07 Jan


The Kesaputta Poem...

The Buddha travelling, accompanied by his monks, who abound

Comes to rest in Kesaputta, a new district on his rounds

Word is spread as to his status, his Wisdom so pure

So the Kalamas come to meet him, many still quite unsure

Some are humble; some proud - making sure they are heard

Some quiet and respectful, others not uttering a word

After many mixed teachings - some false and some true

The indications of doubt, are proclaimed by the few

Who are we to believe? They implore him to tell

Can you make our minds settled, released from this hell?

The Buddha waited calmly, for stillness to fall

Then with Wisdom and clarity, he addressed one and all...

If the teaching you are given, makes you doubt and waver

Even when the proficiency & logic, on reflection you savour

Reject it. Take only that, which you know to be blameless

Only by so doing, will you profit, become happy, and shameless

Now then Kalamas, about greed, hatred and delusion

With these three roots active, happiness remains an illusion

For in losing control of the mind, the actions become tainted

Ill deeds will be done, from which a sorry picture is painted

But when these roots, they are severed - left alone in the dark

The mind remains controlled, unblemished - as bright as a spark

The actions are skillful, causing no-one real harm

Leaving those who abide there, truly happy and calm

In the place where these thistles, once thrived to your cost

Three lotuses will blossom, which will ne'er ever be lost

Generosity and goodwill, together with wisdom will grow

A noble disciple you'll then be; the four quarters you'll know

The prize that is gained, by these labours well-won

Is to reside in the four comforts; with all suffering gone

Freedom, happiness and purity, will be yours right away

Whilst entry, into the Heaven World, awaits another fine day

What say you Kalamas, has your doubt been assuaged?

Has each mind become settled, your wavering caged?

It has so, Wellfarer - your teaching rings true

We have listened with gladness, and now know what to do

If you'll accept us, we'll take refuge, in your dhamma so fine

As lay-followers, we will drink, of your wisdom, like wine

For one so Exalted, we'll happily strive

To sever the roots; gain the comforts; and become truly wise

The Buddha's message seems simple, for those who will see

The three roots need uplifting, if pure you're to be

Little by little, Dhammapada two three nine

Strive on with caution, for the process takes time

Those who rush forward, will see their efforts laid waste

For 'slow is the fast way', so put aside your great haste

The precepts will lead us - they've been given for our use

So let's refine them with patience and steer clear of abuse

The three roots will then wither, until finally removed

Enlightenment follows - the Wisdom then proved

Much condensed, the Buddha's teaching, could more easily be

I am the embodiment of the precepts - abide deep within me.

At Oct 1996

This poem is the result of an assignment that was presented/set to/for each meditator in the form of 'homework' after our teacher had introduced us to a particular Buddhist sutta(???) during one of our weekly classes...

By this time i had moved on from a beginners class into a newly(???) formed study group which was initially solely headed by what was then my third and final Buddhist meditation teacher...

If my memory serves me correctly all(???) of the members of such a previous beginners class (headed by what at that time was my second Buddhist meditation teacher) had in fact moved forward into such a study group...

As a, by then, self-declared 'student of Buddhism', it is a class that i felt very comfortable to be part of, particularly so because our, for us, new female Buddhist teacher seemed to be such a nice and capable person...

However, it was a class that i wasn't to stay in for too much longer (3 to 4 months perhaps???) before, unfortunately, feeling the need to leave such a Buddhist Centre on a permanent basis...

After which, by the way, i simply never meditated (in such a formally prescribed way at least) ever again...

Such a teacher contacted me by written communication on several occasions during a perhaps 9 month period that followed me very much feeling the need to leave such a Buddhist Centre, whereby she enquired into the quality of my general state of mind, as well as stating that i was regarded as valued member of such a group and asking whether i wished (or indeed felt that i was ready) to perhaps return to such a group...

Apparently i had replied to some of such written communications, although i personally have no recollections of so doing - which perhaps is not so surprising, given such a passage of time (22 to 23 years perhaps???) since such written communications took place...

Anyway, back to the poem - the impetus of such efforts were possibly reinforced(???) by a secondary, male, Buddhist teacher (who had only very recently joined such a class as a seemingly not particularly welcomed (by fellow class meditators in general) co-teacher(???)), who stated, rather judgementally/presumptuously/dismissively (from my own personal perspective at least) that not much was expected of us with regard to such assigned 'homework'...

Addendum at 19 September 2024...

This is, in actual fact, a somewhat overdue addendum - as i had become aware of such a perhaps misleading/errant inclusion within such a poem a number of years ago now - but hey, better late then never eh...

...It actually concerns the following line of text, in particular, within such a poem...

...'The three roots will then wither, until finally removed'...

...I now understand that such 'roots' are never actually 'removed'...

...For, at best, they simply remain dormant - and, as such, always have the potential to become reactivated through the re-establishment/introduction of hindered actions/thoughts/words - for as should be perfectly clear, to some at least, we always have/carry the potential to devolve (devolution), in perhaps equal measures, as having/carrying the potential to Evolve (Evolution), in the Spiritual sense...

...The reference to 'fallen Angels' (as well as perhaps, 'falling from Grace'???), in particular, i think alludes to such a potential rather succinctly, does it not???...

And with regard to 'Enlightenment' itself, i am now left wondering whether such an acclaimed 'signpost along the Path/Way'/title is merely a rather fanciful professed/proclaimed Spiritual one/'delimiter'/status...

...With the main reasoning for such wonderment being, rooted / hinted at, within a certain Buddhist teaching/recollection/hearsay that apparently states that Ananda was teased by Buddha's other eleven allegedly previously 'Enlightened' disciples/followers/acolytes with regard to his, at then, apparent still unEnlightened status - for why would so-called 'Enlightened' beings feel the need to seek to goad/rush/tease others into attaining such a proclaimed status, rather than leaving them to do so at their own speed and in their own time??? - for such goading/rushing/teasing is surely suggestive of hindered states of being, rather than 'Enlightened' ones, are they not???...