12 Nov


I do not claim ownership of any of the following music/videos in any way whatsoever, and as such they are in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have simply chosen, of my own free-will, to showcase them here in order to provide some education/entertainment/relaxation/upliftment to both myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents - if you find that you have enjoyed listening to them, then please consider purchasing them for yourself, in order to help the artist(s)/individual(s) further along their chosen journey through life...


 'Across The Universe' (The Beatles cover) ~ AURORA...

I had yet another disagreement with John (from my own personal perspective, of course), this time over this particular musical selection (He wanted his version btw) - He always seems to want to be the 'friggin'' decision maker...

Sheesh - i sometimes find myself wondering whether Paul and the others experienced, the same / similar, problems with him...

I found myself saying to Him (from my own personal perspective, of course), 'do i not get to have any (freewill) choices in the matter' - anyway, He apologised by saying, 'I'm sorry, you're right'...

Life On Mars (David Bowie cover) ~ AURORA...

Rightly or wrongly (and from my own personal perspective, of course) I've Felt David's somewhat cheery and somewhat enthusiastic Presence close to me over the last few days - and did so, once again, whilst going for a recent walkies, a little earlier today...

Anyway, He told me, 'you're good - We like you - all of Us do' (from my own personal perspective, of course) - no doubt in an attempt to assuage my 'John grrr's' eh...

I've had the feeling that David may have been rather eager to convey some sort of message, and so i asked Him (within such still active 'grrr's) during such a walkies - seemingly He simply wants to say the following, 'MAGICAL' (this word appeared within mind in large, broad/bold, white capital letters btw)...

Julia Holter...

I Shall Love 2 ~ Julia Holter...

This is my favourite track from Julia's 'Aviary' album...

I actually enjoyed the 3 questions that are included/posited within it, also...

I chose to, rather cheekily perhaps, answer each of them within some of my most recent blog offerings - hoping that, on the off-chance that Julia happens to read them, that she will readily appreciate such, perhaps tongue-in-cheek mischievousness on my part - i choose to presume that she might, as i detected what may constitute part of her humorous side within this musical video...

I Would Rather See ~ Julia Holter...

Words I Heard ~ Julia Holter...

I found it rather difficult to select my second favourite track from the 'Aviary' album...

There are other contenders - such as, 'Voce Simul', 'Les Jeux To You' and 'Another Dream' to choose from also...

So, i decided to award second place to the above two selections, equally - hoping that you may enjoy both of them equally also...

Randy Crawford...

Street Life ~ Randy Crawford...

Salvador Dali...

I have chosen two musical offerings to reflect the Salvador Dali part of my 'Avant-Garde Dahlings' blog offering...

The first one is by 'Salvador' - whose lyrics mention the word 'ear'...

And the second is a Vincent van Gogh number by Don McLean and contains some artwork within the visuals...

This Is My Life ~ Salvador...

Vincent ~ Don McLean...

Ronnie Wood...

Mandolin Wind ~ Rod Stewart & Ronnie Wood...

This is my favourite track from the 'Every Picture Tells A Story' album...

I have chosen this particular live video as it shows the friendly banter type of interplay between Ronnie and Rod...

And also because i find that i very much enjoy it from an instrumental perspective...

Johnny Nash...

There Are More Questions Than Answers ~ Johnny Nash...