03 Mar


The Crow's Nest

The man stood on the burning deck, wondering what to do...

Calling out, to the one, perched where the birdies flew...

Who told said man, an isle espied, which eyes afixed, like glue...

Said man called out, to the crew - advising them what, to quickly do...

But crew said no, we know better, than to set out, in such weather...

The coming rain, flames will drench - we'll go below, our thirst we'll quench...

Said man looked up, and called wise eyes, for direction of, the isle espied...

They set about, putting small boat out - towards due south, they did point its snout...

They rowed for ages, and like books turned pages, did ship's flames, become enraged...

Eventually they came, to said isle's shore - looking out, towards a ship no more...

All they espied, with much forlorn eyes, was crow's nest reducing, slowly in size...

If said crew had acted, upon those eyes, they could have saved, their wretched lives...

@ 19 January 2016


The last word in the final line of the 3rd stanza should be pronounced as 'enrage-ed'...

Lateral rhyming = lateral thinking, perhaps - as a way at arriving at an acceptable solution...