions' as a blog on this 'ere website of o/Ours - however i decided to rest for a few days before doing so, in order to allow time for my mind to settle etc - tis good to approach such things with a settled and more rounded perspective i think...

So anyway, possibly after a couple of days or more, i Asked for a musical accompaniment, as per usual, before putting it out of my mind / leaving it obeyance - so as i was listening to The Super Jo (Whiley) Show onth radio onth evening of 1 June, this tune/song was played - upon the start of which, it came, seemingly unbidden, to mind that it was to be the, earlier Asked for, accompanying one (an instant Knowing, if you will) - so note it down i did...

However, i was not 100% sure that it was indeed the right one, so i Told my perceived Inspirers that i would wait to see if another alternative was Offered, before deciding for sure - and left it at that - leaving me to more fully enjoy said Jo Show musical offerings etc...

Hip To Be Square ~ Huey Lewis & The News...

Whilst still laying in bed, on the morning of 3 June, if my memory serves me correctly, the thought of offering the three tunes/songs that were hinted at within such a 'Shelley Omnist YouTube interaction' came clearly to mind as i was awakening...

Ahaa, thought i, this is my obvious Answer - why did i not realise it before - a light-bulb moment if there ever was one lolz...

And as the first hint was a seemingly Inspired 'it's hip to be square', this is clearly the song/tune that it relates to...

Wish You Were Here ~ Pink Floyd...

And the second seemingly Inspired hint came in the form of the 'wheeze just two wotsits swimmin' in a fish bowl' typed reference...

Interestingly enough, i had also considered offering Shelley babes part of the paraphrased aphorism that this song/tune also relates to - namely, 'can you tell a green field from a smile from behind a Veil' - as a possible hint that, from my perspective at least, at least some of such interactions between the two of us, very much seemed to be Inspired ones...

However, because Shelley seemed to be playing nicely within such typed interactions, i decided to hold back, thinking/deeming it to be possibly too/unduly mischievous - for thoughts of doing so, however tempting it may have seemed at times, didn't give me a particularly good/positive feeling - i'm actually glad i didn't do so now lolz...

Nobody Told Me ~ John Lennon...

And this particular selection came as a result of the 'strange daze indeed' part of a comment/reply that i shared with Shelley babes...

Thus making four offered selections - instead of the more usual three...

And hey, there are four sides to a square right - the realisation that resulted in me deciding to offer all four, perceived to be, Inspired offerings - and thus being the case, once again i find myself saying, 'don't they seem to be clever at times, these A Team Members' (ain't it great when a perceived Plan comes together lolz - cue the music eh - so i guess that possibly makes me 'Mad dog Murdock' eh)...