15 Nov


I do not claim ownership of any of the following music/videos in any way whatsoever, and as such they are in no way my personal property whatsoever - i have simply chosen, of my own free-will, to showcase them here in order to provide some education/entertainment/relaxation/upliftment to both myself and all others who may like to watch/listen to their contents - if you find that you have enjoyed listening to them, then please consider purchasing them for yourself, in order to help the artist(s)/individual(s) further along their chosen journey through life...

That's What Friends Are For ~ Dionne Warwick...

This is a video accompaniment to the 'She has Friends by the way - Good Protective Friends as back-up' part of the blog, especially...

All I'm Saying ~ James...

(This particular song can be found on the 'La Petite Mort' album  btw)...

1) The Mask -  the mask in the above musical video, to me, represents the mask of guilt/deceit that we all, perhaps, to greater or lesser extents, wear in an attempt (conscious or otherwise, perhaps) to conceal our past transgressions...

   Appropriately linking aphorisms perhaps???...

   a) 'all deceit is self-deceit'...

        because we deceive ourselves (consciously or otherwise, perhaps) into believing that we are 'getting away with, it' / such possible transgressions...

   b) 'pride is the mask that denies guilt'...

2) The Touching Finger - the touching finger in the above musical video, for me, represents the returning/transferring of the pain/suffering experienced by the recipient of such pain/suffering, to the Individual(s) who were the direct and perhaps indirect cause of such pain/suffering...

   I strongly believe that this represents an actuality (sometime after those responsible for such pain/suffering shed their 'mortal coils'/'vehicles of Earthly expressions') - rather than being a merely symbolic representation of such a returning/transference...

 We all, one would most readily suggest, cause pain and suffering (emotional and/or otherwise) to greater and/or lesser degrees/extents to one-another whilst abiding/residing here on planet/mother Earth - it would seem to be an inescapable component of our/such interactions with one-another...

 And one would most readily further suggest that such interactive pains/sufferings are not only confined to human-to-human interactions, but also to human-to-animal interactions, and beyond, also...

3) Seances - let me start off by saying, very clearly, that i personally do not believe in the holding of seances per se - and that i personally would most definitely warn against the use of the ouija board (a previously active friend of mine once used a ouija board, together with his wife - with seemingly rather disastrous consequences)...

If you wish, of your own free-will choice, to seek a supposed message from a 'deceased' loved one, then go to see someone who is naturally 'gifted' in such matters, and is willing to accommodate you in such a way...

But please always remember that there are always two sides to every coin, and that there are Good/True Voices, and there are bad/untrue voices also - so always accept any such received 'messages' very much on a 'food for thought' basis...

Feelings (1976 Recording - Morris Albert Song) ~ Shirley Bassey...

It has apparently been scientifically proven that plants have exhibited feelings to external stimuli...

If my memory serves me correctly such plants have been scientifically shown/recorded to react/respond to impending pain (through a flame being brought in closer and closer proximity to them), and to emotions such as anger and love...

So is it not at least possible that such experienced pain, for example, could be returned/transferred back to us after we have shed our, 'mortal coils' / 'vehicles of Earthly expressions', upon our return Home, when some of us at least will perhaps find ourselves journeying through 'the secret life of plants' (a rather lovely/wondrous Stevie Wonder album, for those interested btw) within the afterlife plant kingdom/Realms, or part thereof, perhaps???...

And whilst talking about plant Realm experiences/interactions - i had a rather interesting experience/interaction with a large and very old tree that was rooted fairly close to the main entrance of what is now a rather large park, some years ago now...

I went there with a good friend, during the summer months, in the early-ish evening, if i remember correctly - i found myself wondering what the most memorable/'cherished' (thinking human occasion of course) experience such a tree could remember/recount during its many years of life rooted in such a position/place/location...

So i leant/put my back against its main trunk, closed my eyes and asked it the question - to my rather naive surprise perhaps, i saw a smallish blackbird-ish type of bird happily/joyfully dancing upon one of its upper boughs/branches within mind, and such a favoured remembrance then seemed to make so much sense to me...

Moving on further, maybe we should at least consider the possible disruption that some of us, at least, may have caused within the mineral Kingdom, perhaps...

Is it also inconceivable to believe that some of us may Feel the/such disruptions that  (through our rather selfish actions/pursuits(???) perhaps)  we have caused within the mineral kingdom, by perhaps experiencing what it it is like to become part of some rather tumultuous sections within the Minerals Realms also perhaps???...

Possible experiences whereby we may find ourselves metaphorically s(t)inging, 'i am a rock, i am an island', and perhaps Feeling what it may be like to experience an 'earthquake, avalanche', or indeed, ('ave a lunch) 'volcano', as an integral part of such a mineral Kingdom...

See You Later ~ Vangelis...

(This is also the album title from which this song is part of btw)...

This particular song relates to the last line of the related, 'A Mystery Gal' blog offering - and so is simply offered in the form of a musical supplement to such an offered textual sharing...