01 Feb


The Lad Cheated...

There was a young man call 'A', who thought he could make his day...

A poem not wrote, made him feel like a scrote...

And he never did get his way...

@ 1 February 2024


This particular, chosen-to-be three-lined, limerick was spawned sometime after i read the below linked article, and made a more general comment - i very much felt that an accompanying poetic offering was in order, but simply left it in obeyance - then, around an hour later the above limerick simply seemingly virtually flowed through my Being, and into typed consciousness (many thanks to 'Those Above' who facilitated such a shared emergence of linked words / such a Given limerick) ...

'Dear Richard Madeley: I cheated at a poetry competition and won – now Mum wants me to meet a writer' ...

https://www.telegraph.co.uk/family/life/dear-richard-madeley-i-cheated-at-a-poetry-competition/ ...