25 Aug


The Curtain Twitchers...

The nosy neighbours of the area unite...
Twitching their curtains, night after night...

What's he doing in his living-room, there in the dark...
This curtain twitching business, is such a lark...

We've not caught him yet, doing anything bad...
But our virgils remain constant, even though it seems sad...

We're bored you see, and our lives are so empty...
But his curtains are always open, the strange little numpty...

Better to focus our eyes on such another...
For looking for faults within ourselves seems such a bother...

For the darkness within is sometimes troublesome, it's true...
Oh no, he's just spotted us, and mouthed a great BOO!!!...

By the would-be poet commonly known as Terry Blake @ 22 August 2023 :-) :-) :-)

Note at 25 August 2023...

The idea of writing such a perhaps tongue-in-cheek poem came to me earlier inth day of 22 August...

An idea that i assumed would take form some days later, in actual fact, so i simply noted down such a title within 'Notepad' and left it at that...

However, the first two lines came to me inth evening of the same day as i had just started to watch the very enjoyably humorous dvd movie/film entitled Shampoo (if my memory serves me correctly, starring Warren Beatty, Julie Christie and Goldie Hawn), on one of my laptops - and its first draft simply flowed within a relaxed period of about 10 minutes, with what seemed like little/few conscious deliberations by myself - tis possibly the fastest first draft poem that i have written (or at least that's the way it felt anyway), with little additional later work being required to bring it to its current published form...